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Tue 24 Feb 2009, 17:50,

or maybe he just loves horses
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Tue 24 Feb 2009, 17:51,
or maybe he just loves horses

My little Batman and robin 60s?!! WHAT
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Tue 24 Feb 2009, 17:55,

I've finished my 30k Pic - so I think I'll save it for tomorrow :)
Woo yay too
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Tue 24 Feb 2009, 17:44,
I've finished my 30k Pic - so I think I'll save it for tomorrow :)
Woo yay too

do you disappear never to be seen again, like Kevin Spacey in K-Pax?
edit: pffft
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Tue 24 Feb 2009, 17:59,
edit: pffft

*blows raspberry*
didn't actually know that
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Tue 24 Feb 2009, 18:25,
didn't actually know that

Kevin Spacey hanging around showing people.
He has to be one of my fave actors/director/producer etc etc etc.
I loved when the Sun said he went cruising on Clapham COmmon and everyone said. oooOOOooo so what. Maybe he's gay.
The way he pretty much saved the Old Vic and how he did all the singing as Bobby Darren in Under the Sea as well a writing and directing it.
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Tue 24 Feb 2009, 18:29,
He has to be one of my fave actors/director/producer etc etc etc.
I loved when the Sun said he went cruising on Clapham COmmon and everyone said. oooOOOooo so what. Maybe he's gay.
The way he pretty much saved the Old Vic and how he did all the singing as Bobby Darren in Under the Sea as well a writing and directing it.

They any good? If you like that sorta genre have you read any of Fiona McIntosh's stuff? She was mentored by Robin Hobb. Hugely orginal.
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Tue 24 Feb 2009, 18:41,

K-Pax is the first book, the rest are labelled K-Pax II, III, and IV, with subtitled labels.
The film was based around the first book :)
Can't say I've read her stuff, but will note it down for future perusal, always good to read stuff on recommendation :) Ta.
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Tue 24 Feb 2009, 18:46,
The film was based around the first book :)
Can't say I've read her stuff, but will note it down for future perusal, always good to read stuff on recommendation :) Ta.

But I really suggest reading The Quickening series by Fiona McIntosh if you get the chance.
I started reading fntasy books when I was about ten and they really helped me overcome heavy Dyslexia. That trilogy has we be one of the most unpredicatable and original I've ever read.
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Tue 24 Feb 2009, 18:49,
I started reading fntasy books when I was about ten and they really helped me overcome heavy Dyslexia. That trilogy has we be one of the most unpredicatable and original I've ever read.

Its kinda hard to follow them.
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Tue 24 Feb 2009, 17:50,

Sorry, it's great as always, but this one points
something out - why is it never raining in the
background of your images?
I hadn't noticed before, but this one really
shows it . Maybe several layers of thinner streaks going back?
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Tue 24 Feb 2009, 17:50,
something out - why is it never raining in the
background of your images?
I hadn't noticed before, but this one really
shows it . Maybe several layers of thinner streaks going back?