(Thor_sonofodinhas done things, terrible things on,
Mon 3 Oct 2011, 11:25,
crazy talk
'nings chap
(HappyToastGroat froth,
Mon 3 Oct 2011, 11:26,
'ningles big lad.
i was swimming in the sea in just my shorts on saturday and doing some body surfing, that how good a weekend i've had.
(Thor_sonofodinhas done things, terrible things on,
Mon 3 Oct 2011, 11:29,
extreme to the max!
(HappyToastGroat froth,
Mon 3 Oct 2011, 11:32,
i forgot that my pale coloured sailcloth board shorts have no underpant lining
so i may have been displaying my winky as i rose from the surf like daniel craig.
(Thor_sonofodinhas done things, terrible things on,
Mon 3 Oct 2011, 11:55,
Swimming in just your shorts you say?
Steady on there on chap, this isn't Sodom and Gomorrah
(Michael Elliscontributes nothing,
Mon 3 Oct 2011, 11:32,
How does this not fit with the image challenge description?
(Mr EraserheadWhy aren't you a lemon?,
Mon 3 Oct 2011, 11:24,
"Merchandise for films that normally wouldn't have merchandise"
how would you like me to explain it more clearly?
(HappyToastGroat froth,
Mon 3 Oct 2011, 11:25,
...if we're going to be pedantic cunts about it, a quick Google search would suggest there's plenty of merchandise for Se7en (one of the examples given in the image challenge suggestion) including a figure of Brad Pitt's character.
(Mr EraserheadWhy aren't you a lemon?,
Mon 3 Oct 2011, 11:28,
calm down chap
you asked me a question, I gave an answer
and my initial comment had a winky face which in most cultures refers to the statement being a happy, cheeky, smiley, knowing comment.
(HappyToastGroat froth,
Mon 3 Oct 2011, 11:30,
It reads as..
"I'm a bitter, miserable cunt with no sense of humour" I must have misunderstood. ;)
(alwayslostinsmokefulfilling dreams since,
Mon 3 Oct 2011, 11:33,
fair enough, if you don't get my sense of humour put me on ignore
but I'm not being a nazi or cracking whips
(HappyToastGroat froth,
Mon 3 Oct 2011, 11:34,
Hmm, I think you'll be hard pressed to find a film that doesn't have any merchandise
Anyway there is always a tendency to read between the lines and bend the words a little
(claptonista,the idiot boy..........,
Mon 3 Oct 2011, 11:28,
by "bend the words a little"
do you mean "stretch the brief past breaking point and enter things only tangentially related"? i gave up (seriously) complaining about people totally ignoring the challenge brief a long time ago because they almost never stay on-topic. it's nice to sometimes point out to people that they're well off-topic, but that's only because i'm a cunt. :)