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rob, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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where is everyone? hands off cocks, on socks
i've pulled my neck/shoulder and i didn't sleep well and i can't do anything without pain, it's so fucking annoying. what's making you grumpy?
alt: what's making you happy?
altalt: would you get embarrassed buying a sex toy or medical treatment for something a bit dodgy or tampax for the mrs?
rachelswipe with a fork, Thu 30 Oct 2014, 8:18,
77 replies,
latest was 10 years ago)
Nothing, I'm in a great mood and the aching in my arms has started to subside.
Alt: Serotonin.
Altalt: No, I'm an adult.
tangledupinblue hairy badge with moving eyes, Thu 30 Oct 2014, 8:24,
Fuck it, I'm taking off my socks and putting my hands back on my cock.
tangledupinblue hairy badge with moving eyes, Thu 30 Oct 2014, 8:34,
^forgot his anti-retardation pills today
Mr Udagawa, Thu 30 Oct 2014, 8:35,
Oh man, not again!
tangledupinblue hairy badge with moving eyes, Thu 30 Oct 2014, 8:36,
you'd forget to take your pills less often if you remembered to take your pills
old man river possible lesbian, Thu 30 Oct 2014, 9:07,
^Osteoarthritis. Hysterectomy next.
Mr Udagawa, Thu 30 Oct 2014, 8:36,
It's what is commonly known as 'a crick in the neck' although the way she goes on you'd think it was a multiple spinal fracture requiring weeks of traction.
MEATSNAKE Richard Hammond, Thu 30 Oct 2014, 8:38,
Oh no ! Not the donkey punch frog ! You Cassanova !
Mr Udagawa, Thu 30 Oct 2014, 8:40,
don't sweat my swag bruv
MEATSNAKE Richard Hammond, Thu 30 Oct 2014, 8:42,
I had a sore leg earlier but now it's gone !
Mr Udagawa, Thu 30 Oct 2014, 8:37,
I get grumpy when I think about all the injustice in the world.
You know, like rich Jews and famine coons and that.
dozers, do fuck off ur a nob m8, Thu 30 Oct 2014, 8:41,
Today there is a slight grumpification ...
...due to the Co-Op not having a system to give timed deliveries of white goods - they really should invest in some of that there computer technology instead of expecting punters to wait in all day like 1950's housewives.
Alt: The fact that I'm not back at work until Monday.
Altalt: No.
Captain Placid 24/7 ball gags, brownie mix and clown porn, Thu 30 Oct 2014, 8:42,
lack of sleep and that general feeling of shittiness that comes with air travel
alt: fresh air and the thought of bed
altalt:no, yes, no
Zoz prayed for twink on, Thu 30 Oct 2014, 8:43,
It isn't Friday
Alt: I have some Fruitellas
Altalt: Nope, I do the tampax thing all the time. And every time without fail she'll give me some vague instructions on what ones to get and the criteria provided applies to a gazillion different products on the shelves so I have to call her from the blobbing aisle to narrow it down.
Bill Clay a.k.a. Claudio, Thu 30 Oct 2014, 8:46,
Being 3ft tall and working down a mine is making me Grumpy.
Fairly happy most of the time.
As a child was sent to the shop with a note "a packet of Dr Whites please". The shopkeeper would wrap them in newspaper.
edjogs Collared doves are shit., Thu 30 Oct 2014, 8:52,
I don't use condoms just empty crisp packets I find.
doing my bit for the environment and shit.
$$ ✅, Thu 30 Oct 2014, 8:56,
the kids saying "cox" a lot is making my happy
there really is nothing like a squeaky little child voice saying "are you having Cox too?"
(just talking baggyfrock up a paedo wank here)
old man river possible lesbian, Thu 30 Oct 2014, 9:02,
I amused myself last night whilst brushing my youngest's teeth
She was comparing everyone's toothbrushes - mummy has a nice little pink one and I have a large purple one.
tangledupinblue hairy badge with moving eyes, Thu 30 Oct 2014, 9:07,
"maman has a big electric one that tickles"
old man river possible lesbian, Thu 30 Oct 2014, 9:09,
I seem to have crushed my bollocks in my sleep which meant I awoke with painful nuts
Its probably bollock cancer so I have cut them off, best be safe eh.
alt: My mental deficiencies
altalt: nah As I do most of the shopping I am always having to buy blob sticks etc.
