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# eat ups

For my lunch today, I have two bacon and egg rolls and one bacon roll a pint of
orange juice and several cups of tea.
What are you eating?
(, Tue 2 Aug 2005, 12:37, archived)
# Jossie?
You'll ove me. Oniion bagels-- to be toasted, with Philadelphia Cream Cheese.
(, Tue 2 Aug 2005, 12:38, archived)
# or someone like that
(, Tue 2 Aug 2005, 12:39, archived)
# Jessie wore it?
*resumes dreaming of naked jessie dance*

I had no lunch or breakfast today... i woke up at 12 after a 5 hour marathon debugging my c#- compiler to put in a portfolio that ended at 5am. Then i had to rush to japanese classes. Got home in time for tea
(, Tue 2 Aug 2005, 12:40, archived)
# not yet determined lunch
'but today, I think, a sandwich is in order' Tunamayonnaisses Horrible.
(, Tue 2 Aug 2005, 12:38, archived)
# Super!
(, Tue 2 Aug 2005, 12:40, archived)
# I just had 2 rolls with potted salmon and rocket
and 3 jaffa cakes
Edit: 4 jaffa cakes
Edit: 5 jaffa cakes
(, Tue 2 Aug 2005, 12:39, archived)
# Heh
Hard to stop eh? :)
(, Tue 2 Aug 2005, 12:41, archived)
# I can stop whenever I like
7 jaffa cakes
(, Tue 2 Aug 2005, 12:42, archived)
# The hardest part is admitting you have a problem.
(, Tue 2 Aug 2005, 12:44, archived)
# Hurrah!
you and your keeerrraaazy Jaffa Cakes!
(, Tue 2 Aug 2005, 12:41, archived)
# 'Salad with a big chicken leg,
some wholemeal bread, a chewy cereal bar thing, a 'nana, a peach, 500ml of freshly squeezed orange, two cups of black coffee and two cigarettes', healthy-smokies grey kid.
(, Tue 2 Aug 2005, 12:39, archived)
# That's the spirit!
(, Tue 2 Aug 2005, 12:42, archived)
# Mmmm, spirits...
*wants a dark rum and coke with lime now*
(, Tue 2 Aug 2005, 12:43, archived)
# I likes me rum
but I prefer water in mine.
(, Tue 2 Aug 2005, 12:44, archived)
# Haha
where is teh Dave of hats?

I have had nowt! NOWT to eat yet. But I shall rectify that presently after I have got myself ready for work.
(, Tue 2 Aug 2005, 12:39, archived)
# Have soup and a cheese toastie!
(, Tue 2 Aug 2005, 12:42, archived)
# Sounds lovely
(, Tue 2 Aug 2005, 12:43, archived)
# Hilartimious to the maximillian mr Prunes!
I don't know what I have for lunch! But it wont be Rissoles :(

First aids redsushi!

(, Tue 2 Aug 2005, 12:40, archived)
# Have chips!
(, Tue 2 Aug 2005, 12:43, archived)
# Noodles
(, Tue 2 Aug 2005, 12:41, archived)
# Phwoaar!
(, Tue 2 Aug 2005, 12:43, archived)
(, Tue 2 Aug 2005, 12:44, archived)
# I think he means this
(, Tue 2 Aug 2005, 12:47, archived)
# Crikey!
I hope he washed his noodle first.
(, Tue 2 Aug 2005, 12:48, archived)
# an omelette on 2 slightly burnt rolls
(, Tue 2 Aug 2005, 12:41, archived)
# Perfect!
(, Tue 2 Aug 2005, 12:44, archived)
# it was mighty fine :)
(, Tue 2 Aug 2005, 12:45, archived)
# 'noon Proddy
But what was in your omelette?

We need FACTS, man FACTS.
(, Tue 2 Aug 2005, 12:45, archived)
# I dunno, but I'll bet you a fiver it had a big comedy animashed FACE.
(, Tue 2 Aug 2005, 12:47, archived)
# or an underling
with lully teeth? :)
(, Tue 2 Aug 2005, 12:48, archived)
# if only I had bacon
(, Tue 2 Aug 2005, 12:48, archived)
# eggs..milk..pepper..a lil salt and some chopped chives :)
nothing fancy

'noon pot
(, Tue 2 Aug 2005, 12:48, archived)
# Yes, facts
for some reason I read 'omelette' as 'scrambled eggs'

So what was in your omelette
(, Tue 2 Aug 2005, 12:50, archived)
# Tuna sandwiches
(tuna, mayonnaise, white wine vinegar, lemon juice and lots of black pepper) with orange juice and spring water.
(, Tue 2 Aug 2005, 12:44, archived)
# Lully.
Go you.
(, Tue 2 Aug 2005, 12:45, archived)
# Braw!
you should put a wee dollop of mustard in the tuna mix, it's very nice indeed.
(, Tue 2 Aug 2005, 12:46, archived)
# yes!
I tried this once (my aunt made it) and I was pleasantly surprised.
(, Tue 2 Aug 2005, 12:47, archived)
# I only discovered this in my local deli
where I bought a tuna sarndwich only to discoved after buying it that it had mustard in it, I almost took it back but I tried it and like you I was very surprised.
(, Tue 2 Aug 2005, 12:52, archived)
# *considers*
...it is admittedly the only sandwich I have without mustard. However, I do have some dijon with white wine that might do the trick.
(, Tue 2 Aug 2005, 12:48, archived)
# Just a tiny dollop
it's braw!
(, Tue 2 Aug 2005, 12:51, archived)
# Cor
That's almost like I have mine. (I don't have the lemming juice but I must try that).

Edit: I had to dash out earlier when you replied. Yes I have the painters in. All the living spaces and kitchen/scullery. I love the smell of paint, me. Light stone in most places with one area having orange bits on feature walls and another turquoise. It's already looking a bit bloody wonderful.
(, Tue 2 Aug 2005, 12:46, archived)
# Mmmm,
the lemming juice is my lastest discovery in the field of tuna sandwich research.
(, Tue 2 Aug 2005, 12:49, archived)
# i'm having
a ham roll, a large cherry yoghurt, an apple, a banana, a jordan's muesli bar and a bisc&twix, washed down by several cups of earl gray
(, Tue 2 Aug 2005, 12:50, archived)
# Nice.
Mmmm, Earl Gray... bestest of all the teas.
(, Tue 2 Aug 2005, 12:52, archived)
# even better than that
it's free from the sexy machine (a good one)

edit: www.ecmuk.co.uk/office.html the top one. sexy bitch. *rawr*
(, Tue 2 Aug 2005, 12:55, archived)
# A summery picanic lunch!
(, Tue 2 Aug 2005, 12:54, archived)