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» Feb 2011 «

Dr. Agamemnon When's 5th Birmingham Birthday Bash

UPDATE: Definitely going ahead at The City Tavern.

It's that time of year, and that stage in my life where I've started to measure my age in Martian years.


What better way to celebrate than a science fiction themed Martian Party with live band(s) and mucho DJs?

Alas, the past fiscal year in the cottage means my 21st isn't going to be as spectacular as originally planned, but it's still awesome, see:

The Sugarfoot Stomp

Live music from The Haiku

Dress code: Loosely science fiction themed - Star Wars, Xenos, Centauri, Star Trek, steampunk, browncoats, Adeptus Astartes, cosplay, rebels, birdmen, Wilma Deering and Colonial Marines all welcome. Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast. Not obligatory, but let's see what we can frighten the Broad Street Chavs with THIS year, eh?

Late licence: The bar will be open as long as you keep drinking.

Hope you can make it.

Dr. W.

PS: Don't forget, ladies - Dr. When is now single, so grease up and get ready for some Whenlove... If you're LUCKY.

(, Thu 21 Jan 2010, 11:58, Reply)
seeing as I can't make number 4

I shall book in for number 5 now

(, Sat 23 Jan 2010, 22:23, Reply)

Right, hotel's booked, I'm coming on my own, anyone fancy meeting up for some scran before the evening kicks off properly?

(, Thu 20 Jan 2011, 21:03, Reply)
There is a general consensus...

...that some folk will be meeting at the City Tavern about 16:30hrs, helping set up, and then going for foods before it all kicks off.

I shall probably make a brief visit on my rounds of Logistical Roulette (to pay the DJ Kit Hire people) but probably won't have time to come for dinner.

(, Wed 2 Feb 2011, 0:30, Reply)
yes indeed

a number of us will lug gear, then go for food at Around The World In 80 Dishes, and then get down to srs bsnss

(, Wed 2 Feb 2011, 23:16, Reply)

i shall probably be able to make that

(, Fri 4 Feb 2011, 22:07, Reply)
Planning ahead much?

(, Sun 24 Jan 2010, 11:53, Reply)

Need to for this one.

(, Sun 24 Jan 2010, 23:46, Reply)
AS per usual Captain...

Now got 12 months to try and scrounge together a proper costume....

(, Mon 8 Feb 2010, 11:54, Reply)

...and I've got 12 months to scrape together a small f*cking fortune, given the BIG bands I've got pencilled in.

You WILL be impressed.

(, Mon 8 Feb 2010, 15:15, Reply)
12 months later and...

...even MORE skint than last year.

Still, I've got B3TA favourites The Haiku down, so still got awsum bandz and shit, isn't it.

(, Tue 21 Dec 2010, 21:45, Reply)

...that's your own fault for moving into a watermill, you twat.

(, Tue 21 Dec 2010, 21:45, Reply)
I piss on your chips.

It's better than your shitty flat, Doctor When from 12 months ago.

(, Tue 21 Dec 2010, 21:46, Reply)

(said the actress to the vicar)

(, Tue 16 Feb 2010, 22:21, Reply)
actress to the bishop

(, Fri 26 Mar 2010, 1:25, Reply)

(, Tue 4 May 2010, 0:27, Reply)
Can it be fancy dress??

Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease xxx

(, Fri 21 May 2010, 13:00, Reply)
Not much...

...chance of stopping him, is there?

(, Fri 21 May 2010, 15:18, Reply)
Of course!

...and probably Science Fiction fancy dress, too!

(, Wed 24 Nov 2010, 13:37, Reply)
Bring it,

bring it....

(, Tue 8 Jun 2010, 22:01, Reply)
my lappy should be all mp3'd up by then

no dragging fifteen tons of vinyl up a flight of stairs this time.

(, Mon 18 Oct 2010, 0:37, Reply)

Trying to find a record-widget thingy so you could play your US 7" singles on a UK turntable was one of the highlights!

(, Tue 21 Dec 2010, 21:43, Reply)


(, Fri 4 Feb 2011, 16:30, Reply)
If you find a good pub but need a PA

We've got a 2000W 24 channel desk one that we will operate for the night - and we're coming anyway.

(, Sun 28 Nov 2010, 2:44, Reply)


(, Tue 21 Dec 2010, 21:42, Reply)
Boogie Dave also confirmed...

Bring BASS ;)

(, Tue 21 Dec 2010, 22:01, Reply)
The Victoria is a good venue with an upstairs room

Bands seem to like playing there, there's b3ta-ish artwork on the walls, friendly, experienced bartenders who can mix all sorts of drinks, tasty food for not much $$, central location (round the corner from the Electric Cinema). There's always stuff going on there tho, might be booked up and I can't remember if they do real ale, but I bet they do.

