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This is a question World's Sickest Joke

Tell us your jokes.

(, Thu 9 Sep 2004, 18:01)
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How do you stop a baby running in circles?
Nail its other hand down
(, Thu 2 Feb 2006, 12:26, Reply)
How do you get 10 babies in a bucket?
How do you get them out?
(, Thu 2 Feb 2006, 12:25, Reply)
What spins & taps on the window every time you see it?
Baby in a microwave
(, Thu 2 Feb 2006, 12:24, Reply)
What's black & purple, 10 inches long & makes women scream?
Cot death
(, Thu 2 Feb 2006, 12:24, Reply)
What's the best thing about fucking a 6 year old girl?
Fucking her in the arse and pretending she's a six year old boy
(, Thu 2 Feb 2006, 12:05, Reply)
sorry about this...
What's white and lies in a ditch?

A black man who's had the shit beaten out of him.
(, Thu 2 Feb 2006, 11:58, Reply)
another blind one...
What does Stevie Wonder's wife do when they've had a fight?

Re-arranges the furniture.
(, Thu 2 Feb 2006, 11:54, Reply)
what wood doesnt float?

Natalie Wood
(, Thu 2 Feb 2006, 11:10, Reply)
In what race does nobody win?

*complete joke to taste*
(, Thu 2 Feb 2006, 10:58, Reply)
Hard to illustrate but here we go.
A new mother is waiting in her hospital bed to see her baby for the first time. The doctor comes in with the baby, dashes it to the floor and begins jumping up and down on it. "Stop! Stop!" screams the mother, "What are you doing to my baby!?"

"April fool!" laughs the doctor, "He was already dead!"
(, Thu 2 Feb 2006, 10:52, Reply)
What's red and crawls across the chipshop floor?
Abortion of chips.
(, Thu 2 Feb 2006, 10:43, Reply)
don't say i didn't warn you....
Q - what's the opposite of christopher reeves?

A - christopher walken
(, Thu 2 Feb 2006, 10:17, Reply)
Nun in bath
knock at the door

'hello, it's the blind man'

'oh, well come in then'

'phwoaar! nice tits where d'you want yer blinds?'
(, Thu 2 Feb 2006, 9:54, Reply)
Why are young girl's attracted to men with power?
Because daddy won't give them a lollipop otherwise.
(, Thu 2 Feb 2006, 3:20, Reply)
I do feel a bit wrong typing this
hopefully not already been told:

A young boy runs into the kitchen where his mother is busy making dinner.
"Mommy Mommy! Grandma is playing with her shrimp!!"
"Of course dear. Please go find something else to do"
So the boy, a bit dejected, walks out only to come running back into the room again:
"Mommy Grandma is still playing with her shrimp!"
So, curiosity gets the best of her and the mother goes into the living room with her son. Sure enough there's Grandma, playing with herself.
"Oh honey, that isn't a shrimp, that is called a clitoris."

"Oh." said the boy, "Well it sure tasted like shrimp!"
(, Thu 2 Feb 2006, 1:44, Reply)
I'm on a roll.
God: Should I give women legs? or not bother?

Angels: Probably for the best, you remember the mess that slugs make.
(, Thu 2 Feb 2006, 1:21, Reply)
Probably not "sick" but I want to post it.
Q: What do you call a three foot tall black gentleman?

A: A Yardie

(That'll teach you to learn your Imperial measurements)
(, Thu 2 Feb 2006, 1:14, Reply)
Possible duplicate, here goes...
Q: Why did the condom fly across the room?

A: Because it was pissed off.
(, Thu 2 Feb 2006, 1:10, Reply)
One of my own...
I made this one up at Rdg Uni one day and that very evening I had it told back to me by a guy I'd never met before at the Back of Beyond....

Q: Why is fucking your sister like Roy Walker's Catchphrase?

A: 'cos it's good but it's not right!
(, Thu 2 Feb 2006, 1:04, Reply)
Two paedos on a park bench and a 7 year old girl walks by,
one turns to the other and says "I bet she was alright in her day"
(, Thu 2 Feb 2006, 0:09, Reply)
How do you get a clown off a swing?
Hit him in the face with an axe.
(, Thu 2 Feb 2006, 0:07, Reply)
Whats the difference between a Porsche and a pile of dead babies?
I don't have a Porsche in my garage.
(, Wed 1 Feb 2006, 23:25, Reply)
How do you make
a little girl cry twice?

Wipe your cock on her teddy bear.


How do you make a gay man cry?

Wipe your cock on his curtains.
(, Wed 1 Feb 2006, 22:54, Reply)
What's the best thing about fucking 28 year olds
the sound of the 20th pelvis breaking
(, Wed 1 Feb 2006, 22:23, Reply)
Ian Huntley and a kid are holding hands walking through the woods
The kid says "It's dark, I'm scared"
Ian says "shut up"
The kid says "It's really dark and I can hear scary noises"
Ian says "please shut up"
The kid says "I don't like it in these woods it's scary"
Ian says "You think you're scared, I've got to walk back on my own"
(, Wed 1 Feb 2006, 22:22, Reply)
what's worse than a barrel of dead babies
the one at the bottom trying to eat it's way out
(, Wed 1 Feb 2006, 22:19, Reply)
what's grey and comes in pints
my spunk
(, Wed 1 Feb 2006, 22:17, Reply)
why did the girl fall off of the swing
because she didn't have any arms
(, Wed 1 Feb 2006, 22:14, Reply)
Best told to Jews
-Have you heard the one about the SS officer?


/slap Jew

-LIAR !!! (said in German accent)

(shamelessly stolen from somewhere where i can't remember)
(, Wed 1 Feb 2006, 22:14, Reply)

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