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Morning all
I tried to read A Game of Thrones yesterday but only lasted one paragraph. 'Lordlings'? Fuck off.

I also had the misfortune to take my kid to a 'fun' fair, or 'Gyppo death trap'. I haven't seen anything so tawdry and depressing since the last time I went to The North. I hated them as a child too, mind you, so it was never going to end well.

When were you last a supercilious snob?
(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 7:39, 146 replies, latest was 12 years ago)
This morning
I was going to post on a message board, but something calling itself "Boyce" was already on there, so...
(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 7:49, Reply)
'ning Swipe
How was your break?
(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 7:53, Reply)
^ Northern snobs, most laughable of all the snobs.

(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 8:00, Reply)
Posher gravy on them chips.

(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 9:13, Reply)
Yo Monts.
I also hate fairgrounds, rip off cunts. We have the largest one in the country first week in Oct. The crime rate goes up substantially.

I'm snobbish by avoiding Chav type places.
(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 7:52, Reply)
This one was really fucking grim.
Rusting, shabby old equipment painted with airbrushed Disney characters so poorly executed that their total lack of licensing from Disney was no problem at all, as you could have successfully argued that the similarity between the actual characters and the downsy, Simon Weston-faced abominations on these fucking things was so tenuous as to be merely coincidental.

(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 8:00, Reply)
Last time I went to the "Goose Fayre" my son was only about 4
Looking at this mini-helter-skelter, I asked how much "£2.50" I was told, "OK how many goes" answer 1....Fuck Off.
(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 8:03, Reply)
I heard that for you to enjoy a fairground
It's got to bee-eee, perfect.
(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 8:04, Reply)
Did you really? You heard that, did you?

(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 8:06, Reply)
Not really
(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 8:07, Reply)
*wrecks the mic*

(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 8:08, Reply)
That was number one the week before I was born, fact fans!!!

(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 8:34, Reply)

(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 8:36, Reply)

(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 8:38, Reply)
this weekend
I went to a National Trust property and kept thinking to myself what a tacky job they'd done of the garden.

Also, it was only built in the 1920s, I felt a bit cheated about the whole 'National Trust' thing.
(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 7:55, Reply)
Some of them are uber-twee eh.

(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 8:01, Reply)
it's Goddard's.
It belonged to one of the Terry family. Bit wack really.
(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 8:03, Reply)
Right here
(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 8:22, Reply)
That makes for some depressing reading eh

(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 8:24, Reply)
This post is the worst:

as it combines knobbish 'b3ta swearing' with SciFi prickery.
(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 8:26, Reply)
I tried to read that thread yesterday but only lasted one paragraph. Fuck off.

(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 8:27, Reply)
Star Trek! I can't wait to tell little Enterprise and Borg that the Internet is having another discussion on it
I don't know why they are arguing, they are clearly both shit for many many reasons.
(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 8:31, Reply)
I'm trying to avoid that, as sadly I have somewhat of an opinion on it
Although, that stems almost entirely from spending hungover weekends watching it.
(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 8:28, Reply)
If your opinion isn't "Star Trek is Shit" then its invalid

(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 8:36, Reply)
More that some bits are shitter than others.

(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 8:38, Reply)
Arguing over which one is more shit is pointless though
because essentially they agree
(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 8:44, Reply)
This is very true

(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 8:56, Reply)
I like every series of Star Trek, even Enterprise.

(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 9:14, Reply)
BENTerprise more like!

(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 9:15, Reply)
oh HO!!!!
(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 9:18, Reply)
I also hate "fair grounds" mainly because of the thieving gypos
but also cos a kid was killed at a local one when I was at collage and it stuck with me. www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2000/may/29/4 I went to a steam fair in Englefield Green in my late teens, looked quite good from afar but once your in there getting short changed by some toothless pikey scumbag it loses its charm. I have however read all the A Song of Ice and Fire books so far and enjoyed them all. I was last a snob when I refused to buy from a shop based purely on the fact they had an flag flying outside with a stikethrough EU logo and a large UKIP poster on the wall. It wasn't necessarily their politics, it was more the way they were displaying it. It just seemed extremely common.
(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 8:27, Reply)
A friend of mine is Indonesian, but moved over here when she was 5
First time she went to a theme park, she was queuing up to go on her first ever rollercoaster, and then this happened a few feet in front of her.

She's still never been on a rollercoaster.
(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 8:33, Reply)
How on earth did that happen?
Was he just standing too close? The one near me the girl was thrown out and hit another girl who was lucky to only get a broken arm.
(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 8:35, Reply)
I think she said he attempted to cross the track at the wrong moment, but I could be wrong...

