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I honestly can't see what the fuss was about.
If someone had posted a link on how to prepare a chicken for roasting, no-one would have batted an eye-lid. Hypocrisy!
Baz Fuck off ,
Tue 22 Jul 2003, 14:42,
archived )
... was surprised at the reaction. But I'm not one to cause a fuss.
nordicapollo ,
Tue 22 Jul 2003, 14:43,
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I suspect we've been invaded by vegans
and other limp-wristed types. Bah!
Baz Fuck off ,
Tue 22 Jul 2003, 14:45,
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because a lot of us here are servants of cats....
Dr. Kitteny Berk almost certainly drunk ,
Tue 22 Jul 2003, 14:46,
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Then rise up against your masters!
Have them for lunch.
Baz Fuck off ,
Tue 22 Jul 2003, 14:46,
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no way
he's bigger than me
Dr. Kitteny Berk almost certainly drunk ,
Tue 22 Jul 2003, 14:48,
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get me my shotgun,
im gonna bag me some jessies
psausage76 ,
Tue 22 Jul 2003, 14:47,
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i thought
we're all gay
lib319 ,
Tue 22 Jul 2003, 14:48,
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limp wristed
are a crap band.
Sir Sand GOBLIN ^popular page dis ,
Tue 22 Jul 2003, 14:48,
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I think the subject itself wasn't the main problem
it's the fact it was unannounced - if you'd posted a link to chicken preparation, you would probably have said what was on the site you were linking to; would it have hurt to have forewarned those eating, of a nervous disposition, etc?
JustHere4Coffee remembers when all o' this were car parks ,
Tue 22 Jul 2003, 14:46,
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You may be right....
... next time I'll have a fair warning....cause there's more from where that link came.
nordicapollo ,
Tue 22 Jul 2003, 14:48,
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sometimes this board seems less interested in "funny"
and more in becoming a cheap mirror of somethingawful.com.
Dr Phil Kitten ,
Tue 22 Jul 2003, 14:50,
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Different people find different things funny.
I suppose.
Baz Fuck off ,
Tue 22 Jul 2003, 14:52,
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did i miss a memo or something?
since when was this board meant to be funny?
Sir Sand GOBLIN ^popular page dis ,
Tue 22 Jul 2003, 14:52,
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No, it's meant to be
Baz Fuck off ,
Tue 22 Jul 2003, 14:54,
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That would explain
all your post's then. ;)
bovine I'm so old, even my old is old ,
Tue 22 Jul 2003, 14:54,
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come on you.
Sir Sand GOBLIN ^popular page dis ,
Tue 22 Jul 2003, 14:55,
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bovine I'm so old, even my old is old ,
Tue 22 Jul 2003, 14:56,
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*rolls up sleeves*
i don't want to have to fight you in front of the lovely ladies now, come on.
Sir Sand GOBLIN ^popular page dis ,
Tue 22 Jul 2003, 14:59,
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I don't want you to
fight me in front of the lovely ladies.
bovine I'm so old, even my old is old ,
Tue 22 Jul 2003, 15:00,
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fight! fight!
my money's on Bovine
Jadeviper was still alive on ,
Tue 22 Jul 2003, 15:00,
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mine too.
Sir Sand GOBLIN ^popular page dis ,
Tue 22 Jul 2003, 15:03,
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You give in?
Then I win!!! Hooray!
bovine I'm so old, even my old is old ,
Tue 22 Jul 2003, 15:04,
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one day.
one day i'll have you, give you the pounding of a lifetime I will. Possibly.
Sir Sand GOBLIN ^popular page dis ,
Tue 22 Jul 2003, 15:06,
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cat: the other white meat
lo, the OTHER greebo warrior ,
Tue 22 Jul 2003, 14:43,
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gather round children
the great Fnord once said to me 'the general idea of the board is there aren't enough kittens' he didn't mean sliced up ones
lib319 ,
Tue 22 Jul 2003, 14:46,
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but shirley
if you cut them into little bits they go further?
Jadeviper was still alive on ,
Tue 22 Jul 2003, 14:49,
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they go nowhere if you do that
lib319 ,
Tue 22 Jul 2003, 14:50,
archived )
How to prepare a chicken for roasting:
While the mole is simmering, prepare the chicken for roasting. Slice the apple and remaining jalapeno in quarters and stuff them inside the chicken. Fire up the Weber or turn the oven on to 450°. When the mole is ready, slather it all over the chicken {save a dollop or two for dippin'}. Cook the chicken on the Weber for 1 1/2 hours, adding charcoal according to directions, or, put the bird on a rack, uncovered, in the preheated oven and reduce the heat at once to 350°. Roast about 22 minutes per pound. Let cool 10 minutes before slicing and serving with the hot rice. I like to serve sauteed zucchini and yellow squash as well because it looks so pretty, sittin' on the plate along side a' the chocolate covered chicken. Buen Provecho!
christhebarker ,
Tue 22 Jul 2003, 14:51,
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You eat moles?
Baz Fuck off ,
Tue 22 Jul 2003, 14:52,
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Half way down this page:
stevenfromholz.com/cookbook.htm POLLO MOLE' POBLANO CON TRES PIMIENTOS
christhebarker ,
Tue 22 Jul 2003, 14:56,
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delete this
lib319 ,
Tue 22 Jul 2003, 14:53,
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*bats eyelid*
charliedontsurf ,
Tue 22 Jul 2003, 14:57,
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I see what
you've done there ; )
christhebarker ,
Tue 22 Jul 2003, 14:58,
archived )
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