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( , Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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Today I am going to Bass Day. I hope to return later with bleeding ears.
What are your plans today?

( , Sun 9 Nov 2008, 8:28, 99 replies, latest was 16 years ago)

rather shocked at myself. It's half past eight on a sunday and I'm awake.
This is the earliest I've woken up since I lost my job.
*is in a strange new world*
( , Sun 9 Nov 2008, 8:29, Reply)

I didn't go to bed until 4am. Why am I awake already? The horror, the horror.
This leads me to suggest that my answer to your question, Fuzzy, is not a great deal. But hey, lazy Sundays ftw.
( , Sun 9 Nov 2008, 8:56, Reply)

and was woken up at half seven by my mate's adorable two year old. I've had tea, and the sun is shining. Things are good.
Today will be chilling and brainstorming an idea I've had with two-year old's mum. And having a massive joint of pork cooked for me. I think I've landed.
*hands out tea and jammy dodgers*
( , Sun 9 Nov 2008, 9:01, Reply)

I'm being all family like today.
We are up at mother-in-law's and the rest of the family are coming over for Sunday dinner.
( , Sun 9 Nov 2008, 9:01, Reply)

And No3L, I really want an IRL jammy dodger now!
I have a deviant friend asleep on my sofa as I type. I think I might wake him up in a while and repair to the greasy spoon around the corner for a recovery feed :)
( , Sun 9 Nov 2008, 9:08, Reply)

Just having a cuppa, then a run to the dump with some of the mound of binbags lurking on my balcony, them meeting with the G/F and her daughter for brunch about 11.
After that, the plan is, there is no plan!
( , Sun 9 Nov 2008, 9:15, Reply)

Does my head feel weird. Faaaaaaaaar too much rum last night... well at least I got to play with fireworks. W00t!
( , Sun 9 Nov 2008, 10:54, Reply)

Today will be a general chilling out day and getting things done day. Hopefully, I'll catch up on my backlog of unanswered emails and gazzes. May also play some Unreal Tournament.
( , Sun 9 Nov 2008, 11:18, Reply)

I am looking to get a chest of drawers for my bedroom, and currently have:
A medium colour oak wardrobe,
A pine veneer bedside table,
A black metal framed bed,
A black faux-leather slobbing sofa thing (with matching dark pine table thing)
Any ideas on what colour I should go for to make it not look too out of place?
I'm thinking black frame with white drawer fronts?
( , Sun 9 Nov 2008, 12:02, Reply)

Nah, don't get something with white on it. You haven't got any white in there. Can't you find something oak coloured, similar to the wardrobe?
Ning, btw - *hugs*
( , Sun 9 Nov 2008, 12:10, Reply)

I was thinking on the same lines as clendrix. Wardrobes and chests of drawes serve similar purposes.
BTW. I'm making some toast, would anyone like some?
( , Sun 9 Nov 2008, 12:12, Reply)

I'm waiting for the big, scary b3tan currently asleep in my little house to wake up so I can go for breakfast. Yum!
How are you, my dear? Did your mini-bash with Edmund happen?
( , Sun 9 Nov 2008, 12:17, Reply)

The bash with Edmund didn't happen in the end. Instead, I went over to a freind's house and helped him out with some DIY. We then went off to watch Burn After Reading which we both enjoyed, and headed off for a pint before my last tube back.
And how are you lovely?
( , Sun 9 Nov 2008, 12:28, Reply)

I'm feeling a little delicate this morning so have planned a busy day of watching TV in bed!
( , Sun 9 Nov 2008, 12:30, Reply)

Today I am dead.
Peter Stringfellow was on MTV cribs earlier, the remote was broken and I was too hungover to get up and change the channel, so I just sat there weeping for 20minutes. It was so tragic.
Is everyone as delicate as I am this morning?
( , Sun 9 Nov 2008, 12:35, Reply)

* charges up inner glow *
* gives both of you a gentle hug *
I'm still making toast. Do either of you want a slice?
( , Sun 9 Nov 2008, 12:38, Reply)

