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Well this is the bit where we encourage you to support our sponsors by buying their clothes and mentioning that it is made in the UK, designed to last and makes ideal gifts for the men in your life, including yourself. BUY JEANS AND MORE AT HEBTRO
Plus a host of other bollocks that are either modern/post-modern etc etc etc depending on your point of view and whether daddy and mummy had a few quid to spare to send you off to some poncey university to study fine art.
(Hamster Trippin'aka Mr. Titts,
Sat 14 Jan 2006, 12:39,
You made my christmas card list!
Thanks SuperwikiMan!!
(gaijintendoRegular Member,
Sat 14 Jan 2006, 12:43,
All in a day's work my son
Now I must go and enlighten some other board in the ways of wiki.
/flies off, cape fluttering in the breeze
(Hamster Trippin'aka Mr. Titts,
Sat 14 Jan 2006, 12:45,
use it - it may become common.
(gaijintendoRegular Member,
Sat 14 Jan 2006, 12:32,
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