(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 8:36, Reply)
The wrong moment being when the ride was running
Horrible thing for your friend to witness but fuck me what a mong.
(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 8:37, Reply)
That's pretty much the exact thing I said.

(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 8:38, Reply)
Morning, Boyce
I was reading a Pratchett this weekend, going to try and finish it tonight. There's a character in Game Of Thrones that you might like, he's essentially Battered, but funny.

I had a rather nice weekend thank you, including a fantastic meal yesterday. Aside from surrounding yourself with poverty (as per usual), how was your weekend?
(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 8:30, Reply)
Now thats really not fair
for two reasons. One the character in question is a lot taller than Battered and two, the prostitute he murders isn't Polish.
(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 8:33, Reply)
Saw a collection of his best lines from series one and two the other day, he does seem excellent
The downside is that I'm aware of most of the plot due to friends talking about it, so I still can't motivate myself to actually watch past the second episode, despite the fact I'm sure I'll enjoy it.
(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 8:36, Reply)
I read them all then watched them all then watched them all again
and he is by far the best character
(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 8:37, Reply)
I tried watching it a while back, just couldn't really get into it
I tended to watch more light hearted stuff at the time, so I think that was probably part of it.

Will have to give it another go soon, then just need to wait for Breaking Bad to return in August.

EDIT: Also, Suits starts again next month, that should be good.
(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 8:41, Reply)

(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 8:42, Reply)
Just imagine we're talking about Supergran, you'll be fine.

(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 8:43, Reply)
Yes I loved the way the character of 'Scunner Campbell' was really expanded upon in 'season two'.

(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 8:44, Reply)
Its OK Monty, I watched Rentaghost as a child too
I even had a Rentaghost Annual.
(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 8:45, Reply)

(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 8:47, Reply)
I don't have it anymore i'm afraid
I can quote some if you like?
(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 8:48, Reply)
Gadzooks that'd be good.

(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 8:49, Reply)

(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 8:49, Reply)
Imma approach the British Library to see if they're prepared to sell.

(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 8:58, Reply)
After years of resisting it I finally got the wife to watch breaking bad
She watched everything up to date in 2 weeks, its a slow starter but once you're gripped thats it.
(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 8:43, Reply)
Yep, pretty much
First half of season 5 was absolutely excellent.
(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 8:43, Reply)
YOU'RE a 'slow starter'

(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 8:44, Reply)
Women don't like it when you go straight in like a jackhammer.

(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 8:46, Reply)
Who gives a shit what what women do or don't like, eh guys???
(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 8:48, Reply)
It doesn't seem to matter either way with me

(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 8:48, Reply)
*mournful colliery brass band*

(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 8:49, Reply)
It was great in parts, and fucking gash in others, thank you.

(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 8:34, Reply)
Same here, really.
Have you tried Trooper yet?
(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 8:37, Reply)
I tell you what, I've seen some of that show and you can say what you like, but with all the tits and dragons on show you can't accuse them of not knowing their demographic.

(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 8:38, Reply)
They should have had a character called Wotsits and gone for a full house.

(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 8:40, Reply)
Morning Mon
Yew knerr nuthin.

I'm common as muck me but I agree funfairs are overpriced, shit and dull. Except the waltzers, mild whiplash + ear-splitting vengaboys tunez = WIN.
(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 8:38, Reply)
Morning Wizbit

(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 8:43, Reply)
Apparently I'm a talking cone not a talking wizards hat
What the fuck man? Shit just got real. They'll be finding the mysterious city of gold next.
(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 8:52, Reply)
Shit nigga that ain't right.
I wonder if claiming Wizbit isn't a talking hat is an attempt to avoid being bollocked by the copyright holders of this chap:
(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 8:55, Reply)
Oooooooh that's a nice use of supercilious
I might crack one out over that right now
(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 8:46, Reply)
It's in my passport under 'occupation'

(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 8:47, Reply)

ccupation ther offences
(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 8:52, Reply)
I like this
Although I've never listed my profession on my passport. Maybe that's because my place of birth is listed as Nottingham, so they assume I won't have one.
(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 8:56, Reply)
In my city the opportunities for superciliousness are manifold.
(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 8:50, Reply)
How was 'Twang Club' yesterday?

