What gives you the heebie-jeebies?
It's a bit strong to call this a phobia, but for me it's the thought of biting into a dry flannel. I've no idea why I'd ever want to or even get the opportunity to do so, seeing as I don't own one, but it makes my teeth hurt to think about it. *ewww*
Tell us what innocent things make you go pale, wobbly and send shivers down your spine.
( , Thu 10 Apr 2008, 13:34)
This question is now closed.

A friend of mine has a rather bad phobia of beads. Which can be pretty fun for playing cruel practical jokes, the sort you play in the first year of university when marks don't count.
It starts small, such as throwing a necklace at person with phobia, or bracelet, and watch the sheer panic and terror as they leap up, and run round the room screaming hysterically,.
However, like all great works of art (or torture), the torment develops. Placing necklace or bracelet of beads on persons room door handle is always fun, then watching them trying to open the door without touching the dreaded, offensive material. However, they cannot buck up the courage to remove the bracelet, and so spend the night outside their room, on the floor, curled up, crying.
It's great being a heel.
( , Thu 10 Apr 2008, 18:37, 3 replies)

I went to visit my Dad in Hong Kong many moons ago when I was a teenager. His (Chinese) wife was terrified of creepy crawlies, and in particular cockroaches.
I found this hilarious - she'd grown up in what was probably close to the creepy crawly capital of the know universe, but every time she saw one she did a little hysterical scream.
So one day she went to the loo, and as usual there was a cockroach in the bath, so she screamed. And so I laughed at her, and my Dad told me that if being scared of cockroaches was so silly why didn't I go and pick the thing up?
Damn - rumbled!!!
( , Thu 10 Apr 2008, 18:37, Reply)

I have never liked poster paint - the feeling of it when it is dry freaks me out - my brain invents a blackboard sound to accompany the touch of it.
( , Thu 10 Apr 2008, 18:33, 1 reply)

This is probably going to end up being long. And crappy. You have been warned.
I have an absolute phobia of people getting close to me and relationships. Seriously. I've lied for years, and stayed generally anti-social just to keep people at a distance. It's gone as far as I've only dated 5 guys in my entire life (I'm 25). And no relationship has lasted more than a couple of months. I just can't handle the pressure. It worries me too much. I think they're going to hurt me or do something awful to me. It's a real, wake up in the middle of the night screaming, terror.
Now this hasn't been helped by my bastard exes. The first guy I dated beat the shit out of me, and left me scarred. The second guy I dated just stopped talking to me after three months. The third guy I dated fucked with my head so badly my friends were genuinely worried and trying to get me away from him. It eventually ended luckilly. (I say ended, it sank like a Russian sub when one of the sailors nipped out for a nice refreshing walk) And so on and so forth.
Sadly, I'm having to deal with my fear in great measures. I've met a lovely guy, who does genuinely seem to care for me, and who is just wonderful. I'm scared shitless. Absolutely petrified. Seriously, my wrinkles will need polyfilla by the time I'm 30. I had the shakes for about an hour after our first date. Relationships with me are *fun*
So now I have the option of spending the forseeable future in a state of mild euphoria and simultaneous terror, or I live without him.
It's always nice when you find a fear that's bigger than your original phobia.
Sorry this isn't funny. But I don't really think I can manage funny and THE FEAR at the same time...
( , Thu 10 Apr 2008, 18:33, 2 replies)

I used to share a house with a mate, who did all the shopping (as he had a car and I didn't) but wasn't very imaginative when it came to food. We were also very skint, so we ended up having supermarket baked beans (the cardboard pellet type) with a large percentage of meals.
Eventually I had an incredibly vivid dream that I'd eaten so many baked beans that they were coming out of my ears. I could feel them oozing and blobbing out.
From that day on I retched every time I tried to eat them. Now, 16 years later, I can manage a small quantity with some meals.
I'm not a fussy eater in any other respect and will eat pretty much anything put in front of me, but baked beans give me the fear!
( , Thu 10 Apr 2008, 18:31, Reply)

Not any all photos; course, that would be mad. But specifically close up photos of natural things - I had to tear out a page of my biology GCSE textbook because the close up picture of a scab in there horrified me so much. It was like a football net with red blood cells stuck in it, in all seriousnesss it's making me want to gag thinking about it. And last week I inadvertantly saw a photo titled something like 'breast infestation' which purported to be a picture of worms in some poor woman's breast (I dunno either) but was actually a close up photo of i think the stamen of a lily and somehow that was far far worse than worms and it got stuck in my head for days and now it's going to be stuck there again oh my god make it stop!!!
I will be interested to know how many people google this apparently completely innocent photo and suffer the same reaction as me. Let me know, I don't like to feel alone.
( , Thu 10 Apr 2008, 18:30, 1 reply)

