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( , Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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I have beer, which is good. I'm also out of the office tomorrow on a work jolly to Manchester tomorrow, which is even better! How are we all?
( , Mon 27 Oct 2008, 18:28, 154 replies, latest was 16 years ago)

Good thanks - Had a surprisingly good day at work and have coined in some extra overtime *Glees*.
What's the current thinking on buying Woolworth's shares atm? They're presently at 3.73p a share and I can't see them going tits up ... even if they do then I suspect that they'd get bought out. 2000 shares, £80ish ... I'm thinking about having a punt.
( , Mon 27 Oct 2008, 18:37, Reply)

woo for work jollies!
i'm in edinburgh all day tomorrow, but I'll be learning first aid.
( , Mon 27 Oct 2008, 18:37, Reply)

FFS - there's a Woolies everywhere, I'm surprised that the shares are that low.
( , Mon 27 Oct 2008, 18:38, Reply)

does this mean if someone gets bitten by a snake you'd suck the poison out? ;)
( , Mon 27 Oct 2008, 18:41, Reply)

Do we get to call you Nurse Tulip. Woo!
Nurse Tulip, I've got a boo boo that needs a plaster.
( , Mon 27 Oct 2008, 18:46, Reply)

Does anyone else have Benny Hill-esque visions?
( , Mon 27 Oct 2008, 18:56, Reply)

In my educated opinion about Woolies, I had some pick and mix from there on Sunday and it was quite good.
So go for it.
Oooh nurse Tulip! That has quite a ring to it!
( , Mon 27 Oct 2008, 18:57, Reply)

Why the name Lucy van Pelt was so damned familiar:

( , Mon 27 Oct 2008, 19:00, Reply)

What were you thinking?
Is it a complimentary "I was thinking about you" or a not so complimentary way?
*crosses fingers*
Edit - Piston - thats where my name is from! however I look nothing like that at all. and I'm not as mean as the original LvP.
Batman! - How are you my dear? I am well, I just went to the supermarket with my dad and he bought me a can of prosecco.
( , Mon 27 Oct 2008, 19:01, Reply)

It's lunchtime, so I am chowing down on last nights leftover chicken, stuffing, roast taties and gravy. Yum.
( , Mon 27 Oct 2008, 19:04, Reply)

I was thinking about midget gems and then via osmosis I started thinking about you : )
Doesn't know what osmosis is but it sounds clever.
( , Mon 27 Oct 2008, 19:05, Reply)

*huggles to all*
I can vouch that Lucy is a tall, incredibly pretty lady in real life and is all of the lovely:D
Can I have a hug now?
( , Mon 27 Oct 2008, 19:06, Reply)

Confectionery based financial advice may be the future - I reckon the time is right to build a portfolio.
Mmmmmmmm. Nurses.
( , Mon 27 Oct 2008, 19:07, Reply)

I figured that was the case, you do seem a lot, erm, fluffier. This is not to cast aspersions on the state of your body hair, however.
( , Mon 27 Oct 2008, 19:07, Reply)

Ummm.....eh? Gazzes?
I've just a look and nothing for you. Or anyone.
I'm okay thanks lucy, just packing up to move tomorrow. Wooo!
( , Mon 27 Oct 2008, 19:08, Reply)

You gotta have a hug for that comment!
BGB - whenever I see midget gems I think of you too! oooh, sweet twins.
Piston - I can be a meanie pants sometimes but in general I don't slug people as much as her.
And I wouldn't describe my body hair state as "fluffy" either.
( , Mon 27 Oct 2008, 19:09, Reply)

You are.
You were smiley and sleepy and didn't throw up in my house.
( , Mon 27 Oct 2008, 19:09, Reply)

The /talkers will just see all this as epic pandering, right?
( , Mon 27 Oct 2008, 19:09, Reply)

I have to go three weekends before I get reall hugs from Lusty again so I'll take the huggles when I can!
I'm never sick really so you weren't in much danger:D
I am a panda!(rer)
Looking forward to the Adelphi night now:)
( , Mon 27 Oct 2008, 19:10, Reply)

