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It's Monday again already :(

(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 8:00, 332 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
Mr Nong
It's too cold to get out of bed.

I've had five hours sleep.

I have a 14 hour day ahead of me.

(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 8:04, Reply)
*cuddles fuzzy*
Just stay here with me instead! I'm a bit sleepy too.
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 8:05, Reply)
Tis cosy. I'm just going to rest my eyes for a minnnnnnnnn........
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 8:08, Reply)
I wanna stay in bed....
Stupid compulsory classes. We got an email about poor attendance last week. Why make it 9am on a Monday then?
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 8:13, Reply)
Oh noes!
I don't want you to be late for work fuzzy.
*wakes gently*
*brings cup of tes*

Hello PoD. Having to start at 9am would be a lie in for me!

Good weekend?
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 8:13, Reply)
It was a quiet weekend
Didn't really get up to much at all.

I realise it sounds like a bit of a late start, but I generally have to do work in the evenings until about 9, so I feel it makes up for it.

Sounds like you had a fun weekend. Recovered?
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 8:21, Reply)
Mornin' all
I don't have start and finish times in my job. I just com and go as I please, so long as I get the work done.

I always get here early though, as I'm that sort of person. I hate working late.
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 8:25, Reply)
Ahhhh I didn't realise you worked late.
I'm recovered from the weekend, just a little bit tired.
I had a really good time though. Mulled wine laced with rum and German markets FTW!
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 8:25, Reply)
Collegue phoned in sick...
.. So that means ill be doing the late even tho ive done the early 8am to 6pm grrr :( No happy! hehe.

MOOOORNING! Just 5 days to the weekend! woo hoo!
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 8:35, Reply)
I'm still shattered from the weekend, and I can't painlessly straighten my arms because of hitting the weights at the gym on Friday...

Only a few more days to get through before it's the London bash!
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 8:39, Reply)
It's a bit quiet here this morning.
I had a busy weekend, but I've recovered after a decent night's sleep. Which I'm very glad about!
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 8:46, Reply)
It's been a bit quiet
for ages around these parts. :(

Plus, I have actual work to do which is rubbish and keeps me away.

It seems like everyone's had a busy weekend! I spent most of mine in a drunken, wobbly haze which was lovely.
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 8:49, Reply)
Ah, it's no good
when there's nothing going on around your parts, Lusty!
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 8:51, Reply)
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 8:53, Reply)
Good morrow, Madam M
You've been an infrequent visitor to our HSH threads lately.

Must be a bugger having to work/study/whatever!
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 8:54, Reply)
Morning folks

It's bloody cold in here today. Not funs. I think I should probably do some work today seeing as I sat around doing sweet fuck all on friday.
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 8:54, Reply)
Work rocks
Do some work dude. It's awesome.
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 8:58, Reply)
Ello missus.

K2k6. Were you sitting there giggling to yourself as you typed that?

Morning Captain V :)
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 8:58, Reply)
It better
Bloody well warm up for the bash on Friday. I've a long walk from work to the train station ='[
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 9:04, Reply)
Mornin' bitches!
I think that I'm gonna finally have to cave in and buy a duvet.

My brother was gonna wake me up this morning, as I was giving him a lift to school.
He didn't, because "it was too cold" in my room.

I agree, I had issues buttoning up my shirt with shivering hands.

EDIT: I'll keep you warm on Friday, V :D
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 9:08, Reply)
I've never really felt the cold before
Until this winter. I used to walk around Austria (in the snow) in just jeans and a t-shirt and I felt fine. Now I'm cold in what isn't particularly cold weather and I'm wearing a jumper!

I think I'm getting old!

:edit: How rude of me. Thanks kaol. *looks forward to stabbing warmness*
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 9:13, Reply)
I know what you mean, V.
I hate hot weather, but now I'm moaning about the cold :|

To be fair, my room is North-facing, has no heating, and I've only got a thin-ish blanket on my bed. So it's a fairly valid reason for being cold.

But I'm at work, and I'm cold right now!
*shakes fist*
Well, my feet are, despite the army boots I'm wearing.
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 9:18, Reply)
Even though it's Monday
It's 4 days till bash tiem.

I feel like I've been in the ring fighting Ricky Hatton and Joe Calzaghe at the same time :(

(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 9:23, Reply)
I'd much rather be cold than hot
You can warm up by doing stuff. It's far too hard to cool down without becoming a vegetable on ice.

One of my theories about feeling cold is that if I'm outside and it's cold I'm normally ok but if I'm inside and it's colder than I'm expecting (even if it's warmer than outside) I feel bloody freezing.

The other one is that even if you like the cold a cold wind is bloody freezing. The weekend was quite pleasant other than the bitter wind.

Oh kaol. My room is south facing, above the kitchen, has the immersion heater in it and also has heating. It's the warmest room in the house =D
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 9:24, Reply)
It is rather cold out, although nice and crisp thankfully.

4.5 days until I leave for the bash!
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 9:24, Reply)
Mornin' Jim!
How was your trip?

V, you're right, when it's cold inside, it's all wrong, that's the problem!

Where is everyone?

EDIT: Woo, Lab! *waves*
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 9:27, Reply)
I'm here.
*hugs Kaol*

I'm just doing other things too.
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 9:32, Reply)
*hugs back*
Exciting other things?

I'm just sorting out my hours and expenses for the 32 hours of driving that I did last week :D
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 9:34, Reply)
I'm not working and replying to messages on match. After I'm done with that I'll be having elevenses and (maybe) getting on with some real work.
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 9:35, Reply)
That's an inter-web-dating-thing, isn't it?

Good luck with that :)

The best experience I've had with a match was the time I set that primary school on fire...
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 9:37, Reply)
Boring other things.
I can do more exciting things when the temp gets here at 10.
It's her last day today *sads*

I'm looking forward to hearing how her date went on Friday. Her parting words to me on Friday were. "I really need to get shagged, so if I'm smiling on Monday morning you'll know I got cock."

