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# Sorry to threadwaste but i must speak my anger or i may just explode

today i was sent home from school for wearing incorrect shoes, and i just got a phone call saying it was the last day of school. school as in, my entire school life. i was at home. i missed it all. people were crying. big assembly. didn't get to say goodbye to people i'll never see again. i'm pissed off.

to make up for it though, have a very very old animation.

(, Thu 20 May 2004, 16:29, archived)
# Just how unsuitable were your shoes?
Or did they just want rid of you? Just joking - sorry about your poo day, but a big woo to your anime (which I haven't seen before!).
(, Thu 20 May 2004, 16:30, archived)
# thanks : )
they were just standard Osiris "skater shoes".

black and all
(, Thu 20 May 2004, 16:32, archived)
# That's a bit steep.
I think you should go and do the newspaper / dog shit thing outside the headmaster's office. Hell, you're not on the register anymore!
(, Thu 20 May 2004, 16:37, archived)
# yeah, i might set fire to the school...

except i'm going to the 6th form...
(, Thu 20 May 2004, 16:38, archived)
# Lots of sixth forms, all over the country.
Plenty more fish in the sea - BURN 'EM!!!

*worries that I may be inciting teenagers to arson*
(, Thu 20 May 2004, 16:40, archived)
# haha, nah.. i'm already a bit of an ARSEonist
(, Thu 20 May 2004, 16:42, archived)
# Alright missus?
My crappy computer still won't let me see your 1000 posts pic. *sniff* :(
(, Thu 20 May 2004, 16:44, archived)
# See profile.
God, this coding thing's a bit of a lark, innit?

how rude - 'noon! How's you?
(, Thu 20 May 2004, 16:47, archived)
# Me's K
Being made to actually do some work. Shocking. (Hence delays in replyage and intermittent posting etc)
(, Thu 20 May 2004, 16:59, archived)
# One platform wedgie
One girl's sandal.

Join Friends Reunited

(, Thu 20 May 2004, 16:34, archived)
# I hope you attend clown school....
...and were sent home for wearing sensible loafers.
(, Thu 20 May 2004, 16:31, archived)
# yeah, there weren't enough spots on them
(, Thu 20 May 2004, 16:33, archived)
# bugger
unlucky fella
i'd go back in tomorrow and say goodbye to 'em anyway
(, Thu 20 May 2004, 16:31, archived)
# no...
it was the last day... they will be at home sipping martini :P
(, Thu 20 May 2004, 16:35, archived)
# how about using one of them new fangled devices
such as the telephone, or the electronic e-mail
(, Thu 20 May 2004, 16:41, archived)
# that's a very sad tale - have a baby to make you feel better
(, Thu 20 May 2004, 16:31, archived)
# great advice to
a teenager. Guess he/she can get a council house if they do.
(, Thu 20 May 2004, 16:46, archived)
# one of my schools I got sent home half day on the last day all because
I called someone an asshole in front of prospective parents, hahaha
(, Thu 20 May 2004, 16:32, archived)
# Fucking kids.
If it was the last day of school, you must have been there for a while. Therefore, you probably knew that your shoes were unsuitable.

Then again, if you were suprised to learn that it was the last day of school, then you probably hadn't been paying much attention all the while you'd been there. In which case, I have even less sympathy.
(, Thu 20 May 2004, 16:32, archived)
# they changed it
it was meant to be tomorrow

besides, i got away with it for 3 years
(, Thu 20 May 2004, 16:34, archived)
That's what I was thinking, but then, I'm going into teaching.

What's your excuse?
(, Thu 20 May 2004, 16:34, archived)
# My other half is a teacher!
They keep a pair of "special" shoes for such ocasions...
(, Thu 20 May 2004, 16:36, archived)
# I got kicked out of
my 6th form leavers ball (8 years ago - crikey!) for genuinely no reason other than the head of 6th form didn't like me and some of my friends.

Nearly a decade down the line and I still bear a grudge to the extent if I ever see him again I am going suffocate him with his own rectum.
(, Thu 20 May 2004, 16:32, archived)
# ooh he must be bendy
remember to post a pic of said event when it happens.
(, Thu 20 May 2004, 16:34, archived)
# hahah
cheered me up =D
(, Thu 20 May 2004, 16:36, archived)
# and no profanitised shirt with
"i love you despite your halitosis",
"sorry about that thing with yous sister..."
or "as your ex-maths teacher i can now truly tell you you are a dunce"

poor you...
(, Thu 20 May 2004, 16:33, archived)
# Now is an excellent time
to start an alchol problem.
(, Thu 20 May 2004, 16:33, archived)
# cunts,
what was wrong with your shoes? Surely it was a non uniform day or whatnot?
(, Thu 20 May 2004, 16:35, archived)
# no..
it was only last day for the year 11s. i thought it was tomorrow, and my shoes weren't that bad either... the head of year's just a STUPID FUCKING CUNT.... *sigh*
(, Thu 20 May 2004, 16:37, archived)
# That nearly happened to me
Middle of my A-levels I was accused of shouting "Wanker" at the Head of Geography (he was, but I didn't, but naturally couldn't say who did thanks to stupid school-based honour codes). This was half an hour before an exam, and he kept accusing me, so I told him to fuck off. After the exam, frogmarched to the headmaster, told to apologise or I'd be expelled (with 6 more exams to go). I refused, saying I'd done nothing wrong and had witnesses. Got off with a suspension, but was only allowed to attend the leaver's ball (for which I had a decent date) if I apologised. I did. I regret it to this day (especially as a mate copped off with my bird)

Sorry. Bit long. Bitter.

(, Thu 20 May 2004, 16:41, archived)
# Awww

there there. remember, it's better to die on your feet than live on your hands... no wait, that wasn't it... it's better to eat on your face than live in a commode... no wait...
(, Thu 20 May 2004, 16:44, archived)
# you poor unlucky sod
i'd be pretty pissed in your position
(, Thu 20 May 2004, 16:44, archived)
# i am *hic*
you know... *hic*... you're my besht friend!
(, Thu 20 May 2004, 16:47, archived)
# damn you over 16s
and your alcohol

damn you all to hell
(, Thu 20 May 2004, 16:58, archived)
# i'm only 15
i'm a horrid underage drinker
(, Thu 20 May 2004, 17:03, archived)
# damn you people who look old enough to the bloke at the newsagent's
and your alcohol

damn you to hell
(, Fri 21 May 2004, 20:22, archived)