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( , Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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In a contrast to yesterday, today's year six science was populated by fuckers.
The problem is that this is the school I am going to work at.
( , Thu 4 Dec 2008, 18:22, Reply)

I have been sat here since 10am - I need a life.
But I don't really want one!
( , Thu 4 Dec 2008, 18:26, Reply)

I got the better of them in the end.
The TA said that they usually play up for supply teachers and I was they only one who had got them under control.
One boy who was a fucker at the start of the lesson really turned it round by the end. So I said so to him. He said, "well the thing is Miss, when we get a supply teacher we wind them up until they loose it, but you didn't loose it"
( , Thu 4 Dec 2008, 18:31, Reply)

I've lost my freaking pen again. What is the world coming to?!
I hate mood swings. I was feeling pretty good this morning but since lunch I've been a bit meh and getting increasingly anxious for no reason. I even did a bit of comfort eating while I was waiting for the bus ='[
Hope people are having better evenings than me.
:edit: Wow, didn't realise how dead the thread had become!
( , Thu 4 Dec 2008, 19:13, Reply)

It's in the oven.
I know that it pisses off /talk when we talk about dinner, makes me want to do it all the more.
'tis quiet here.
( , Thu 4 Dec 2008, 19:17, Reply)

thread three times today, I am reluctant to post anything *hides*
( , Thu 4 Dec 2008, 19:28, Reply)

Never fear, for I am here!
What have I missed this week then?
( , Thu 4 Dec 2008, 19:28, Reply)

That thread borking thing is a bugger isn't it? Couple of weeks ago I was borking them left, right and Chelsea.
( , Thu 4 Dec 2008, 19:31, Reply)

to me DG :p
How's you anyways? Trying again for the Chinese tonight?
( , Thu 4 Dec 2008, 19:32, Reply)

I am very well thank you, I am nearly through my first week of training at work! whoop whoop.
Soon I'll be able to give exquisitely excellent customer service to those lucky lucky people who get through to me.
sorry if I'm being a bit slow but my laptop is spakking out after trying to import some songs AND play Freecell at the same time.
How be ye all this evening?
( , Thu 4 Dec 2008, 19:35, Reply)

Leftover frozen curry from last week FTW!
BK says you might be in Leeds on the 13th... we're in Leeds as well that day...
( , Thu 4 Dec 2008, 19:35, Reply)

be visiting oop Norrfff that day indeed.
BK keeps enticing me with lovely b3tans I could meet if I go :D
( , Thu 4 Dec 2008, 19:37, Reply)

How are you this chilly evening?
@ Badger
Yes, join us! Join us!
There's tea in it if you do:D
( , Thu 4 Dec 2008, 19:39, Reply)

All us lovely b3tans from daaan saaarf? Surely we're better than the up norf people?
*prepares to run from a mob from the north*
:edit: And hello lucy. Nice to see you round these parts. You doing ok?
( , Thu 4 Dec 2008, 19:40, Reply)

May well see you there then.
I'm off for a bit as my internet conenction is cocking around. Laters!
*EDIT* Tea, BK? TEA???
( , Thu 4 Dec 2008, 19:40, Reply)

from oop norf, daaan saaauf and from the midlands and you are all equally lovely and crazy :p
( , Thu 4 Dec 2008, 19:41, Reply)

Yeah, Badger loves tea.
I may even branch out to a cider:D
@ Captain V.
You know us Norfeners rock!
( , Thu 4 Dec 2008, 19:43, Reply)

I am ok thank you. Pretty tired after all this mental stimulation this week. I've been quite used to America's Next Top Model being about as difficult as my day gets. All this work has been quite a shock.
How are you two doing?
Any nice plans for t'weekend?
( , Thu 4 Dec 2008, 19:43, Reply)

I suppose there should have been a u in saaaauf rather than an r. *slaps self so TGB doesn't have to*
( , Thu 4 Dec 2008, 19:45, Reply)

Having trawled the qotw, I seem to be the only female B3tan to have partaken of toyboys. All the other women are going on about older men.
I feel dirty now : (
( , Thu 4 Dec 2008, 19:46, Reply)

Yarp, Lusty's coming up tomorrow for the weekend:)
Just going to have a nice chill out.
@ Blouse
Never mind, all the blokes are mentioning older women. I've gone 8 1/2 years in both directions so I'm claiming middle ground.
Strictly speaking 7 1/2 years younger, not 8 1/2. I forgot I'm only 28 for a second there:s
( , Thu 4 Dec 2008, 19:47, Reply)

Don't feel dirty. Toyboys are great. I wish I'd had more opportunities to be one. I especially liked your 10 minute pick up. Beats my record =[
:edit: And what a lovely middle ground that'd be =p
( , Thu 4 Dec 2008, 19:49, Reply)

