and when the bit that said the end came up (on old films) she would loudly proclaim THE END. she was a bit loopy and about 93 when she did that
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Fri 14 Sep 2007, 9:41,

my gran doesn't like the telly because she thinks it watches her
she puts a curtain over it so it can't see her
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Fri 14 Sep 2007, 9:43,
she puts a curtain over it so it can't see her

for old person taunting fun
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Fri 14 Sep 2007, 9:47,

she's very wary of anything technical - even an electric kettle
this is a woman who 'stopped taking The Times because it was too sexy'
she's 97
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Fri 14 Sep 2007, 9:51,
this is a woman who 'stopped taking The Times because it was too sexy'
she's 97

"I'm 97, you know!"
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Fri 14 Sep 2007, 9:52,

Stop me Procrastinating.
(what DOES procrastinating mean? I'm guessing it's a posh word for finding anything to do other than what you're supposed to be doing i.e skiving)
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Fri 14 Sep 2007, 9:54,
(what DOES procrastinating mean? I'm guessing it's a posh word for finding anything to do other than what you're supposed to be doing i.e skiving)

Lickety Split!
also: the deferment or putting-off of an action or task, usually by focusing on some other distraction (compare temporisation). It is Latin for "foremorrowing," or making some such of tomorrow.
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Fri 14 Sep 2007, 9:57,
Lickety Split!
also: the deferment or putting-off of an action or task, usually by focusing on some other distraction (compare temporisation). It is Latin for "foremorrowing," or making some such of tomorrow.

'sup, dawg?
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Fri 14 Sep 2007, 9:52,
'sup, dawg?

half looking forwards to the weekend half not... It's looking like I'm going to spend it in London trying to persuade an ill friend to go to the doctor.
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Fri 14 Sep 2007, 9:59,

I don't like that London very much.
There's too much of it and the beer is very expensive and it is full of southerners.
I am supposed to be going to look at bikes in Beverly but I am not sure I can be arsed.
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Fri 14 Sep 2007, 10:03,
There's too much of it and the beer is very expensive and it is full of southerners.
I am supposed to be going to look at bikes in Beverly but I am not sure I can be arsed.

... my brother used to live in Hull and I possibly got meningitus there with him once. ALso it's the only place the police have successfully caught me speeding... and it's just not nice.
London isn't cool in the slightest - but my brother and a number of my friends have been seduced by the crap wages with the suggestion of good wages to come. Admittedly, my brother's in love with a girl who works in fashion, so she can't live anywhere normal and do her job...
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Fri 14 Sep 2007, 10:08,
London isn't cool in the slightest - but my brother and a number of my friends have been seduced by the crap wages with the suggestion of good wages to come. Admittedly, my brother's in love with a girl who works in fashion, so she can't live anywhere normal and do her job...