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It's Saturday. So fucking what?
But at least there are kittums.

And coffee.

(, Sat 15 Nov 2008, 9:08, 59 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
Morning the Tulip
Are you well this fine morning? I presume you're in work bright and early today?
(, Sat 15 Nov 2008, 9:14, Reply)
early, but not bright
I am smothered in the dull patina of overwork and being screwed over by life.

Never mind.

how art thou, dearest Penguin?
(, Sat 15 Nov 2008, 9:36, Reply)
I'm not bad dear Tulip
Although I am getting ready to be screwed by Saturday essay writing. What fun it shall be. At least it's only 2000 words this time.

You working all day?
(, Sat 15 Nov 2008, 9:38, Reply)
I shall be here until 5 of the clock.

What essay must you write?

*wists for essay writing days*
(, Sat 15 Nov 2008, 9:39, Reply)
It is an essay about design methods
And the different methods that are used for concept development. It shall be mightily boring.

Oh, and I need to make a powerpoint as well that summarises everything I say in the essay. Good times.

(, Sat 15 Nov 2008, 9:45, Reply)
I must say
that sounds mighty clever/dull. good luck!

I have designed a new method of dealing with my in-tray, if that's of any interest.
(, Sat 15 Nov 2008, 9:47, Reply)
Does it involve ignoring it?
I found that to be a useful method of dealing with my to-do list quite often.

I'm also ignoring the fact that I should be up and working already rather than still sitting in my bed watching tv...
(, Sat 15 Nov 2008, 9:50, Reply)
No... I've done that for a while now and it's still there.

So because everything has reached critical "this must be done now!" point, I've decided that since I have the office to myself, I'm going to empty it onto the floor and then deal with it all in the order that it lands, starting with the bit that falls nearest to my chair and working out in a sort of radial sweep.

mmm. telly and bed. yum.
(, Sat 15 Nov 2008, 9:56, Reply)
That's quite the method, I have to say
Let me know how that one goes. I usually work on a basis of which one is due first. That one gets done, then I move on to the next one.

I think the morning is going to be a write off, work-wise....
(, Sat 15 Nov 2008, 9:59, Reply)
Ooh, you have no idea
How often that happens to me!

for example - on Wednesday, my first day in the office this week, I was determined to do millions of useful and clever things when I landed at 2pm. Instead I arrived to be told by my boss that I had to go to a staff meeting followed by a vision meeting followed by a programming meeting. And rescue some escaped helium balloons before attending all the meetings. And then run the show.

So yes, writing off work days is common.

Are you going to stay in bed and nom toasties this morning then?
(, Sat 15 Nov 2008, 10:04, Reply)
I love toasties so much. I shall be having some for lunch before work starts, but I'll need to go out and buy some bread first, as I finished it yesterday making toasties.

I hate days like that when you have things to do, but then get given annoying other things to do too.
(, Sat 15 Nov 2008, 10:53, Reply)
Just here for a bit. I'm going to meet my dad in Central London and go back to my flat. Was originally thinking about going to IKEA, but I've been told a trip to IKEA involves some sort of forward-planning so I decided not to go today.
(, Sat 15 Nov 2008, 11:07, Reply)
al! spak!
I'm still here, beavering away.

How are you both?
(, Sat 15 Nov 2008, 11:08, Reply)
I'm still here, putting off work
And shall be for another hour at least I imagine. Good stuff.

I do love Ikea, but I agree with al, it's awful at the weekend.
(, Sat 15 Nov 2008, 11:10, Reply)
Ikea on a Saturday
like hell, only flatpacked.

edit@al - erm, yeah, a bit. you offering?
(, Sat 15 Nov 2008, 11:11, Reply)
IKEA on a weekday evening
involves toomany busses to get there/back at a useful time.

I'm off now. Might be back in the evening.

@Tulip: Good luck with wrestling your in-tray.
EDIT: Looks like you'll have to wrestle Al too to un-steal yourself from him.
(, Sat 15 Nov 2008, 11:15, Reply)
*beams at al*
al, you're so naughty!

*enjoys being stolen*
(, Sat 15 Nov 2008, 11:17, Reply)
thanks al
enjoy your saussies, beans and Simming.
(, Sat 15 Nov 2008, 11:24, Reply)
Hello folks.
I still have a poorly toe so can't go to the gym this weekend which I'm not happy about. I have decided to get squiffy tonight and try out a new recipe, Indian chick pea soup.

