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(, Wed 5 Nov 2014, 13:58, 217 replies, latest was 10 years ago)
Yerr. Work is pretty slow today.
But I'm inside the m25 so I'm close to loads of my Internet chums.
(, Wed 5 Nov 2014, 13:59, Reply)
I went for a blood test earlier.
They kept me waiting for over an hour. The cunts.
(, Wed 5 Nov 2014, 14:00, Reply)
Eek. Good luck to you!

(, Wed 5 Nov 2014, 14:06, Reply)
oh boy ... I hope it turns out that you're human

(, Wed 5 Nov 2014, 14:25, Reply)
He has mange

(, Wed 5 Nov 2014, 14:27, Reply)
What a coincidence!
I have mange too
(, Wed 5 Nov 2014, 16:54, Reply)
Three hours until holiday time!!!!
I just wish Jeff was here so I could remind him
(, Wed 5 Nov 2014, 14:02, Reply)
Where are you going again?

(, Wed 5 Nov 2014, 14:04, Reply)

(, Wed 5 Nov 2014, 14:05, Reply)
Don't tease me, you know I'm dying to meet you.

(, Wed 5 Nov 2014, 14:10, Reply)

(, Wed 5 Nov 2014, 14:13, Reply)

(, Wed 5 Nov 2014, 14:06, Reply)

(, Wed 5 Nov 2014, 14:06, Reply)
Oh wow.
Just can't believe you've left it this late to tell us all.

I hope you keep your travellers cheques safely in your fanny pack.
(, Wed 5 Nov 2014, 14:10, Reply)
Terrible bullying of swipe

(, Wed 5 Nov 2014, 14:11, Reply)
Are you still coming to London next Saturday?
I can show you ALL the photos!!!
(, Wed 5 Nov 2014, 14:12, Reply)
I hope you'll have time to do a slide show.
(, Wed 5 Nov 2014, 14:13, Reply)
I have a white screen and projector ready

(, Wed 5 Nov 2014, 14:13, Reply)
Can't wait.
Should I book the function room and a buffet?
(, Wed 5 Nov 2014, 14:15, Reply)
You can but don't go mad on quantities for the buffet as everyone will be engrossed and won't want the distraction

(, Wed 5 Nov 2014, 14:17, Reply)
Will Trueprint get the pictures back to you in time?

(, Wed 5 Nov 2014, 14:18, Reply)
One hour they say, two if we get the t shirts and mugs done too

(, Wed 5 Nov 2014, 14:19, Reply)
Matching tshirts are a must.

(, Wed 5 Nov 2014, 14:22, Reply)
Is it today?! Aww man. This place will be dead etc.
How long for?
(, Wed 5 Nov 2014, 14:06, Reply)
Tomorrow afternoon, one week

(, Wed 5 Nov 2014, 14:07, Reply)
remember to walk down Manhattan for 10 hours so I can cat call you

(, Wed 5 Nov 2014, 14:17, Reply)

(, Wed 5 Nov 2014, 14:49, Reply)

(, Wed 5 Nov 2014, 14:04, Reply)
Could everybody please stop abusing Baggenfock?
Being a paedophile isn't a choice, you know.
(, Wed 5 Nov 2014, 14:08, Reply)
I think she has me on 2.0

(, Wed 5 Nov 2014, 14:10, Reply)
If Top Of The Pops comes back on the telly.
They we should try and get DG and Sporty to present it. But only after getting this song in every position of the Top10.

(, Wed 5 Nov 2014, 14:09, Reply)
Fercuss - Hercuss Percuss

(, Wed 5 Nov 2014, 14:10, Reply)
In at nine, hwooocus pwooocus by Fuwwwcus!
(, Wed 5 Nov 2014, 14:11, Reply)
hur hur... position.

