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Just for Paws then...
1) Bodily fluids that I handled last night.
Blood, wee, blood, effluent from a haemofiltration machine(wee essentially), poo, sputum, serous fluid and blood.
2) The most vile thing I ever saw.
Or 'that' story.
Back when I was a student nurse I did a work placement in Day surgery. One day was Circumcision Day. The majority of the clientele were little lads with tight foreskins. But the last customer of the day was a 62 year old chap with a phimosis that he's had fpr YEARS.
Never washed under it.
Anyway, he's aneasthetised and the sugeon YANKS his foreskin down to 'prepare' the area. I don't think this cock had EVER been washed.
The cheese was at least half an inch thick, then as the surgeon cleaned it, little bits were flicked EVERYWHERE, including the ceiling, the lights and the aneathetist's water cup. Which he then drank from.
But the MOST disgusting thing about all was the SMELL. Like a hot day in the parmesan factory./Teh Words
Amorous Badger NAKED BEA ARTHUR PHOTOS 4U, Wed 25 Oct 2006, 15:50,
I think my 'disgust' gland is broken
Dr. Shambolic je suis charlie, Wed 25 Oct 2006, 15:52,
Unlike the old boy's!
Mr. Tea 'ulmmm'/'mmneurgh', Wed 25 Oct 2006, 15:54,
I don't understand why it went everywhere though ... could the doctor not keep his mouth closed?
Dr. Shambolic je suis charlie, Wed 25 Oct 2006, 15:58,
It was last case of the day...
...and consultant was late for a clinic already, hence his none-to-finessed cock clean.
/edit and it went into the aneathetist's WATER.
Amorous Badger NAKED BEA ARTHUR PHOTOS 4U, Wed 25 Oct 2006, 16:06,
It was a Dairylea Dunker.
Edd: The Unfunny Try-Hard Edgelord, Wed 25 Oct 2006, 16:09,
Kids will do anything for Dairylea
Edd: The Unfunny Try-Hard Edgelord, Wed 25 Oct 2006, 15:57,
moohalaa, Wed 25 Oct 2006, 16:00,
That's a lovely story.
Nile, Wed 25 Oct 2006, 15:53,
o deary deary me
is it disgusting story telling day ?
awallafashagba Da da da da da Dah dah, Wed 25 Oct 2006, 15:53,
oh my.
for me?
how kind!
Whythebigpaws?, Wed 25 Oct 2006, 15:54,
are you lot trying to make me lose my lunch today?
Clairebare Back once again with the Ill behaviour, Wed 25 Oct 2006, 15:54,
Oh god i'm going to barf
Bobson I who milks the milkmen?, Wed 25 Oct 2006, 15:54,
I imagine it was like out of date Fimo clay
still slightly moist, but too crumbly to be put to use.
Grrrmachine the indifference engine, Wed 25 Oct 2006, 15:54,
Really, when it was cleaned, it was like a food fight in a feta factory.
Amorous Badger NAKED BEA ARTHUR PHOTOS 4U, Wed 25 Oct 2006, 15:55,
When I was a first year student us student nurses used to get the common room to ourselves...
...purely by the expedient of our daily 'whats the most vile thing you seen today' competitions at tea time.
/edit - Oh my - edible earwax.
Amorous Badger NAKED BEA ARTHUR PHOTOS 4U, Wed 25 Oct 2006, 15:58,
I grew up with
a nurse and a doctor - nothing appals me any more.
Dekazer, Wed 25 Oct 2006, 16:06,
What about this?
/edit and I bet you NEVER got to pull sickies to get off school either.
Amorous Badger NAKED BEA ARTHUR PHOTOS 4U, Wed 25 Oct 2006, 16:07,
First a story about a guy loosing his balls,
now one about inch thick cock cheese.
Mmmmmm Lovely
Dobsky, Wed 25 Oct 2006, 15:55,
Serious fluid?
Bud Muhnquai Update your profile or fuck off, Wed 25 Oct 2006, 15:56,
Not really..
...only about 84mls.
Amorous Badger NAKED BEA ARTHUR PHOTOS 4U, Wed 25 Oct 2006, 15:58,
for me?
how kind!
Whythebigpaws?, Wed 25 Oct 2006, 15:56,
If the surgeon had been more careful peeling it off
he could have made a little cheesy crash helmet for a mouse.
Flapjack I spay a little mare for you, Wed 25 Oct 2006, 15:57,
Amorous Badger NAKED BEA ARTHUR PHOTOS 4U, Wed 25 Oct 2006, 16:05,
I want pizza.
With EXTRA cheese.
parttimedogfish is a Born-Again Reincarnationist, Wed 25 Oct 2006, 15:57,
bodily flids?
spangolin - the odds are good but the goods are odd, Wed 25 Oct 2006, 15:59,
Perhaps you could deal with some vomit now?
rosie posie tingly bongly, Wed 25 Oct 2006, 16:00,
*cleans up calmly*
*helps Rosie get cleaned up*
*gives IM cyclizine*
Amorous Badger NAKED BEA ARTHUR PHOTOS 4U, Wed 25 Oct 2006, 16:04,
Ooh, I have cyclizine after each GA
stops me puking everywhere.
moohalaa, Wed 25 Oct 2006, 16:07,
*makes note to avoid you next time I'm going down to recovery*
Amorous Badger NAKED BEA ARTHUR PHOTOS 4U, Wed 25 Oct 2006, 16:09,
Post op half the time my mum give me my heparin - (she's a nurse)
"Oh, no worry, I'll stick it in his arse, he won't mind!"
It makes me cringe, but when I'm sitting there unable to move you can't do much to stop her.
God, parents are so embarrasing.
moohalaa, Wed 25 Oct 2006, 16:13,
What's wrong with you then moohala?
rosie posie tingly bongly, Wed 25 Oct 2006, 16:16,
As in, any operations I have had.
Appendixectomy, nephrectomy (kidney), a bunch of waterworks crap.
I'm not a spack, I'm not dead from the neck down or anything!
*dead from the neck up
moohalaa, Wed 25 Oct 2006, 16:20,
What is GA?
rosie posie tingly bongly, Wed 25 Oct 2006, 16:11,
General Aneasthetic
Amorous Badger NAKED BEA ARTHUR PHOTOS 4U, Wed 25 Oct 2006, 16:12,