Plus the folk singing neighbour is away this weekend so peace and quiet. *glees*

Edit - I got a email from Hat Loans Ltd asking if I wanted a loan. Are hats so expensive nowadays that you need to get a loan for one?
(, Sat 15 Nov 2008, 11:27, Reply)
so wrong
but so funny.

morning miss blouse. sorry to hear your toe is still poorly, but *glees* no singing neighbour! woo!

how's life in Toddy?
(, Sat 15 Nov 2008, 11:28, Reply)
I've just limped my way into Toddy centre for some Aloe vera gel and coriander seeds.
I went past some very white and scrawny yoofs who were chatting and then spent about 5 minutes doing some gangsta handshake before they departed. Made me giggle.
(, Sat 15 Nov 2008, 11:32, Reply)
Hat Loans!

Dear madam,

Please may we borrow your hat?

etc etc

Aloe Vera always makes me giggle. "Aloe Vera! how are you?" etc

I think I might have had too much coffee. Or not enough.
(, Sat 15 Nov 2008, 11:34, Reply)
Right I'm off to do some ironing and hooooooovering.
Have fun and I'll catch you later : )
(, Sat 15 Nov 2008, 11:37, Reply)
meant I have just sprayed my keyboard with crunchy nut cornflakes.

Yes I have only just got up :p

*giggles at xfactor joke*
(, Sat 15 Nov 2008, 12:07, Reply)
It's the bammar gradgar!

*cleans crunchy nut cornflakes*


how are you missy?
(, Sat 15 Nov 2008, 12:11, Reply)
*huggles back*

I am very well thank you, goign to meet Lab and possibly himjim and a couple of other people a bit later for a cheeky lunchtime pint!

How's you?
(, Sat 15 Nov 2008, 12:12, Reply)
oooh, that sounds lully!
give them all big snogs from me won't you!

and keep one for yourself. although I don't know how that would work.


I'm all right ta, am working today though *sads*
(, Sat 15 Nov 2008, 12:15, Reply)
Will do :)
My mum is coming round later to help me throw out some old clothes as I tend to go "I may wear that..." but she will be ruthless and tell me I look awful in it!

However she never answers her phone so I have been trying to get hold of her to call me before she leaves so I can be back in time but she won't, then she will get here and I won't be and she will angry phonecall me :( Maybe I should leave the backdoor key somewhere...


Work is rubbish *hugs* When you working till?
(, Sat 15 Nov 2008, 12:17, Reply)
how frustrating!
maybe you should leave the key somewhere safe and a cryptic note to tell her where it is.

*henchtulips for masterbadger*
(, Sat 15 Nov 2008, 12:26, Reply)
Hmm she isn't too good with
cryptic clues. Or straight up clues for that matter :p

She will phone me and I will tell her, I think that will be easier for all!

You can be my chief henchman!
(, Sat 15 Nov 2008, 12:37, Reply)
I'm about to go have a bath so that I'm sparkley and clean for my date.

(, Sat 15 Nov 2008, 12:38, Reply)
what date is this V? Hope it goes well :D
(, Sat 15 Nov 2008, 12:42, Reply)
One to credit match.com with
We are meeting at Old Street tube station at 15:00 and going to this.
(, Sat 15 Nov 2008, 12:45, Reply)
that exhibit looks awesome :)

Well good luck with it all and let us know how it went later :D

I am off now too byeeeee
(, Sat 15 Nov 2008, 12:47, Reply)
Will do

(, Sat 15 Nov 2008, 12:48, Reply)
fingers crossed Captain V!
I am happy to be your chief henchman miss badgerface!
(, Sat 15 Nov 2008, 12:57, Reply)
I bet you're all out having fun and giggling
aren't you?
(, Sat 15 Nov 2008, 14:09, Reply)
I'm not having fun
I'm trying to write this essay, but have no motivation. I think I might just do half of it today, then leave the rest of it until tomorrow, and get some of my main project work done, which is far more interesting.
(, Sat 15 Nov 2008, 14:26, Reply)
I've got a right fucker behind the eyes
I'm hungover like I rarely am. My system feels like it is shutting down.

After a few pints of stella and cider last night, myself and a mate went back to mine and drank some red wine.. the evidence this morning says four and a half bottles. So I possibly drank twice the recommended weekly limit in one night.. go me.
(, Sat 15 Nov 2008, 15:39, Reply)
fooking hell
quiet in here

*runs round naked screaming*
(, Sat 15 Nov 2008, 18:02, Reply)
It was such a good show I didn't want to say anything!

