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Are you a QOTWer? Do you want to start a thread that isn't a direct answer to the current QOTW? Then this place, gentle poster, is your friend.

(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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Tangles is such a Captain Placid.
I wonder how well I’d get on if I told my boss I was off home at half four because the b3ta thread I was cocking about in was ‘too long’?

Personally I'm glad he's gone anyway. Someone open a window, try and get the smell of Peruvian llama trousers out of here. And that fucking album. What a heap of shit! God I hate him.
(, Thu 25 Apr 2013, 16:32, 85 replies, latest was 12 years ago)
I'm here until 6, Monts, regardless of how long these threads get.
I'm just that dedicated.
(, Thu 25 Apr 2013, 16:33, Reply)

(, Thu 25 Apr 2013, 16:34, Reply)
Plus he tried it on with me at a bash.

(, Thu 25 Apr 2013, 16:34, Reply)
Also he's constantly sending me bitchy gazzes slagging off other posters.
The two-faced Kershaw tosser.
(, Thu 25 Apr 2013, 16:35, Reply)
I heard he nicked *name deleted*'s wallet when were in Needoo's too.
What a cunt. Why I don't have him on 2.0 is a fucking mystery.
(, Thu 25 Apr 2013, 16:36, Reply)
I reckon out of everyone here, you've got the most gossip on people.
And I reckon out of everyone here, you couldn't give the least shit about it.
(, Thu 25 Apr 2013, 16:38, Reply)
You might well be right here, young master Gonz.

(, Thu 25 Apr 2013, 16:39, Reply)
I, for one, fucking love gossip.
Which is probably why nobody tells me any.
(, Thu 25 Apr 2013, 16:40, Reply)
I know some good gossip

(, Thu 25 Apr 2013, 16:40, Reply)
gaz me, yeah?
(, Thu 25 Apr 2013, 16:41, Reply)
I can tell you here I don't give NO shits
Dan and Jen broke up, but she's still living with him until she moves out
(, Thu 25 Apr 2013, 16:41, Reply)

(, Thu 25 Apr 2013, 16:43, Reply)

(, Thu 25 Apr 2013, 16:43, Reply)
I don't know what's worse,
that you made this joke, or that I got it. I'm going to have to call it a draw.
(, Thu 25 Apr 2013, 16:44, Reply)
*sad high-fives*

(, Thu 25 Apr 2013, 16:45, Reply)
shit, I get it too :o(

(, Thu 25 Apr 2013, 16:45, Reply)
Haha of course you do.
It's becoming clearer and clearer that you're a closet Star Wars nerd.
(, Thu 25 Apr 2013, 16:46, Reply)
tootah tootah, Solo?

(, Thu 25 Apr 2013, 16:47, Reply)
Fucking hell

(, Thu 25 Apr 2013, 16:50, Reply)
Mate being my age, I fucking breathed ate and shat Star Wars for a good four years of my life.

(, Thu 25 Apr 2013, 16:51, Reply)
*high fives*

(, Thu 25 Apr 2013, 16:52, Reply)
Yeah but there's no call to go around getting it out in public, man.
You don't want to be one of THEM, do you?
(, Thu 25 Apr 2013, 16:52, Reply)
what, a flasher?

(, Thu 25 Apr 2013, 16:53, Reply)

(, Thu 25 Apr 2013, 16:53, Reply)

(, Thu 25 Apr 2013, 16:47, Reply)
I don't get it
I'm either too young or too stupid
Find out which after this break!
(, Thu 25 Apr 2013, 16:46, Reply)
Innit tho
No-one at work knows, I might have to tell some wimmin so they'll be interested enough to talk to me for five seconds
(, Thu 25 Apr 2013, 16:44, Reply)
You're such a French queer.

(, Thu 25 Apr 2013, 16:41, Reply)
He should write a kiss'n'tell 'bonkbuster' to fund his rock'n'roll lifestyle.

that's rather more apostrophes than I'm comfortable with.
(, Thu 25 Apr 2013, 16:39, Reply)
And you should make that image smaller.
Playing havoc with my phone view.
(, Thu 25 Apr 2013, 16:55, Reply)
What picture?

(, Thu 25 Apr 2013, 16:58, Reply)
maybe it's just me who can see a picture on the front page of OT
Not a problem as it is, would be nice if it was a bit smaller.
(, Thu 25 Apr 2013, 17:02, Reply)
at least you try

(, Thu 25 Apr 2013, 16:38, Reply)
His favourite band is A-ha.
He only pretends to like that fuckign WOMAD bollocks to try and appear cool. Not that it works for a fucking nano-second.
(, Thu 25 Apr 2013, 16:38, Reply)
I listened to one of his songs yesterday and didn't hate it.
Then again, I have a well-documented love of shit music, so that's hardly a glowing recommendation.
(, Thu 25 Apr 2013, 16:42, Reply)
He knows his music better than almost anyone else I know so he has no excuse for being rubbish.
Imma try and blag a copy of his LP off him, just because I miss getting new records and this is prolly my only chance to get one this year.
(, Thu 25 Apr 2013, 16:44, Reply)
I had a listen to it
One track was really rather good
(, Thu 25 Apr 2013, 16:45, Reply)
The next time he'll be true. He'll be true. He'll be true.
Who are we talking about here anyway?
(, Thu 25 Apr 2013, 16:48, Reply)
Damn you, Bill Clay!
(, Thu 25 Apr 2013, 16:51, Reply)
Tango, young Master Clayderman

(, Thu 25 Apr 2013, 17:03, Reply)
Pretending to like WOMAD bollocks to look cool is like Swipe going on a blind date or Lokers taking up embroidery.
Destined to failure the instant you conceive of it.
(, Thu 25 Apr 2013, 17:23, Reply)
I'm staying around for a while
Might go for a poo in a bit
Might not
Who knows?
Probably me
(, Thu 25 Apr 2013, 16:38, Reply)
Do keep us 'poo-sted'!!!!!!!