I was in a shitty mood last night but this morning I have woken up in an awesome mood!!
And I had loads of fun attempting to get my hair to look as good as it did yesterday. :p
*dances around spreading hugs and glee*
( , Sun 9 Nov 2008, 12:43, Reply)

Clenny and Spak, thanks. I'll delve back into the seedy world of bedroom furniture googling.
( , Sun 9 Nov 2008, 12:46, Reply)

get these, I don't think they would go with anything so they should fit right in with your mishmash :p
drawers of wonder!
( , Sun 9 Nov 2008, 12:48, Reply)

@WL: Am feeling OK. Last night involved more film than beer.
It's amazing what a good night's sleep can do. For your mind, it was a beauty-sleep, but for your hair, a sort of reverse beauty-sleep.
( , Sun 9 Nov 2008, 12:48, Reply)

very true Spakka.
I hope I will hear something from one of the jobs I've applied to this week as well, everyone keep everything crossed!
( , Sun 9 Nov 2008, 12:57, Reply)

Oh god no....I'm blind. Heeeeeeeeelp meeeeeeeeeeeeee!
( , Sun 9 Nov 2008, 12:58, Reply)

Grey's Anatomy isn't a good thing to watch when you're feeling hungover, I feel even more ill now having seen spleens and things!
( , Sun 9 Nov 2008, 13:20, Reply)

I should really go and buy some brackets to fix my desk with but it's all rainy...
*looks to see if she can steal any from somewhere*
( , Sun 9 Nov 2008, 13:21, Reply)

I'm off to do some shopping now and get some things for my washing-machine. See you laters.
@TGB: Good luck with the jobhunt.
( , Sun 9 Nov 2008, 13:22, Reply)

I can see now! For some reason it is easier to put my contacts in in the bathroom mirror than any other in the house.
/useless info
( , Sun 9 Nov 2008, 14:09, Reply)

in other news I'm going to get up and go out for food now.
( , Sun 9 Nov 2008, 15:47, Reply)

And bought two shirts that I will wear......I think.
And Ghostbuster 2 is on the telly later. Woo!
( , Sun 9 Nov 2008, 17:27, Reply)

Top Gear is on later too*mini glees*
But it's Monday tomorrow and back to work *boos*
( , Sun 9 Nov 2008, 17:32, Reply)

Had a lovely weekend :D
And now I'm going to
( , Sun 9 Nov 2008, 17:34, Reply)

Loving the new haircut btw.
I saw the pic on an earlier thread.
( , Sun 9 Nov 2008, 17:37, Reply)

Fancied a bit of a change.
Hey Kaol *waves*
*realises we have already lost him to Fallout*
( , Sun 9 Nov 2008, 17:40, Reply)

Too many beautiful people enticing me out to play until the small hours.
I'm gonna be sitting here all night, watching you all.
( , Sun 9 Nov 2008, 17:42, Reply)

Just watching? *hides*
I won a tenner on the lottery and used it to treat myself to the more expensive but very yummy Camel blue smokes.
( , Sun 9 Nov 2008, 17:44, Reply)

Not with that lovely new haircut!
How are you doing? Had a nice weekend?
( , Sun 9 Nov 2008, 17:47, Reply)

I've been having crazy mood swings. I think it's stress related :(
And thanks, I have been reminded why I love short hair as it looks better windswept haha.
( , Sun 9 Nov 2008, 17:49, Reply)

However, I am extremely pleased to see your name on the list for the bash at the end of this month. This is good news indeed.
( , Sun 9 Nov 2008, 17:53, Reply)

I have to go and spending an evening with all the awesome London b3tans was something I just couldn't say no to!
( , Sun 9 Nov 2008, 17:57, Reply)

Howdy, Al! How are you doing on this rainy Sunday?
( , Sun 9 Nov 2008, 18:01, Reply)

