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( , Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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That refresh was getting laborious :)
Are you in for the evening TGB?
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 17:59, Reply)

but probably not for a few hours yet
You any plans?
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 18:01, Reply)

Drink a little more vodka, play some Mario Galaxy and get myself a good nights sleep.
I bought a book on knots from a charity shop. My life moves at such a furious pace :)
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 18:04, Reply)

I need to go away, have a pleasant evening. :)
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 18:08, Reply)

on the top of the tread to load.
Hurrah - no work for a week!
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 18:08, Reply)

Just because I'm the kind of guy who finds Ray Mears interesting. And I like to know these things.
Plus I need to get my scubidoux fix.
Nah, seriously, I'm making friendship bracelets for my daughter and I'm looking for more innovative ways of tying them off.
Edit: soup FTW! We need a b3ta cookbook!
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 18:12, Reply)

*waves at everyone*
Mmm soup! I dunno what I am having for dinner. It's like dinner pot luck!
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 18:15, Reply)

My kids are out, the dogs are sleeping, the house is quiet, my wife is coding php and I'm about to open a beer.
Could it get any better?
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 18:16, Reply)

Ancrenne's orders that.
How do?
And *waves* at leavers and newcomers alike.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 18:18, Reply)

Is going on a photoshoot this evening, so will be bloody cold!
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 18:20, Reply)

Ancrenne is too kind (as are you all)
I just do what I do and I'm having fun
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 18:20, Reply)

*hugs everyone*
Did someone say leek & potato soup? Pour me a bowl, will you, I love that stuff ...
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 18:25, Reply)

I'm filthy and a harlot. How else would you want me to be??
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 18:30, Reply)

It's all good :)
How's you and your odd forays into /talk?
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 18:31, Reply)

My forays into /talk are generally productive and interesting. Wormulus got in a right strop the other night. It was quite fun.
I have even developed a new name to taunt the aresholes their further.
But that said, it is a funny place to post if you are in the mood, don't write it off unless you've tried it. The majority of people are quite funny.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 18:43, Reply)

the few times I've had a look it seems to be full of gratuitous nastyness. I can be as nasty as the next person when the mood takes me, but really, life's too short.
I'll stick with the fluffeh OTers
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 18:46, Reply)

Got virtually faceraped the first day. So I gave up. I was so pleased when OT arrived :)
But I do lurk there occasionally when nothing's happening here. You're right, some of them are funny. I guess it's just the bandwidth-wasting arsebandits that come and post here that bug me.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 18:47, Reply)

Dave Trouser the other day by making "your mum" jokes to every reply he posted over the course of about an hour.
It amused me.
I don't actually get annoyed by them posting here, it is only the internet after all.
'lo ancrenne
*waves shyly*
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 18:58, Reply)

yay for alcohol - specially when it's to celebrate good news
edit:MadBouncyDog, what exactly will electropuppy.com be? I am intrigued ...
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 19:01, Reply)

i'm wanking with the other hand.
But seriously.
Well done on your business news, I shall look forward to seeing the finished pants on sale.
Mrs al had an attack of conscience today in M&S, she was looking at some shoes but decided against them when she noticed they were made in Vietnam.
I was very proud, I must be finally having an effect on her.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 19:10, Reply)

not actually here for long tonight. My mum is coming round. I'm not sure if she loves me or my sky+ box more! I suspect it's the sky+ box, actually. She is way too tight to actually pay to see a film at the cinema, so she waits until it's on sky then gets me to record it for her.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 19:10, Reply)

to warrant sky+. I also object to having to pay extra each month for the facility. Surely all the extra functionality is in the new box you buy?
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 19:19, Reply)

felt prouder had I not been purchasing a jacket at the time she told me this.
Sadly my morals have to balance with my budget and it was a nice jacket.
Mrs al was very pleased I was buying it though as she can now throw out my old donkey jacket which I have had for over ten years.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 19:23, Reply)

