From little victories over your bank manager to epic wins over the law - tell us how you've put one over authority. Right on, kids!
Suggestion from Sandettie Light Vessel Automatic
( , Thu 17 Jun 2010, 16:01)
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Fuck me, every week I have a Jessie-related QotW at the moment...
Jess' mum told me tonight that due to the fact we only have an interim death certificate at the moment, pending the inquest (likely to be 6 months or so down the line), the car insurance company are withholding their payment until they have the full certificate.
Apparently even though the interim certificate states the cause of death and it's clearly trauma-related, they want to make sure that she didn't die of something else first, which then caused the accident.
I can't tell you quite how sick I feel at this. Clearly the money doesn't bring Nina back, but her mum was going to use it to pay for the funeral...
AIG, the company is. That's A for Alpha, I for Indigo, G for Golf.
Please if you get the chance, boycott them... not that they'll notice, but I for one will feel better.
( , Mon 21 Jun 2010, 22:51, 16 replies)

I fucking hate insurance companies, money grabbing, blood-sucking soulless cunts.
Sorry you're getting shit like this, there should be a bloody law against these bastards treating people like this.
( , Mon 21 Jun 2010, 22:56, closed)

... I got some junk mail from them.
Should I mention you by name when I ring up to explain why I won't be insuring with them?
( , Mon 21 Jun 2010, 23:13, closed)

if 'waiting periods' for claims are orchestrated around the average rate of savings. I.e. punting that the claimant will run out of savings and go bankrupt before they have to legally honor the claim.
My sympathies sir. It's small comfort, I know.
( , Tue 22 Jun 2010, 3:21, closed)

I boycott firms like this all the time - they get one chance (Oooh, I bet they're all quaking!) - my list is getting longer and longer - in the UK, I think it won't be too long until there are no firms left for me to choose, as most are scum bastards like AIG.
( , Tue 22 Jun 2010, 7:25, closed)

When my old man died in my first year at uni, I understandably took a bit of time off.
I had to request Extenuating Circumstances for an essay being late, and paid for a copy of the interim death certificate (I knew they wouldn't accept a photocopy)... they wouldn't accept that either.
It had to be the proper one.. or nothing.
Fucking outraged does not come close to how I felt
( , Tue 22 Jun 2010, 8:20, closed)

If so, you could try contacting the Coroner and seeing if he or she will help.
The insurance company are playing for time and it's possible that a sympathetic Coroner will stick an oar in on your behalf.
When we traumatically lost someone close the Coroner and his staff were very helpful and ready with advice. They understood how hard things can be for the bereaved.
In your circs, Jess' mum is entitled to that support too. Worth a try.
( , Tue 22 Jun 2010, 8:52, closed)

Also, I would do 2 further things:
1 - phone up Arse Invaded Goats (see what I did there?) and demand that they show you, written down, where an interim death certificate is not considered proof. It has a written cause of death on it.
2 - this is a good case to take to the local papers. I know it may seem distasteful, but it would very much help. If not, Consumer Direct or even Watchdog may assist.
( , Tue 22 Jun 2010, 9:06, closed)

there's no such thing as bad publicity. However, there is such a thing as very bad publicity.
Tasteless it may well be, but they deserve it.
( , Tue 22 Jun 2010, 9:34, closed)

for being the worst insurer to pay out/try to weasel out of paying out.
as jessie's other half, have you checked to see if you are entitled to any form of bereavement benefits? it drives me mad that nobody ever tells the spouses/families about bereavement benefits. under certain circs you get a cash lump sum (about 3k) and then a payment every month for the next 2 years, taken from the deceased's NI contributions. i have a feeling you might be too young to qualify, but it is worth checking, as it would pay for the funeral if so.
it is also worth everybody telling their friends/family about it. hopefully it is knowledge they will never need, but you can be sure noone in the govt or at the registry office tells you about it. my dad claimed benefits when my mum died and paid them to a stroke charity; came to about 7k in the end.
( , Tue 22 Jun 2010, 9:44, closed)

so checked. Seems you have to be over 45, alas.
( , Tue 22 Jun 2010, 17:04, closed)

I hope you get a resolution out of this soon, sir.
( , Tue 22 Jun 2010, 10:06, closed)

Is there any way that we can turn this round and royally stick it to them?
( , Tue 22 Jun 2010, 11:40, closed)

I will never insure with this company. You have my sincere sympathies, I haven't been on /board in a long time but I remember Jessie being a popular member there. Good luck with things.
( , Tue 22 Jun 2010, 12:28, closed)

but has anyone noticed today's wikipedia featured article?
(edit: Of course, I'll avoid AIG too; I think that goes without saying)
( , Tue 22 Jun 2010, 12:35, closed)

Boycotted, it really sickens me how inhuman some companies can be :(
( , Tue 22 Jun 2010, 16:27, closed)

...that's pretty crap of them. Still thinking of Jess. I'm really sorry.
( , Wed 23 Jun 2010, 13:40, closed)
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