So did you have a good day of Saturn?
(, Sat 15 Nov 2008, 18:12, Reply)
Dok you perv
Yeah it was ok thanks. Only just got back in from my many shenanigans :)

How's your day been?
(, Sat 15 Nov 2008, 18:17, Reply)
You've guessed my secret!
Not a bad day, some shopping in the morning, and now I'm babysitting my sisters two kiddies!

But at least all the animals are fed and watered.

Many shenanigans? My what a fun day you seem to have had!
(, Sat 15 Nov 2008, 18:22, Reply)
*rolls in like a tumbleweed*
Date went well. Might arrange a second one, not sure though.
(, Sat 15 Nov 2008, 19:00, Reply)
Woo & Yay Captain
Nice one!
(, Sat 15 Nov 2008, 19:28, Reply)
All these B3tans having dates.
Smashes the preconception that geeks can't get laid.

Makes me feel all warm inside.

That might be the wine though.
(, Sat 15 Nov 2008, 19:35, Reply)
* butts in *
Geeks do get laid. It just takes a while.
(, Sat 15 Nov 2008, 19:49, Reply)
I'd been smashing that preconception for quite a while until a while ago when my sex life dried up. Bugger.
(, Sat 15 Nov 2008, 19:57, Reply)
Nings all!
Just a flying visit, I am running around like a thing that runs around at the moment.

I finished a whole week in my new job, hurrah!
I fixed my car!
I went and saw Appalachian Flatfooting last night!
I nearly had sexytiem with Ex Is Poo (who may now have to be renamed Ex Isn't Poo After All)!
I am going to see my bro's band tonight!
I am going to the sunday jam n pasta tomorrow!
I am having a mini-bash next week!

I've had too much caffeine!

(, Sat 15 Nov 2008, 20:02, Reply)
Evenin' Fuzzykins
@Captain V:
You never know what's on the road ahead. Keep the faith. Anyway, glad the date went well.

Yay for you! Looks like you're having one of those moments when everything turns out all right in the end. Is this minibash the one in Berkswell?
(, Sat 15 Nov 2008, 20:19, Reply)
Thanks Mista! *hugs*
I know this too, like everything, will pass... but while it lasts I am enjoying it :)

It's not that mini-bash, it's even mini-er than that. Just a b3tan who happens to be passing my house dropping by to say hi.

Right I really must fly now or I will be later than I already am.

Hope you all have lully nights *snogs*
(, Sat 15 Nov 2008, 20:27, Reply)
^ ^
Enjoy it while it lasts...

* leaps up and gives Fuzzy a flying hug *

* Lands with a warm glow *
(, Sat 15 Nov 2008, 20:32, Reply)
* butts out *
I'll be back...
(, Sat 15 Nov 2008, 20:46, Reply)
Would anyone appear to still be about this evening?

I nearly took the night off from doing work, but then didn't. Boo to essays.
(, Sat 15 Nov 2008, 21:55, Reply)
I'm knida about
Flitting in and out while I wait for the pub to enliven. How's the study going?
(, Sat 15 Nov 2008, 22:00, Reply)
Studies ain't bad
Only got 800 words off essay left to write tomorrow, and powerpoint to make up.

The guys upstairs playing guitar and bass, now they're bad. Real bad.

Are you at the pub for a bash, or with real people?
(, Sat 15 Nov 2008, 22:11, Reply)
Waiting for real people
Just an average Saturday night in my local, there'll be people along later but for mow it's just me and a few double Scotches!

Remember the powerpoint mantra, don't read the slide, bullet points only!

Nothing worse than DBP!
(, Sat 15 Nov 2008, 23:03, Reply)
I'm not sure what DBP is
But I'm going to put some nice tables in. Unlike a lecturer last year who used 4 fonts and 3 animated gifs in one slide.

It made my brain cry.
(, Sat 15 Nov 2008, 23:08, Reply)
Death By Powerpoint!

You've got the idea even not knowing the acronym, those people who make one of the below fuckups.

A - put everything they want to impart on the slide then just read what the projector says

B - the one who put 400 transitions in every slide

C - all of the above

The point of a presentation tool is to have the minimum info on screen in the simplest way that people can follow the presentation, a good presenter doesn't need fancy transitions to make their point and in fact knows that flashy graphics and so on in fact detract from the point trying to be made!

Sorry, misuse of powerpoint is a bugbear of mine.
(, Sat 15 Nov 2008, 23:24, Reply)

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