Hello! I haven't spoken to you for a while!
I haven't had a toyboy.
I had a younger male but I don't think he was young enough to be a toyboy though.
( , Thu 4 Dec 2008, 19:50, Reply)

Having finally found someone my own age you can all rest easy now : )
Hi lucy. I'm just off to watch Little dorrit. I'll be back in a mo.
( , Thu 4 Dec 2008, 19:51, Reply)

You're so sweet!
*pinches cheeks*
@ Lucy
I enjoyed being a toyboy. She had the tricks, I had the stamina. Just a shame we both had mental issues and everything else about the relationship was a train wreck!
Ah well
( , Thu 4 Dec 2008, 19:51, Reply)

Yay! For once I've got a good story to post to the QOTW this week.
In other news, I've coughed away my flu.
( , Thu 4 Dec 2008, 19:52, Reply)

Now all my urges feel completely unnatural and dirty! I want to feel my age again!
( , Thu 4 Dec 2008, 19:52, Reply)

You're never too young to be a toyboy are you? surely as long as there's older women you can be.
Unless you are actually Father Time. In which case, you've missed your opportunity.
( , Thu 4 Dec 2008, 19:53, Reply)

Because BK pinched my cheeks and feeling like you're 5 years old but at the same time having urges of a sexual nature feels a bit odd no matter how comfortable you are with the idea of being a toy boy!
( , Thu 4 Dec 2008, 19:56, Reply)

I look several years younger than I am, so I could theoretically become the toyboy of a younger woman.
( , Thu 4 Dec 2008, 20:04, Reply)

That just doesn't make any sense. No sense at all!
*rubs bottom* *smiles*
( , Thu 4 Dec 2008, 20:05, Reply)

I've just realised I'm sat here waiting for it to start and all we've got is a tabloid thing about Shannon Matthews.
( , Thu 4 Dec 2008, 20:06, Reply)

How are you btw?
And if I was still single and 30 then I'd have each and everyone of you all my lovelies : )
( , Thu 4 Dec 2008, 20:09, Reply)

Did I hear something about BGB lurrvin?!
Aww :(
( , Thu 4 Dec 2008, 20:10, Reply)

Looks like I'm going to be teaching the class I'm taking over tomorrow afternoon.
The could have said something about not putting on Little Dorrit. Does this mean I'm going to have to watch the Sunday omnibus?
( , Thu 4 Dec 2008, 20:12, Reply)

I may have been a tart in my younger days but I was always an equal opportunities tart.
Edit - Mrs Bin. I can't watch the Sunday omnibus as it coincides with Wild China on BBC2.
@Beekers, one at a time. I'm not good at multi-tasking. *laughs*
( , Thu 4 Dec 2008, 20:14, Reply)

I'm the same age as Shannon Matthews mother.
I have to say the years have been much kinder to me!
( , Thu 4 Dec 2008, 20:15, Reply)

Are they still going on about Shannon Matthews? *boreds*
( , Thu 4 Dec 2008, 20:17, Reply)

I knew she had something to do with it from the beginning!
But then I'm just prejudiced against rancid, manky Dewsburry chav scum. Just made a lucky call:D
( , Thu 4 Dec 2008, 20:17, Reply)

I felt the same about the mother of Sarah Payne. I still think she was behind it.
( , Thu 4 Dec 2008, 20:18, Reply)

I'm surprised it's lasted this long even though I don't really like chocolate very much =s
( , Thu 4 Dec 2008, 20:20, Reply)

not to eat all the chocolate out of mine before the allotted days.
I have the willpower of a 5 year old :(
( , Thu 4 Dec 2008, 20:20, Reply)

I just want to hobernate over christmas
( , Thu 4 Dec 2008, 20:22, Reply)

But for the last few years my Mum has insisted on buying me a lindt(!) advent calender even though I've told her I don't want one. Seeing as lindt is the only chocolate (other than white chocolate) that I actually like it's never lasted long.
There is a great big santa for number 24 =D
:edit: That's a point BK! TGB I thought you hated Christmas?!
( , Thu 4 Dec 2008, 20:22, Reply)

Just go out and buy some chocolate. *laughs*
My 8 year old nephew said the other day that it would be much nicer if the big chocolate was in the middle of the month instead of the end.
I think he is wise beyond his years : )
( , Thu 4 Dec 2008, 20:22, Reply)

