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# I meant to do some work this evening

Bloody mojitos
(, Sat 16 Jun 2012, 21:01, archived)
# is that the ghost of freebase next to that maggoty turd thing?
(, Sat 16 Jun 2012, 21:02, archived)
# possibly.
(, Sat 16 Jun 2012, 21:02, archived)
# It appears to be Freebase with a croissant toupee
(, Sat 16 Jun 2012, 21:03, archived)
# a croissant toupee?
or a zombie armadillo?
(, Sat 16 Jun 2012, 21:11, archived)
# It's all about interpretation.
That's what I'm going to tell the judges when I submit this for the Turner Prize.
(, Sat 16 Jun 2012, 21:17, archived)
# I think b3ta should collectively go for the turner prize
between our varying degrees out mental health we're bound to come up with something unbeatable
(, Sat 16 Jun 2012, 21:20, archived)
# Agreed.
(, Sat 16 Jun 2012, 21:21, archived)
# let's con happytoast into organising it
(, Sat 16 Jun 2012, 21:32, archived)
# YAY have a 'no medication' day to brainstorm for ideas.
(, Sat 16 Jun 2012, 21:26, archived)
# hahahahaha

(, Sat 16 Jun 2012, 21:33, archived)
# *fears*
(, Sat 16 Jun 2012, 21:36, archived)
# ^ This to the max
Do they allow collective projects? Don't see why they wouldn't.
(, Sat 16 Jun 2012, 21:41, archived)
# We all have to be under 50
But then, this was one of the submissions (slightly nsfw)
(, Sat 16 Jun 2012, 21:44, archived)
# "Death"
(, Sat 16 Jun 2012, 22:18, archived)
# Let's do a follow-up to this one and call it "Throat"
(, Sat 16 Jun 2012, 22:41, archived)
# christ, that just looks like a student prank
so clearly, we can concoct some shite, give it some abstract explanation, then watch the fucking cashes roll in, innit.
(, Sat 16 Jun 2012, 22:40, archived)
# Does this not count as work then?
It should do
(, Sat 16 Jun 2012, 21:02, archived)
# I will submit it tomorrow and see what my boss says
(, Sat 16 Jun 2012, 21:04, archived)
# Fake!

And Moggy's profile has been deleted, was this at her request or did she do something very, very naughty?
(, Sat 16 Jun 2012, 21:03, archived)
# Oooooh.
(, Sat 16 Jun 2012, 21:04, archived)
# she posted links to one of JJ's family members facebook page on Thursday night.
I assume that was the reason for the ban.
(, Sat 16 Jun 2012, 21:06, archived)
# Very naughty.
Who'd have thought people would look on Facebook for pictures that were posted there for people to see.
It's still naughty though.
(, Sat 16 Jun 2012, 21:09, archived)
# I think it was the links more than the use of a picture off the internet
involving innocent family members is a bit fucking creepy if you ask me.
(, Sat 16 Jun 2012, 21:11, archived)
# Someone who hasn't a sense of proportion, or lost it.
Yes the involvement of other people and the sheer overreaction is worrying.
(, Sat 16 Jun 2012, 21:19, archived)
# She posted pics from and a link to JJ's sister's facebook profile
then said she would only delete them if all coptercat pics were deleted from b3ta
(, Sat 16 Jun 2012, 21:07, archived)
# kin ell
that's a bit mental
(, Sat 16 Jun 2012, 21:10, archived)
# ^this
(, Sat 16 Jun 2012, 21:11, archived)
# Yeah, even by Moggy standards
it shows a complete lack of understanding on numerous levels
Edit: Here b3ta.com/board/10788895
(, Sat 16 Jun 2012, 21:13, archived)
# That has a disturbing religious/magical property to it.
As though she might be somehow righting a wrong on behalf of coptercats' spirit. Her replacement of coptercat with one of JJs' relatives cats is intriguing too.
(, Sat 16 Jun 2012, 21:25, archived)
# no, she understood
she clearly didn't care.

there is an entire "lol wut?" of comments on JJ's deviant art account.
(, Sat 16 Jun 2012, 21:35, archived)
# I just translated Moggy's last Japanese comment to JJ
"Something you own dead".