I heart her.
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 9:37, Reply)
Indeed it is kaol
And thanks =]

:edit: Lusty she sounds all of the awesome. You should bring her to the bash!
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 9:37, Reply)
She sounds fun!

Hi Kaol! *waves* Finished Fallout 3 yet?
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 9:40, Reply)
was top meeting you on Sat :D
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 9:43, Reply)
Hello himjim
you beardy lovely.
It was a pleasure to meet you on Saturday! How was the rest of your day? If you can remember much about it...
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 9:45, Reply)
Well Lusty,
If it didn't go well for her, I'm single at the moment :p

Lab... *twitches*
I'm gonna have to Gaz you now about Fallout...
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 9:45, Reply)
*runs in*
*snogs everyone*

I have an interview at Sainsburys tomorrow which is bad because it's at Sainsburys but good as it means money!

I am off to go do some work for ppd now!

*hugs everyone*
*rubs out*
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 9:46, Reply)
You took the thoughts right out of my head =p

:edit: TGB I read the last part of your post like a spaktard and thought you'd said *rubs one out*
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 9:46, Reply)
good. I made the sensible option of starting on the diet coke at about 11 pm so I wasn't in too bad a shape on Sunday.

Although I still feel rubbish :)
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 9:46, Reply)
One step ahead of you, V :p
*waves at TGB*
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 9:47, Reply)
Mine was phenomenal.

Had some friends over on friday, we just drank, listened to music, and talked until 4am saturday morning.

Saturday - Jumped on a bus to Leeds, to go to Damnation festival. Incredible, one of the best gig's I've ever been to. I even left with a few lasting reminders of how good it was - Fun!.

Sunday - Came back from Leeds, spent 4 hours tidying the house, then played on Super Mario 64 until 1am!

How about you?
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 9:48, Reply)
It looks like
Leeds was where all the cool kids were hanging out this weekend then.
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 9:50, Reply)
I dunno...
Leamington Spa was pretty rockin' too :p
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 9:51, Reply)
My ex went, mainly to see Carcass, and she said the festival was really badly organised! Three bands headlining, and playing at the same time, whilst everyone tried to see Carcass meaning 3 rooms worth of capacity were trying to fit into one room!

She runs a festival, so can spot when others make mistakes!

She loved Carcass though ;)
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 9:57, Reply)
I'm not surprised she enjoyed Carcass, they were incredible!

The organisation was pretty crap, they had a one way system, but kept stopping people from using it. Would have run much quicker without it!
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 9:58, Reply)
'Ning you lot!
How are you all today?

I have problems getting out of bed every morning! Maybe I should go to sleep at a reasonable hour and not between 2 and 3am when I have to get up at 6am!

*hugs for everybody*
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 10:09, Reply)
Morning Dok!
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 10:16, Reply)
Hey Dok!
Ah, coffee time, yay!
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 10:22, Reply)
I know what you mean dok
Oh it's 23:00 and I feel exhausted. I know I'll watch one flew over the cuckoo's nest...

Not quite a 2 - 3am bedtime but stupid anyway.

Great film though!
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 10:24, Reply)
Morning Lab & Kaol
Coffee! Yes please Kaol.

How was your weekend Lab?
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 10:24, Reply)
It was good thanks, had a bunch of friends up for a Thanksgiving meal, which basically meant the whole day was filled with fine food, lots of booze, and great company!

Sunday was spent feeling exhausted, and then playing WoW ;)

Did you get up to much?
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 10:28, Reply)
Captain V
Yup, it's a great film, I do the same, but I'm normally in bed at about midnight.

It's got to the point that I can't get to sleep without watching something.

Lab, nope, just my normal weekend crap, look after the animals, take picture of a football match, get wet, cold, pissed off, and play WoW for far too long!

Just like every weekend!
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 10:31, Reply)
Sod off!
It's MY coffee :p
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 10:32, Reply)
That's you on the naughty list now! For that I'll not be byuying you a beer on Friday*.

*Is not true
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 10:34, Reply)
Just remembered, took my pc 'round a friend's house on Friday for some LAN Left 4 Dead fun.

That game is pure AWESOME. Playing as the survivors is acee, but playing as the Infected is the most fun!
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 10:35, Reply)
Morning Chums!
Still a bit tired after a rather bloody good weekend, but I have coffee so all is well.

Everyone else had a good 'un?
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 10:37, Reply)
Hi Boss
Yay for the great weekend!

EDIT It looks like it's just us guys in here today. Come on B3ta Ladies, Make me wrong!
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 10:40, Reply)
*puts on dress*
*adopts high pitched voice*

I'll be your lady Dok!
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 10:42, Reply)
But Al
You have a beard, how can you be a lady?

EDIT Boss have you been watching Garth Marenghi's Darkplace?
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 10:42, Reply)
He got rid of the beard...
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 10:43, Reply)
Well BK
I didn't get to do any pillow biting but I did have a good weekend!

Now I'm counting down to the bash =D
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 10:43, Reply)
I am not currently
bearded. Due to not wishing to wear a handlebar moustache I chose to become clean shaven for a short while.

So I can be as ladylike as you want.
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 10:44, Reply)
@ Captain V
Lucky you, I was Lusty's bitch all weekend:S

Counting down too, I'm heading down Thursday evening so can have a nice tootle round London on Friday before the bash.
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 10:45, Reply)
Oh Gods
Your clean shaven? What has the world come too! The Handlebar moustache would have been awesome though!

*Does not want Al to be ladylike*
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 10:46, Reply)
Morning al and BK!
Someone ask us some deep, meaningful questions.

