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I'm sure it was just taken out of context.
giant_squid ,
Sun 11 Jan 2009, 21:13,
archived )
Ha ha ha!
Redsushi! Whoop! Whoop! Yes, that one! ,
Sun 11 Jan 2009, 21:14,
archived )
Great hummus tonight
epiphany coming live from sweden ,
Sun 11 Jan 2009, 21:15,
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ClanSoul ,
Sun 11 Jan 2009, 21:15,
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Calvin Kleined?
epiphany coming live from sweden ,
Sun 11 Jan 2009, 21:16,
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ClanSoul ,
Sun 11 Jan 2009, 21:17,
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haha nicely done!
are his legs in the other box?
mr schteven In a staring competition with a squid on ,
Sun 11 Jan 2009, 21:17,
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Supplies !
Valin I changed glasses while I wasn't looking ,
Sun 11 Jan 2009, 21:18,
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He's very tightly packed in there
maybe his legs have just grown shrunk.
maiden is filmed before a live studio audience ,
Sun 11 Jan 2009, 21:21,
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giant_squid ,
Sun 11 Jan 2009, 21:26,
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Aww I was expecting his legs to be sticking out of the other box
- I'm hard to please ;)
maiden is filmed before a live studio audience ,
Sun 11 Jan 2009, 21:29,
archived )
maybe his legs had just grow?
discomeats This canoe ,
Sun 11 Jan 2009, 21:30,
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Hahah I was too!
Some magician he'd make!
riverghost servicing your mum since ,
Sun 11 Jan 2009, 21:31,
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Btw this is scareyweirdfunny
maiden is filmed before a live studio audience ,
Sun 11 Jan 2009, 21:34,
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That's you that is!
Gaah there's a blonde leech trying to eat the back of that person's head!
riverghost servicing your mum since ,
Sun 11 Jan 2009, 21:35,
archived )
Like this?
mr schteven In a staring competition with a squid on ,
Sun 11 Jan 2009, 21:39,
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maiden is filmed before a live studio audience ,
Sun 11 Jan 2009, 21:45,
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here have this wot i found after reading the adam and joe interveiwuk.youtube.com/watch?v=9ddWlNQrUNI
Jamnog Sardines in her eyebrows, lobsters up and down ,
Sun 11 Jan 2009, 21:24,
archived )
Adam and Joe interview?
Where's that then?
durbster durbster.co.uk ,
Mon 12 Jan 2009, 21:46,
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Sea Tramp the thinking woman's 8 Ace ,
Sun 11 Jan 2009, 21:25,
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The fudge?
riverghost servicing your mum since ,
Sun 11 Jan 2009, 21:31,
archived )
DUM4S5 =] ,
Sun 11 Jan 2009, 21:34,
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Is it just me...
Or I also took this to mean that Harry is a fudge packer? Probaby my wishfulthinking. He is rather hot for a ging... red-headed person.
LokiMD ,
Mon 12 Jan 2009, 15:42,
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you don't want to offend our ginger fuhrer
Scopey Ethyl ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME! ,
Mon 12 Jan 2009, 21:25,
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Prince Phillip is going round saying "See! I knew he was my grandson"
Cerebus Sticky! Sticky! Stick! Stick! ,
Mon 12 Jan 2009, 17:19,
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You mean Philip is James Hewitt's dad?
eXOBeX ,
Mon 12 Jan 2009, 23:21,
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Oh please
Tell me this counts towards the compo and you put it in!
ChiTown Guy Dating when 35+: sane, single, attractive - pick 2 ,
Mon 12 Jan 2009, 22:15,
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This kid is a comedy goldmine.
Grampa ,
Tue 13 Jan 2009, 2:24,
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now stop that! ;) for those that don't know, the Pakistan High Commission in London used to have a car with the registration number "PAK 1" - so in a way the word itself isn't an insult, it's just that some really dumb rascists started using it as an insult. Loved the cartoon though - hope the guy in the "Pak-In-Case" is saying oi stop that you ginger twat" .........
Zuffle farts silently in lifts then leaves the warm aroma ,
Tue 13 Jan 2009, 17:30,
archived )
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