I bet the kids must really dread the "Your mom" jokes.
@Mrs L: Congrats on getting the job.
TGB: How's your flu? If you're recovering, you deserve to pretend December is going by quickly.
( , Thu 4 Dec 2008, 20:24, Reply)

eat ahead on an advent calender!
That is just wrong on so many levels. You people disgust me.
( , Thu 4 Dec 2008, 20:25, Reply)

Several memories that I'd long since buried away have just resurfaced about me and an ex, when we were 17 - 18, trying anything and everything we could related to sex the one relevant to this conversation being body chocolate which, personally, I think is a bit pants.
( , Thu 4 Dec 2008, 20:25, Reply)

I fecking LOVE christmas. I think it's all the twinkly lights and tinsel. I like things to be colourful and happy.
I just love Christmas. Last year I strained a bum muscle doing my ItsNearlyChristmas dance.
( , Thu 4 Dec 2008, 20:26, Reply)

Because he'll get plenty chocolate anyway at Christmas?
That's a good point!
( , Thu 4 Dec 2008, 20:26, Reply)

in the It's Nearly Christmas dance that could cause you to strain your bum?
( , Thu 4 Dec 2008, 20:27, Reply)

It just involves throwing yourself around whilst singing "It's nearly Christmas".
My bum muscles are quite sensitive though. They strain quite easily. I've done one in by sneezing. And that's amazing considering how shit my sneeze is.
( , Thu 4 Dec 2008, 20:28, Reply)

You made me guffaw. Not something I've done for a while.
I'm not a big Christmas fan but I love watching children around this time and how they light up with anticipation of the day.
( , Thu 4 Dec 2008, 20:28, Reply)

How could I take a photo of a strained muscle?
Unless of course, you're just angling for a bum shot.
Could you?
No, not sweet little Al.
I am one of the clumsiest people ever. If you can pull a muscle doing something, or trip over, or generally get into a pickle doing something, I will.
I am accident prone.
( , Thu 4 Dec 2008, 20:33, Reply)

Al...Were you there?
That's pretty much it actually. This scene can be applied to most exciting events
( , Thu 4 Dec 2008, 20:37, Reply)

is just a load of 'these people are common shits'.
And it's true.
*edit* two weeks until the end of term. I'll do the dance then.
( , Thu 4 Dec 2008, 20:37, Reply)

Yup, I saw it unfold as I live fairly near it all.
All these scummers lighting candles like a fucking chav nativity!
( , Thu 4 Dec 2008, 20:39, Reply)

I don't ever remember pulling a bum muscle due to sex. I must warm up properly or something.
It's mainly a dancing injury.
( , Thu 4 Dec 2008, 20:39, Reply)

Posh people abuse their kids in much classier ways like making them wear velvet pants and calling them Tarquin or Jocasta.
( , Thu 4 Dec 2008, 20:41, Reply)

I wasn't talking about pulling muscles during sex I was ..... er .....
Never mind.
( , Thu 4 Dec 2008, 20:41, Reply)

I taught today had a Pamela and a Barbara.
These are 10 year olds.
( , Thu 4 Dec 2008, 20:43, Reply)

Thanks for the cartoon!
I'm off in a minute to watch Buzzcocks.
See you later people!
( , Thu 4 Dec 2008, 20:46, Reply)

I turn up and people leave.
They don't wuv me!
*hangs head*
( , Thu 4 Dec 2008, 20:48, Reply)

for about 30 seconds then it's nommy curry time!
Can I just say, nom?
( , Thu 4 Dec 2008, 20:58, Reply)

You're so mean Badger, and I thought you liked me!
You'll not be getting chocs from me again, and I'll not let you stroke the coat of furry!
I've decided to wear that to every bash from now on.
Hey DG, yes you can for curry is nomable, I had one earlier. Omnomnomnomnom
( , Thu 4 Dec 2008, 20:59, Reply)

*watches lovely dance*
OK you can have these Celebrations I just happen to have about my person.
*chocolate delivery dance*
( , Thu 4 Dec 2008, 21:06, Reply)

I had a toyboy once! Well, I was 18, he was (a very old) 15... that doesn't really count, does it? *sigh*
Not that I'll post about it on QOTW, because the trolls are out in force today... sad little gimps.
( , Thu 4 Dec 2008, 21:09, Reply)

I'll not be posting mine either due to the trolls, well maybe one.
( , Thu 4 Dec 2008, 21:13, Reply)

Don't be scared of the trolls. They are few and we are many.
I had my first good trolling this evening since starting on B3ta and it was fine.
He was an amateur though.
( , Thu 4 Dec 2008, 21:30, Reply)

I don't remember that, sorry butiamsureitwasveryverynice
( , Thu 4 Dec 2008, 21:37, Reply)

You don't see any for ages and then three come at once.
( , Thu 4 Dec 2008, 21:41, Reply)

