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# japanese see through skirts...
real or fake? Quite funny either way.
(, Mon 17 Feb 2003, 21:37, archived)
# Haha...
Thats c-c-c-c-cracking!
(, Mon 17 Feb 2003, 21:39, archived)
# Ba-dum
(, Mon 17 Feb 2003, 21:42, archived)
# True
(, Mon 17 Feb 2003, 22:04, archived)
# Darling,
usually you are beyond reproach but THAT is a glass cock I'm afraid.
(, Mon 17 Feb 2003, 21:39, archived)
# Indeed it is
(, Mon 17 Feb 2003, 21:40, archived)
# *unlurks*
ha ha!

(, Mon 17 Feb 2003, 21:46, archived)
# sweetheart - it's on
Snopes so it's bound to be a glasscock... but it's still mildly amoosing...
(, Mon 17 Feb 2003, 21:44, archived)
# Sugar plum,
You are right, it is highly amoosing.
(, Mon 17 Feb 2003, 21:45, archived)
# bleurgh
(, Mon 17 Feb 2003, 21:46, archived)
# Ours is a forbidden love.
i.e Non-existant.
(, Mon 17 Feb 2003, 21:48, archived)
# or
is it...
(, Mon 17 Feb 2003, 21:49, archived)
# we're having a secret affair -
it's wildly passionate and umm, stuff like that, but it's top secret - don't tell anyone ok? Good egg.
(, Mon 17 Feb 2003, 21:53, archived)
# your secret
is safe with me...
(, Mon 17 Feb 2003, 21:56, archived)
# Yes,
it is a love that dare not speak it's name. Both wildy passionate and animal, yet soft and gentle like dew on a leaf.

(, Mon 17 Feb 2003, 22:01, archived)
# that picture is just ace.
Thanks for the secret hidden message in there by the way. I know you know my initials spell dew. now they know you know as well.

or something.
(, Mon 17 Feb 2003, 22:07, archived)
# Sssshhhh
my flame haired goddess of passion and love, people may suspect.
(, Mon 17 Feb 2003, 22:09, archived)
# do you think so?
but I've been so discreet. Curses.
(, Mon 17 Feb 2003, 22:13, archived)
# So have I.
Those big signs I made weren't that visible.
Oh and my tattoo is quite discreet.
(, Mon 17 Feb 2003, 22:17, archived)
# that one on your forehead?
i think the fringed look you've started working is covering it well. I got them to announce it on the news, but it was after the footie results, so i doubt anyone saw it. I rekon we'll be alright.
(, Mon 17 Feb 2003, 22:22, archived)
# what an
excellent reaction!
(, Mon 17 Feb 2003, 21:55, archived)
# why
fankyou darling
(, Mon 17 Feb 2003, 21:57, archived)
# oh, you're most
welcome, sweety
(, Mon 17 Feb 2003, 21:59, archived)
# jolly good
eh wot
(, Mon 17 Feb 2003, 22:02, archived)
phew, I think I got out of that glasscockage quite well ;)
(, Mon 17 Feb 2003, 21:48, archived)
# you're a Supreme Magic Donkey
you get away with anything!

