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# ahem.....
(, Fri 14 Sep 2007, 9:39, archived)
# my gran would wait until the end of the film
and when the bit that said the end came up (on old films) she would loudly proclaim THE END. she was a bit loopy and about 93 when she did that
(, Fri 14 Sep 2007, 9:41, archived)
# happy b3taday
(, Fri 14 Sep 2007, 9:41, archived)
# harpy b3terday!
my gran doesn't like the telly because she thinks it watches her

she puts a curtain over it so it can't see her
(, Fri 14 Sep 2007, 9:43, archived)
# cunning
i understand her pain

and cheers all again
(, Fri 14 Sep 2007, 9:43, archived)
# link a webcam somwhere in her room up to a laptop and route the image through to her telly (i think you can do this on modern tvs)
for old person taunting fun
(, Fri 14 Sep 2007, 9:47, archived)
# "I don't think I want the internet, dear"
she's very wary of anything technical - even an electric kettle

this is a woman who 'stopped taking The Times because it was too sexy'

she's 97
(, Fri 14 Sep 2007, 9:51, archived)
# is she like the Spitting Image Puppet of The Queen Mother?
"I'm 97, you know!"
(, Fri 14 Sep 2007, 9:52, archived)
# uncannily similar, yep :)
(, Fri 14 Sep 2007, 9:58, archived)
# hmmm
*subscribes to Times*
(, Fri 14 Sep 2007, 9:52, archived)
# SexyTimes!
(, Fri 14 Sep 2007, 9:53, archived)
# Arf!
(, Fri 14 Sep 2007, 9:57, archived)
# in Russia
Television listens to Radio.

(, Fri 14 Sep 2007, 9:50, archived)
also - nice sig king of the loons
(, Fri 14 Sep 2007, 9:52, archived)
# yay bee-boy sig!
*does a bee-boy stance*
(, Fri 14 Sep 2007, 9:53, archived)
# please.
Stop me Procrastinating.


(what DOES procrastinating mean? I'm guessing it's a posh word for finding anything to do other than what you're supposed to be doing i.e skiving)
(, Fri 14 Sep 2007, 9:54, archived)
# yeah
it means putting shit off, basically
(, Fri 14 Sep 2007, 9:56, archived)

Lickety Split!

also: the deferment or putting-off of an action or task, usually by focusing on some other distraction (compare temporisation). It is Latin for "foremorrowing," or making some such of tomorrow.
(, Fri 14 Sep 2007, 9:57, archived)
# ...billiards
(, Fri 14 Sep 2007, 9:54, archived)
# Happy B3tayay!
(, Fri 14 Sep 2007, 9:43, archived)
# happy b3taday!!!!
w00000t w000000t
(, Fri 14 Sep 2007, 9:45, archived)
# w00t w00t
i love that expression
(, Fri 14 Sep 2007, 9:47, archived)
# that's da sound of da police!
(, Fri 14 Sep 2007, 9:50, archived)
# I do that now...

hippy bathday
(, Fri 14 Sep 2007, 9:46, archived)
# Prof!

(, Fri 14 Sep 2007, 9:50, archived)
# Darling
I shouldn't be here - it's wrong...

*glomps anyway*
(, Fri 14 Sep 2007, 9:51, archived)
# so wrong and yet so very, very right

'sup, dawg?
(, Fri 14 Sep 2007, 9:52, archived)
# I'm good fanks...
half looking forwards to the weekend half not... It's looking like I'm going to spend it in London trying to persuade an ill friend to go to the doctor.
(, Fri 14 Sep 2007, 9:59, archived)
# sounds grim
I don't like that London very much.
There's too much of it and the beer is very expensive and it is full of southerners.

I am supposed to be going to look at bikes in Beverly but I am not sure I can be arsed.
(, Fri 14 Sep 2007, 10:03, archived)
# Beverly is too close to Hull for my liking
... my brother used to live in Hull and I possibly got meningitus there with him once. ALso it's the only place the police have successfully caught me speeding... and it's just not nice.

London isn't cool in the slightest - but my brother and a number of my friends have been seduced by the crap wages with the suggestion of good wages to come. Admittedly, my brother's in love with a girl who works in fashion, so she can't live anywhere normal and do her job...
(, Fri 14 Sep 2007, 10:08, archived)
# Happy B3taday!
May all your dr3ams come tru3
(, Fri 14 Sep 2007, 9:48, archived)
# 3h?
and does that free ps3 thing actually work?
(, Fri 14 Sep 2007, 9:50, archived)
# happy b3taday
crazy lady
(, Fri 14 Sep 2007, 9:48, archived)
# re-mem-ber to let her into your heart
then you can staaaa-aart to make it beeetter

what, you thought I was gonna stop?
(, Fri 14 Sep 2007, 9:51, archived)
# pfffft
(, Fri 14 Sep 2007, 9:54, archived)
(, Fri 14 Sep 2007, 9:53, archived)
# Happy B3taday
(, Fri 14 Sep 2007, 10:06, archived)
# FUNSHE....oh
nings Jeccy :)
(, Fri 14 Sep 2007, 9:41, archived)
# he wins!
(, Fri 14 Sep 2007, 9:48, archived)
# old people smell of Wii
(, Fri 14 Sep 2007, 9:58, archived)
# pffft
100% FACT
(, Fri 14 Sep 2007, 10:02, archived)
# :)
That made me chuckle
(, Fri 14 Sep 2007, 10:04, archived)