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This is a question Question of the Week suggestions

Each week we ask a question. The idea is to generate material that's:

* interesting to read, i.e. we won't get bored of reading the answers after about 10 of them
* not been asked on this site before
* fun to answer

What would you like to ask? (We've left this question open - so feel free to drop in ideas anytime.)

(, Wed 14 Jan 2004, 13:01)
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Self-constructed buildings.

(, Thu 12 Jul 2012, 12:44, Reply)

(, Thu 12 Jul 2012, 12:44, Reply)
Implement storage solutions

(, Thu 12 Jul 2012, 12:43, Reply)

(, Thu 12 Jul 2012, 12:43, Reply)

(, Thu 12 Jul 2012, 12:43, Reply)
How about sheds?
Should make for some interesting stories.
(, Thu 12 Jul 2012, 12:32, Reply)
What class do you consider yourself and why? Ever found yourself in an awkward situation because of class?
(, Thu 12 Jul 2012, 11:16, Reply)
Are you fat? Dammit, I'm a pork ball. Do you have a friend who is fat? Tell us your tails of the lard
(, Thu 12 Jul 2012, 11:15, Reply)
Everyone knows the only way to win an argument on the Internet is to point out typos in your opponents posts. Tell us about the times you've pointed out typos in people's posts.
(, Thu 12 Jul 2012, 7:07, Reply)
Badly written sex lies
As a tribute to Fifty Shades of Grey, amaze us all with your literary skillzors and provide some badly written sex lies for the sweaty-palmed amongst us.
(, Thu 12 Jul 2012, 7:00, Reply)
A lot on your plate
Have you ever had a lot on your plate? How big was the plate? Why didn't you use a bigger plate? Were you at the salad bar in Pizza Hut? Why didn't you go to a proper restaurant?
(, Thu 12 Jul 2012, 4:42, Reply)
Ever Been Shafted by b3tans?
Ever had a zillion replies to a true story? Ever been trolled by the sad tw@ts that haunt this site? Recount the story that got the sad gits going! See if it gets them going again!
(, Wed 11 Jul 2012, 20:54, Reply)
Just desserts
Have you ever eaten a dessert without having a main course first? Why? Were you on some kind of diet where you have to eat cakes until you're sick of cakes so you'll never want to eat them again? Did it work?
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 13:31, Reply)
Tell us about your feelings on beige.

Alt: Vanilla. Tell us about your feelings on vanilla.
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 11:08, Reply)
Two birds with one stone.
Have you ever hit two birds with one stone? What kind of birds were they? Did you eat them? How big was the stone? Was it igneous, sedimentary or metamorphic?
(, Tue 10 Jul 2012, 10:49, Reply)
"I never thought I'd say this but..."
Just caught mysel putting this in a post to AB.

Best hypocritical moment.
*I know it's not quite as bad as "I'm not a racist but...", but it comes close. Rite?*
(, Mon 9 Jul 2012, 21:30, Reply)
Do you own a shed? Ever thought about building one, but been put off by the rain? Perhaps you have moved a shed from one allotment to another.
Share your shed-related japes.
(, Mon 9 Jul 2012, 10:30, 6 replies, latest was 12 years ago)
What are you waiting for?
No, really, what are you waiting to arrive/apologise/decay/give a straight-forward answer/come out at the cinema/die? And how long have you been waiting? I'm currently waiting for some exam results and some blokes to come round and insulate the loft. Which isn't particularly interesting, but I'm sure you can do better.
(, Sat 7 Jul 2012, 16:58, Reply)
i once spent my birthday drinking a double of everything behind the bar. my last birthday, i got barred out of 3 pubs and kicked out of another 5. what were your best and worst birthday celebrations?
(, Fri 6 Jul 2012, 22:39, Reply)
Bad Porn
The chattering classes won't shut up about Fifty Shades of Grey, and it appears that there's money to be made in bad pornography (a small village in the Austrian Tirol).

Write some bad porn, true or otherwise.

The Aristocrats!
(, Thu 5 Jul 2012, 11:02, Reply)
over-egging the pudding
have you ever over-egged a pudding? I bet you have you fucking prick
(, Wed 4 Jul 2012, 16:33, 1 reply, 13 years ago)
Slim Boy Fat
Let B3TA solve the Obesity Crisis. Are you skinny as a rake and can eat what you like? Or are you a fat munter who only has to look sideways at a McDonalds to start piling on the pounds? Tell us your tales of weight gain and weight loss.
(, Mon 2 Jul 2012, 23:34, Reply)
Revenge is sweet
Some silly little youth drove past me like an idiot trying to impress his passengers but he took my wing mirror off. Its motorised and heated and costs £200 from the Audi dealers. The little arsehole shot off trying to hide but he was grassed up by a very nice person in a local shop who knew where he lived.
Paid a visit to demand him to stump up the cash or else, but the little cock end denied it was him. Couldnt physically beat it out of him despite my murderous desire to do so, however i went back later on and used a syringe to inject his car doorlocks with a rather fearsome epoxy mixture from a cable jointing kit i had laying about.

I estimate about £500 plus fitting for a new set of keys and barrels.

Anyone else want to share a tale of rough justice regarding a wrongdoer or a yarn of out and out revenge against an unfaithful partner?
(, Sun 1 Jul 2012, 15:48, Reply)
Stories of adventure that end in....
And I was verrrry verrrrry drunk.
(, Thu 28 Jun 2012, 19:25, Reply)

(, Thu 28 Jun 2012, 18:05, Reply)
DIY Technohacks - the return.
This time it's personal fucking dangerous!
(, Thu 28 Jun 2012, 15:45, Reply)
Tales from the Crypt
Tell us about the times in your life that you've been shit scared, try and make them funny but if not, make them at least very scary.
(, Thu 28 Jun 2012, 14:55, Reply)
Cameras and photos
The camera lies - we all know that - so 'POIDH' doesn't apply to this question.

Let's hear your camera and photo based stories, but without sharing those pictures. And it's got to relate to YOU, not something you saw on the internet.

From Super 8 to polaroids to CCTV to phones to family albums: faves, regrets, to memories of when photos meant something.
(, Thu 28 Jun 2012, 13:55, Reply)
Where is your very most favouritist, bestest, most tippity toppity, super ace, totally rad location?
(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 21:18, Reply)
Where is the most unusual place you've ever diddled someone?
Have you slipped someone a digit at a crowded bus stop or enjoyed a passionate embrace on the steps of Trafalgar.

Or if your name is George Osborne, have you ever diddled an entire nation from the comfort of your own desk?
(, Wed 27 Jun 2012, 16:16, 1 reply, 13 years ago)

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