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I have ordered a laptop today and sorted out some Lego for the kids
I'm off for a run tonight. This weekend will consist of chiropractors visit, football with calf 2, swimming lessons for both of them, curry and wine. I may also do some non-uphill gardening
Our office is cool. We have a right laugh in here, yeah, etc.
sporters I’m sincerely gratitude to you, Thu 23 Jan 2014, 16:38,
4 replies,
latest was 11 years ago)
Read Simon Singh before going to a chiropractor
Bonzodog29 is an unemployed sponge of the worst kind, Thu 23 Jan 2014, 16:40,
I've gone for years
It seems to help me
sporters I’m sincerely gratitude to you, Thu 23 Jan 2014, 16:41,
He accused them of being quacks
who make outrageous claims that cannot be backed up, the BCA tried to sue, Judge said claim was justified, they dropped lawsuit.
Bonzodog29 is an unemployed sponge of the worst kind, Thu 23 Jan 2014, 16:48,
Fair do
All I know is my neck/back pain is helped A LOT by going. I've been in fucking agony before going
sporters I’m sincerely gratitude to you, Thu 23 Jan 2014, 16:49,
just get a nice massage
(happy finish optional)
Bonzodog29 is an unemployed sponge of the worst kind, Thu 23 Jan 2014, 16:50,
I'll ask him
Actually, my original chiro was a fucking hot woman
sporters I’m sincerely gratitude to you, Thu 23 Jan 2014, 16:51,
Dont forget to take your homeopathic pills afterwards
Bonzodog29 is an unemployed sponge of the worst kind, Thu 23 Jan 2014, 16:54,
The reason arseholery like homeopathy sometimes shows positive results
although, obviously, never in trials - is that you pay to visit a homeopathic doctor. So they can give you more time, listen to your whining, and offer symapthy. For a lot of conditions that works to a degree. But the idiots that take that course don't realise the same effect would be achieved by seeing an actual doctor privately, with the added bonus that he/she would also be able to treat you.
the mighty badger Aphrodite, on a bar stool, by your side, Thu 23 Jan 2014, 17:15,
Homeopathy is a useful adjunct to 'conventional' medecine which has proven effects on otherwise intractable conditions
No, wait. The other thing.
It's unadulterated horse bollocks and those that believe in it are cretins who should just kill themselves to donate their organs
Captain Placid 24/7 ball gags, brownie mix and clown porn, Thu 23 Jan 2014, 17:24,
Yes, yes it is. As in the other thing
But the reasons it "works" are the ones given above.
the mighty badger Aphrodite, on a bar stool, by your side, Thu 23 Jan 2014, 17:26,
I know someone who had chronic acne, they had pills and steroids and creams. Nothing cleared it.
After a couple of months of homeopathy he looked ten times better, you can't tell me the doctor "talked" his spots away?
Naked Ape call me Caitlyn, Thu 23 Jan 2014, 17:32,
Dancing skyclad thrice widdershins round a turnip on Tuesday. ay well have shown results.
DBT became a fruitarian on, Thu 23 Jan 2014, 17:38,
I'm just reporting the facts as I saw them
That course of homeopathy changed his life
Naked Ape call me Caitlyn, Thu 23 Jan 2014, 17:42,
My mate's girlfriend's homeopathist comitted suicide
Took a massive underdose.
Captain Placid 24/7 ball gags, brownie mix and clown porn, Thu 23 Jan 2014, 17:44,
Was that a joke?
GeordieJay Bummers are deaf, Thu 23 Jan 2014, 18:04,
Keep going,
Just accept that they are simply good masseurs.
the mighty badger Aphrodite, on a bar stool, by your side, Thu 23 Jan 2014, 17:13,
Aye we do normally. This bitch pisses me off on occasion.,
She's just had three days off for the birth of a grandchild too. You'd think she would be full of the joys
GeordieJay Bummers are deaf, Thu 23 Jan 2014, 16:41,
Are you kidding?
She'll be on babysitting duty now
sporters I’m sincerely gratitude to you, Thu 23 Jan 2014, 16:43,
I never knew you could give birth to a grandchild.
Cut out the middle woman ay?
edjogs Collared doves are shit., Thu 23 Jan 2014, 16:43,
I'm assuming she fucked her son.
GeordieJay Bummers are deaf, Thu 23 Jan 2014, 16:44,
My brain now hurts
Is she her own auntie now?
sporters I’m sincerely gratitude to you, Thu 23 Jan 2014, 16:47,
she's a sick bastard is all I know.
GeordieJay Bummers are deaf, Thu 23 Jan 2014, 16:55,
I'm declaring war on my garden.
Got some gloves and shears. next is a hand saw.
I have these horrible weed/tree things with purple flowers on that I'm herbiciding before renting a strimmer and doing YM.
Never done anything other than sunbathe in a garden before so that should be fun.
Then Decorating the flat.
and that's my 2014. With a wedding thrown in for good measure.
GeordieJay Bummers are deaf, Thu 23 Jan 2014, 16:44,
I bought a hand saw a few weeks ago
It could cut diamond. My hands now bear even more scars than before
sporters I’m sincerely gratitude to you, Thu 23 Jan 2014, 16:48,
I found out that years of being a soft office worker
meant that my hands were unsuited to garden work this summer after buying our gaff. Ripped to fucking shreds
Bonzodog29 is an unemployed sponge of the worst kind, Thu 23 Jan 2014, 16:50,
If I dont have scabs on my hands at all times, I've not been doing enough DIY/gardening
sporters I’m sincerely gratitude to you, Thu 23 Jan 2014, 16:50,
*makes whip cracky noise*
Bonzodog29 is an unemployed sponge of the worst kind, Thu 23 Jan 2014, 16:52,
hands cock
+ YM
Reverend Fister "a disciplined fuckwit", Thu 23 Jan 2014, 17:07,
yeah this is going to be a pain in the arse. I've left it for over a year now.
Once the tree killer has got to work it will be easier mind.
GeordieJay Bummers are deaf, Thu 23 Jan 2014, 16:57,
What laptop did you go for?
Fucking hell Jeff I am not a robot, Thu 23 Jan 2014, 16:47,
HP 250 G1
6Gb RAM, Celeron, 750GB disk, 15.6" screen
sporters I’m sincerely gratitude to you, Thu 23 Jan 2014, 16:48,
Shame about the Celeron.
Fucking hell Jeff I am not a robot, Thu 23 Jan 2014, 16:50,
Two core is fine for browsing the internet and using Office
sporters I’m sincerely gratitude to you, Thu 23 Jan 2014, 16:51,
i7 FTW.
Fucking hell Jeff I am not a robot, Thu 23 Jan 2014, 16:53,
feed the witch
Bonzodog29 is an unemployed sponge of the worst kind, Thu 23 Jan 2014, 16:55,
Yeah, but you use your laptop for work stuff
My work one is an i7
sporters I’m sincerely gratitude to you, Thu 23 Jan 2014, 16:55,
No, you must pay stupid money for the newest and shiniest otherwise you've failed
Naked Ape call me Caitlyn, Thu 23 Jan 2014, 17:36,
Had mine two years, will have it for another three.
My computers last longer than my marriage did.
Fucking hell Jeff I am not a robot, Thu 23 Jan 2014, 17:51,
So do my farts after a night of curry and guiness
Naked Ape call me Caitlyn, Thu 23 Jan 2014, 18:28,
Cool, what resolution is the screen?
G/PP 💩💩💩💩💩€, Thu 23 Jan 2014, 19:00,
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