Our glorious leader Rob asks: Most of us have done it, right? You've seen a grown lady/man naked, right? What's your biggest regret connected to The Acts of Venus? "Your Mum" does not an answer make, but big fat lies about threesomes are welcome.
( , Thu 8 Dec 2011, 13:34)
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Long time lurker, but signed up in the end. Lurked since so apologies to the profile hunters.
One new years eve we were all out at the local and had our fill of ale. I was 18, had a crush on a girl a couple of years younger than me (enter Shambolic) but nothing ever happened there, other than I got to know her brother who was the same age as me. Ended up working as slaves at the same supermarket and became the best of friends. That night, Steve (as was his name) became increasingly interested with an "older lady" with a face like a bag of spanners who was with the group of girls we met there. She was ancient - a whole 7 years older than us. She had a young daughter and was known as a bit of a bike locally so I wasn't impressed, even less so with her interest in my best mate.
Anyhoo, drinks were had, midnight rolled past and the pub kicked us out. By this stage I had decided that this harriden was not fit for my mate and he should abandon his attempts to get laid. Being a mate, and drunk, this translated into "are you sure about this?" which was met with "yep I`m in, see you tomorrow".
I left and the deed was done. Thus followed the next 4 weeks of him telling me all the things they got up to, how well she gave head, the positions they tried and how often he made her cum (which to me at the time as a fully paid up member of the virgin club was wankbank gold, and worth taking notes for). Finally things got the better of him and he gave her the old "it's not you, it's me" speech. "You deserve better, you shouldn't be with me". Cue a distraught phone call to yours truely from said lass, who I had oddly formed a friendship with despite my initial misgivings. She was my best friends girlfriend after all, so I thought I should at least try to get along.
Long story short, after Steve dumped her in the best way he knew how, she called me. A few months later and the woman I had grave misgivings about and made some half arsed attempt to warn my mate about, became my girlfriend. There began the next 10 years of my life being manipulated and physically abused by this cow. *edit* should point out that I finally ended the relationship by giving her a grand so she could fuck off from my house which she refused to leave and set up elsewhere. The good old "you're dumped" simply failed to work - in her mind she had rights to live in the house I rented in my name whilst she was not paying a damn thing. Shortly before she finally fucked off she moved into one of her friend's house and whilst I thought salvation had come that only lasted two weeks before she moved back. I still wish I knew how her friend managed to banish her in one night when it took me months and a large amount of cash to shift her arse from my house.
Eventually I met a lovely girl where I worked at the time who had had a strikingly similar 10 year relationship with a guy who was equally adept at the mental and physical manipulation techniques. We got talking and eventually went on a date. She's upstairs in bed now as I type this and I couldn't be happier (not that I`m on b3ta and she's nicely out the way - I mean in a good way). More importantly she's happy too.
The regret? I`ve only had two sexual partners? Nah not really. We wasted 10 perfectly good years of our lives under the thumb of someone else who manipulated their way into our minds so much so that even the thought of breaking up was taboo. My girl and I could have met earlier maybe, had things been different, but I`m a firm believer in that your experiences to date make you the person you are. Had I met her first, all those years ago, I`d still have been an immature 18 year old and who knows where it would have gone. The life we have now? Unlikely, as much as I wish it were otherwise.
So for the tldr crew, with the exception of Chart Cat's post, dont regret what you`ve done or missed. It makes you who you are now. Shit happens (no pun intended) but things generally work out for the best.
( , Thu 15 Dec 2011, 1:00, 48 replies)

It reads like a Famous Five yarn.
( , Thu 15 Dec 2011, 1:34, closed)

apart from the grand. That offends my Northern sensibilities.
( , Thu 15 Dec 2011, 1:42, closed)

she was a cow from what you've said - nice to see a guy owning their part though! There's a lot of dominant female hatred on here, often men let it happen...
( , Thu 15 Dec 2011, 2:58, closed)

So that's a click from me (feel honored - I rarely tell people, not 1 of those luuved up *click* types am I).
Trust me tho - Shambles really doesn't need a cue in, it's not like he appears to have anything else to do with his time.
EDIT: I wouldn't have given her any money. But that's just me & my opinion
( , Thu 15 Dec 2011, 4:05, closed)

( , Thu 15 Dec 2011, 9:05, closed)

Ummm ... I mean ... no. It was rubbesh. They were all whimpy and gay.
( , Thu 15 Dec 2011, 9:24, closed)

The problem is when you still like it, and have booked the day off after Wrestlemania, so you can watch it live.
( , Thu 15 Dec 2011, 9:54, closed)

After several years of not watching it, through boredom I had a quick look at what was going on, and now I think it's brilliant again.
( , Thu 15 Dec 2011, 11:11, closed)

You're a total doormat, who thinks he might be a nonce?
Disclaimer: not random.
( , Thu 15 Dec 2011, 9:07, closed)

And are far less interesting in bed.
( , Thu 15 Dec 2011, 9:09, closed)

And they're both rubbish at sports and drinking.
( , Thu 15 Dec 2011, 9:10, closed)

See that bit where it says *awaits random flaming*? Got it? No? Yes? No? Never mind.
( , Thu 15 Dec 2011, 9:41, closed)

Long time lurker? Really? You are so cooooool!!!!!!!! You must have been with B3ta since the beginning? Were you shagging Rob when he thought of it?
Who fucking cares!
Also. Hi and welcome to QOTW Sumi.
( , Thu 15 Dec 2011, 9:35, closed)

I don't mind one way or the other because I'm soooooo cool.
( , Thu 15 Dec 2011, 9:38, closed)

People who read the body of a message are like totally square.
( , Thu 15 Dec 2011, 9:43, closed)

"Hi, I've been watching you from afar, and I like what I've seen. We should totally hang out."
Never fails.
( , Thu 15 Dec 2011, 9:40, closed)

( , Thu 15 Dec 2011, 9:40, closed)

I even grow sprouts. Can I be in your clique. I'm dead good at holding hands. I don't fidget or sweat much and most of the scabs have come off.
( , Thu 15 Dec 2011, 9:44, closed)

my favourite vegetable. Cooked for hours until the are a sloppy mess is my favourite.
( , Thu 15 Dec 2011, 11:11, closed)

There's too many kids showing off and trying in vain to be funny, these days.
( , Thu 15 Dec 2011, 9:40, closed)

Or ... you know ... any of those words.
( , Thu 15 Dec 2011, 9:43, closed)

( , Thu 15 Dec 2011, 9:47, closed)

I'm not saying it's definitely true. It's just what I've heard.
( , Thu 15 Dec 2011, 9:50, closed)

She's a dinner lady in a girl's school
( , Thu 15 Dec 2011, 9:54, closed)

( , Thu 15 Dec 2011, 9:57, closed)

Oh no. I'm getting drawn in.
( , Thu 15 Dec 2011, 10:58, closed)

( , Thu 15 Dec 2011, 12:02, closed)
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