I would, but my brain is on work at the moment.
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 10:47, Reply)
Well I'm single, kaol has dibs on Lusty's temp if she didn't get dicked on Friday so why the hell not....Al get that dress on!
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 10:48, Reply)
What monstery-things would you like to see in future instalments of Kaol Black - Cryptozoological Special Investigator?
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 10:49, Reply)

Or Anteaters.
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 10:51, Reply)
I vote
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 10:52, Reply)
That's two resounding no's...
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 10:52, Reply)
I vote
Zombie Velociraptosauruses with lazers that shoot form their eyes.
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 10:53, Reply)
El Chupacabra, in South London. There are a lot of goats in South London!
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 10:53, Reply)
Ooo, I like Dok's suggestion!
How about wolverines? Marmots? Budgerigars?
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 10:54, Reply)
The temp got some.
She doesn't seem that happy about it. She had to do all of the work and he wouldn't leave in the morning.
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 10:55, Reply)
I vote
The Wendigo!
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 10:55, Reply)
Things on the "maybe list" at the moment are:
Ghost Bees
Alien Big Cats
Black Shuck-type-creature
And a "Tremors"-type beast known only as "The Sod".
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 10:56, Reply)
@ Lusty
Oh noes! Poor lass!

Did she kick him out in the end?
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 10:57, Reply)
Oooo OOoooo
Zombie Marmots! With Lasers!

I feel slightly sorry for the temp now.
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 10:58, Reply)
I've never managed to work out what's worse
Not getting any sex or disappointing sex.

When you're not getting any there is always a bit of excitement at the thought of getting some but you're not getting any. Can't think of any upsides to disappointing sex.
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 11:00, Reply)
Nongs Mongs
My feet have been cold since Friday.
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 11:01, Reply)
Hi Lusty
That sucks for your temp. Give her a *hug* from us!

Kaol, Ferrets with jetpacks and frikin' lasers on their head!

Hi Drixy and your poor cold feet!
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 11:02, Reply)
"upsides to disappointing sex"?
I guess if they're the same blood-type as you, you could drain 'em and put it on ice, in case of emergencies?
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 11:03, Reply)
It's not all bad!
She's just told me she ended up shagging her housemate on Saturday and apparently that was much more satisfying.
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 11:03, Reply)
The rest of me is always warm. Ridiculous.
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 11:04, Reply)
She got laid twice in one weekend. I don't even want to work out how long it's been for me.

(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 11:05, Reply)
Capt'n V
Three inches?
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 11:07, Reply)
Captain V
I know exactly how long it's been for me, but I still don't want any*.

*might be a lie, depending on how I'm feeling at the time.
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 11:10, Reply)
I would tell you to stick them "someplace", but that would be naughty.

Damn Kaol got here first!

I don't think about how long it's been for me, and I would love to get some!
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 11:10, Reply)
@ Lusty
Housemate sex is risky though as it can get awkward afterwards.

I slept with a housemate about 7 years ago and she went lesbian two weeks later.
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 11:11, Reply)
I'm far too bored today
I'm riding the F5 like a monkey on a dog.
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 11:11, Reply)
*hangs head*
I should have been more explicit.

:edit: About what I was saying rather than any other naughty thoughts you people might be having!
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 11:15, Reply)
I might just stick them on my radiator.

Kaol, if you're that bored, leave work for the day and come and take me out to lunch.
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 11:16, Reply)
He moved back home
to South Africa yesterday, so I don't think she has anything to worry about!

BK someone turned into a lesbian after being with you?

*looks for clendrix*
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 11:17, Reply)
Naughty thoughts are out bread and butter!

We wouldn't be here without them.
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 11:18, Reply)
I used to be so straight
and then there was Lusty!

/bends like a tree in the wind
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 11:18, Reply)
Ah, a nice goodbye then!
@ Lusty

She did, guess she thought she'd never get it as good again from a bloke so decided to go down the other route:P

Or I was so drunk/awful I drove her to the love that dare not speak its name

Obviously the first one.
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 11:19, Reply)
Awh, BK!
I'm sure it was the latter former :)

Clendrix, I'm afraid I can't take any time off this week, I'm leaving early tomorrow and Friday :p
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 11:21, Reply)
I take a phone call and when I come back Clendrix and lusty are busy scissoring.

*shakes head sadly*

*watches from behind the sofa*
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 11:23, Reply)
I love your delightfully formal response to my unrealistic suggestion.

You'll keep.

Al, I only did it cos I thought you were already there!
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 11:26, Reply)
If there was any chance of it working,
I'd be there so damn fast it'd blow the papers off your desk :p
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 11:27, Reply)
Stupid distance.

Edit: I have no papers on my desk as I am pathetically tidy.
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 11:28, Reply)
You only did it because you thought al was watching? :(

*cries lesbian tears*
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 11:28, Reply)
absolutely! If I'd thought Al wasn't there, I'd have gone all out and brought a cup.
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 11:30, Reply)
@ clenders
*mind boggles*
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 11:31, Reply)
You're in need of help. Any more naughtyness and I'll set Dave on you!
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 11:31, Reply)
I don't want to think of lusty being corrupted with your horrible cup like ways Clendrix. Stop it now, or you'll have to be punished.
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 11:34, Reply)
I think I went too far.

(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 11:35, Reply)
*grabs the minb bleach*
*pours into ears*


(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 11:37, Reply)
Good Morrow, one and all!
I trust this finds us all in rude health?

5 days to moving to go... So much to do, so much to pay for... Argh!
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 11:38, Reply)
Hey DiT
I am just rude today, not sure about the health.

You stressing a bit then?
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 11:41, Reply)
Hmm, the conversation seems to be about teh sex.

Nothing new there then.
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 11:43, Reply)
Hi DiT
You busy then?

Hi K2, how's life Up North?
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 11:45, Reply)
Hello Dr Minge
Life here is a tad busy today. I've just taken a few minutes b3ta time off being in the lab.

And the snow's gone too. Pish.

Even though I don't like the cold much, I do like snow.
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 11:48, Reply)
Slightly stressed, yeah...
But dealing with it, you know? I've bought a Washing Machine, and am now trying to decide what I need most - a sofa, or a new bedroom?

Bloody unfurnished flats!

