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(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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Ear - yew sin this?
Food Hitlers want to ban everything:

(, Mon 19 May 2014, 13:00, 3 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
this followthrough was interesting
(, Mon 19 May 2014, 13:03, Reply)
Ha ha 'followthrough'!!!!!

(, Mon 19 May 2014, 13:05, Reply)
i didn't laugh when you did it

(, Mon 19 May 2014, 13:05, Reply)
The word on the street is you like that kind of thing

(, Mon 19 May 2014, 13:06, Reply)
the only word on the street around here is
STOP at the junction with the main road
(, Mon 19 May 2014, 13:07, Reply)
'Member last night when I said 'shall I tell you something disgusting?'
And your immediate reply was 'did you shit yourself?' Ha ha 'member? 'member?
(, Mon 19 May 2014, 13:07, Reply)
Did the hope and anticipation fade from her eyes when you said no?

(, Mon 19 May 2014, 13:10, Reply)
I have never seen anyone with eyes so full of hope that I had done a shit in my pants.

(, Mon 19 May 2014, 13:12, Reply)

(, Mon 19 May 2014, 13:25, Reply)
it was because you'd been for a run
i know so many people who've shat themselves whilst out running.
(, Mon 19 May 2014, 13:13, Reply)
Running for the toilet.....

(, Mon 19 May 2014, 13:16, Reply)
I nearly followed through this morning.
(, Mon 19 May 2014, 13:05, Reply)
I had to do two this morning.
I wsa pooping so hard I had to stop for a break and come back for a second go.
(, Mon 19 May 2014, 13:07, Reply)
After spending most of your recent time dribbling hot anal gravy, I'd think two good shits would be welcome

(, Mon 19 May 2014, 13:08, Reply)
It was amazing.
Contented little squeaks aren't even in it.
(, Mon 19 May 2014, 13:10, Reply)
Good job

(, Mon 19 May 2014, 13:15, Reply)
Don't give up, you can do it!

(, Mon 19 May 2014, 13:07, Reply)

(, Mon 19 May 2014, 13:22, Reply)

(, Mon 19 May 2014, 13:24, Reply)
and not one mention of the 'weird old tip'
then again, yewtree probably have enough on their plate at the mo
(, Mon 19 May 2014, 13:08, Reply)
Without reading the article, in a typically reactionist manner, I'd just like to say
it's disgusting how europe is meddling in our affairs. We should all vote for whichever party promotes knee jerk alarmist policies, for the good of the country!
(, Mon 19 May 2014, 13:07, Reply)
who are those "britain first" twats that are suddenly on idiots' fb feeds? i'd never heard of them before.
they are preaching repatriation now... ffs.
(, Mon 19 May 2014, 13:12, Reply)
It's a BNP/EDL splinter party.
Their facebook page is hilarious, they censor any reference to them having any relation to the BNP or EDL from any photo's of newspaper articles before publishing them.
(, Mon 19 May 2014, 13:19, Reply)

(, Mon 19 May 2014, 13:23, Reply)
If it is regulated like tobacco I'm just going to start eating efood

(, Mon 19 May 2014, 13:11, Reply)

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