(, Thu 25 Apr 2013, 16:42, Reply)
I went for a shit
It was quite nice
(, Thu 25 Apr 2013, 17:29, Reply)
High f..hang on, you *did* wash your hands, right?

(, Thu 25 Apr 2013, 17:31, Reply)
Yea man
Even dried them
I ain't no kraut
(, Thu 25 Apr 2013, 17:32, Reply)
Nice work, soldier

(, Thu 25 Apr 2013, 17:36, Reply)
I have also left the office
: p
(, Thu 25 Apr 2013, 16:39, Reply)
On your way to pick up your papers?

(, Thu 25 Apr 2013, 16:40, Reply)
Who are you the KGB?

(, Thu 25 Apr 2013, 16:42, Reply)
Your DIVORCE papers

It'll be well good. We'll be wingmen and go out and pull birds and that.
(, Thu 25 Apr 2013, 16:43, Reply)
Boom! Guilford won't know wots hit it!

(, Thu 25 Apr 2013, 16:48, Reply)
oh man now I wish I was a young TRUELAD out on the Guildford precinct
poppin my collars and generally Fogleing my little socks off @o(
(, Thu 25 Apr 2013, 16:50, Reply)
I'd best buy myself a pink polo shirt fucking STAT

(, Thu 25 Apr 2013, 16:51, Reply)
And a selection of Ralph Lauren aftershaves.

(, Thu 25 Apr 2013, 16:52, Reply)

(, Thu 25 Apr 2013, 16:53, Reply)
Kroney's Garlic Breath?

(, Thu 25 Apr 2013, 16:44, Reply)

(, Thu 25 Apr 2013, 16:45, Reply)

(, Thu 25 Apr 2013, 16:48, Reply)
I'm going to go and count the spirit cupboard.

(, Thu 25 Apr 2013, 16:39, Reply)
"One cupboard"

"Right, that's me done."
(, Thu 25 Apr 2013, 16:40, Reply)
I don't know what any of this means
(, Thu 25 Apr 2013, 16:43, Reply)
You're missing nothing.
(, Thu 25 Apr 2013, 16:44, Reply)
This thread's too long.
I'm off.
(, Thu 25 Apr 2013, 16:55, Reply)
hahaha and a new meme is born

(, Thu 25 Apr 2013, 16:58, Reply)
It's just dekion's shtick with better spelling

(, Thu 25 Apr 2013, 17:03, Reply)
oh, right you are.

(, Thu 25 Apr 2013, 17:07, Reply)
Fuck I'm bored.
Help me out here someone for Christ's sake
(, Thu 25 Apr 2013, 17:17, Reply)
Could you not, maybe...
I don't know. do some work?
I know it's crazy, but it just might work.

Otherwise, you could moan about the stupidity of your customers. I read on facespace that AA got to use the term 'tough tits' about a customer today.
(, Thu 25 Apr 2013, 17:19, Reply)
I *am* working

(, Thu 25 Apr 2013, 17:24, Reply)
I wouldn't rely on us lot for entertainment.
Especially not after 5 o'clock.
(, Thu 25 Apr 2013, 17:27, Reply)
I've resorted to getting angry about Terry Pratchett on QOTW :o(

(, Thu 25 Apr 2013, 17:33, Reply)
I noticed.

(, Thu 25 Apr 2013, 17:36, Reply)
Wow he is one tough cookie!

(, Thu 25 Apr 2013, 17:24, Reply)
I am done for the day and in Diana's traditional fish and chips on the high street for an early dinner.

I'm thinking I might consume a fair amount of beers later, probably in a hostelry of some kind. What you up to later?
(, Thu 25 Apr 2013, 17:24, Reply)
Lusty's in work at 7am so early one is planned. Got the nipper the next two nights as well so I am gonna be WELL healthy
(, Thu 25 Apr 2013, 17:24, Reply)
I'm not
Catch you next week then!

PS. Have fun with the little'un.
(, Thu 25 Apr 2013, 17:28, Reply)
Bless your heart, pal, see you soon

(, Thu 25 Apr 2013, 17:32, Reply)
Work out what boozer we should enjoy on the 10th.

(, Thu 25 Apr 2013, 17:24, Reply)
Yeah alright
Are you staying at my gaff?
(, Thu 25 Apr 2013, 17:25, Reply)
Probably go with a hotel
Not sure what time I'll be away from work and if you have Len over the weekend it'll be a lot easier for you.

As I'll need to drop off a laptop and bag before going to the pub a hotel is probably the more sensible option.
(, Thu 25 Apr 2013, 17:27, Reply)
Sho' nuff, niggy.

(, Thu 25 Apr 2013, 17:32, Reply)
Do you have a smoke alarm?

(, Thu 25 Apr 2013, 17:28, Reply)

(, Thu 25 Apr 2013, 17:32, Reply)
Is this a threat?

(, Thu 25 Apr 2013, 17:34, Reply)

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