And I might be *scary music* without the internet!!
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 11:51, Reply)
Ningles all
How's the hard life of work for everyone today? I've just changed back into my PJ's after a busy morning of being productive and getting stuff done. Now I'm ready for a nap and more decorating later.

*smugs as has a week off*
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 11:55, Reply)
*cuddles pyjama clad becky*
@ Clendrix. Cup? Have I missed something?

(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 11:57, Reply)
Not fair!
Becky's at home in her pyjamas!


Lusty, I have no idea what all the fuss was about. What's wrong with a cup of tea after a spot of slap and tickle?
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 11:58, Reply)
It's ok
I'm at work in the clothes I slept in :(

Laundry doesn't dry when it's cold and raining.
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 11:58, Reply)
Hello Becky!
I am envious of your week off, I could do with one right about now!

Looking forward to Friday?
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 11:58, Reply)
It's the lovely Labs.

Kaol, really?
*offers Trampini*
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 12:00, Reply)
Hi Becky
I wish I was at home in my PJs, I've got a cold!


*climbs into bed to warm up*
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 12:00, Reply)
I would say that you can cope with watching the telly on two old boxes, but sleep is the most important thing, especially when you are stressed at having just moved house. I would go with the bed as the most important thing. Then you can get a sofa in the sales and pay for it over the next year or so.
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 12:03, Reply)
My bed, fuck off
in the nicest way possible of course. Yup, fleecy PJs for the win as it's fucking cold outside and I only have an electric heater.

Very much looking forward to Friday and as an added bonus, I'll be allowing myself to smoke as I figure it would be pointless to not. On the patches at present and they're working pretty well so long as I stay occupied.

Edit: I'd go for bed stuff as sleep is important
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 12:03, Reply)
Good call, al.
But I'm a bit worried about your insistence that I get a bed... I'm going to double lock the doors tonight.

Oh, and Hullo Becks! Nice to see you! :)
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 12:05, Reply)
*waves at Clendrix*

Becky, I'm looking forward to Friday, I get to meet lovely people both new and old!
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 12:06, Reply)
Hey becks
I suspect that, as at the last one, there will be more folk stood outside on the ciggies than there will be in the pub.
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 12:06, Reply)
My vote is for bed.
But make sure you've got a duvet and heating.
Or you'll end up sitting on the side of your bed, fully dressed at 2 in the morning, and pass out, shivering...

Oh... Just me?

On the plus side, it's nearly lunchtime!
And I've got a band practice tonight, which will be lots of fun :D
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 12:07, Reply)
Becky, not your bed!
Another one!

EDIT DiT I also suggest a bed. Bed is good, and multi functional!
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 12:07, Reply)
afternoon folks
how are we all?

I've got a 4-5 hour drive to Peterboring ahead of me today :-/
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 12:09, Reply)
Hi Vipros
Peterboring lol, I like that one.
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 12:10, Reply)
Come see me on the way!
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 12:10, Reply)
leaps on DiT

I suspect that you are right BK, so the only way I'm going to get to see everyone is if I pollute my lungs for one night only.
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 12:13, Reply)
I did think about trying to quit this week, but then thought of the bash, and work's a bit stressful so I'll leave it.

Obviously, I'm just grabbing any excuse not to have to exercise willpower.
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 12:16, Reply)
I think we should all not smoke on Friday to help Becky out.

(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 12:17, Reply)
I've been attacked by a Becky!

*secretly enjoys*

Five sleeps to go until new flat - so it's decided - a bed it is!
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 12:17, Reply)
You can, but I'll not be joining you in not smoking.

I can however keep out of Beckys sight when I am, unless nobody else is!
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 12:20, Reply)
I wonder
Am I one of the few, or indeed only non-smoking B3ta going to the bash?
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 12:20, Reply)
Special K
I'm not going to be on my own, otherwise it'd be tempting!

I've managed to avoid going to our head office in the 3 years and 9 months I've worked here, I'm actually quite disappointed that I'm having to go today!
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 12:21, Reply)
It's ok, you can stay in the warm with Duck, Spak and... Er... Yeah, that's it :p

EDIT: Vipros, that's a shame! Hope it's not too bad a trip, if you're with someone from work...
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 12:21, Reply)
I don't mind coming out with folk to smoke, enables you to continue a conversation!

Plus, didn't you get rubberduck started? ;)
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 12:26, Reply)
with 3 people actually
and they are some of the reasonable ones, so shouldn't be too bad

what we are going up for will be ok too
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 12:27, Reply)
Well I know that some of you don't smoke
and I want to see you too, besides it's bound to be warmer inside, so we'll have to go in at some point right? ,)
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 12:27, Reply)
That was for one night only :p

Mr. V, I'm assuming that it's not a random employee drug test then? Hahaha!
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 12:29, Reply)
And me kaol
I don't smoke those little white death sticks.
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 12:31, Reply)
Good for you V!
Smoking might make you look cool, but it's bad.
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 12:32, Reply)
My first week off in like.....FOREVER..

Downloading tunes, drinking copious amounts of tea (it tastes better in the comfort of my own home), playing Football manager and I'm going to take a half hour shower in a wee bit.

*feels smug*
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 12:33, Reply)
my company is dutch, they don't go in for drug tests!
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 12:33, Reply)
*punches TDW in the face*
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 12:34, Reply)
It's OK Kaol
TDW's hot water will run out in less than half an hour. Unless he's got a combi boiler or electric shower, in which case his bills will be high!
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 12:36, Reply)
All these people with the week off
make me feel jealous! :(

*does a happy dance to make the day go faster*
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 12:37, Reply)
Scottish joke alert
Two cows in a field. Which one's on holiday?