They're only jealous.
They wish they could pander like we do.
@BK - I have to wait 12 weeks before I get any hugging action : (
( , Mon 27 Oct 2008, 19:11, Reply)

Yeah it's not the same when it's from a dude is it?
( , Mon 27 Oct 2008, 19:12, Reply)

If I shut my eyes and ignore your obvious arousal it's fine!
Aw, that sucks!
*huggles again*
( , Mon 27 Oct 2008, 19:13, Reply)

BK it's ok I've tucked it between my legs. I've got me a mangina.
( , Mon 27 Oct 2008, 19:15, Reply)

That's good.
I make sure I've got a shenis for man hug action!
( , Mon 27 Oct 2008, 19:16, Reply)

No need to delve into the love that dare not speak it's name.
There's ladies on this thread you know.
*hugs the guys*
( , Mon 27 Oct 2008, 19:19, Reply)

That's a new one.
Well I've got a....pusock. Wait...that's shit.
You still coming up to Edinburgh in a few week?
EDIT Well my inny has just become an outty now.
( , Mon 27 Oct 2008, 19:20, Reply)

I stupidly rubbed my eye after I had been playing with my mum's dog and now it is all itchy and rubbishy :(
*is allergic to dogs*
( , Mon 27 Oct 2008, 19:21, Reply)

It's been short but sweet.
I'm popping off to watch TV with my mum whilst drinking tea.
Living the dream.
See ya later folks!
( , Mon 27 Oct 2008, 19:22, Reply)

Dogs rock, rule, and are generally ace!
/Edit: Time for a rhyme crime...
Dogs' cocks drool all over the bloody place...
( , Mon 27 Oct 2008, 19:22, Reply)

Hello again!
*offers eye drops*
*edit* Bye Lucy!
Don't think I'm making it up to Edinburgh for cash reasons and I'm going across to Tulips early evening as she's doing a day ahift, and we're going to drink lots of gin and giggles like schoolgirls!
( , Mon 27 Oct 2008, 19:23, Reply)

Thanks for the eye drops :)
I look like Thom York's sister atm :(
( , Mon 27 Oct 2008, 19:24, Reply)

you suck!
I've got a special outfit looked out and everything for our first meeting. You....you....you jobby!
( , Mon 27 Oct 2008, 19:27, Reply)

Apparently if you rub a cat on your eyes it negates the effect of the dog.
May not be strictly true.
( , Mon 27 Oct 2008, 19:28, Reply)

a cat to hand sadly. *rubs a swan on her eye to see if that will work*
( , Mon 27 Oct 2008, 19:29, Reply)

I'm sorry!
I've never been called a jobby before.
( , Mon 27 Oct 2008, 19:32, Reply)

Rubbing Swans on your eyes is not recomended by specsavers or sane folk :)
My word you live up to your sig.
( , Mon 27 Oct 2008, 19:33, Reply)

I've replied, cheers for that!
BK, aww it's okay I was only kidding. You're not a jobby. I just like that word. Jobby, jobby jobby.
We used to play a game in work and you had to say jobby as loud as you could before a customer said anything.
( , Mon 27 Oct 2008, 19:34, Reply)

I've just had a cup of tea but it tasted funny so my evening has been spoilt.
( , Mon 27 Oct 2008, 19:52, Reply)

*Attempts to tempt TGB back and mollify with a pint of Spitfire*
( , Mon 27 Oct 2008, 19:52, Reply)

Is this just pick on TGB night? *checks memos*
*doesn't like spitfire so remains sulking*
( , Mon 27 Oct 2008, 19:52, Reply)

More Spitfire for me. How about sloe gin?
Cheeky, cheeky, sloe gin?
( , Mon 27 Oct 2008, 19:55, Reply)

You're welcome.
*hugs the Marina too, to give extra hugs to TGB*
( , Mon 27 Oct 2008, 19:57, Reply)

Hello all. I'm being a bit busy tonight, but keeping an eye on the thread, so thought I'd drop in.
I've never been to Leamington Spa, so can't comment on it.
*is possibly glad of this*
( , Mon 27 Oct 2008, 20:00, Reply)