I'm not afraid of them. I bought a bag of candy on Monday, opened the bag, ate 3 pieces of candy before I saw the spider crawling around inside.
I must admit, I did squeal. A lot. But I'm still not scared of them.
( , Thu 10 Apr 2008, 18:29, Reply)

dishcloths which smell and make my hands smell funny. Honest to god it freaks me out more than anything.
It doesn't help that I have to wash my hands afterwards to get rid of the smell but my fingers are already wrinkled from the washing-up water anyway so it just feels weird.
( , Thu 10 Apr 2008, 18:27, Reply)

I can't blow balloons up beyond about 3/4 full. I start wincing as my entire face tries to shrink away from the balloon in case it explodes. Honestly you'd think I had some sort of nitro-glycerine breath from the fuss I'd make if I let myself.
It doesn't feel very manly when I have to hand birthday balloons over to my wife to finish off.
DIY joke about length and flaccid balloons
( , Thu 10 Apr 2008, 18:25, Reply)

Ugh god! I can't stand the slimy, slithery, icky disgusting things - my spine is shuddering just thinking about them.
You'd think, that as a fisherwoman, I would have no problem with them........but oh no. We have this wonderful stuff here called PowerBait, it's like a dough and is perfectly legal. I also use plastic worms.
I can deal with, and use, mealworms as they're just like cute little hairless caterpillars.
One time, a friend and I were out in the boat on the lake, and as he was going to cast his worm fell off his hook and landed on my arm. I jumped out of the boat and swam to shore, all the while screaming. All my teammates pissed themselves laughing.
( , Thu 10 Apr 2008, 18:21, Reply)

I shall tell you a tale, it's not particularly a very long, or even a very good one but I shall tell it anyway.
when jurassic park came out on video, as my brother had seen it in the cinema he decided to buy it, and as you do with videos we decided to watch it. Now, the first couple of times I watched it I was absolutely FINE, thought it was funny in parts even, however, the more I saw it, the more I couldn't watch one part, you know where the little dinosaurs neck flaps fly out and it spits in the guys eyes? That bit. Eventually, I couldn't watch any of it and the film led to 2 weird fears.
1. Dinosaurs coming to eat me.
and 2, which is still with me now. Peacocks. Yup, that little dinosaur reminded me of a peacock and now any time I see one, I run. Fast.
The lion king also scares the living day lights out of me. Plus the thought of biting material puts me on edge.
( , Thu 10 Apr 2008, 18:16, 3 replies)

I have panic attacks about vomiting.
If I see someone vomit then I spend WEEKS worrying if I´m going to aswell.I have thrown out perfectly good food because it "smelt a bit off" and the thought of food poisoning is too much.As for the 20 a day smoking habit,fingers crossed for the chemo if the need arises........
However,after a few too many drinks or smokes,I can puke til the cows come home and not give a hoot.I´ll normally start drinking again......
Maybe it´s just the horror of the antici.........pation.
( , Thu 10 Apr 2008, 18:13, 1 reply)

I have a phobia about most things medical. i WILL faint in the doctors, I WILL feint in a hospital, I cant even watch Casuaty or ER without feeling very lightheaded and sick.
Fortunately, I have never been seriously ill, so havent been in a doctors for at least 15 years now, but I have had a couple of minor-ish accidents that have required a trip to casualty. i feinted, both times. On the plus side, being unconcious on the waiting room floor gets you seen to a lot quicker.
I cant visit people in hospital without ending up headbutting the floor either.
i HATE having my knees and my neck touched. even touching my own kneecap makes me feel a bit queasy. The thought (and reading some previous posts) of injured knees makes me want to be sick. The neck thing is a little inconvenient when it comes to getting romantic with a lady. I just cant stand others touching me there.
Feet give me the boke. They are disgusting and I refuse to look at them. (my own feet are ok, its just other peoples I dont like)
heights are a strange one. I usually have an almost overwhelming urge to jump off. Not suicidal, just....well, I have no idea why to be honest.
( , Thu 10 Apr 2008, 18:07, Reply)

Well there's these:


These bad boys and their missiles:

This was pretty terrifying too:

Special mention however must go to:

( , Thu 10 Apr 2008, 18:06, 6 replies)

I freak out when someone blows up a balloon around me. I usually end up putting my fingers in my ears and closing my eyes.
( , Thu 10 Apr 2008, 18:06, 1 reply)

I can't stand silence, it may not be a phobia as such, but if there's no noise it drives me mad. I have to make noise if there isn't any.
I used to hate staying at my nans in the country side as a kid, 'cause there was nothing. I couldn't sleep properly or get to sleep.
I don't know what it is, but there's a sort of really really high pitched buzz type thing I hear inside my mind when I don't hear anything outside it.
Frequently I have to hum, make a buzzing noise or fidgit just to stop it.
Sorry about all the mayonaise, but hummus isn't my prefered dip.
( , Thu 10 Apr 2008, 18:04, 3 replies)