The one with the wee calf.
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 12:38, Reply)
K2, I've not heard that one in years.
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 12:41, Reply)
That's terrible.
*accidentally laughs*

Edit: The Scots have scared everyone off with their terrible humour.
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 12:47, Reply)
I'm still here!
I would cheer and dance, but my muscles hate me for inflicting the gym on them.
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 12:54, Reply)
Blast those Scots!
With their shortbread and Scottish mist!
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 12:55, Reply)
*comes back*
I'm bored of being at work and feeling rather alone today. I must do lots of productive things this evening to help make this feeling go away.
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 12:56, Reply)
*hugs V*

(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 12:57, Reply)
*hugs back*
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 12:57, Reply)
'noon all!
I am looking forward to seeing you lovely peoples on Friday, but a little worried that I will travel down all the way from Sheffield and then not recognise anyone.

What will anyone be doing to make themselves recognisable?
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 12:58, Reply)
*hugs V 'til his eyes bulge*
It's ok, lil' man, it's lunchtime now!

Smoooooooking time, yay!
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 12:59, Reply)
Hi Misspiggy!
Well, I have a mohawk...
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 13:00, Reply)
I'll look something like this.

Hopefully I wont be too hard to spot!

@Kaol Man hugs own. They should happen more often in a totally not gay way.

:edit: The more I look at that photo the more I think there's a good reason I'm single!
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 13:02, Reply)
I'm pretty easy to recognise.

I'll likely be wearing a black trenchcoat, white shirt and black tie.
Plus I'm 6'3.
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 13:02, Reply)
Hi Lab
That should be pretty recognisable I guess!
I'll look for you then.
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 13:02, Reply)
Hi Cap'n
How long can you stay like that?
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 13:03, Reply)
Somebody else has watched Garth Marenghi's Darkplace recently! Haven't you?

Misspiggy, I'll be the one with purple hair!

Have a look on my profile there's a piccy of me, pre-purple.

Also we'll be the bunch of loons talking crap!
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 13:04, Reply)
Hi Kaol
6'3'' you say.......hm.....
(likes tall)......
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 13:04, Reply)
As long as needed
Although I might end up having a seizure after a while.
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 13:05, Reply)
@ Lusty
That's the thing about Scotland.

"In many ways it's still a third-world country."

/Dean Learner
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 13:05, Reply)
Yep :D
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 13:05, Reply)
Stop leading misspiggy on. You may be 6'3" in your heels, but they're fucking big heels.
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 13:09, Reply)
More to point
of this conversation, is what does miss piggy look like?
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 13:10, Reply)
I laughed so hard at that episode I nearly fell off my chair.
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 13:10, Reply)
@ Lusty
I've never seen you laugh so hard at anything.
That is the best episode though.
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 13:12, Reply)
So did I Lusty
It's fantdabydozi!

Yeah, what do you look like Miss Piggy?

EDIT I just remembered the Bagpipes creature and officeloled rather loudly!
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 13:13, Reply)
I spent all day yesterday shouting "Ye huv shown greet courage n dugnateah" in Bk's face.
He loved it.

I'm thinking about getting subtitles for him for when he talks.
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 13:16, Reply)
@ Herr Dok
That's fucking funny too!

Sanchez: My Aunt lives in Scotland. She says it's quite nice.
Dagless: Well Sanch, she's wrong.

*edit* Lusty!
You know I haven't got that much of a Scottish accent now.

(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 13:16, Reply)
Would the pair of you
stop it now, I'm almost in tears!

I got the DVD signed when it came out, that night was brilliant, so many fans, so little time, far too much laughing!

EDIT Boss I didn't even hear a Scots accent when I met you!
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 13:19, Reply)
I've no idea what's going on
But I'm laughing anyway.

@Dok I've still not watched that one show with your friend dressed as a Tauren yet. Should really do that soon.
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 13:20, Reply)
I know, but I still have problems hearing what you're saying most of the time. Your mouth is always full of Yorkshire pudding and the children with rickets can be very distracting.
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 13:23, Reply)
@ Dok
It's been buried under excessive Yorkshire now.

I tend to say 'How do' a lot and call other men 'love'.
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 13:23, Reply)
*sprints in*
afternoon all!

Did we all have fabulous weekends involving lots of horizontal integration and fermented fruit juice?

Did anyone else find a fiver?

Did anyone else make bread AND love?

*bounces up and down*
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 13:24, Reply)
*Scot returns*
Ach, whit's aa this haverin?

Ah, well, to reinforce the Caledonian stereotype of myself, I am very pleased today, as I've just bought a small suitcase. My old one broke and my repair attempts yesterday failed. Why am I so pleased?

Well, I got it in TK Maxx, and it had an RRP of £120. Now, I know this is grossly inflated, but they'd marked it down 4 times, and so I paid only £10 for it.

Up yours, Mr Alistair Darling. My consumer spending shall remain as low as possible for the foreseeable future!

@HLT - no to all of the above :(
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 13:26, Reply)
@ tulip

I'm guessing you did all of the those:D
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 13:26, Reply)
*bounces in*
Afternoon all!

HLT: Substitute cake for bread and you're there.
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 13:27, Reply)
Hello! *hugs*

Didn't make love, nor bread, but I did help make pumpkin pie!

Well, my housemates said I'd be a greater help if I occupied myself elsewhere, as making wisecracks and constantly putting random objects into the mixing bowls wasn't being helpful.
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 13:28, Reply)
Fucking hell
I wake up and it's a Scotch invasion in here.
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 13:28, Reply)
*inspects fingernails nonchalantly*

Might have.
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 13:29, Reply)

Well, if your bouncing anyway.....

*slides beneath tulip*

I didn't make any bread this weekend. But I did get headbutted and punched a bit and thrown over a fence by a crowd of strangers.
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 13:29, Reply)
Calling other men love
Doesn't seem a very northern thing to do to me.

*is confused*
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 13:29, Reply)
It may not be there any more, but her picture is on the Blizzard website. Find Garth Marenghi's Darkplace on DVD, buy it, watch it, laugh your arse off!

Didn't notice that either Boss. God my ear for accents is crap, I can't hear them!