(, Mon 17 Feb 2003, 21:50, archived)
# yay!
ello love. Did Ms Freshlegs get you your recipe? The love of ginger in every form needs spreading, you know.
(, Mon 17 Feb 2003, 21:55, archived)
# I like
carrot strips stir fried with finely chopped fresh ginger...
(, Mon 17 Feb 2003, 21:57, archived)
# ooh - that sounds nice.
just realised i have ginger beer in the fridge - wont get me drunk but it tastes quite nice.
(, Mon 17 Feb 2003, 22:01, archived)
# we've got that
dried sweet crystalized ginger stuff. it's quite nice.
(, Mon 17 Feb 2003, 22:05, archived)
# i like the fiery ginger beer
and the posh non-fizzy, organic stuff is nice too
(, Mon 17 Feb 2003, 22:07, archived)
# ooh - I like drinking the fiery stuff but just can't decide
if it's torture or I honestly do like it - do you know what i mean?
(, Mon 17 Feb 2003, 22:14, archived)
# someone once made me laugh after
taking a large mouthfull of ginger beer - the pain as it streamed out of my nose was quite unbelievable!
(, Mon 17 Feb 2003, 22:21, archived)
# she did
and i'm looking forward to making its gingery goodness :) i just have to buy odd things like buttermilk now.
(, Mon 17 Feb 2003, 22:12, archived)
# oh blimey -
I thought buttermilk was a thing they only used in the olden days... will you have to go back in time, or will Tesco be ok with it? It's all more complicated than I thought.
(, Mon 17 Feb 2003, 22:15, archived)
# it's a complicated recipe
one of the ingredients is in fact a time machine
(, Mon 17 Feb 2003, 22:19, archived)
# Yes,
you did very well.
(, Mon 17 Feb 2003, 21:51, archived)
# .
def. one of the better modes of escape, acting all lordy and knowlesgable normally works ;)
(, Mon 17 Feb 2003, 21:53, archived)
# You should try posting
the Glasscock sometime and see if anyone says anything. If anyone can get away with it...
(, Mon 17 Feb 2003, 21:53, archived)
# heheheheheheheheheeeee!
all those reponses made me laugh :)
(, Mon 17 Feb 2003, 21:54, archived)
# Hopefully
real and I think there should be a law that states they must be worn :)
(, Mon 17 Feb 2003, 21:40, archived)
# ooooh!!!
arse! special cameras reflecting the inside of the skirts and projecting it onto the outside with special pants technology?
(, Mon 17 Feb 2003, 21:41, archived)
# Sony Handheld with an RF filter will do the trick...
ho hum...
(, Mon 17 Feb 2003, 21:42, archived)
# arrarantly, one of those 80's style "Head" bags,
with an end pocket open and a mirror inside will do it. A friend caught a bloke looking up womens skirts in a shop she worked in. Called the police. They let the bloke off as he was an MP.
(, Mon 17 Feb 2003, 21:45, archived)
# lol...reminds me of a freind...
he has a cell phone with a camera...dialed absent mindedly with his phone down below girl's skirt...hilarity ensued...
(, Mon 17 Feb 2003, 21:47, archived)
# there's a guy you probably saw that had a coat that did that
took video from behind and projected it onto the front - making him 'invisible' from the front.
It was pretty nifty though obviously 'lo-fi' at the moment.
(, Mon 17 Feb 2003, 21:47, archived)
# just watch the new
james bond movie and you will see that it is all true.
(, Mon 17 Feb 2003, 21:50, archived)
# yes
that was on new scientinst's news recently.
(, Mon 17 Feb 2003, 21:52, archived)
# I agree
with the "manipulated" idea... the legs match up too well to the angle the photos have been taken for them to have been printed onto the skirts beforehand. Therefore either the skirts or the legs and panties have been 'shopped in afterwards.

Besides, if you're gonna print panties onto clothing, why just make a small window to see the legs through? Why not print the whole skirt to appear "invisible", or offering frontal coverage only?
(, Mon 17 Feb 2003, 21:42, archived)
# Manipulated image
on the interweb ?

I don't believe it. Everything on the interweb is true.

(, Mon 17 Feb 2003, 21:45, archived)
# Shocking eh?
Oh, by the way, don't forget to mail that £10,000,000.00 cheque you owe me...
(, Mon 17 Feb 2003, 21:48, archived)
# Ahhh, nut the leads onto number 1 of the 3 great lies
The cheque's in the post
(, Mon 17 Feb 2003, 21:50, archived)
# it probably still is somewhere
maybe it went to chequeaslovakia by mistake
(, Mon 17 Feb 2003, 21:52, archived)
# ba-dum
(, Mon 17 Feb 2003, 21:53, archived)
# thay are fake
it's a fact
(, Mon 17 Feb 2003, 21:46, archived)
# Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
Say it aint so...
(, Mon 17 Feb 2003, 21:49, archived)
# shame
they're cool. i'd have worn the thong one.
(, Mon 17 Feb 2003, 21:53, archived)
# just
wear a thong instead and cut holes in your skirt...
(, Mon 17 Feb 2003, 21:59, archived)
# Reality immitating Art
You could always make one? Or more?

www.RateMySeeThroughSkirtAndPanties.com should be available...
(, Mon 17 Feb 2003, 21:59, archived)
# I'd say real to all but the one in the bottom left.
And I use photoshop quite a bit.

I have somewhat of an eye for these things.
(, Mon 17 Feb 2003, 21:45, archived)
# gosh
funny isn't the word that comes into my mind.
(, Mon 17 Feb 2003, 21:51, archived)