*Adopts the title of "The badge whisperer"*
More sloe gin? And TWO curly straws?
( , Mon 27 Oct 2008, 20:01, Reply)

But I'll stay for a wee bit. *Sparklers on hand for emergencies*
( , Mon 27 Oct 2008, 20:04, Reply)

of you whispering to badges.
"You know you're my favourite but don't tell the others or they will stab me in the nipple again "accidentally""
( , Mon 27 Oct 2008, 20:06, Reply)

long time no speak, how you doing?
Ahhh the best of Top Gear is on. Lovely.
( , Mon 27 Oct 2008, 20:07, Reply)

The nipple stabbing was too high a price to pay. I could have coped with an over zealous prod to the thigh but the nipple was the bridge too far.
( , Mon 27 Oct 2008, 20:10, Reply)

Doing fine, thanks. I had a day of crappy paperwork and meetings today though. And you?
I've not been here much recently due to working away last week, and catching up on a lot today. But I'll be hereabouts this evening. It's good to be back!
( , Mon 27 Oct 2008, 20:16, Reply)

Back again with wine and pizza.
Watching I'm a Cyborg, But That's Okay
Korean movies FTW!
( , Mon 27 Oct 2008, 20:17, Reply)

I was getting worried about you! I think I speak on behalf of everyone though when I say we've missed you. Wooo!
But yeah I'm good thanks, moving back to Glasgow tomorrow so have thing have been a bit hectic getting all packed up.
Were you working away anywhere exotic?
( , Mon 27 Oct 2008, 20:18, Reply)

I was in the highly exotic location of Glasgow last week. I would have said hello to any west of Scotland based b3tards but I was on a four day course which involved 'networking' in the evenings (and going out eating and drinking too!) so didn't have any free time.
It doesn't half rain a lot in the west...
( , Mon 27 Oct 2008, 20:22, Reply)

welcome back!
does it rain a lot in the west then?
because it didn't rain at all when I was there.
*must be magic*
( , Mon 27 Oct 2008, 20:25, Reply)

tell me about it. But then it's bloody freezing in the east. All. The. Time.
And Glasgow is like a tropical paradise compared to Aberdeen at the moment. It's meant to be minus temperatures tonight and my heating is busted. Bollocks.
( , Mon 27 Oct 2008, 20:26, Reply)

Compared to Aberdeen it is. Fucking freezing up that part of the world!
( , Mon 27 Oct 2008, 20:31, Reply)

So I've heard, I'd probably have to wear two strategically draped scarves!
( , Mon 27 Oct 2008, 20:34, Reply)

The east is much colder. Especially coastal places like Dundee and Aberdeen. But it doesn't rain half as much as on the west coast.
On balance I prefer it cold and dry. At least you get instant respite when you come indoors, whereas you're still dripping wet if it's been raining.
You must have been lucky, HLT. Or indeed magic. Especially this year.
( , Mon 27 Oct 2008, 20:34, Reply)

It's going to snow tomorrow though, wohooo snow day!
( , Mon 27 Oct 2008, 20:34, Reply)

I would confirm that it is wetter on the west coast. Mostly as it never seems to stop raining on me. Cold and dry FTW though. Especially since I bought a lovely neck warmer tonight.
Are we all well?
( , Mon 27 Oct 2008, 20:42, Reply)

Nasty weather y'all are having/expecting up there.I can't abide snow .... Evil, evil snow.
( , Mon 27 Oct 2008, 20:44, Reply)

"Why does it always rain on me?"
Because you live in Glasgow!
Edit - damn, HLT beat me to it, and more subtly too.
We don't get snow like we used to though. I remember the winter of 1978/79...a foot of snow between Christmas and New Year.
And 1981/82 - seven weeks of frost, ice and snow.
*feels old*
( , Mon 27 Oct 2008, 20:46, Reply)

I'd sell my soul for some good old fashioned deep snowy goodness.
( , Mon 27 Oct 2008, 20:48, Reply)

A good freeze and a bit of ice and seeing your breath at 2 in the afternoon is pretty awesome too.
We finally gave in and put our heating on today for the first time. It made me sad.
( , Mon 27 Oct 2008, 20:52, Reply)

