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(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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90% of the stars in the galaxy are main sequence stars, with most of those being M class red dwarfs. G class stars like the Sun make up but 7.6% of the galaxy. The Earth had to form in exactly the right place for water to develop and then a series of extraordinarily improbable events had to transpire for life to even dig itself out of the mono-cellular primordial ooze followed by a further string of coincidences with odds too long to write down for mammals to become the dominant life form on our little blue marble.

Since then further unbelievably unlikely flukes of timing have occurred to produce the exact sequence of the generations upon untold generations of boning required to create you, an individual with the power to shape the world around him (not her, let's not be silly).

So, given the genuinely mind-blowing amount of sheer chance taking place over billions and billions of years, what are you fucking doing with this unique opportunity, you ungrateful fucking cunt?
(, Wed 4 Mar 2015, 9:26, 66 replies, latest was 10 years ago)
Christ just shut the fuck up will you no one is reading all that shit you type

(, Wed 4 Mar 2015, 9:29, Reply)

(, Wed 4 Mar 2015, 9:29, Reply)
didn't read lol

(, Wed 4 Mar 2015, 9:29, Reply)

(, Wed 4 Mar 2015, 9:29, Reply)

(, Wed 4 Mar 2015, 9:30, Reply)

(, Wed 4 Mar 2015, 9:30, Reply)
What number do you need to get up to?

(, Wed 4 Mar 2015, 9:30, Reply)
prolly cinq or something

(, Wed 4 Mar 2015, 9:33, Reply)
^speaks forrin

(, Wed 4 Mar 2015, 9:35, Reply)
Folkestone is basically France

(, Wed 4 Mar 2015, 9:36, Reply)
you go to france on holidays, you *choose* to go there, so shut up yeah?

(, Wed 4 Mar 2015, 9:37, Reply)
yeah, but he set off from coventry

(, Wed 4 Mar 2015, 9:45, Reply)
fair point.

(, Wed 4 Mar 2015, 9:55, Reply)
It is a beautiful place.

(, Wed 4 Mar 2015, 10:06, Reply)
google images it trying to trick me into believing that but i'm not having it

(, Wed 4 Mar 2015, 10:10, Reply)
I flicked through local propaganda magazine CitiVision last night and there were several photos taken from strategic angles that disingenuously show how beautiful it is.
Together with the artist's impressions of how it will look when it's finished I'm sure we'll soon be in for some beautiful city award. Probably.
(, Wed 4 Mar 2015, 10:14, Reply)
I've been there, it was shit but I liked the ruined cathedral.
Same with France, you can see in from Folkestone, it looks rubbish so I'm not going.
(, Wed 4 Mar 2015, 10:15, Reply)
Folkestone is lovely.
With it's traditional charity shops and derelict premises that smell of wee.
(, Wed 4 Mar 2015, 10:17, Reply)
I picked up a pair of speakers from Felixstowe, once.
I say this because the two towns names are sort of similar.
(, Wed 4 Mar 2015, 10:18, Reply)
i can confirm this, once on national radio they said i was from felixtowe, technically i was calling from royal tunbridge wells but that's another story

(, Wed 4 Mar 2015, 10:20, Reply)
Media lies

(, Wed 4 Mar 2015, 10:23, Reply)

(, Wed 4 Mar 2015, 10:24, Reply)
Yeah, in Ireland.
Let the bogtrotters have her.
(, Wed 4 Mar 2015, 10:26, Reply)
Ugh vile woman.

(, Wed 4 Mar 2015, 10:26, Reply)

(, Wed 4 Mar 2015, 10:26, Reply)
I didn't even realise they were two separate places

(, Wed 4 Mar 2015, 10:20, Reply)
Although one's in Kent and the other's in Suffolk
they might as well not be.
(, Wed 4 Mar 2015, 10:23, Reply)
Both are shitty dock towns.

(, Wed 4 Mar 2015, 10:25, Reply)
Lewisham, no offence

(, Wed 4 Mar 2015, 10:19, Reply)
Lewisham is lovely.

