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# No you're doing it shit on purpose, and that's why nobody will vote for this and your pic will disappear into obscurity at teh bottom of teh compo having contributed nothing,
'cos that's how it works, regardless of how many shite headswap pics we get, only those well done or funny and preferably both will get anywhere in the compo, that's the point of it being a competition.

Are you listening Prodigy69?


*edit* unless we enjoy the irony...

*edit edit* or all the trolls click it just to piss us off...
(, Fri 1 Oct 2010, 22:42, archived)
# Oh come on.
I used that posh invisible tape and everything.
(, Fri 1 Oct 2010, 22:45, archived)
# Sorry I shouldn't direct this specifically at you, just in a bad mood,
got flu and a laptop, y'know how it is...

Happily Whiskey and nice soups are helping keep me away from the knife drawer...
(, Fri 1 Oct 2010, 22:50, archived)
# do you need a hug?
(, Fri 1 Oct 2010, 22:50, archived)
# I could use one actually,
on me own at mo and miserable...
(, Fri 1 Oct 2010, 22:51, archived)
# aaaawwww
(, Fri 1 Oct 2010, 22:52, archived)
# :)
I'm altered enough on the lemsip and whiskey for that to actually help, thank you!
(, Fri 1 Oct 2010, 22:56, archived)
# :)
have you tried putting whiskey in the lemsip?
(, Fri 1 Oct 2010, 22:57, archived)
# I do do that, it's nice,
but this stuff I've found is too nice to do that to it (see sig)
(, Fri 1 Oct 2010, 23:06, archived)
# it's probably lovely
but i can't touch the stuff
(, Fri 1 Oct 2010, 23:07, archived)
# WiL - have you ever tried Yamasaki?
It's a 10yr old Japanese Single Malt which I've been trying to turn a couple of my whisky drinking buddy's onto, but they refuse to as it's Japanese.
It's bloody lovely. Every so slightly smokey, but as smooth as an older aged malt.
(, Fri 1 Oct 2010, 22:59, archived)
# Google says you meant Yamazaki, sounds like a motorbike,
looks interesting tho, cheers, I'll spend some time now seeing if I can get it delivered in the next 3 days ;)
(, Fri 1 Oct 2010, 23:03, archived)
# This it!?
(, Fri 1 Oct 2010, 23:07, archived)
# Whisky a Quo Quo
(, Sat 2 Oct 2010, 2:36, archived)
# www.thedrinkshop.com is a good site
that stuff. Although Tesco sell the 10yr old for about 30quid.
(, Fri 1 Oct 2010, 23:12, archived)
# Ooh!
I love nowadays that when confined to the house you can just order ANYTHING in online
(, Fri 1 Oct 2010, 23:15, archived)
# Haha.
Just wish it was like ordering a dominoes pizza.
"A bottle of Woodford reserve sir? It will be with you in 20 minutes or it's on us"
(, Fri 1 Oct 2010, 23:17, archived)
# I wish...
you can do that abroad y'know, used to live in Brussels, had mates all over, including Amsterdam, you could order a party in, like not just food but booze, pot and more, a nice man on a bike came and gave you it within minutes.

Lordy I miss that...
(, Fri 1 Oct 2010, 23:22, archived)
# Awesome. I have a guy like that who'll pop round with certain stuff,
but I've never asked him to pick me up a pizza ;)
(, Fri 1 Oct 2010, 23:26, archived)
# Yeh but thing is,
this was good reliable government controlled shit and wasn't followed by a police raid.
(, Fri 1 Oct 2010, 23:29, archived)
# I'll just butt in here to say...
The Glenrothes. For the afficianado.
(, Sat 2 Oct 2010, 2:39, archived)
# *eavesdrops*
*sneaks to offy*
(, Fri 1 Oct 2010, 23:04, archived)
# it's quite sad
that i can't drink whiskey
(, Fri 1 Oct 2010, 23:06, archived)
# Why,
what goes wrong between the pouring and drinking bit?
(, Fri 1 Oct 2010, 23:07, archived)
# due to over-indulgence many years ago
it now makes me violently ill. even the smell makes me retch.
(, Fri 1 Oct 2010, 23:08, archived)
# Oh
well that would explain it.

Shame, it's one of my fave tipples, so complex and interesting, and so many varieties to try.

My other fave: red wine, same reasons.
(, Fri 1 Oct 2010, 23:11, archived)
# i'm very picky with red wine
it has to be sweet and fruity
(, Fri 1 Oct 2010, 23:13, archived)
# Tanniny (if that's a word) and fruity for me,
Aussie or South African are me faves, Shiraz preferably.
(, Fri 1 Oct 2010, 23:20, archived)
# don't drink it often
as none of my mates like it and i can't handle a full bottle myself!
(, Fri 1 Oct 2010, 23:26, archived)
# Oooh, not for me. It's gotta be dry and at the right temperature.
I went to Turkey last year and they served the red wine straight from the fridge.
It was odd to start with, but quite refreshing after a while as it was so fucking hot there. But still not right.
Sometimes I spent an age trying to warm them between my legs, which served a couple of purposes.
(, Fri 1 Oct 2010, 23:32, archived)
# pfff
there's only one other person besides myself that i know who actually takes red out of the fridge for a while before serving it
(, Fri 1 Oct 2010, 23:35, archived)
# My friend has the same problem with bacardi.
I have that issue with any cider, which is a shame. Even bulmers and stuff like that I retch.
(, Fri 1 Oct 2010, 23:14, archived)
# i'm fine with bacardi
i drink that when i'm out, either that or vodka. if i'm not in the mood for shorts, i drink cider.
(, Fri 1 Oct 2010, 23:17, archived)
# Sambuca, or it's equivalents,
nuff said really...
(, Fri 1 Oct 2010, 23:17, archived)
# Sambucca rarely ever meets my gut.
It just sits at adams apple level for a few hours. Uch.
(, Fri 1 Oct 2010, 23:19, archived)
# Quite.
Same with any Mexican shot drinks like Tequila for me. IF I can can get it down, it soon comes back up...
(, Fri 1 Oct 2010, 23:24, archived)
# it's not a competition
it's a challenge, but quite a few people don't rise to the challenge, or simply show they are incapable.
(, Fri 1 Oct 2010, 22:57, archived)
# glad we sorted that out...
(, Fri 1 Oct 2010, 22:58, archived)
# I'm not splitting hairs, a challenge and a competition are completely different
it's just a shame that it got referred to as a compo, as people feel they have to enter with any old shit as if that gives them a chance of winning like some fuckwit lottery.
Whereas the point of an image challenge is to test your comedy/photoshop skill.
(, Fri 1 Oct 2010, 23:03, archived)
# No fun allowed.
(, Fri 1 Oct 2010, 23:39, archived)
# Fun is allowed
The problem is 20% of posts are the same joke. "I did this really shitty on purposes. haw haw haw". After nearly 8 years of b3ta, that joke is a little old!
(, Sat 2 Oct 2010, 5:16, archived)