Hi Shimmies-in-Pants *AWESOME HUGS* How are you today?
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 13:29, Reply)
hoots mon its Becky!
*paints face blue*
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 13:29, Reply)
Two can play at that game
*paints arse blue*
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 13:31, Reply)
Ach, watch this...
*pulls down pants to reveal naturally blue arse*

(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 13:32, Reply)
That's not an arse......

(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 13:32, Reply)
Yes the Scots are invading, we will rule you tiny little country with and iron...whatever comes to hand!

Al that colour isn't fetching on you.

*goes skyclad*

Ye may tak oor land. But ye'll ne'er tak oor freedum!
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 13:33, Reply)
... it's a space station!
sorry k2k6

al, what are you doing under - oh never mind, carry on...
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 13:34, Reply)
It's too big to be a space station, maybe a small moon!
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 13:35, Reply)
Well in that case

*docks with loading bay*
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 13:35, Reply)
are you lot trying to say about my rear end?

(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 13:36, Reply)
Al you are a very bad man, you know that don't you!
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 13:36, Reply)
He is, isn't he
But we lurve him!

Hello dok, I almost missed the awesome hugs up there *hugs back*

how's you?
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 13:37, Reply)
Is it wrong of me
To be imagining Al in a very revealing, and very sexy, spaceman outfit?
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 13:38, Reply)

*feels the tulip lurve*

How is the tulip today?
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 13:38, Reply)
Captain V
That's not wrong at all.
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 13:38, Reply)
You may all love Al
But I don't now.

*winces because of loading dock violation*
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 13:39, Reply)
Captain V
It is never wrong to think of me like that.
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 13:39, Reply)
Captain V
It's not necessarily wrong, but probably not right either ;)
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 13:40, Reply)
It's that time of day again
I must go and work.

*walks off uncomfortably*
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 13:41, Reply)
@ V
I think it's more a Leeds thing. I found it a bit disconcerting at first.
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 13:41, Reply)
you're just saying that because you haven't met me yet. On Friday you will appreciate just how right the captain is.
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 13:42, Reply)
Good today, feeling a bit better, and I'm all tingly think about Friday.

OOOOOooooooo it's getting closer.

No Captain, just keep that thought to yourself.

Ha, Al as Barbarella, pass the mindbleach please!
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 13:42, Reply)
I happen to think
al is a rather handsome chap. If he was to dress up in a rather revealing space suit for me, I would not complain at all.
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 13:43, Reply)
am tops ta al!
all the better for having you underneath me though
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 13:44, Reply)
If you turn up dresses as a spaceman* on Friday I'll buy you all your drinks all night long.

*a sexy spaceman in a shiny silver thong
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 13:44, Reply)
I just found out where my friends are taking me tonight...

Eddie Izzard at The Shaftsbury :)

*buggers off decorating again*
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 13:46, Reply)
*has remembered the discussion of dok in a mankini*

*reaches for mind bleach*
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 13:48, Reply)
Damn you becky!
That's so unfair, I love teh Izzard. He is great.

I hope you really enjoy it.


Captain, you should beware about making such statements, I might just take you up on that offer.
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 13:48, Reply)
Oh dear...
I think I was responsible for the 'Dok in a mankini' comment.
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 13:50, Reply)
Damn you Captain
Damn you to Hull!

I didn't need to be reminded of that!

EDIT And you too Drixy.

unless you wanta private showing that is. *hopes*
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 13:50, Reply)
I think
the Doks mankini will go very well along with my silver space thong.
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 13:52, Reply)
Oh Dok,
I would except that I seem to have accidentally stabbed my eyes out with my pencil.
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 13:54, Reply)
Well I'm back
Back in black brown and grey.

You can all stop missing me :p
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 13:54, Reply)
*thinks of mankinis, then bokes*
Pass the mind bleach please!
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 13:54, Reply)
*stops missing Kaol*

Phew, that's better. Now I can concentrate on more important things. Like a bouncing tulip and her tiny pink shorts.

Oh dear, the shorts seem to have vanished.
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 13:56, Reply)
I genuinely hope you take me up on the offer. The idea of you in nothing but boots, a silver thong and an astronauts helmet in the middle of a pub makes me chuckle without it evening happening!
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 13:56, Reply)
You can have it if you want, I'm sure it would look good on you.

Drixy ;) you know you want too!

Welome back Kaol.

There you go Lab you can use mine!
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 13:57, Reply)
they haven't vanished al
that's just hearsay.

they are real and you know it.
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 13:58, Reply)
They must be invisible then ;)
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 13:59, Reply)
By 'use mine' I hope you mean mind bleach, not mankini!
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 13:59, Reply)
No, he means his unwashed mankini.
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 14:00, Reply)
Afternoon minions
Had a fun-tastic group meeting this morning. Lots of disagreements and pretty much no idea what we're meant to be doing for our main presentation in two weeks time. It was some good stuff.

Anyway, are we all well here? Anyone fancy going to my classes this afternoon for me?
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 14:00, Reply)
I mean my mind bleach!
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 14:04, Reply)
Hi PoD!
That depends, what classes are they?
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 14:04, Reply)
I have heard proof
of the existence of the shorts in general, I'm just commenting that they seem to be missing right at this moment.
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 14:04, Reply)
Oh dear god
While I love you all, the idea of any of you in a Mankini is enough to make the eyes water. Stop or I'll have to insist upon eye bleach.

Oh dear god, I just opened my post for today and it would appear that my mobile bill for this month is a princely £0.11. I'm so used to getting bills with many zero's on the end that I'm not really sure how this is possible.
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 14:05, Reply)
I'll go to your classes!

Be fully aware that your notes will consist of drawings of burning planes, little coffins and some kind of shadowy monster.
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 14:06, Reply)
A class on quality management, Lab
Any takers? No? Don't blame you really. Might just take my laptop and do other work during the lecture. That sounds like a good plan actually.

Hey Becky. I wouldn't complain about small bills. Small = good in this case.

