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[challenge entry] NEW DICTATOR CHALLENGE
'Wish I Was There'

It's Thursday, time for a new challenge. This week, we want what people really wish they were doing.

From the Meanwhile, in a parallel universe... challenge. See all 465 entries (closed)

(, Thu 16 Sep 2004, 12:26, archived)
# thuuuuuuuursday challenge?
(, Thu 16 Sep 2004, 12:27, archived)
# Ha ha.
Turn B3TA into a scuzzy version of worth1000.
New challenge every day!
(, Thu 16 Sep 2004, 12:30, archived)
but I'm not ready!
(, Thu 16 Sep 2004, 12:28, archived)
# piss
I was going to make an actually good parallel universe pick as apposed to any old random shite
(, Thu 16 Sep 2004, 12:29, archived)
# you what now?
(, Thu 16 Sep 2004, 12:29, archived)
# Methinks a hijinx
is afoot
(, Thu 16 Sep 2004, 12:30, archived)
# d'oh
edit: tis the miracle of using lower case L instead of upper case I.
Parallel universe gubbins, y'see.

edit 2: I love space is class
(, Thu 16 Sep 2004, 12:32, archived)
# I see what you did there
In a parallel universe, posters can make their own challenges on any day they choose.

Original and worth a woo and a yay
(, Thu 16 Sep 2004, 12:30, archived)
# ahh
don't I feel the fool.. not really, but you got me
(, Thu 16 Sep 2004, 12:33, archived)
# i really wish
i could finish myself off *fwap* *fwap* *fwap* *fwap* *fwap* *fwap* *fwap* *fwap* *fwap* *fwap* *fwap*
(, Thu 16 Sep 2004, 12:31, archived)
(, Thu 16 Sep 2004, 12:34, archived)
# he he he
changed it back while he's not looking...

(, Thu 16 Sep 2004, 12:36, archived)
# I've had a similar doppelganger problem
(, Thu 16 Sep 2004, 12:38, archived)
# and
i thought we were mates
(, Thu 16 Sep 2004, 12:50, archived)
Calm down you two. Go to your rooms. ;-)
(, Thu 16 Sep 2004, 12:39, archived)
# ha
(, Thu 16 Sep 2004, 12:40, archived)
# what? who? where?
that's not what I said... oh well...

*kneels before Zod*
(, Thu 16 Sep 2004, 12:40, archived)
# i like that
(, Thu 16 Sep 2004, 12:36, archived)
# I could tell that was false
the challenge images are always under 4KB ;)
(, Thu 16 Sep 2004, 12:39, archived)
# Party
(, Thu 16 Sep 2004, 12:51, archived)
# i thought of it but i didn't drop the quality enough
fell back on my old instincts of trying to get it to look better! :)
(, Thu 16 Sep 2004, 13:00, archived)
# you like

(, Thu 16 Sep 2004, 15:43, archived)