(, Wed 4 Mar 2015, 10:24, Reply)
your lies won't work on me pal, I've been round your gaff, i know what your manor is like.

(, Wed 4 Mar 2015, 10:26, Reply)
Lewisham, like Dante's hell, has several circles.
You're in the outermost.
(, Wed 4 Mar 2015, 10:28, Reply)
You should come again, we've got two ruined cathedrals now

(, Wed 4 Mar 2015, 10:18, Reply)
covb4ysh 2015

(, Wed 4 Mar 2015, 10:18, Reply)
There's some c0v8a$H photos in the bee3teeay flickerrr pool, but it's from before my time
You can see manolith's hairy face in some of them
(, Wed 4 Mar 2015, 10:22, Reply)
a quick browse shows full beard but no mustache, he's gone down in my estimation :(

(, Wed 4 Mar 2015, 10:26, Reply)
nah, it's full of french people

(, Wed 4 Mar 2015, 10:10, Reply)
where? coventré?

(, Wed 4 Mar 2015, 10:12, Reply)
That is the main drawback of France
It'd be great if it wasn't for all those French types living there, being all French 'n that.
(, Wed 4 Mar 2015, 10:12, Reply)
I also didn't read it.
You stupid french cunt.
(, Wed 4 Mar 2015, 9:32, Reply)

(, Wed 4 Mar 2015, 9:37, Reply)
hahaha yeah

(, Wed 4 Mar 2015, 9:35, Reply)
Anthropic principle

(, Wed 4 Mar 2015, 9:36, Reply)
Self-important drivel.

(, Wed 4 Mar 2015, 9:43, Reply)
Pointing out that you can only point out this unlikely chain of events because it happened
if it hadn't there would be no one to care.

Much like now, actually.
(, Wed 4 Mar 2015, 9:46, Reply)

(, Wed 4 Mar 2015, 9:54, Reply)
I'm generally hating on CQ because he's a cunt
Not to the levels of E*vee but still a cunt.
(, Wed 4 Mar 2015, 9:50, Reply)
Where does he stand on the internationally recognised Al Scale Of Cunting?

(, Wed 4 Mar 2015, 10:02, Reply)

(, Wed 4 Mar 2015, 10:05, Reply)
definitely the car
not just the wing mirror
(, Wed 4 Mar 2015, 10:09, Reply)
When I saw him, he was a fifty year old plus chap with a denim jacket with skulls on, dyed hair and a waxed moustache.
Take from that what you will.
(, Wed 4 Mar 2015, 10:20, Reply)
Shut up, you French tart.

(, Wed 4 Mar 2015, 10:05, Reply)
une tarte aux pommes

(, Wed 4 Mar 2015, 10:13, Reply)
Thanking Jesus for making this possible.

(, Wed 4 Mar 2015, 10:16, Reply)
You're welcome.

(, Wed 4 Mar 2015, 10:24, Reply)
listening to Taylor Swift
all that was before was leading to this
(, Wed 4 Mar 2015, 10:25, Reply)
Good legs on her, that one.

(, Wed 4 Mar 2015, 10:26, Reply)
Best enjoyed in a music video, with the volume off.

(, Wed 4 Mar 2015, 10:36, Reply)
I'm qualifying as a retail investment adviser
(, Wed 4 Mar 2015, 10:37, Reply)
Anyone knows an ant can't move a rubber tree plant
I've got about a year and a half to convince my wife that tipping works differently in America to over here. She's a bit set in her ways. If it's expected everywhere why don't they just include it in the cost of the food and pay the staff more?
(, Wed 4 Mar 2015, 10:49, Reply)
Because anything more on the staff bill means more tax, potential NI liability, effect on pensions, etc.
tips don't go through the books.

If they are "performance related" how can they then also be "expected"? If the customer thinks you did a crap job, then surely you should get no tip?
(, Wed 4 Mar 2015, 11:06, Reply)

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