(, Wed 5 Nov 2014, 14:11, Reply)
I've had DG in every position going

(, Wed 5 Nov 2014, 14:16, Reply)
we've all had DG
wait ... which DG are we talking about?
(, Wed 5 Nov 2014, 14:37, Reply)
Daddys gonads

(, Wed 5 Nov 2014, 14:39, Reply)
fuckin' A

(, Wed 5 Nov 2014, 14:24, Reply)
Oh, I thought he'd deleted, but alas, he's banged on the 2.0 button.
Can someone tell him I'm really sorry and please take me off 2.0 as I can't cope without him?
(, Wed 5 Nov 2014, 14:49, Reply)
He's my first. Im so proud.
I wasn't even horrible or anything!
(, Wed 5 Nov 2014, 14:54, Reply)
I found out recently that my Shambles account no longer had the record for most ignores
I was proper gutted.
(, Wed 5 Nov 2014, 14:57, Reply)
lol ignore loser

(, Wed 5 Nov 2014, 14:58, Reply)
It's the only thing I've ever achieved online
(, Wed 5 Nov 2014, 14:59, Reply)
Who beat you?

(, Wed 5 Nov 2014, 15:02, Reply)
apeloverage overtook me a while back

(, Wed 5 Nov 2014, 15:08, Reply)
He tried plugging his shit book on here, once.
That thread was a good laugh.
(, Wed 5 Nov 2014, 15:09, Reply)
maybe I should write a shit book and plug it on here

(, Wed 5 Nov 2014, 15:14, Reply)
I know where you should plug it.

(, Wed 5 Nov 2014, 15:18, Reply)
bit rude

(, Wed 5 Nov 2014, 15:19, Reply)
Everything you do is shit.

(, Wed 5 Nov 2014, 15:18, Reply)
lot rude

(, Wed 5 Nov 2014, 15:19, Reply)

(, Wed 5 Nov 2014, 14:58, Reply)
+ Dennis

(, Wed 5 Nov 2014, 15:02, Reply)
I don't know what his fucking problem is, mate.

(, Wed 5 Nov 2014, 15:07, Reply)
Fucking hell mate
Get some help
(, Wed 5 Nov 2014, 15:10, Reply)

(, Wed 5 Nov 2014, 15:17, Reply)
Why did he just ignore you, the fucking cretin?

(, Wed 5 Nov 2014, 15:11, Reply)
I did say he was incredibly shit.

(, Wed 5 Nov 2014, 15:17, Reply)
Cry baby bitch can't handle the truth.
I doubt we are missing much.
(, Wed 5 Nov 2014, 15:20, Reply)
(, Wed 5 Nov 2014, 15:24, Reply)

(, Wed 5 Nov 2014, 15:25, Reply)

(, Wed 5 Nov 2014, 15:27, Reply)
I can't :(

(, Wed 5 Nov 2014, 15:33, Reply)
Boy are you missing out on some LOLs

(, Wed 5 Nov 2014, 15:33, Reply)
You're all lying. I logged out and it's shit.

(, Wed 5 Nov 2014, 15:35, Reply)
They fixed 2.0 now, you're looking at the wrong one, you can't see the right one soz.

(, Wed 5 Nov 2014, 15:45, Reply)
it's the best internet I've seen since that time that baldmonkey dismantled his washing machine

(, Wed 5 Nov 2014, 15:35, Reply)
ffs someone has just turned up to fix the printer from the external provider
said he could only deal with the "power source" problem and wasn't briefed to fix anything else. i fixed the power source problem 6 hours ago by plugging it in myself.

fucking IT, i would call them a useless shower of wankers, but most of them don't know what a shower is.

where is lighty today anyway?
(, Wed 5 Nov 2014, 15:27, Reply)
lol cheapskate office

(, Wed 5 Nov 2014, 15:28, Reply)
^ Thinks that 'IT people' fix printers ^

(, Wed 5 Nov 2014, 15:42, Reply)
Is that such a ridiculous assumption?

