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I'm off to bed
Safe in the knowledge that my dreams will be better than my actual life
(, Wed 21 Nov 2007, 22:48, archived)
you MASSIVE bender
(, Wed 21 Nov 2007, 22:48, archived)
I'm off to bed too
safe in the knowledge that you'll be asleep when I arrive, and hence easier to overpower.
(, Wed 21 Nov 2007, 22:49, archived)
(, Wed 21 Nov 2007, 22:49, archived)
I dream I can fly
That is 198.666% better than real life
(, Wed 21 Nov 2007, 22:49, archived)
I am also 99.89% drunk
due to losing bets with Welshmen
(, Wed 21 Nov 2007, 22:50, archived)
"Are you drunk, bach?"
"Yes... fuck, another tenner."

"Dai this is easy money."
(, Wed 21 Nov 2007, 22:55, archived)
Them's the bestest!

(, Wed 21 Nov 2007, 22:59, archived)
night night Mr Sebastian!
(, Wed 21 Nov 2007, 22:49, archived)
you read my mind

(, Wed 21 Nov 2007, 22:49, archived)
(, Wed 21 Nov 2007, 22:49, archived)

(, Wed 21 Nov 2007, 22:50, archived)

(, Wed 21 Nov 2007, 22:52, archived)
don't scream
I'm coming back
(, Wed 21 Nov 2007, 22:50, archived)

(, Wed 21 Nov 2007, 22:52, archived)
Mine were.
Except for the world being heavily polluted. That was a bit rum.

However, speaking of rum, Mrs Kingpin has just returned with a bottle of Malibu, so the world has just become a better place.
(, Wed 21 Nov 2007, 22:49, archived)
I read that as Mrs Kipling
which would be ace. She'd bring malibu AND exceedingly good cakes
(, Wed 21 Nov 2007, 22:59, archived)
I feel a
trip to the 24hr shop coming on....
(, Wed 21 Nov 2007, 23:05, archived)
I'm off to have another coffee
safe in the knowledge that I'll probably stay up spouting inane drivel on a messageboard until 2am then sleep late and get a taxi to work
(, Wed 21 Nov 2007, 22:49, archived)
I have a cup of tea,
safe in the knowledge there will always be a bit of my heart devoted to it.

(, Wed 21 Nov 2007, 22:52, archived)
My dreams involve octopuses in top hats.
I don't know whether this is better than real life or not.
(, Wed 21 Nov 2007, 22:51, archived)
it most certainly is and you should turn that idea into a screenplay
or better still, a Broadway musical

with octopus rape
(, Wed 21 Nov 2007, 22:52, archived)
We're off to the natural history museum on Friday
To check out the giant squid. Debating whether to take MDMA before we go, for effect.
(, Wed 21 Nov 2007, 22:53, archived)
If you're going to go to a place of learning
you really should be in the frame of mind to learn. Walking around a museum touching things and going "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH IT FEELS SOOOOOO GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD" is the pastime of twats.
(, Wed 21 Nov 2007, 22:55, archived)
take DVLA
unless they've lost your details
(, Wed 21 Nov 2007, 22:56, archived)
I'm not sure I'd want to be in a museum on mdma
acid or shrooms maybe
(, Wed 21 Nov 2007, 23:01, archived)
Dear Russell,
My favourite Brown Sadler teapot got all broken and smashed tonight, in a tiled-kitchen-floor related incident.
This made me do a sad face on the internet earlier.
(, Wed 21 Nov 2007, 22:54, archived)
Dear mns
Not to worry, there are plenty more teapots yearning for your attention. Why not use this opportunity to buy not just a new teapot, but also a few varieties of tea you haven't tried before?
(, Wed 21 Nov 2007, 22:56, archived)
Russian Caravan Tea

(, Wed 21 Nov 2007, 23:00, archived)
this is a good idea
i shall go tea shopping this very weekend
(, Wed 21 Nov 2007, 23:06, archived)