Specifically the feeling of biting down on one and moving it a bit, makes me shudder and my teeth feel wierd like I'm doing it.
Just writing about it makes my teeth feel really odd and makes me shudder.
Oddly enough, actually biting down on a seatbelt (I'm one for facing your fears) doesn't make me feel odd and normally placates the feeling for a couple of years, then it's back with a vengance like a lingering fart in a closed room.
Apologies for length (or lack thereof)
( , Thu 10 Apr 2008, 17:55, Reply)

I don't actually have any classic Phobia's but there are a few things that completely freak me out.
I physically can't bring myself to write if the lid of the pen is placed on the end of it. It's makes my arm feel weird as fuck, like it's somebody else's.
I once went for a quick turd in a bar in my town. As i sat down and relieved myself, i noticed the flooring and walls. The floors were tiled, using square tiles. So were the walls, except in a different colour. Except the wall tiles were tiled almost diagonally. I say almost, because they hadn't got the angle right.
I got, what i could only liken to Vertigo from seeing this, and after going light headed and dizzy promptly fell off the toilet onto the pissy floor.
Once i'd left the toilet, i felt like an absolute tit.
( , Thu 10 Apr 2008, 17:54, 1 reply)

I have a phobia of being in a situation where i'm in the sea right next to a really really big boat **shudders**
( , Thu 10 Apr 2008, 17:53, Reply)

I understand most phobias stem from an exageratted natural response - namely fight or flight, the body over produces hormones, and goes into flap mode... Hey I'm not a doctor, but I beleive thats why so many of us have the same phobias, heights, strange bugs (poisonous??) enclosed spaces they all have the potential to harm you.
Any who...
A number of years ago whilst growing up I decided that my whole body wasnt developing in the usual manner, and, well it was terribly dull. So I decided that a diet of cannabis and LSD would prove a fascinating stimulus for my young brain box's mental development.
You may call me an acid casulty, war wounded, but I am getting better. However, certain parts of my noggin have left me for ever... one being the rationale response to seeing a candle... a lit candle... and formerly an unlit candle...
If I were to see one I would have to blow it out and remove it from my vision, worst ones were the white basics candles and tea lights. I am a born romantic... but if some bird expects me to get jiggy in a candle lit room and takes offence to me running about, before finally cowering in a corner, then she'll swiftly get the boot.
cling film, wide open spaces, vomit - especially vomit... I only have to see it or someone doing it and I turn into a sweating mess and vomit myself... even talking about it... eeeeewwwwwwww
Theres another one that actually hidden in the depths of my mind.. I shoved it so far down its either disappeared or was totally crap...
yep kids... dont do drugs... candles will become enemies...
length 10 years or so
( , Thu 10 Apr 2008, 17:51, Reply)

I have a constant fear when swimming in a pool that there is a shark behind me. I can't get in any body of water bigger than a bath without thinking that somehow a shark will bite me.
I heard this is a proper phobia and Christina Ricci has it, but funnily enough that doesn't make me feel any better.
( , Thu 10 Apr 2008, 17:44, 1 reply)

Mr Maladicta enjoys playing the old shoot-em-up Blood (with the zombies and the cultists in the hood and stuff - this). The voices scare the crap out of me, especially the people on fire, and he has no idea why it creeps me out so much.
( , Thu 10 Apr 2008, 17:42, Reply)

Jaws made me scared of the sea for ages and ages and I still think of sharks when I swim. I hate deep water when I can't see the bottom. It does freak me out a bit and when it's night time it's multiplied by a billion.
( , Thu 10 Apr 2008, 17:42, 2 replies)

I don't think I'm phobic, but I really hate it when I go into a shop and someone comes up and asks if I need any help. I'm not retarded and if I want any help I'll ask. As a consequence I rarely go shopping in small shops cos I hate walking around knowing you're being watched after you've declined the offer of help.
( , Thu 10 Apr 2008, 17:40, 2 replies)

Men dressed up as women make me feel queasy.
It scares the days out of me.
Stubble and lipstick (shivers)
Needless to say I've never seen Tootsie.
( , Thu 10 Apr 2008, 17:39, 1 reply)

As a kid, we were forced to watch this film "Apaches" where a gang of kids (the Apaches of the title) managed to kill themselves in nasty ways by playing on a farm.
They were variously poisoned, crushed, impaled, run over and in one memorable case, drowned in slurry.
I refused to go on a farm for years after that.
( , Thu 10 Apr 2008, 17:38, 3 replies)

You know those lights in outdoor swimming pools? Hate them.
Part of me says it's because of the potential combination of electricity and water if the glass cracks.
The other part of me says it's because they look like gigantic insect eyes. Insect eyes watching me. Watching me swim.
( , Thu 10 Apr 2008, 17:33, 1 reply)
This question is now closed.