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Pick some of the worst post from your facebook feeds and post them guys.

"Can ne1 do a Spray tan 2mor nite ne time from 7 pleeesssseee xx"

"I'm definitely voting for ukip now after dancing with a girl all night and then when I finally decided to chat to her she couldn't understand English. Not good"

If you don't have facebook, fuck off.
(, Wed 25 Feb 2015, 17:35, archived)
oh man daphne and velma third time investigating we are here and we are pure WIN with our certificates and handsome faces motherflippers

(, Wed 25 Feb 2015, 17:39, archived)
I still don't need a shit

(, Wed 25 Feb 2015, 17:46, archived)
Think how good tomorrow's will be. A proper blurtergasm.
(, Wed 25 Feb 2015, 18:21, archived)
fucking off

(, Wed 25 Feb 2015, 17:43, archived)
fuck off dull prick

(, Wed 25 Feb 2015, 17:47, archived)
Fucking off right here

(, Wed 25 Feb 2015, 17:46, archived)
if only

(, Wed 25 Feb 2015, 18:05, archived)
I got some women on mine who's gone crazy because someone signed for her Royal Mail post, and the signature doesn't look anything like hers (actually, it's pretty similar).
As if the postie is going to know the signature of everyone on their route.
(, Wed 25 Feb 2015, 17:50, archived)
Can I just confirm that the fact you know
The signatures are similar means this facebook fuckwit photographed and posted both signatures? Her real one and the one she questions?
(, Wed 25 Feb 2015, 17:57, archived)
haha brilliant
what a fucking mong
(, Wed 25 Feb 2015, 19:24, archived)
Did the woman get her stuff?
If so, whats the problem.
(, Wed 25 Feb 2015, 18:18, archived)
i dunno if that will work
if it doesn't, fuck off
(, Wed 25 Feb 2015, 17:53, archived)
don't click, it's probably child pornography

(, Wed 25 Feb 2015, 17:53, archived)
Get AB on the case

(, Wed 25 Feb 2015, 17:57, archived)
You appear to have shit "friends".

(, Wed 25 Feb 2015, 17:58, archived)

(, Wed 25 Feb 2015, 18:08, archived)

(, Wed 25 Feb 2015, 18:10, archived)
i no

(, Wed 25 Feb 2015, 18:14, archived)
I love party rings

(, Wed 25 Feb 2015, 18:17, archived)
theyre dirt

(, Wed 25 Feb 2015, 18:42, archived)
that looks like the spaceship opening up at the end of war of the worlds

(, Wed 25 Feb 2015, 18:46, archived)
any tit in that?

(, Wed 25 Feb 2015, 18:50, archived)
nah, but I heard there's one where Scarlet J. Jonah Jameson walls round with her yid muff on show

(, Wed 25 Feb 2015, 18:53, archived)

(, Wed 25 Feb 2015, 19:04, archived)
fucking hell

(, Wed 25 Feb 2015, 19:27, archived)

(, Wed 25 Feb 2015, 19:51, archived)
this has actually ruined cakes
(, Wed 25 Feb 2015, 20:11, archived)
You roast the unborn?!

(, Wed 25 Feb 2015, 21:16, archived)
I don't really use it, soz

(, Wed 25 Feb 2015, 18:30, archived)
im just glad you didnt sell me out like fj up there david, sisterhood

(, Wed 25 Feb 2015, 18:34, archived)
he's off his nut on meds, it's took his bullying too far

(, Wed 25 Feb 2015, 18:38, archived)
no need is there, golden me

(, Wed 25 Feb 2015, 18:39, archived)
like Graham's

(, Wed 25 Feb 2015, 18:42, archived)
alright rosie bird
fancy an oily massage?
(, Wed 25 Feb 2015, 18:48, archived)
pack it in internet troll

(, Wed 25 Feb 2015, 18:51, archived)
best offer you've had all week

(, Wed 25 Feb 2015, 18:52, archived)
I bet you don't even have an nvq in oily massage therapy

(, Wed 25 Feb 2015, 19:24, archived)
more than any doctor on this board's got

(, Wed 25 Feb 2015, 20:17, archived)
one from a while back.
"Fucking spastic can spack off. If one touches me again I'll punch him" from an old school person who had just taken a job with mentally handicapped children.
(, Wed 25 Feb 2015, 18:57, archived)
*postive reviews for fifty shades of grey from family members*

(, Wed 25 Feb 2015, 19:10, archived)