I'm starving, me!
The best thing about snowing is sledging down a big hill on an old empty sack of compost, then falling off at the end, making angels in the snow, getting all hot and glowy and then going drinking afterwards all damp and tingly and happy :)
( , Mon 27 Oct 2008, 20:53, Reply)

Forecast for Monday: Frequent heavy snow showers with blizzards. Winds Northwesterly 30mph strengthening later to 40-50mph with strong gusts. poor visibility in the snow.Temperature @ 900m: -1 to -2 , feeling like -19 in the wind..
( , Mon 27 Oct 2008, 20:59, Reply)

hot winter pimms after I've been in the snow.
Or hot mulled wine. When you've just been ski-ing.
( , Mon 27 Oct 2008, 21:01, Reply)

Much happening hereabouts?
In Wales we mainly have rain, snow is for special occasions.
( , Mon 27 Oct 2008, 21:05, Reply)

Why don't we drink it all winter like the Europeans do?
( , Mon 27 Oct 2008, 21:07, Reply)

I only like snow when I don't have to go out in it. Driving in it's OK, but actually trudging through the cold wet stuff doesn't do it for me these days.
And you can keep your skiing. Too dangerous, too energetic and too cold.
/old fart
Mulled wine, on the other hand....
( , Mon 27 Oct 2008, 21:09, Reply)

Bloody bastards.
My mum makes home made mulled wine, not sure how, but it's fucking rocking fuel. Glass of that on Christmas morning sorts you right out!
EDIT k2k6 couldn't agree more about the skiing, sounds a bit daft to me to be honest. I don't like that crunching noise when you walk on snow.
( , Mon 27 Oct 2008, 21:09, Reply)

And having just watched Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull again, I hereby re-affirm this film to be utterly ACE.
( , Mon 27 Oct 2008, 21:10, Reply)

I think you'll find that Indiana Jones 4 was far from ace. It started well and was going all for ace until about twenty minutes from the end when they turned out to be fucking Aliens. And then it went shite.
( , Mon 27 Oct 2008, 21:12, Reply)

but are you asserting to the fact my mums mulled wine is rocket fuel?
( , Mon 27 Oct 2008, 21:13, Reply)

Can either be piss weak or alcoholic as fuck.
My mum seems to make it out of red wine and quite a lot of orange juice. I'd use brandy and port as well.
Batman - yep, they call it gluhwein and seem to drink it whenever it's cold in a lot of Europe, rather than just in the fortnight around Christmas. Champion idea!
( , Mon 27 Oct 2008, 21:14, Reply)

Anyone want anything?
( , Mon 27 Oct 2008, 21:15, Reply)

I thoroughly enjoyed it all myself. Then again, I figured the aliens thing out soon as I saw the skull. Then again, I do read far too much Erich von Daniken. Incidentally, this is for personal amusement only as opposed to anything else. Oh, and uk.youtube.com/watch?v=5pNlMgH2p-Y&feature=related
( , Mon 27 Oct 2008, 21:16, Reply)

a shit load of good red wine and some port. Possibly brandy as well and some fruit juice, don't think it's orange though.
I could be totally wrong. I'm going to get her recipe and make some, I'll let you know how I get on
( , Mon 27 Oct 2008, 21:17, Reply)

I have been on rather a lot of Red Stripe tonight. Also, there is something curiously addictive about the Indiana Jones theme. Oh God... help me. I can't stop listening to it! Actually, thinking about it, there is something very addictive about the stuff John Williams composes. It's like a musical geekgasm.
( , Mon 27 Oct 2008, 21:30, Reply)

there's a club in Glasgow which has a Red Stripe vending machine out in the beer garden, it's fucking magic!
( , Mon 27 Oct 2008, 21:33, Reply)

a copy of Camouflage by Stan Ridgeway, it will get any song out of your head with it's awesomeness.
( , Mon 27 Oct 2008, 21:34, Reply)