Mrs Al, roast pork, ACDC - these are FTW and no mistake.
( , Sun 9 Nov 2008, 18:10, Reply)

I've just spent my afternoon and early evening watching a dance show. It was boring and my mind is now numb. I need to tidy my room but more urgently I need mental stimulation. Any suggestions?
( , Sun 9 Nov 2008, 18:12, Reply)

if you come do my wasing up and cleaning you will get super brownie points :p
( , Sun 9 Nov 2008, 18:14, Reply)

I was just checking if anything was on TV...
Does anyone know who the blonde woman in the picture at the top left of the page is? (If she even is a real woman) She looks like someone melted Anthea Turner's face on to hers.
It scares me a little bit :(
( , Sun 9 Nov 2008, 18:15, Reply)

Apparently, www.imdb.com/name/nm0002102/
It scares me too though *huggles Lusty*
( , Sun 9 Nov 2008, 18:18, Reply)

Thank you!
She looks like a normal person in that link...Sort of.
Maybe it's a bad picture? I can't help thinking she looks like she's an alien and is wearing her human disguise to get on TV.
*worries about aliens invading and dressing up as Anthea Turner*
( , Sun 9 Nov 2008, 18:23, Reply)

maybe she is looking for a part on Dr Who, as the strange plastic face person with no eyes.
{slight shudder}
( , Sun 9 Nov 2008, 18:24, Reply)

Is probably pictured as she is Michael's mum in Burn Notice.
It looks like I am off to Warsaw tomorrow, I'm not sure yet if it's just for the day or if I'm overnighting and coming back tuesday.
( , Sun 9 Nov 2008, 18:31, Reply)

I was speculating as to why she was pictured rather than identifying her :-)
( , Sun 9 Nov 2008, 18:46, Reply)

Not bad, a little tired but other than that ok. I just had some very nice sausage and mash so am now all good.
( , Sun 9 Nov 2008, 18:55, Reply)

I can get some more if anyone wants some though.
( , Sun 9 Nov 2008, 18:59, Reply)

/Dickson of Dock Green
How are we all today?
I'm just back from a whole day of taking pictures of football matches, and I'm very cold!
Tequila does not like me.
( , Sun 9 Nov 2008, 19:48, Reply)

After days and days of filthy, internet connection free existance I are back. Good weekend: Yesterday was stag do comprising of paintball, drinking, meal, more drinking & metal club. Today: Hangover, shit dinner, loafing and working on the insolent, motherfucker of a pc.
Have I missed owt and more importantly, is everyone well?
( , Sun 9 Nov 2008, 20:55, Reply)

Blimey, it's quiet on here tonight.
Hey Swan. Sounds like a good weekend. I'm in a state of tiredness from mine, but I bloody enjoyed it.
( , Sun 9 Nov 2008, 21:15, Reply)

I know what you mean, I'm glad I've got tomorrow off .... I'm fucked too.
( , Sun 9 Nov 2008, 21:24, Reply)

We've just been on an exciting mission to push my mates car as it has broken down and almost hit a goose!
( , Sun 9 Nov 2008, 21:24, Reply)

either a very slow moving goose or you lot push like possessed people.
( , Sun 9 Nov 2008, 21:38, Reply)

when we were driving back in a working car. We were pushing like possessed people though, it was cold and wet :(
( , Sun 9 Nov 2008, 21:38, Reply)

BGB's mention of a new hairstyle prompted me to investigate - I approve!
During my investigations I stumbled across your 2008 beard off badge which prompts me to ask - what the deuce?!
( , Sun 9 Nov 2008, 21:41, Reply)

Also I think this will answer your questions
( , Sun 9 Nov 2008, 21:43, Reply)

About 5 years ago my missus's car went through a cocking great puddle which conked out the engine so I had to get out and push while she steered.
I thought it was hard going but about a minute in to the whole debacle she shouted "Shall I take it out of gear?".
( , Sun 9 Nov 2008, 21:44, Reply)