(, Wed 5 Nov 2014, 15:46, Reply)
Yes it is.
(, Wed 5 Nov 2014, 15:49, Reply)
Who else would you contact in the event of a printer malfunction?

(, Wed 5 Nov 2014, 15:50, Reply)
The company we use provide support for printers as well.

(, Wed 5 Nov 2014, 15:57, Reply)
What? It's interesting and true!

(, Wed 5 Nov 2014, 15:57, Reply)
Moderately trained chimpanzees could probably do it.

(, Wed 5 Nov 2014, 16:57, Reply)
surely if it's connected to the network and has an ip address
IT should take some responsibility
(, Wed 5 Nov 2014, 16:00, Reply)
IT is actually a freaky psychopath clown that's really a big alien spider or some shit

(, Wed 5 Nov 2014, 16:04, Reply)
^ works in IT ^

(, Wed 5 Nov 2014, 16:05, Reply)
What if its just on a local machine
And the problem is a hardware issue rather than network or software
(, Wed 5 Nov 2014, 16:06, Reply)

(, Wed 5 Nov 2014, 16:06, Reply)
Harsh dude
Too far this time too far
(, Wed 5 Nov 2014, 16:12, Reply)
I'm going to print "lol IT benders" on a two metre wide banner on one of the many working printers and plotters in the building

(, Wed 5 Nov 2014, 16:14, Reply)

(, Wed 5 Nov 2014, 16:16, Reply)
not clicking that ... prolly a virus

(, Wed 5 Nov 2014, 16:29, Reply)
Defo an online version of ebola

(, Wed 5 Nov 2014, 17:01, Reply)

(, Wed 5 Nov 2014, 16:14, Reply)
I dont even care if this has been posted before
Its my favourite thing of today

(, Wed 5 Nov 2014, 16:14, Reply)
I did lol at that, despite my love for him.

(, Wed 5 Nov 2014, 16:26, Reply)

(, Wed 5 Nov 2014, 16:26, Reply)
I should have posted this in the "insults" thread as this is the best comeback I've seen for a long time
(, Wed 5 Nov 2014, 16:28, Reply)
I hate daily mail readers more though

(, Wed 5 Nov 2014, 16:30, Reply)
^ Most of them don't even know what half the words he projects, mean.

(, Wed 5 Nov 2014, 16:33, Reply)
I do know know what half the words he projects mean and he's still a fucking prick.

(, Wed 5 Nov 2014, 16:35, Reply)
He doesn't know the meaning of half the words he spouts
Stupid shit heroin
(, Wed 5 Nov 2014, 16:35, Reply)
^ Dismayed

(, Wed 5 Nov 2014, 16:37, Reply)
Russell Brand is such a fucking prick. /ac

(, Wed 5 Nov 2014, 16:30, Reply)
*votes Kroney*

(, Wed 5 Nov 2014, 16:35, Reply)

(, Wed 5 Nov 2014, 16:36, Reply)
Two high scoring threads today.
Baggyfuck is missing out.
(, Wed 5 Nov 2014, 16:36, Reply)

out several chromosomes and about 100 IQ points
(, Wed 5 Nov 2014, 16:51, Reply)
does everybody know that the two most ignored b3ta accounts are SpankyHanky and Legless?

(, Wed 5 Nov 2014, 16:58, Reply)
really, cos it seems to be you.

(, Wed 5 Nov 2014, 17:12, Reply)

(, Wed 5 Nov 2014, 17:14, Reply)
My reply was sympathy

(, Wed 5 Nov 2014, 17:14, Reply)
you have a deviant and loveless lifestyle.
You will either die from an Aids-related illness, or vanish only to have your bones turn up in a bin bag beside a desolate stretch of motorway.
(, Wed 5 Nov 2014, 17:17, Reply)
You shouldn't be throwing them stones in your glass house, dear.

(, Wed 5 Nov 2014, 17:26, Reply)
Colin Ireland had the right idea.

(, Wed 5 Nov 2014, 17:29, Reply)

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