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# Dinosaurs of the Flirtatious Period

clicky for Dino size (330k)
(, Sun 18 Sep 2011, 17:29, archived)
# Hahaha
(, Sun 18 Sep 2011, 17:30, archived)
# arf !
(, Sun 18 Sep 2011, 17:31, archived)
# somebody's looking for a jurassic pork
(, Sun 18 Sep 2011, 17:31, archived)
# pfft!
(, Sun 18 Sep 2011, 17:47, archived)
# better be quick
the Firtatious period waz followed by the Platonic period :)
(, Sun 18 Sep 2011, 17:52, archived)
# that's the real reason they died out
they clearly passed on the platonic gene to pandas
(, Sun 18 Sep 2011, 17:54, archived)
# Well, any kind of pork really

I'm not picky
(, Sun 18 Sep 2011, 18:08, archived)
# sorry, only beef here
(, Sun 18 Sep 2011, 18:12, archived)
# this fellow is
(, Sun 18 Sep 2011, 18:45, archived)
(, Sun 18 Sep 2011, 18:49, archived)
# haha!
(, Sun 18 Sep 2011, 18:53, archived)
# pffft
(, Sun 18 Sep 2011, 17:31, archived)
# Shy-ranasaurus Rex?

(, Sun 18 Sep 2011, 17:32, archived)
# haha
(, Sun 18 Sep 2011, 17:52, archived)
# :D
Nice one
(, Sun 18 Sep 2011, 17:38, archived)
# :D
(, Sun 18 Sep 2011, 17:43, archived)
# awesome!
woo and yay and yeeehaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar!
(, Sun 18 Sep 2011, 17:46, archived)
# Hahahaha!
Have a staggersaurus!

(, Sun 18 Sep 2011, 17:55, archived)
# noice!
(, Sun 18 Sep 2011, 17:56, archived)
# yay !
Dave ! how the devil are you ?
(, Sun 18 Sep 2011, 18:17, archived)
# Yo!
I'm alright matey! How's you?

(, Sun 18 Sep 2011, 18:19, archived)
# bad case of man flu i feel like shit
getting better though.
(, Sun 18 Sep 2011, 18:21, archived)
# you big pansy
(, Sun 18 Sep 2011, 18:25, archived)
# G'day Ma'am!

(, Sun 18 Sep 2011, 18:30, archived)
# and a g'day to you, too!
(, Sun 18 Sep 2011, 18:32, archived)
# eep!
sorry bub!

(, Sun 18 Sep 2011, 18:30, archived)
# haha excellent
(, Sun 18 Sep 2011, 18:25, archived)
# hahaha
love this!
(, Sun 18 Sep 2011, 23:03, archived)
# great idea!
that's a neato!
(, Sun 18 Sep 2011, 17:59, archived)
# Hahaha.
(, Sun 18 Sep 2011, 18:03, archived)
(, Sun 18 Sep 2011, 18:04, archived)
# :)
(, Sun 18 Sep 2011, 18:45, archived)
# Hooray!
(, Sun 18 Sep 2011, 18:07, archived)
# haha
(, Sun 18 Sep 2011, 18:31, archived)
# See this is what happens when I'm at work
All you talented people start posting. :)
(, Sun 18 Sep 2011, 18:23, archived)
# with 28 FPs to your name (and every one brilliant)
I don't think you should be linking yourself to any lack of talent

(, Sun 18 Sep 2011, 18:37, archived)
# yes, i know that links is that a way >
and it may well be gc but your lully pic minded me of this: www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2011/sep/13/smiley-dinosaur-marks-and-spencer
(, Sun 18 Sep 2011, 18:25, archived)
# haha
and it was traced - image search smiley dinosaur and see what comes up
(, Sun 18 Sep 2011, 18:26, archived)
# law suit!
if he had any balls he'd follow that up.

*edit* but that would only lead to more free advertising for ms and lots of money for lawyers i s'spose. ho hum.
(, Sun 18 Sep 2011, 18:28, archived)
# yay.
(, Sun 18 Sep 2011, 18:28, archived)
# poor soul
he's gone to the trouble of cultivating a coke spoon finger nail and lost his nostrils. oh, the irony. evolution's a bitch.
(, Sun 18 Sep 2011, 18:40, archived)
# is that why all the coke is spirting out of his ear?
(, Sun 18 Sep 2011, 18:42, archived)
# poor dear only has one ear?
should see a dentist too.

*is one to talk*

/english teeth blog
(, Sun 18 Sep 2011, 18:50, archived)
# Dinosaur with tits!
I do hope nothing sexy happens...
(, Sun 18 Sep 2011, 18:44, archived)
# The reason i clicked 'I like this'
Is because 'I like this'.
(, Sun 18 Sep 2011, 18:51, archived)
# thank you kindly :)
(, Sun 18 Sep 2011, 19:03, archived)
# I always held that is the best reason
(, Sun 18 Sep 2011, 19:12, archived)
# I'm nothing
if not pragmatic.
(, Sun 18 Sep 2011, 19:16, archived)
# is that a machine that makes prags?
(, Sun 18 Sep 2011, 20:36, archived)
# Why do i get the idea
Chutters might draw one?
(, Sun 18 Sep 2011, 20:53, archived)
# haha
because he probably will
(, Sun 18 Sep 2011, 21:04, archived)
# I
Look forward to it.

Chutter is a star
(, Sun 18 Sep 2011, 21:19, archived)
# Roll to save vs Charm
*fails save*
(, Sun 18 Sep 2011, 19:22, archived)
# Yaaay!
(, Sun 18 Sep 2011, 21:38, archived)
# Hahah
(, Sun 18 Sep 2011, 21:57, archived)
# pffffffft
Woo Yay Hooplah
(, Mon 19 Sep 2011, 0:16, archived)