When I had my shave I wouldn't have had my shave. There'd have been a lot more beard to go around thataway. Ah well.
( , Sun 9 Nov 2008, 21:49, Reply)

I would have sworn a lot...
^that works for both the car and beard!
( , Sun 9 Nov 2008, 21:49, Reply)

Although I'm sure I can win the prize for belt half-beard!
On unrelated news - Has anybody ever heard of a drink consisting of half a pint of guinness, half a pint of a coke and one (or two) shots of sailor jerry's rum? It's a gorgeous drink and I've been wondering if it has a name or whether my mate just made it up.
( , Sun 9 Nov 2008, 21:53, Reply)

After a day in the wind and rain it's just what I need.
V never heard of that combination of drinks, sounds like it would get you very drunk,, very quick.
( , Sun 9 Nov 2008, 21:59, Reply)

Because after one my stomach decides it doesn't like heavy drinks.
I've been as thick as two short ones. I've found the payslip I'd lost (hooray) but lost all the others (boo)
( , Sun 9 Nov 2008, 22:02, Reply)

Every now and then, but I don't like to drink a lot of them.
V I think my guts would try to kill me if I drank even one of those.
*snuggles up on the sofa with Badger*
( , Sun 9 Nov 2008, 22:08, Reply)

It's 'orrible. This fancy drink is good yummy stuff though.
I'm off to play mario kart. Laters folks.
( , Sun 9 Nov 2008, 22:08, Reply)

Yup it is, and cold and wet!
Like the new hair by the way. I'll be doing mine this week sometime.
( , Sun 9 Nov 2008, 22:14, Reply)

I recall you saying Dok that with every new pic of me you see you want to hug me more *glees*
( , Sun 9 Nov 2008, 22:18, Reply)

I am however going to love you and leave you though I'm afraid *hugs, snogs & gropes*
( , Sun 9 Nov 2008, 22:24, Reply)

Hmm...still quiet.
But hurrah, cos it's nearly bed time :)
( , Sun 9 Nov 2008, 22:28, Reply)

I'm pretty tired, but I'm OK, thank you! Had a superb weekend.
How are you? Animals all fed and happy?
( , Sun 9 Nov 2008, 22:34, Reply)

I'm great now thanks. I'm never drinking Tequila again though.
Standing in the cold and rain does wonders for a hangover though.
( , Sun 9 Nov 2008, 22:36, Reply)

I seem to be able to drink tequila without too much of a problem - although of course I do have my limits and I hate the rough stuff. I had some good, smooth tequila very recently.
( , Sun 9 Nov 2008, 22:37, Reply)

clear drinks that do bad things to me. I think I'll stay away from them in the future.
In fact I may cut down on my drinking all together, I'm begining to think I drink far too much on nights out!
( , Sun 9 Nov 2008, 22:40, Reply)

pick someone who doesn't drink quite as much and try drinking at his/her speed for an evening. Might work. Might be cheaper too! :)
You back to work tomorrow?
( , Sun 9 Nov 2008, 22:44, Reply)

and never again .... The results were spectacular and painfull.
I've managed to make my front room cosier than anything, candles, fire on full bore and teh kitteh coiled up.
( , Sun 9 Nov 2008, 22:45, Reply)

For my sins I'm back at work tomorrow. I think I'll try that idea, *think to self* who shall I choose?
Swanny, I wish I was warm.
( , Sun 9 Nov 2008, 22:52, Reply)

My innate miserliness has been overtaken by my desire to be toasty ..... When I was a poor urchin I used to coccoon myself in a duvet and huddle like a homeless.
( , Sun 9 Nov 2008, 22:56, Reply)

Swan - sounds lovely. I'm looking forward to being in bed and listening to the wind and rain outside.
Won't be so fecking happy to wake up to it though.
( , Sun 9 Nov 2008, 23:00, Reply)

I have done that on occasion, sometimes it's the best thing to do.
( , Sun 9 Nov 2008, 23:00, Reply)
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