Hats!... mainly because that is what I am researching right now.
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Wed 28 Dec 2011, 19:46,
I've tried on several hats this week
none of them suited me, although the homburg came close
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Wed 28 Dec 2011, 20:00,
one of my cats has a large abcess on its face
I squeezed it earlier. It was disgustingly satisfying. The cat disagreed and is unhappy at the bloody pus trickling down his face.
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Wed 28 Dec 2011, 20:10,
Kitty would be better if kitty had vbeen home for the vet's appointment this morning
Kitty had better be around for tomorrow's appt or kitty's face is gonna fall off
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Wed 28 Dec 2011, 20:15,
Eeks, keep it locked in untill you've got it to see the vet.....
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Wed 28 Dec 2011, 20:18,
bloody pus is fine, it's when you don't catch it and it goes green and black that I start to gag
good you've a vet available over the holidays, the little fuckers are always getting sick when everyone's closed
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Wed 28 Dec 2011, 22:10,
good you've a vet available over the holidays, the little fuckers are always getting sick when everyone's closed
I'm lost in the supermarket...
edit: Batman counts as hats right?
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Wed 28 Dec 2011, 19:47,
Imperial officers and storm troopers and Boba fett and Darth Vader count as well then...
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Wed 28 Dec 2011, 20:19,
Oh the Pain, the Pain!
The actor went bonkers and actually used to think he was Dr Zackary Smith...
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Wed 28 Dec 2011, 22:39,
Hats will win and it will be pictures of animals with top hats all week. I've voted Supermarkets.
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Wed 28 Dec 2011, 19:52,
H _ A _ T _ Z _ !
* Nuns, Bums, and Teddy Guns in Hatz, to be precised
Sod the analysis - IT HAS TO BE HATZ!
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Wed 28 Dec 2011, 19:54,
Sod the analysis - IT HAS TO BE HATZ!
Looks like a week of Royals in hats
Let's make odds on how many times Princess Beatrice will appear.
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Wed 28 Dec 2011, 19:56,
fucking hell
I've just seen the word 'ures' used for 'yours' on FB
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Wed 28 Dec 2011, 19:58,
It Wel Annoys Me Wen Ppl Typ Wif Caps For Evry Word Lol Xoxoxoxoxoxox
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Wed 28 Dec 2011, 20:02,
it should of annoyed you alot
I'm currently watching Family Business and am half pissed on Balvenie. This is a pretty decent state of affairs apart from ther film
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Wed 28 Dec 2011, 20:06,
Being a hard grammar nazi bastard, Facebook does my head in at the best of times.
As for me, I'm just watching Mystery Science Theatre and drinking vodka & Coke. I'll probably write more of my graphic novel in a bit. I want to get it properly started sometime soon.
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Wed 28 Dec 2011, 20:12,
my film has finished so I'm going to eat the turkey enchiladas that Mrs S has prepared
or is it turkey chinese curry? Not sure but it will involve turkey and probably more whisky, although as it's not long gonr past 8pm I'd better have a few beers first. Don't want to get silly.
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Wed 28 Dec 2011, 20:17,
Indeed; if I were to drink any more on an empty stomach, I'd be asking for trouble. XD
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Wed 28 Dec 2011, 20:41,
What's FB?
There is a sign on our local bus stop that confused me, it reads (Text 4 times) why not just once I was wondering untill it clicked....
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Wed 28 Dec 2011, 20:05,
Got you,
Text FOR the times of the buses it means..
But I thought it meant you had to text four times to find out....
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Wed 28 Dec 2011, 20:11,
But I thought it meant you had to text four times to find out....
I have a car
my would I need to know the bus times? Did I ever tell you about the time I caught crabs off a Northern girl?
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Wed 28 Dec 2011, 20:14,
I'm not familiar with that particular route or company myself...
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Wed 28 Dec 2011, 20:21,
I was just about top reply to this
then realised it was my post
my film just finished. I have no idea what happened.
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Wed 28 Dec 2011, 20:11,
my film just finished. I have no idea what happened.
if you want replying to yourself confusion...
The other night I changed my name to DrimbIe and he changed his to The invsabIe man...
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Wed 28 Dec 2011, 20:15,
I used to be Griffy Savalas
and also Grifty Savaloy and also Veiculo Longo and also Griffin Saver and I think I need something to eat
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Wed 28 Dec 2011, 20:20,
Yeah well I watched "The Navigator: A Mediaeval Odyssey" the other day
Alas, I did konw what happened. It went like this: badly-shot black and white film with people putting on bad Scottish accents pretending to be 14th-century Cumbrians caught up in the Black Death segues into badly-shot colour film of said people tunelling through the Earth to modern New Zealand so that they can recast a cross and put it on the cathedral or some shite.
The only interest in the entire film stemmed from learning that the guy who played the Hobbit who went "Grrrrrrr..." and made faces when Gandalf's fireworks went off in the Fellowship of the Ring is, and always has been, a completely useless actor with one facial expression.
Utter fucking bilgewater, that film was. Utter fucking bilgewater.
This post was brought to you by /No-oneWillReadThisOrReply blog.
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Wed 28 Dec 2011, 21:00,
The only interest in the entire film stemmed from learning that the guy who played the Hobbit who went "Grrrrrrr..." and made faces when Gandalf's fireworks went off in the Fellowship of the Ring is, and always has been, a completely useless actor with one facial expression.
Utter fucking bilgewater, that film was. Utter fucking bilgewater.
This post was brought to you by /No-oneWillReadThisOrReply blog.
I forgot
The film ended back in badly-shot black and white back in Cumbria, was improbably revealed to be the invention of the irritating boy, who then turned out to have the plague. This means it had a saving grace: everyone died.
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Wed 28 Dec 2011, 21:02,
(Or even "The Navigator: A Medieval Odyssey" which is how I think they spell it.) Someone must like the film other than the director's wife.
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Wed 28 Dec 2011, 21:11,
Well I liked it but I'm probably biased
Vincent Ward is a tosser and this is one of his less shit films (all downhill from his early work), some nice cinematography I think.
The lead is pretty annoying, but otherwise I like the supporting cast - Marshall Napier is often good and I'm a particular fan of Paul Livingston (arguably more in his comic persona, Flacco).
The cathedral has long been iconic, but even more so since the earthquakes have completely fucked it up in the last twelve months.
At least it's not the abomination that is River Queen
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Thu 29 Dec 2011, 0:07,
The lead is pretty annoying, but otherwise I like the supporting cast - Marshall Napier is often good and I'm a particular fan of Paul Livingston (arguably more in his comic persona, Flacco).
The cathedral has long been iconic, but even more so since the earthquakes have completely fucked it up in the last twelve months.
At least it's not the abomination that is River Queen
to be fair to it
the "badly-lit" bits of my laughable "review" are very harsh, and i couldn't pretend the cumbrian bits weren't atmospheric. but i was really disappointed - the internet had lead me to expect a really good film, and i got... a rather confused, underwhelming mess.
i may avoid vincent ward's other stuff though. you're not giving it a good write-up...
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Thu 29 Dec 2011, 0:10,
i may avoid vincent ward's other stuff though. you're not giving it a good write-up...
Oh haha, sorry. Put on Hunky Dory and heard that annoying intro to Andy Warhol.
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Wed 28 Dec 2011, 20:39,