Bonzodog29 is an unemployed sponge of the worst kind, Thu 30 Oct 2014, 9:04,
have you tried not having massive chubber jumbo thighs?
old man river possible lesbian, Thu 30 Oct 2014, 9:11,
I tried it but it didnt work
Bonzodog29 is an unemployed sponge of the worst kind, Thu 30 Oct 2014, 9:17,
Be Envy Of All You Are Manchild "Friends" With Geeky Cool Design
Because looking festive can mean you look fantastic too
drimble he'd been white, he'd been black, Thu 30 Oct 2014, 9:18,
Thanks Neneh
Bonzodog29 is an unemployed sponge of the worst kind, Thu 30 Oct 2014, 9:20,
The predominant polyester mix must really help with being wipe clean again
Mr Udagawa, Thu 30 Oct 2014, 9:22,
why have they displayed it on a human-sized dummy?
the should have stretched it over a spacehopper
old man river possible lesbian, Thu 30 Oct 2014, 9:25,
what the shitting fuck is that fucking shit?
rachelswipe with a fork, Thu 30 Oct 2014, 9:30,
that's your christmas present off your mum that is
old man river possible lesbian, Thu 30 Oct 2014, 9:31,
it's better than anything she's given me since she died, i guess
rachelswipe with a fork, Thu 30 Oct 2014, 9:32,
At least she still keeps in touch by phone
tangledupinblue hairy badge with moving eyes, Thu 30 Oct 2014, 9:33,
its good to talk
Mr Udagawa, Thu 30 Oct 2014, 9:33,
Reply) just like that rory chap who used to post here
rachelswipe with a fork, Thu 30 Oct 2014, 9:41,
god ... selfish cow
old man river possible lesbian, Thu 30 Oct 2014, 10:07,
My youngest son would LOVE that
Bill Clay a.k.a. Claudio, Thu 30 Oct 2014, 10:01,
That reminds me, I still need to get a Star Trek dressing gown
Kroney, Thu 30 Oct 2014, 10:07,
old man river possible lesbian, Thu 30 Oct 2014, 10:08,
I'm going red coat. like scotty.
Kroney, Thu 30 Oct 2014, 10:12,
old man river possible lesbian, Thu 30 Oct 2014, 10:13,
JeffTheDogFucker Can you dig it?, Thu 30 Oct 2014, 10:40,
I'm in a pretty chipper mood.
Got a call from the job I went for, and it sounds like they'll give the money I'm asking. So that's cheered me up no end, although I'll have to do 4 weeks notice at this place, which will be shit.
Altalt: no. Why would I be embarrassed? I never understand that, they're just products. Fucking grow up.
Windy Pig I'm naturally quite suspicious about the moon., Thu 30 Oct 2014, 9:53,
Just waste the next four weeks posting on here
tangledupinblue hairy badge with moving eyes, Thu 30 Oct 2014, 10:06,
New job would probably stop me posting here much I imagine.
Windy Pig I'm naturally quite suspicious about the moon., Thu 30 Oct 2014, 10:11,
Its ok they will withdraw the offer before then
Bonzodog29 is an unemployed sponge of the worst kind, Thu 30 Oct 2014, 10:13,
I hope my new boss doesn't find me here.
Windy Pig I'm naturally quite suspicious about the moon., Thu 30 Oct 2014, 10:14,
Head hunters are everywhere mate
Bonzodog29 is an unemployed sponge of the worst kind, Thu 30 Oct 2014, 10:24,
remember to remind your colleagues three or four times a day that you'll soon be gone
in fact ... wear a massive hat with the countdown of days on it
old man river possible lesbian, Thu 30 Oct 2014, 10:08,
I work on my own almost all of the time.
Windy Pig I'm naturally quite suspicious about the moon., Thu 30 Oct 2014, 10:12,
just keep looking in the mirror and giving yourself a thumbs up
old man river possible lesbian, Thu 30 Oct 2014, 10:13,
or an
Bonzodog29 is an unemployed sponge of the worst kind, Thu 30 Oct 2014, 10:13,
Oh you.
Windy Pig I'm naturally quite suspicious about the moon., Thu 30 Oct 2014, 10:14,
Bonzodog29 is an unemployed sponge of the worst kind, Thu 30 Oct 2014, 10:24,
A) that's what the pay me to do, and
B) the attractive client services lady needs my help and I am of course the very definition of helpfulness at all times.
The Light in Chains don't touch the Pope's boner, Thu 30 Oct 2014, 10:07,
Bit Gay M8
Bonzodog29 is an unemployed sponge of the worst kind, Thu 30 Oct 2014, 10:09,
You chauvinist pig.
Windy Pig I'm naturally quite suspicious about the moon., Thu 30 Oct 2014, 10:13,
She makes my winky tingle in a special way
So she gets my Platinum Plus service as opposed to the Basic Tin service everybody else gets.
The Light in Chains don't touch the Pope's boner, Thu 30 Oct 2014, 10:26,
It's people like you that are forcing women out of the work place and back on the rape streets UK.
Windy Pig I'm naturally quite suspicious about the moon., Thu 30 Oct 2014, 10:53,
If they hired more fit birds they'd get better work out of me
so clearly it's the employers that are at fault.
The Light in Chains don't touch the Pope's boner, Thu 30 Oct 2014, 10:56,
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