I'm taking my teenage daughters to see High School Musical 3 next week. Not because they want to go, but because I want to see it and I can't go on my own.
I don't believe I just admitted that!
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 19:23, Reply)

we're all well (now) ta. We had a spell just a week or so back where we all went down with various bugs, one after the other. Like dominoes. The only exception was the tummy bug, which hubby didn't get, the jammy sod. I lost half a stone in a week. It was deeply unpleasant.
MBD, we, how shall I say, struck a deal with Sky. Free sky+ box, keep the old box, for no installation costs and no extra money per month, and in return we don't transfer our business elsewhere .... you have to threaten to cancel before they make you a decent offer.
edit: HSM3. I can't believe you admitted that either ...
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 19:24, Reply)

that's bad form.
I convinced my entire flat at uni to go and see Britney Spears as I didn't want to go alone.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 19:25, Reply)

but you used the approved abbreviation (HSM3) so you must also be a closet fan!!!
Why is abbreviation such a long word?
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 19:28, Reply)

that ninja edit made all the difference ...
edit: MBD, I have two daughters, one teen, one pre-teen. I have to know such things. I can also name all the characters in Hannah Montana (may god have mercy on my soul).
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 19:28, Reply)

is soooo last week. Haven't you heard Demi Lovato is where it's at this week
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 19:31, Reply)

ah yes, Camp Rock. My youngest is watching that as we speak. She's not a bad singer actually. If a bit on the young side ... Demi Lavato, that is, not my daughter.
al, faster than a speeding bullet...
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 19:36, Reply)

MummyWitch has just arrived folks, so I'll have to love you and leave you ...
Take care, all
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 19:38, Reply)

That Disney can take effectively the same story and rehash it so many different ways.
Just to clarify - I work in a performing arts dept. in a high school. Watching these things and keeping up with the students is important.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 19:39, Reply)

with the justifications MDB. Almost as if you've been thinking them up for the last ten minutes.
We would all have more respect if you just admitted you wanted to crack one off over a 30ft tall image of Ashley Tisdale.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 19:42, Reply)

The female lead singer plays the guitar behind her head and with her teeth.
Just like Jimmy Hendrix, only prettier.
EDIT: Working another lead in the US as we speak
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 19:49, Reply)

I had to shake hands with a vicar, it was clammy, now I feel poorly.
Sure it must be vicar aids.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 19:51, Reply)

did you use the toilet during the interview (not actually during that would be weird, although it could explain why you didn't get the job)?
If so it could just be teh regular AIDS.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 19:52, Reply)

I'm sure you'll be OK. Most of those religious types have been pastor-ised :)
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 19:52, Reply)

Very poor!
I think it's my natural immune system trying to fight god.
*edit* Hi Ancrenne. I have been rather a newsletter whore haven't I!
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 19:54, Reply)

new lodger better than the old one ancrenne?
and puddles? Eeeeewwwwww!
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 19:59, Reply)

@No3l - I raise you a book about knots with a book about mushrooms that I just received in the post today.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 20:00, Reply)

How is you?
Lots of celebrating this weekend I take it?
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 20:07, Reply)

*wags tail*
*dribbles on the floor*
*humps BGBs leg*
@ancrenne - I can understand being a bit sloppy over light switches, but taps? who doesn't turn off tap?
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 20:08, Reply)

It's the only action I'll be getting for a while.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 20:09, Reply)

I'm guilty of that sort of behavior, but I always turn the tap off when brushing my teeth. I do shave in the shower though, which may negate my good intentions.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 20:20, Reply)

I tied a knot earlier that made me do a whoa.
I bet your mushrooms can't do that..?
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 20:29, Reply)

I shave in the shower, I'm blind as a fucking blindfolded bat without my glasses but a hand mirror works a treat.
That and sensitive fingertips for checking afterwards :)
Edit: does anyone else watch Only Connect on BBC 4?
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 20:31, Reply)

get a mirror with sticky pads and stick it to your wall, you can rinse it with the shower head to stop it steaming up and then you can check what your doing while shaving.
Since, as chickenlady put it earlier today, I look like the laughing cavalier, a mirror is essential to make sure my handlebar moustache stays level on both sides.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 20:35, Reply)

You and me both.
Pisses me off for some reason but I still quite like it.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 20:44, Reply)

She's slightly annoying/intelligently sexy but the questions give me kicks :)
It's like University Challenge but without me being shit at it.
Edit: and they keep saying b3ta :)
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 20:46, Reply)

that the bit where they have to find a groups of four, the face with bits coming off it from nightmare should be there as the time ticks away.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 20:50, Reply)

Real life catches up with me and I must fall into bed.
Well done on the three (!) newsletter hits today Mrs Bin :)
And I'll see whoever's about tomorrow.
*hands out hugs to whoever wants 'em*
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 20:57, Reply)