Sounds good to me Kaol. I generally draw all over the page instead of making notes anyway. That, or playing flash games.
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 14:07, Reply)
Are you saying hell no because despite your protests to the contrary you secretly love wearing your mankini and prance about in it at home?
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 14:08, Reply)
Yeah, I would go to your classes, but I really don't want to.

Maybe because Quality Management reminds me of one of the middle-managers here. Who I hate and want to exsanguinate.
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 14:09, Reply)
He's wearing at work under his clothes!
I bet!
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 14:09, Reply)
Ten points for use of "exsanguinate".
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 14:11, Reply)
Drixy & Captain
No. No, and NO again!

Damn the two of you to Hull!

Just wait, I'll get you all, you and your little dog Toto too!

/Wicked Witch.

PoD Evagination is much better than exsanguination BTW.
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 14:13, Reply)
Not complaining in the slightest PoD
Just a bit puzzled as the bills are usually so much higher.

I'd go to your lecture, only I have much to do here and I have a general hatred for all forms of management.

Ooh, the sky's gone a delicious shade of Purple now.
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 14:14, Reply)
Excellent use of words indeed
I dislike the class because it's dull. I had to choose 3 electives from a choice of 4, and 2 of them were rubbish. A fairly poor choice really I feel.
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 14:15, Reply)
al, if the shorts are missing, then why are you complaining?
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 14:15, Reply)
You're making me laugh a lot today. Fortunately I've managed to avoid spitting my water all over my PC...for now.

@Dok You'll get us by burning our eyes with the sight of you in your mankini?
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 14:15, Reply)
You don't like me Captain.

All this talk is making me want to boak!

*plots revenge*
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 14:20, Reply)
Clendrix is on particularly fantastic form today :D
In other news, I think it's time for 'em to turn the heating on here.
I just went for a piss and nearly choked on a steamy cloud.
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 14:21, Reply)
I wasn't complaining!

Goodness me no, I wasn't complaining, I was merely commenting. I'm quite happy to a de-shorted tulip bouncing on me.

I'm listening to a most excellent bit of RAWK at the moment, if anyone has access to either the internet, or a great CD collection can I recommend that you all listen to Track 5 of The Inner Sanctum by Saxon. It's called "I've got to Rock (to stay alive)", which combines two of my favourite things to have in song titles, namely the word Rock and a set of brackets.
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 14:22, Reply)
I like you lots Dok
You look particularly fetching in your luminous pink mankini too!

*is not looking forward to the revenge of the sith mankini
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 14:26, Reply)
I semi-killed the thread with my steam, hahaha!

I've got a band practice tonight, I'm most happy about that :D
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 14:32, Reply)
Ha Now I'll have to make 2 trilogies!
Episode I : The Phantom Mankini
Episode II : Mankini of the Clones
Episode III : Revenge of the Mankini
Episode IV : A New Mankini
Episode V : The Mankini Strikes Back
Episode VI : Return of the Mankini
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 14:34, Reply)
I hate you Dok,
I can't believe I laughed at that :(
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 14:35, Reply)
Dok I heart you
I'd thought of posting that but expected a lynching. See, you love the mankini really!
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 14:39, Reply)
I made Teh Funneh

Captain, I still am!

EDIT It's still better that the B3tamovie that has spawned in my head!
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 14:41, Reply)
I think we should organise a bash
To film the two trilogies.

The phantom mankini would have to have a nude scene in it somewhere...
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 14:46, Reply)
The phanton mankini
surely refers to hungry arse syndrome?
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 14:49, Reply)
That would involve me writing them!
And that may take a while.

How long would you like them to be?

EDIT That's why it would need a nude scene!
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 14:49, Reply)
I reckon
That each episode could be condensed into a couple of minutes.
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 14:52, Reply)
Ah jeez!
All I can think of is Borat's Sexydrownwatch on the DVD extras.


Azamat in a mankini!

(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 14:53, Reply)
I think
that even that is too long.

To be honest, given the subject matter, I would prefer each episode to be no longer than 30 seconds. Including the credits.
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 14:53, Reply)
Do you really dislike star wars that much?

What sort of an interweb using geek are you?
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 14:54, Reply)
It's not
the star wars I don't like. It's the presence of the mankini.
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 14:56, Reply)
Really? REALLY?
*is shocked*
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 14:57, Reply)
I say I don't like it, it's more that I don't think it should be on display for more than 30 seconds per episode.
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 14:59, Reply)
You could wear it if you wanted. I sure as hell won't.

*Scans the B3tans for casting purposes.*
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 14:59, Reply)
Don't look at me like that
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 15:00, Reply)
You'd have to be Vader. It would mean you'd not have to wear the mankini!
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 15:02, Reply)
What a great thread to catch up on post-lunch.
You lot are fucking mental funny.
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 15:04, Reply)
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 15:04, Reply)
Which one of the characters would wear the mankini?
I suppose it would change from episode to episode to fit in with the titles so in episode III surely Vadar would wear a mankini?
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 15:05, Reply)
And Drixy
You can play Padme.

EDIT NOt Vader, before the armour yes, but afterward, never!
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 15:05, Reply)
I think either grandmasterfluffles or empress Bob should be in the mankini.

If you've met them, you'll understand.
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 15:05, Reply)
Yes I know just what you mean!

You are naughty, but I like you.
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 15:06, Reply)
*googles Padme*
Yeah, alright then.
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 15:10, Reply)
*giggles coquetishly*
Oh Dok!

*hits Dok with fan*

*inspects unconscious body*

Hmmmmm, I'm thinking that the Victorians didn't use ceiling fans to do that.
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 15:11, Reply)
Can play Han Solo, or Luke.

But I'm not sure on the rest!


*falls down unconscious*
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 15:12, Reply)
can be Hans Solo because he's ace at sarcasm.

Edit: Have just discovered that Padme is a fan of democracy, so that's no good for me.
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 15:13, Reply)
you prefer just being told what to do eh?

*wiggles eyebrows*

*thrusts crotch*
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 15:17, Reply)
I'm short
But not short enough to be R2D2 or yoda. Can't think of anybody I want to play that wouldn't result in something stupid* like a 5'6" Darth Vadar...