So I wouldn't have been shocked if I was feeling you up to. Well feeling you up above the thighs :p
( , Thu 4 Dec 2008, 21:47, Reply)

How are you?
DJ Mine go +12, =, -6, -18, +5. But I'm not sure if the -18 counts it was for like 7 hours, and we wern't together for most of it!
( , Thu 4 Dec 2008, 21:48, Reply)

What did I miss? I don't see what I missed? Yours don't add up either Dok.
-6-18+5 = -19
( , Thu 4 Dec 2008, 21:52, Reply)

They are years, in chatting about the new QOTW. So if you know how old I am you can work out how old my girlfriends have been. If you really wanted to know!
( , Thu 4 Dec 2008, 21:56, Reply)

A brief visit from the resident drunkard/sexpest/saviour*.
Missed y'all.
*delete as appropriate
( , Thu 4 Dec 2008, 21:56, Reply)

Osok I read that as drunkard/sexpest/rapist.
I think I really do need some sleep!
Not bad, quite good really!
EDIT yes Badger, you're being a bit slow tonight, not got over you flu thing yet?
( , Thu 4 Dec 2008, 21:59, Reply)

I know I am missing one here but
*feels bad for forgetting someone*
They were obviously shit
( , Thu 4 Dec 2008, 22:01, Reply)

So you like your older men do you!
Edit BGB don't worry it's just some wierd esoteric maths!
( , Thu 4 Dec 2008, 22:04, Reply)

But I can only remember my last girlfriend who was +0.5. Not sure about anybody else. Is that bad?
( , Thu 4 Dec 2008, 22:05, Reply)

*points at equals*
Man who else did I sleep with... *looks at list*
I'm going to have a d'oh moment when I remember.
( , Thu 4 Dec 2008, 22:06, Reply)

Yep I am now back to the job I had 10 years ago, a salesscum for VW. Since I started they have sacked 2 x salesscum, 1 x sales manager, 1 x sales admin, 1 x workshop foreman. Luckily I am the best and everyone else smells, so my sales are 100% outrageous, but it's worrying to say the least. Bouncing off the overdraft limit and beating the children with big sticks.
(Missed you guys BTW)
( , Thu 4 Dec 2008, 22:06, Reply)

At least you know how many you're missing.
I've remembered another. Another ex girlfriend, she was = and the girl I lost my virginity to but I can't remember how old she is.
( , Thu 4 Dec 2008, 22:08, Reply)

I keep track of numbers not names.
Hmm I'll have to start taking photos of them :p
( , Thu 4 Dec 2008, 22:10, Reply)

I'm sure if I tried hard enough I could remember most of them but to be honest I can't really be bothered. I've thought of a couple more (including a German and a Lithuanian) but I never knew how old they were in the first place.
I'm really not painting a good picture of myself here am I >.<
( , Thu 4 Dec 2008, 22:14, Reply)

Will you be furnishing us with the tale of your -8 sometime during this qotw?
( , Thu 4 Dec 2008, 22:16, Reply)

as I have just found out my brother-in-law reads QOTW and knows it's me!
( , Thu 4 Dec 2008, 22:17, Reply)

by accident and then Ninja'd it. I thought I was 28 at the time, and then I realised I was married by 28!
( , Thu 4 Dec 2008, 22:19, Reply)

If I was you I'd stop now.
Mrs Bin you cradle snatcher you. I can't say anything really coz my -18 was at Easter this year, and my first, the +12 was when I was 15.
( , Thu 4 Dec 2008, 22:22, Reply)

That's the best advice I've been given in a long, long time.
I wish I thought more about what I'm about to say or type before saying or typing it.
( , Thu 4 Dec 2008, 22:24, Reply)

That just made me howl with laughter!
Mrs Bin I salute you!
EDIT OK I'm going to bed, the sleep monster has got me, and is dragging me away.
Night every bunny!
( , Thu 4 Dec 2008, 22:32, Reply)

Badger, I was spying!
Aaarrrgggghhhh I've been having 4 different conversations tonight, and 2 of those are with the same person by txt an email! No wonder I have a headache.
( , Thu 4 Dec 2008, 22:56, Reply)

but I'm not paying much attention as Mr Bin has a migraine and I have to look after him.
( , Thu 4 Dec 2008, 22:57, Reply)

Although it's messing with my typing as I'm confusing S's with L's :p
*is aware they are on opposite ends of the keyboard*
( , Thu 4 Dec 2008, 22:58, Reply)

I've finished my first case study and it only took...counts...fucking ages.
*watches tumbleweeds*
( , Thu 4 Dec 2008, 23:38, Reply)
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