Having just met Boss Keloid (and introduced him to one of the bĂȘte noire of qotw) I can say he is a thoroughly nice bloke. And it is also very difficult to post when dealing with an affectionate cat butting whichever hand they think is free.
/the cat has buggered off now.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 21:49, Reply)

has everyone fucked off for the night then? Really need to sort out my b3ta timings better
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 22:19, Reply)

There is always /talk, but well, you know...
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 22:21, Reply)

I'm sitting at Phoenix Airport trying to while away the time until the bloody baggage handlers decide to let us have our suitcases. It's been 45 mins now *rant*
I'm knackered, and it's only 2.20pm here. I feel like crawling into bed, but I'm not going to be able to do that for at least another 7 hours. *cries*
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 22:23, Reply)

Oh I hate waiting for luggage. Hope it arrives soon.
I've got the next 4 days off work, but don't get paid til the end of next week which sucks, so need to plan things that are cheap but fun to do. Google calls :)
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 22:29, Reply)

I had another busy day of doing nothing, and accomplished... nothing.
Except some soup which I suddenly got up and made after reading the start of this thread.
It started out as leek and potato. Now it's leek, potato, onion, sweet potato, celery, cabbage, courgette, mushroom, and lots of fresh herbs from the garden. It smells divine but won't be ready to eat until at least 11 o clock, which is a funny time to be having dinner.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 22:30, Reply)

You've not been round much recently Rakky, how are you doing?
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 22:43, Reply)

I will be about for a bit.
Unless the alcohol sleeps get me!
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 22:44, Reply)

My soup is joyfully ready! I shan't attempt to eat and type, so see you all later :)
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 22:45, Reply)

thanks, how's you? been trying to be grown up and apply for jobs which has been eating into my b3ta time. so wrong...
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 22:45, Reply)

hey Al *waves*
And yeah applying for job sucks :(
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 22:46, Reply)

job applying sounds poo. Mrs al is looking for jobs as she is being made redundant at christmas.
TGB are you naked bed b3taing or regular boring pyjama clad bed b3taing?
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 22:54, Reply)

I am waiting for Fuzzy to get back so she can warm my feet
and sorry to hear about Mrs Al :(
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 22:58, Reply)

Aaaaaa, look, someones topped up the paddling pool with chocolate spread.
Oh and now Rakkys here too, looks like three way tag team wrestling is the order of the night.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 23:00, Reply)

till next year. but i'm still slightly worried.
right, noches, tout le monde...
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 23:01, Reply)

my nipples could cut glass though *shivers*
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 23:01, Reply)

would involve getting out of bed where it is even colder!
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 23:05, Reply)

can I suggest some big thick socks and a wooly nighty?
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 23:07, Reply)

*wraps self around Badger's feet like a big, er, naked cat*
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 23:11, Reply)

the whole naked thing is getting so passe, why not go the other way.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 23:14, Reply)

I am off to sleep it's too cold!
*snuggles up with fuzzy*
night all!
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 23:16, Reply)

this, and thought that would be lully to have here.
EDIT: Night TGB! Hope you sleep cosily :)
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 23:17, Reply)

Anyway, I wrote a new song tonight. It's awesome.
Well... As awesome as a song about a drunk man shooting up an off-licence can be.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 23:43, Reply)

I'm drunk, and spent half an hour being lectured to by a Hungarian chap on why he hates Hungarians.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 23:52, Reply)

Just as I was thinking about going to sleep several hours earlier than usual :)
Kaol, excellent!
Mista, whut? But why?
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 23:56, Reply)

It had something to do with a culture of racism and being encouraged to be scroungers and theives, or something like that.
BTW: Not sure how much longer I'll e up myself. Tomorrow is the third consecutive weekend that as involved me moving to a new place.
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 0:00, Reply)

Hating your own country is much better than hating someone else's!
And you have been doing a lot of coming and going, haven't you? Hope you get to feeling settled soon.
Well I have to be up early tomorrow so I should prolly go and start trying to sleep.
*fuzzy hugs*
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 0:13, Reply)

* hugs back *
I should be going to bed too - if only because my laptop is running ut of battery.
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 0:18, Reply)

It's gone quiet... typical, late as per usual.
Oh well. Gotta hit the sack anyway - big journey down to the big smoke with the sweary faaaaamileh tomorrow / later today.
*slopes off to bed*
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 0:55, Reply)
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