*cause Mankini Wars isn't a stupid enough idea
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 15:17, Reply)
You can be Palpatine/The Emperor.
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 15:18, Reply)
Aren't you a little short for a Storm Trooper?


I'm bored of this subject now...
*wanders off*
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 15:18, Reply)
Put that crotch away.

I think I'm just going to be me, striding around the set saying things like, 'What the fuck's going on?' and, 'Jesus, it's like a nerd bomb went off in here,' etc.
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 15:19, Reply)
But where
would you like me to put it?

Sorry, these lines are just bordering on teh tragic now. I'm scared that my lack of beard has led to a decline in the standard of conversation here.
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 15:20, Reply)
Let's stop with the Mankini Wars for the moment, shall we.

What other B3tafilms could we do?

I've all of the shooting scripts to Star Wars, I knew they would come in handy at some point!
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 15:20, Reply)
Can I be Boba Fett please?

*jetpacks all over the place, flaming random objects/people*
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 15:21, Reply)
*runs in*
raaarrrr who's mised me?!?
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 15:21, Reply)
A little bit...
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 15:22, Reply)
You have missed me lots and lots :p
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 15:23, Reply)
Hallo Badger!!

Have you been working for PPD then?
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 15:23, Reply)
I'm still here!
I'm on a late lunch and she said I was allowed a bit if b3ta time. She is a kind and awesome boss :p
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 15:24, Reply)
Hi Badger

*thinks of role for Badger*

How's work?

Yes you have been missed, we need a bit of sanity in here sometimes.
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 15:26, Reply)
Yes, yes,
I'm back.

Did I happen to mention that I'm a classically trained actor? I would like to put myself up for the part of Ben Kenobi.
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 15:27, Reply)
In that case, can you give PPD a hug from me, and then ask her to give you a hug from me?

Sorted :D
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 15:28, Reply)
If we're relying on her
For sanity, well...
We're fucked :p
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 15:29, Reply)
hehe I love Mondays
as I can read everyones sigs and then say "mon" in a Jamican accent afterwards. It;s the simple things.

*hugs lab and dok*
It's nice being busy at work again! I have my sainsburys interview tomorrow now. Working 5am - 10am then coming here may kill me though :p

Lab I will go hug her now

*dances about*
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 15:29, Reply)
DiT I forgot that tha's what you are!
Training wise,

Can you do old then?

Cool another role sorted!

No *cries Badger! Have an

(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 15:31, Reply)
Herr Dok
I do believe you have not confirmed my role as Boba Fett...

*points flamer at Dok*

No rush...
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 15:34, Reply)
Oh, I do hope Tightly
turns out to be some outrageous old ham.
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 15:35, Reply)
Sorry I missed that, you can be Fett.

Would you not like a larger role as well though?


The casting is going to be funny!
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 15:38, Reply)
Hmm... I could play Darth Maul in the first film!
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 15:40, Reply)
I'll just change the horns for a mo.
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 15:42, Reply)
No need Dok
I have the horns anyway :)

I'm serious.

They're stick on latex ones

Edit: Woohoo! I've killed the thread!
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 15:44, Reply)
Outrageous old ham?
Me? Never!

I can do old, but I was thinking of a re-imagining of the part. Basically making him young, thrusting and handsome.

We'll need CGI for the handsome bit, obviously.
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 15:52, Reply)
What a shame!
I like ham.
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 15:55, Reply)
I got distracted sorry.

So where were we?
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 16:02, Reply)
I have been known to be hammy in the past, but not any more.

That's mainly because despite years of training I lack the bravery to get out there and do it, and so I have not been on the stage/set for well over three years.

But I'm primed for my big B3ta-wars comeback!
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 16:07, Reply)
I should be Luke Skywalker...

The role fits me perfectly...young, good looking, athletic, talented...destined for greatness...


What?...Oh alright then - Jabba the Hutt it is then.
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 16:12, Reply)
Only if you want to be Pooflake
Damn this casting isn't easy!

EDIT And I'm spent!

I'm away home to do my shopping, I'll catch you folks later!
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 16:18, Reply)
Rumours that George Lucas came up with the idea of Jabba after meeting me...

Are greatly exaggerated.

Besides, I was slimmer in 1983.

because I was 9 years old

I could always be a Gammorrean Guard I suppose

/is a Geek

/is going home

Laters my lovelies!
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 16:27, Reply)
anyone still here? Is Kaol locked in a shipping container again?
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 16:37, Reply)

(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 16:43, Reply)
*smashes things up*

(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 16:43, Reply)
*starts drinking gin*

(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 16:43, Reply)
*takes a big swig*
C'mon, Clenders. Let's get ratted and talk about girls!
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 16:45, Reply)
Oh hurray!
*swigs some more*

I think we have a different appreciation of girlies (unless we're talking about Lusty, of course).
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 16:46, Reply)
But wait a second though
If we start our campaign of naughty things we'd like to do to Lusty then you guys'll sod off at 5pm and leave me here all by myself.
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 16:49, Reply)
I will be here until around 5.25pm

(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 16:50, Reply)
Hey Ancrenne!
I just buyed something from gothcloth! Yay!
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 17:01, Reply)
Great site and I found a cool Christmas present for my friend.

I'm fine thanks! Just plodding through the days in a cheery way.

All OK with you? (Apart from your keyboard, of course.)
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 17:05, Reply)
I know it's frustrating for you...
but it is a bit funny.
*tries not to laugh*
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 17:14, Reply)
Well my lovely, I'm gonna get going now. This place has seen quite enough of the likes of me today.
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 17:22, Reply)
I'm off too!
Nighty night all!
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 17:31, Reply)
Evening ancrenne
I've started a new thread for you all to migrate to. This one's making my internets unhappy.


*ushers some more*

Go on, you know you want to.
(, Mon 24 Nov 2008, 17:43, Reply)

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