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I'm sitting down
what you up to?
(, Mon 15 Apr 2013, 9:54, 60 replies, latest was 12 years ago)
I just had a lovely relaxing poo.

(, Mon 15 Apr 2013, 9:55, Reply)
No straining is a good poo

(, Mon 15 Apr 2013, 9:56, Reply)
I owe it all to Mother Gravity, Sporters.
Two cursory wipes an' all clean.
(, Mon 15 Apr 2013, 9:57, Reply)
A torpedo shite is a thing of beauty

(, Mon 15 Apr 2013, 10:04, Reply)
This is already a better thread than the previous one.
It just needs some pictures in it.
(, Mon 15 Apr 2013, 10:07, Reply)
of torpedo shits?

(, Mon 15 Apr 2013, 10:08, Reply)
A good torpedo shit disappears from the bowl without a trace

(, Mon 15 Apr 2013, 10:10, Reply)

(, Mon 15 Apr 2013, 10:11, Reply)
.....and relax

(, Mon 15 Apr 2013, 10:11, Reply)
You've sunk my battleshit!

(, Mon 15 Apr 2013, 10:12, Reply)
With a friggate, no doubt.

(, Mon 15 Apr 2013, 10:15, Reply)
WOW! I'm also sitting down

(, Mon 15 Apr 2013, 9:55, Reply)
i'm looking at a screen and using my fingers to type

(, Mon 15 Apr 2013, 9:56, Reply)
Show off

(, Mon 15 Apr 2013, 10:04, Reply)
I was just in the server room
having a quick forty winks doing important IT stuff
(, Mon 15 Apr 2013, 9:57, Reply)
Pretty much the same, yeah.
Might stand up for a bit, later on. Who knows?
(, Mon 15 Apr 2013, 9:58, Reply)
I'm wearing a tie

(, Mon 15 Apr 2013, 10:02, Reply)

(, Mon 15 Apr 2013, 10:04, Reply)
smart is the word you are looking for you oik

(, Mon 15 Apr 2013, 10:06, Reply)
Depends on how you are wearing it?

(, Mon 15 Apr 2013, 10:09, Reply)
better than PJ

(, Mon 15 Apr 2013, 10:10, Reply)
You have managed to lose me there

(, Mon 15 Apr 2013, 10:11, Reply)
that tie retard philli joe

(, Mon 15 Apr 2013, 10:11, Reply)
Ties are essential office wear.
And a spread collar shirt should only ever be worn with a Windsor knot.

Anybody wearing a spread collar with a four in hand is a pleb.
(, Mon 15 Apr 2013, 10:11, Reply)
i cannot abide an overly fat windsor knoe

(, Mon 15 Apr 2013, 10:13, Reply)
Worn by thugs

(, Mon 15 Apr 2013, 10:13, Reply)
you mean footballers

(, Mon 15 Apr 2013, 10:17, Reply)
half Windsor all the way

(, Mon 15 Apr 2013, 10:15, Reply)
My daughter asked me to today
I didn't
(, Mon 15 Apr 2013, 10:04, Reply)
she just wants you to not look like scruffy IT teenageer

(, Mon 15 Apr 2013, 10:05, Reply)
I think the grey hair and grey stubble may finally stop my teenage ways

(, Mon 15 Apr 2013, 10:06, Reply)
however the shaving wounds point to a man of little experience in life

(, Mon 15 Apr 2013, 10:06, Reply)
I just look fucking gangsta' now

(, Mon 15 Apr 2013, 10:12, Reply)
I did a fart
and have had to open a window
(, Mon 15 Apr 2013, 10:04, Reply)
Likewise sitting down.
Mostly clearing up work stuff that I could have done on Friday, had any other fucker actually been working.
That and being mildly annoyed that my bus to work on Wednesday has been cancelled due to burying a baroness, who despite dying a millionaire cannot pay for her own funeral. Not even sure why they are doing this as the bus rout is well to the east of the funeral procession.

oh well, had already decided to cycle in that day.
(, Mon 15 Apr 2013, 10:09, Reply)
Nice to see some things never change.
Some NUM members were protesting (at the cost of the funeral I think) yesterday in Trafalgar Square, so the Police arrested them.
(, Mon 15 Apr 2013, 10:12, Reply)
the problem with these protesters is that they cannot control their base instincts
they move in packs and drink, brawl and fornicate like neanderthals. It's no wonder no one takes them seriously
(, Mon 15 Apr 2013, 10:14, Reply)
Sounds more like a description of politicians.

(, Mon 15 Apr 2013, 10:16, Reply)
Biting satire, here^^^

(, Mon 15 Apr 2013, 10:26, Reply)
I just wish they'd get the damn thing over and forget about it.
that said rioting in the streets on Wednesday would be a fitting tribute.
(, Mon 15 Apr 2013, 10:20, Reply)
maybe she should have stay at home and had fifteen kids and been the princess of all r harts instead yeah

(, Mon 15 Apr 2013, 10:12, Reply)
Fuck's sake.
You'll have to complain about images on b3ta from home rather than the office.
(, Mon 15 Apr 2013, 10:15, Reply)

(, Mon 15 Apr 2013, 10:18, Reply)
It totally just gave me some Roman carvings and shit.

(, Mon 15 Apr 2013, 10:22, Reply)
Less LOLS than a Piston stand-up slot in Swipe's sitcom.

(, Mon 15 Apr 2013, 10:23, Reply)
Swipe's offered him a slot many a time.
She can never quite forget him.
(, Mon 15 Apr 2013, 10:26, Reply)
Needless to say, that was her first mistake.

(, Mon 15 Apr 2013, 10:27, Reply)
Poor reading comprehension Badge, I'm cycling in, innit?

(, Mon 15 Apr 2013, 10:21, Reply)
Thank fuck for that, I'd hate to think you were wasting your employers time by looking at b3ta at HOME.

(, Mon 15 Apr 2013, 10:22, Reply)
Only total pricks do that.

(, Mon 15 Apr 2013, 10:23, Reply)
Has this line ever successfully wound anyone up?

(, Mon 15 Apr 2013, 10:24, Reply)
Not as much as posting an image on a website for images has, no.

(, Mon 15 Apr 2013, 10:26, Reply)
Has this line ever successfully wound anyone up either?

(, Mon 15 Apr 2013, 10:33, Reply)

(, Mon 15 Apr 2013, 10:35, Reply)
he has an odd face

(, Mon 15 Apr 2013, 10:36, Reply)
Totally going to bed here.

(, Mon 15 Apr 2013, 10:42, Reply)
So it would seem.
One might even think he was upset on the internet, but of course this never actually happens.
(, Mon 15 Apr 2013, 10:42, Reply)

(, Mon 15 Apr 2013, 10:42, Reply)
listnin to mungo

(, Mon 15 Apr 2013, 10:44, Reply)

(, Mon 15 Apr 2013, 10:44, Reply)

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