Fucking fruitloop.
(, Sat 16 Jun 2012, 21:53, archived)
# "Your sister's a lot taller than she looks on Facebook"
(, Sat 16 Jun 2012, 21:55, archived)
# "Get some rest JJ, you look tired"
(, Sat 16 Jun 2012, 22:00, archived)
# "You changed your aftershave, JJ. I don't like it."
(, Sat 16 Jun 2012, 22:05, archived)
# Do you reckon JAL lets you take hobbling mallets in your carry-on luggage?
(, Sat 16 Jun 2012, 22:08, archived)
# I think they're part of the inflight package along with the mini toothbrush and earplugs
(, Sat 16 Jun 2012, 22:09, archived)
# They're a cruel race

Jeez, I can't believe I'm referencing Bridget Jones Diary
(, Sat 16 Jun 2012, 22:26, archived)
One reason for the upset over helicat, methinks. Apparently it was quite a high profile thing over there and still very much in the public consciousness.
(, Sat 16 Jun 2012, 22:31, archived)
# nasty
but still, I don't like helicat, some people find it funny. Shit happens.

If folk want to find *truly* offensive sick shit that should be eradicated from the world, well, there's no shortage of it, especially when a lot of it is profitable.

/world is fucked up blog
(, Sat 16 Jun 2012, 22:44, archived)
# What the average b3tan sees when they drink a bottle of cough syrup and close their eyes.
Or is that just me?
(, Sat 16 Jun 2012, 21:04, archived)
(, Sat 16 Jun 2012, 21:06, archived)
# I told this bald guy once
"I see memes."
In the end it turned out he was just another meme himself.
(, Sat 16 Jun 2012, 21:07, archived)
# Are you sure you're not a meme yourself, who thinks it is a person.
(, Sat 16 Jun 2012, 21:11, archived)
(, Sat 16 Jun 2012, 21:12, archived)
# If I wasn't so drunky
I would do an awesome Bladerunner-esque mashup. Oh well, someone else can do it better.
(, Sat 16 Jun 2012, 21:15, archived)
# Now you come to mention it
has there been any memes who happen to be b3tans, apart from MarkP0rter?
(, Sat 16 Jun 2012, 21:12, archived)
# Gronkpan is Vimod
(, Sat 16 Jun 2012, 21:16, archived)
# Really? Interesting.
(, Sat 16 Jun 2012, 21:19, archived)
# I have no evidence for this other than b3ta lore
(, Sat 16 Jun 2012, 21:20, archived)
# I've spoken to actual Vimod
he was very confused about being shopped all over the internet.

I've also spoken to Gronkpan. He was incoherent.
(, Sat 16 Jun 2012, 21:26, archived)
# Probably tired after flying back to the antipodes
having just got back from being in his "Vimod" guise on the phone to you in the UK
(, Sat 16 Jun 2012, 21:30, archived)
# he's probably in jail
(, Sat 16 Jun 2012, 21:32, archived)
# Incoherent?
Drunk, stoned, medicated or just a drooling vegetable?
(, Sat 16 Jun 2012, 21:47, archived)
# Vegetable
best of all the drooling substances
(, Sat 16 Jun 2012, 21:51, archived)
# You've spoken with the actual Vimod "the mod" Freebase?
How on Earth did this happen? Did you find out where he worked and phone him and say "Vimod! My man! Did you know you're all over this site called B3ta? Where's your Zamboni?"
(, Sat 16 Jun 2012, 22:18, archived)
# Also, I heard that someone (mediocre?) emailed Jeremy E. "Freebase" Jones
to inform him of his fame. I should like to know his reply.
(, Sat 16 Jun 2012, 22:22, archived)
# "If you ever contact me again I will phone the police.
And if I see you I will FUCK YOU UP I will FUCK YOU UP no-one messes with Jonesy!"

I'd love to know too. Someone once posted his Facebook page on here. In some of the photos he looked surprisingly non-gurning.
(, Sat 16 Jun 2012, 22:24, archived)
# He looks a lot more normal, and a lot more tanned
There's also a video of him somewhere, talking then showing off some moves.
Here's one clip of him being a strong dude www.youtube.com/watch?v=i4dVImAfqQk Also check out his incredibly polite and rational reply to a detractor in the comments bit.
(, Sat 16 Jun 2012, 22:29, archived)
# I have yet to see a photo where he looks like the pic that's most used on here.
I know a part of it was reconstructed, but still, overall it doesn't look anything like him.
(, Sat 16 Jun 2012, 22:33, archived)
# He definitely has something wrong with his eyes that makes them look different sizes
you can see that in quite a few pics
(, Sat 16 Jun 2012, 22:37, archived)
# And his nose looks like an underscore :D
(, Sat 16 Jun 2012, 22:39, archived)
# I think it's the result of over-exercise
Sometimes his eyes just bulge the way normal people's do when they're taking a massive shit. He can't help it and I think he's very sensitive about it :(

