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Is it wrong
that I enjoy watching Dog the Bounty Hunter?

Do you have any guilty TV pleasures?
(, Tue 23 Dec 2008, 10:18, 14 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
I can't help but watch poker on tv
my girlfriend now knows that if she wakes up after 1am and I'm not in bed it's because I'm watching poker...
(, Tue 23 Dec 2008, 10:19, Reply)
Wedding TV.
*hangs head in shame*
(, Tue 23 Dec 2008, 10:21, Reply)
I can't go to bed until I've watched the whole game.
It's always a case of 'I'll just see one more hand'.
(, Tue 23 Dec 2008, 10:36, Reply)
The Hills
I love Lauren.

She's spoiled to the core and dumber than stacked shit but she is just...plain...lovely.

Here, have some pics:

(, Tue 23 Dec 2008, 10:58, Reply)

Street Wars and similar tat on Sky3...
(, Tue 23 Dec 2008, 11:16, Reply)
Does You've Been Framed count?
(, Tue 23 Dec 2008, 11:25, Reply)
Of course it does :)
My daughter and I watch it every weekend. It's tabloid TV but funny with it.
(, Tue 23 Dec 2008, 11:38, Reply)
A Shot of Love II with Tila Tequila.
I know, I know, but I can't help it!! It's on TMF freeview channel frequently and it's just such an appallingly compelling showcase of America's dumbest wannabes all dying to get their 15 minutes. If you haven't seen it, the gist is that she's a bisexual who has 15 blokes and 15 lesbians competing to be her lover.

It was worth it for the finale when the girl Tila chose said she didn't fancy her all that much and wanted to leave. Massive Lolz.

I was gutted when it finished, but thankfully it was replaced with Flava of Love with Flava Flav, where he had increasingly bizarre clock and viking related outfits and spent most of the eviction nights quite obviously stoned off his face. Plus the ladies were almost all stereotypical 'shouting at the cinema screen' black women plus one white girl who thought she was black and kept saying 'dawg'. Even more massive lolz.
(, Tue 23 Dec 2008, 11:49, Reply)
All of it...
Obviously, as a massive intellectual talent, all television is beneath my contempt and distracts me from my new translation of "Spot" from the original Croatian.

...but once the light starts to fade in Fireflier Towers and the servants scurry around lighting the candals for th evening, I must admit to peeking at BBC Four (doubling their audience), and of course Coronation Street.
(, Tue 23 Dec 2008, 11:56, Reply)
That South Park pisstake of Dog The Bounty Hunter
oh yes.
(, Tue 23 Dec 2008, 14:01, Reply)
You've been framed FTW
It has got immeasurably better since they got rid of the studio format, and got Harry Hill on. Watching people fall out of trees or nearly kill themselves on motorbikes is one of the few things that has me cackling with laughter.
(, Tue 23 Dec 2008, 16:33, Reply)
YBF raises an eyebrow.
I see it and think "God, is there anything I won't knock one out to?"
(, Tue 23 Dec 2008, 16:51, Reply)
I hate the game - I play equally badly with either hand and it's shit.

But I love watching it on TV...
(, Tue 23 Dec 2008, 19:01, Reply)
(, Wed 24 Dec 2008, 0:11, Reply)

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