(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 8:52, Reply)
My bike frame arrived and I have started building it in to an awesome bike
Even Sporto likes it. Bit pissed off though, its not really made of lego.
(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 8:55, Reply)
It looks very nice sir

(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 9:09, Reply)
In other news
I watched a the first part of a 8 part new mini-series “The Returned” on channel 4 last night
It was quite watchable however they seemed to put in an inordinate amount of adverts.
(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 9:05, Reply)
I am also reading this now
Stick with it

I fucking hate "funfairs" and circu sses s' ii clown places
(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 9:12, Reply)

tee hee
(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 9:15, Reply)
Actually York is one of my favourite places ever.
(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 9:15, Reply)
and you never even went to that Sandwich shop I recommended :(

(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 9:17, Reply)
What an idiot!!!!

(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 9:19, Reply)
Some people ehhhhh, Boyce

(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 9:19, Reply)
It's like he thinks he's too good for your advice.
Like he can find his own sandwich retailer without any help.

Sounds like a cunt to me, mate.
(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 9:23, Reply)
I bet he's the type that ended up in Sub-way
You go clean out of your way to help a brother out and what do they do????
They kick you in the teeth and piss off to Sub-way that's what they do!

(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 9:25, Reply)
Well maybe Subway are welcome to him, eh.

(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 9:27, Reply)

(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 9:28, Reply)
Sorry dude a book with 'Lordlings' in it is not one for me.

(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 9:17, Reply)
It's a real word.
13th Century english.
(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 9:24, Reply)
'Fantasy tossers' is similarly real.

(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 9:28, Reply)

(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 9:28, Reply)
This whole thread boils down to you reading a word you didn't know.
And assuming it was stupid and made up and the Author knew nothing. When in fact it was just a word you didn't know used correctly in context?
(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 9:36, Reply)
No, real or not, it set the tone for what it was going to be like and I know that it's not for me and bailed before I got too annoyed.

(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 9:37, Reply)
I don't think it's the books fault that you read every word you don't know in a sarcastic internal voice.

(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 9:40, Reply)
No, that's my father's fault.

(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 9:41, Reply)
Maybe if he'd taught you properly you'd know the word Lordlings

(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 9:42, Reply)
He's in the UK next month, I'm gonna punch the stupid cunt out.

(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 9:42, Reply)
Is that the only present you could think of?

(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 9:43, Reply)
Actually I got him some wine. Not much better tbh
(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 9:43, Reply)
It's my girlfriends birthday on wednesday.
I got her something I think is nice but asked for a girls opinion. The reply was.
"What does it do? Why would she need it, no. Just no"

now I don't know what to dooo :(
(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 9:46, Reply)
Stick to Owl related presents
you know you'll be safe there
(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 9:47, Reply)
I went off piste, and got her a nice carafe
(will delete this soon in case she sees)
Main present is taking her to London zoo for the late night thing but need to give her something on the day.
(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 9:50, Reply)
That looks good.
The friend you asked is a prick.
(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 9:56, Reply)
^ THIS ^
Delete away
(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 9:59, Reply)
Carafes aren't supposed to have stoppers
If it has a stopper its a decanter /pedant
(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 10:01, Reply)

(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 9:49, Reply)
youings needings toings chillings, itsings aings goodings bookings.

(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 9:55, Reply)
+ if you believe in me if you believe in loooove

(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 10:22, Reply)
This guy's calling you a cunt Mon
Whaddaya say to that eh? You got the stones to admit you're a wrong un?
(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 9:38, Reply)
Imma shank the bitch.

(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 9:42, Reply)
You're a man grown Mon and no mistakin'
The others have that whining sellsword
(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 9:45, Reply)
I regularly look down on the lower order
That being said, you know where I live.
(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 9:24, Reply)
*closes stalking book*
*looks furtively over each shoulder*
(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 9:29, Reply)
*smells hair*

(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 9:38, Reply)
I've got the glums again today TH.

(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 9:41, Reply)
Start a new HAPPY thread then

(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 9:45, Reply)

(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 9:48, Reply)
Oh no
(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 9:45, Reply)
Life stuff. Kinda grinds a nigga down sometimes, you know.

(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 9:48, Reply)
I sure do
Maybe I could get drunk and stumble around for your amusement?
(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 9:56, Reply)
That would be great, thanks mate!

(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 10:00, Reply)
Give me 20 minutes
(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 10:03, Reply)
Subzero. Now. Plain Zero!

(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 10:21, Reply)
*something about uplink codes*

(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 10:26, Reply)

(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 10:07, Reply)

(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 10:18, Reply)
Seems unlikely
Hth xx
(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 10:19, Reply)
I've done a new thread

(, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 10:24, Reply)

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