I watched a couple of his videos ages back. Pretty dull and normal-looking, actually. If I had weeks of time I'd sit there and Freebase every frame of them. Alas, I don't.
(, Sat 16 Jun 2012, 22:41, archived)
# haha b3tans have been on this one
(, Sat 16 Jun 2012, 22:51, archived)
# Hahahaha!
(, Sat 16 Jun 2012, 22:54, archived)
(, Sat 16 Jun 2012, 23:10, archived)
(, Sat 16 Jun 2012, 23:07, archived)
# \o/
(, Sat 16 Jun 2012, 23:17, archived)
# So much harder to do this sideways
(, Sat 16 Jun 2012, 23:40, archived)
# vimod has become a star with the power of B&
what's to be confused about.

get him on b3ta :D
(, Sat 16 Jun 2012, 22:39, archived)
# We'd have to follow the rabbit hole to see how far it goes.
(, Sat 16 Jun 2012, 21:16, archived)
(, Sat 16 Jun 2012, 21:20, archived)
Fanj, Rik.
(, Sat 16 Jun 2012, 21:21, archived)
# Jacob Dyer
(, Sat 16 Jun 2012, 21:22, archived)
(, Sat 16 Jun 2012, 21:22, archived)
# we'll have none of that, young whippersnapper
I was referring to Sir Dave The Hat, once of these parts.
(, Sat 16 Jun 2012, 21:23, archived)
# GMOS is Dave the Hat?
I never knew that
(, Sat 16 Jun 2012, 21:23, archived)
# I've never seen them in the same place at the same time
just in different places at different times.
(, Sat 16 Jun 2012, 21:24, archived)
# Interesting...
(, Sat 16 Jun 2012, 21:27, archived)
# I played pool with GMOS
against two people named Jo, male and a female. Given my first name, we teamed up as the G's v the Jo's.

It was awesome.
(, Sat 16 Jun 2012, 21:32, archived)
# I didn't even think GMOS was human
I thought it was like a Thunderbird puppet or something
Edit: Done some detective work. So GMOS = GrandmaOfShoes, now I see.
(, Sat 16 Jun 2012, 21:33, archived)
# Oh yes of course!
(, Sat 16 Jun 2012, 21:24, archived)
# I'm going to get Hulk Hogan to sign up to b3ta
(, Sat 16 Jun 2012, 21:25, archived)
# I think the US Army have finally detained him.
I do wonder if he's seen the "I found this..." picture.
(, Sat 16 Jun 2012, 21:29, archived)
# I like to think he curses my name every day
(, Sat 16 Jun 2012, 21:30, archived)
# Presumably saying "brother" or "dude" to end every sentence.
(, Sat 16 Jun 2012, 21:36, archived)
# jahled unconscious
(, Sat 16 Jun 2012, 21:29, archived)
# Also, there's that picture of some guy pulling a "gaaaahh" face
which was purported to be PedroHin, even though it's actually an acquaintance of mofaha's or something
(, Sat 16 Jun 2012, 21:36, archived)
# MarkP0rter is not a meme
Posting a picture of yourself into the b3ta kit and telling people to shop you does not a meme make
(, Sat 16 Jun 2012, 22:11, archived)
# He's certainly a me-me-me
(, Sat 16 Jun 2012, 22:24, archived)
# Never tried drinking a whole bottle
Will experiment and get back to you
(, Sat 16 Jun 2012, 21:09, archived)
# Keep 999 on speed dial. XD
(, Sat 16 Jun 2012, 21:11, archived)
# Depends which one represents most value,
the subtle bitterness of Pholcodine versus the heady aroma and tang of the eminently quaffable Benylin.
(, Sat 16 Jun 2012, 21:15, archived)
# that's beautiful
(, Sat 16 Jun 2012, 21:09, archived)
# *blushes more*
(, Sat 16 Jun 2012, 21:11, archived)
# i like this

(, Sat 16 Jun 2012, 21:30, archived)
# :D
(, Sat 16 Jun 2012, 21:37, archived)
(, Sun 17 Jun 2012, 6:12, archived)