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He's quite mad y'know...
Darryn.R ,
Wed 16 Jul 2003, 14:30,
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Splendid. Did anyone else collect MAD stickers in... must have been about 1984?
Baz Fuck off ,
Wed 16 Jul 2003, 14:30,
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some of us
collected them in 197 4. ; )
kerouac ,
Wed 16 Jul 2003, 14:31,
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I didn't know they had adhesive surfaces that long ago.
Baz Fuck off ,
Wed 16 Jul 2003, 14:32,
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they didn't
we had to hold them wherever we wanted them, or employ midgets to do so.
kerouac ,
Wed 16 Jul 2003, 14:33,
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Sue Drawbridge is completely mad.
Dawn Syndrome ,
Wed 16 Jul 2003, 14:37,
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Does that mans
T-shirt say "Jesus Christ died for bikers too"?
bovine I'm so old, even my old is old ,
Wed 16 Jul 2003, 14:38,
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Of course!
Dawn Syndrome ,
Wed 16 Jul 2003, 14:39,
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yes, it does.
for your next lesson, we'll try a whole paragraph. ; )
kerouac ,
Wed 16 Jul 2003, 14:39,
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Tell us about the war...
pleeeese.... Did you kill any germans .... Bloody old people... you should all go back to where you came from...
Mrfishfinger .com ,
Wed 16 Jul 2003, 14:33,
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but my mother has all these weird hangups. "kerouac, that's wrong..." "kerouac, i don't swing that way..." "kerouac, you're hurting me..." "kerouac, i felt something rip..." fucking whiner.
kerouac ,
Wed 16 Jul 2003, 14:37,
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martian ,
Wed 16 Jul 2003, 14:42,
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witchy is covered in BEES ,
Wed 16 Jul 2003, 14:43,
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There were
stickers? I've got loads of Mad books, and an Alfred E Newman action figure.
bovine I'm so old, even my old is old ,
Wed 16 Jul 2003, 14:32,
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i've got books
and comics...
martian ,
Wed 16 Jul 2003, 14:33,
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I threw
all my comics out, besides the books are better.
bovine I'm so old, even my old is old ,
Wed 16 Jul 2003, 14:34,
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They're probably worth a stupid amount of money.
You could have been rich, rich I tell you. Beyond your wildest dreams.
Baz Fuck off ,
Wed 16 Jul 2003, 14:35,
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not the British editions. Now had they been early US ones I would have kept them.
bovine I'm so old, even my old is old ,
Wed 16 Jul 2003, 14:37,
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Fester Bestertester
pxyzyzygy ,
Wed 16 Jul 2003, 14:38,
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Yes, they came with a stick of cardboard masquerading as
Baz Fuck off ,
Wed 16 Jul 2003, 14:33,
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Annual Hooray!
Mattyboy ,
Wed 16 Jul 2003, 14:34,
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bovine I'm so old, even my old is old ,
Wed 16 Jul 2003, 14:37,
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was that
like the viz... but for kids ?
Mrfishfinger .com ,
Wed 16 Jul 2003, 14:37,
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martian ,
Wed 16 Jul 2003, 14:30,
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-p di yay
icedragon ,
Wed 16 Jul 2003, 14:31,
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hahaha! Woo!
supermoore: HUNG ,
Wed 16 Jul 2003, 14:31,
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Sunshine Elephant ,
Wed 16 Jul 2003, 14:31,
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Charles E Neuman!
pxyzyzygy ,
Wed 16 Jul 2003, 14:31,
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What One?
bovine I'm so old, even my old is old ,
Wed 16 Jul 2003, 14:32,
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That's brilliant....
...watch it go viral!
sick_boy ,
Wed 16 Jul 2003, 14:32,
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woo! TJ I hear they've arrested the dopey marine. Mind you, that could be GC by now knowing this place
mother inferior - now fully in compliance with the Trades Descriptions Act, being both a mother and inferior ,
Wed 16 Jul 2003, 14:32,
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I myself announced it a few threads down... :P
JustHere4Coffee remembers when all o' this were car parks ,
Wed 16 Jul 2003, 14:34,
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I could announce them too
if you want?
JustHere4Coffee remembers when all o' this were car parks ,
Wed 16 Jul 2003, 14:39,
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aren't you supposed to
change pictures somehow? woo
witchy is covered in BEES ,
Wed 16 Jul 2003, 14:32,
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oh my
WOO!!! genius!
Darkedge ,
Wed 16 Jul 2003, 14:33,
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he he he...
Mystery_Bob ,
Wed 16 Jul 2003, 14:42,
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guffaw! snicker! marathon! mars!
witchy is covered in BEES ,
Wed 16 Jul 2003, 14:44,
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now that is just
plain damn good
ivor_the_engine ,
Wed 16 Jul 2003, 15:44,
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smart woo!
mozza ,
Wed 16 Jul 2003, 16:48,
archived )
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