Please God let there be somewhere like that in Edinburgh.
I'm onto the Star Wars themes now. I really having the ultimate musical nerdgasm this evening.
( , Mon 27 Oct 2008, 21:34, Reply)

well not that I've found anyway.
Honestly this pub was the best during summer. Really nice beer garden with a huuuuuuge TV showing sport all the time, comfy chairs and a red strip vending machine.
( , Mon 27 Oct 2008, 21:39, Reply)

That sounds fucking ace. Incidentally, don't drink and follow youtube links supplied to you by friends in the British Army.
Harvey Andrews "Soldier".
That's killed my good mood right off. 'Scuse me, I'm off for a walk, and maybe to kill a chav should one cross my path.
( , Mon 27 Oct 2008, 21:45, Reply)

I've killed off topic. Where are you all?
I've killed you all with Harvey Andrews. Sorry!
( , Mon 27 Oct 2008, 22:22, Reply)

it's got zombies in and everything.
( , Mon 27 Oct 2008, 22:25, Reply)

Got paranoid then. Found a chav, and shouted at him. Luckily for me, he ran away.
( , Mon 27 Oct 2008, 22:26, Reply)

ever done to upset you that you have to go and shout at them?
Apart from being all cunty and everything.
( , Mon 27 Oct 2008, 22:27, Reply)

just about to eat an apple when I noticed that it has vampire teeth marks in it.
Do you think it is safe to eat it?
Also, shall I rule ancient Egypt or ancient China?
( , Mon 27 Oct 2008, 22:57, Reply)

Purely for the pyramids. You can enslave thousands of working class Egyptians to build you one to be buried in.
I'm assuming this is a hypothetical/computer game based question and you haven't invented time travel? (gaz me if you have, I've a few things in the past to sort out)
( , Mon 27 Oct 2008, 23:02, Reply)

I was going to watch it cos I like Charlie Brooker.
Was it a one off or is it going to be a series? Will put it on to download now, don't give away all the details straight away!
( , Mon 27 Oct 2008, 23:06, Reply)

one of the best things I've seen on TV in ages.
It's a 6 part series I think.
( , Mon 27 Oct 2008, 23:08, Reply)

I like that, thank you Miasma.
You get to build stuff in China too, great big temples and the like, and they seem to build quicker than they do in Egypt. But Egypt has better graphics, and pomegranite trees, and hippos.
Yes. I shall rule Egypt.
( , Mon 27 Oct 2008, 23:08, Reply)

What game are you playing?
(still assuming you do mean a game and you're not about to perform some devastating change to the past which means I vaporise, or the internet hasn't been invented, or something. Be very careful)
( , Mon 27 Oct 2008, 23:25, Reply)

Emporer Rise of the Middle Kingdom and Immortal Cities Children of the Nile.
I am a sucker for any game where I get to control little people and build stuff. I think I was God in a previous incarnation.
All time fave has to be Theme Hospital I think... Ooh and Tropico.
( , Mon 27 Oct 2008, 23:32, Reply)

(fag break, actually)
Ah, I see! I thought Egypt and China were going to be facing off in some war-based game, and by ruling one you'd have to invade the other. Didn't realise they were separate games. I haven't heard of them, but I don't play many PC games these days.
Theme Hospital is definitely made of win though!
( , Mon 27 Oct 2008, 23:56, Reply)

Anyone alive out there?
Or are you all Zombies?
*grips machete tightly*
( , Mon 27 Oct 2008, 23:58, Reply)

No, I ar not a zomby reelly :)
I want to play a game where China and Egypt fight each other!
None of the games I play are new, new ones are too... newfangled. The old ones have charm and character and just the right level of playability. (Sound like I'm describing an elderly and otherwise embarrassing rellie). (Except the bit about playability).
( , Tue 28 Oct 2008, 0:06, Reply)

Ok then... Wanna join my survival group?
*offers crowbar*
I don't think anyone else made it.
Egypt games... I played one of them loads, was it called Pharoh?
( , Tue 28 Oct 2008, 0:10, Reply)

Emporer is the Chinese version of it, and just as full of win.
Immortal Cities is a newer version of Pharoah, so the graphics are better and stuff. It's not exactly exciting gameplay but nice and relaxing as it's very pretty to look at.
The people just get on with picking their pomegranites and mincing about the kingdom in their white frocks while you go and stalk the hippos down by the Nile.
I shall bring my guns and my knives for the survival group. And my Grasmere gingerbread.
( , Tue 28 Oct 2008, 0:18, Reply)

I've got... a few knives.
Y'know, just a couple...
Yes, Pharaoh was amazing! I liked the little ferries you could make.
And I always had a nice part of town and a crappy part of town.
It was funny to sell nice houses and watch the little people run to look to find new places to live, and all there was left was in Scumtown.
( , Tue 28 Oct 2008, 0:21, Reply)

bear hunting knife. It must work, there are no bears round here :p
The others are all little "useful" knives. I have one designed for the emergency services to cut seatbelts off people. Fuck, it's sharp.
Haha! I like your Pharoah style! I am too nice to torture the little people. But I always laugh when other people do it.... like my mate, she used to traumatise sims by building tiny rooms around them with no windows, and removing the door. Then she'd watch them go crazy.
( , Tue 28 Oct 2008, 0:32, Reply)

My favourite thing to do was convince one of them to go swimming, then sell the ladder.
They'd not be able to get out, and drown eventually, haha!
( , Tue 28 Oct 2008, 0:36, Reply)

tortured sims by accident.
I remember the first time I played it... I couldn't figure out why my girl kept crying, shouting and stomping her feet in the kitchen, weeing herself, drinking coffee, weeing herself again, falling asleep on the floor, drinking coffee when she woke up, and weeing herself some more. I watched her doing this for aaages and kept shouting at her that she was silly.
Then I realised there was a chair blocking the door. Watching her leg it Penelope Pitstop style to the bathroom when I removed it had me almost wetting myself laughing. (Simple things and all that...)
I bet my mate did the swimming pool thing too. Do they really drown?
( , Tue 28 Oct 2008, 0:41, Reply)

After a few hours, haha!
I sucked at the Sims.
The woman died in the swimming pool, the guy shit himself all the time, before dying in the swimming pool, and the baby got taken by social services.
Go me!
( , Tue 28 Oct 2008, 0:44, Reply)

Go you indeed!
Another mate used the Sims as a social experiment. Well, more of a way to try and predict her future I spose...
She based her Sims on herself and her fella and added me and my fella as neighbours... (actually, I used to do this too...) She was trying to make sense of her relationship and where it was going... and she got a bit upset when the chap in question showed more interest in the maid than he did in her...
In my household the girl played on the computer all the time, or occasionally painted a picture, while the guy did the tidying and washing up :D
( , Tue 28 Oct 2008, 1:07, Reply)

I just ended up killing the little people.
Like a kid with a magnifying glass and a box of ants.
It's rather therapeutic.
( , Tue 28 Oct 2008, 1:17, Reply)

want to play the Sims now!
Sadly I don't have it any more :(
Ooh I have it on the PS2!
Oh, but it's not the same... AND it's downstairs in the cold :(
*ends conversation with self*
*goes to see how Egypt is getting on instead and tries to figure out a way to feed people to the hippos*
( , Tue 28 Oct 2008, 1:27, Reply)

Farmland. And irrigate it :p
There are never enough hippos to go around!
( , Tue 28 Oct 2008, 1:33, Reply)

The farmers just go and build their fields on the floodplain. There's very little for me to do really, they just get on with it.
Putting the settlements as near the hippo nests (well what are they called then?) as possible ought to facilitate the feeding :)
( , Tue 28 Oct 2008, 1:47, Reply)

The technical term for where hippos lurk is a "wallow", regardless of if there's mud there or not.
Anyhow, I'm off to zombie-proof my room, then try to sleep.
G'night :)
( , Tue 28 Oct 2008, 1:59, Reply)

figured that out, if I had tried... :p
Gorillas or baboons or something make nests, don't they?
I'm going to play boggle, if zombies try to get me I shall thwart them with my superior word power. Possibly.
If you have sudden zombies in the night give me a shout, I'll come and help you trounce them with my bear hunting knife.
( , Tue 28 Oct 2008, 2:11, Reply)
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