Other places? Off the top of my head.. Boiler Room in the Jewellery Quarter, Rainbow pub in Digbeth (not as nasty as it was a few years ago) and some weird German-themed beer hall that you can hire out, under fiveways or something - always sounded interesting. There are good venues in Moseley too but that's not central. Mate of mine once hired out "Private club", a roman-chalet-themed swingers club in Aston with a swimming pool, errrrrr...

(, Fri 17 Dec 2010, 12:42, Reply)
Know the Vic well...

...but too small upstairs :(

The Rainbow, also one I know well, is fully booked.

Will check out the Boiler Room, but I don't want it full of boot-faced lesbians or owt.

Mr. Bill's Bier Keller? Wasn't that knocked down in about 1998?

(, Tue 21 Dec 2010, 21:40, Reply)
I dunno really

The boiler room's a decent size with good acoustics, modern fittings and they accept events bookings (mate's band used to play there) but last thing I heard it had turned into a favoured hangout for cokeheads and gangsters. So maybe not ideal.

Someone told me about the beer hall a couple of years ago. One of their friends had hired it out for a birthday. Don't have much more information than that however. Apparently it would only open for private bookings.

Hmmm... Scruffy Murphys? But it's famouslyr scuzzy.. Really dunno where else. Read good things online about Island bar/Sound bar (Possibly the same place) but never been.

(, Thu 23 Dec 2010, 15:13, Reply)
Island Bar

...is awesome - best cocktails in Brum, but their function room is quite small. It's owned by the same lovely folk who run the Victoria, and the Jekyll & Hyde - and have done good things to them all.

What I want is them to re-open the ballroom they had hidden upstairs at the Old Contemptibles decades ago...

(, Thu 23 Dec 2010, 18:07, Reply)
Always wondered what was up the lavish spiral staircase in there..

It's a good pub, despite being full of suited lawyers whenever I've been. Intriguing old decor and great real ale.

I'll take the tip about Island bar - think I might take a date there in the new year :)

(, Thu 23 Dec 2010, 21:57, Reply)
The Old Royal

Function room upstairs and damn cheap beer for City Centre

Or the Hare and Hounds, Kings Heath

(, Tue 21 Dec 2010, 0:30, Reply)
Would LOVE the H&H....

...but too far out for the numerous non-locals coming by public transport.

Sadly, The Old Royal has told me they're "not doing the function room".

(, Tue 21 Dec 2010, 21:42, Reply)
There's always upstairs at The Station in Sutton, remember.

Which struggles to fit in more than 70 people.
And The Royal, of course, very capacious, very versatile and very nasty.

But it's a piece of piss to get to both of these on the train, and not much harder than that for motorists.

(, Sat 1 Jan 2011, 3:54, Reply)
Ooh yeah the Royal please

had some right old times in there, it goes bonkers on the weekend

(, Fri 7 Jan 2011, 22:11, Reply)
Nice and handy for me, but...

...what time is the last train?

(, Sun 9 Jan 2011, 17:47, Reply)
I've signed up as a maybe

Been meaning to get to a b3ta bash for years and live within striking distance of Brum city centre (south-side, I had friends living in Four Oaks henece the acquaintance with the Royal). However depending on funds it could be a bit of a mission, so I'm just a maybe unfortunately.. hope to make it.

(, Mon 10 Jan 2011, 20:10, Reply)
Volunteers needed!

Hey there, massive!

RotWobHa, CatsMo and I will be manhandling (and ladyhandling) some PA cabs upstairs at about 16:30 on Saturday afternoon, and again on Sunday at a time to be arranged.

If any of you local B3TArds happen to be around, it would be very much appreciated if we could have one or two extra pairs of hands available to help shift stuff around. There will undoubtedly be a beer on offer.

Many thanks!

(, Sat 22 Jan 2011, 12:56, Reply)

makes me sound like a female underage pregnant teen from Peckham on the Jeremy Kyle show...

(, Sat 22 Jan 2011, 19:56, Reply)

You wish.

(, Wed 2 Feb 2011, 0:32, Reply)
Happy to help before.

Likely to be a whimpering wreck unable to lift a finger after.

(, Fri 28 Jan 2011, 3:04, Reply)
Would love to but...

... if I'm *lucky* I'll have the sling off by then, and won't even be driving down (train job, and lift cadging after that)!

Blessed are those under doctors' orders, for they shall stand and watch others working :)

(, Sat 29 Jan 2011, 1:59, Reply)
just booked me hotel room innit :)

(, Wed 2 Feb 2011, 14:10, Reply)
+++ T MINUS 19 HRS 45 MINS +++

+++ Launch Process Initiated +++

Primary Checks +++ BEGIN

Please make your way to the departure lounge with your pressure suit and space sexiness.


* for me.
(, Fri 4 Feb 2011, 23:45, Reply)

» Feb 2011 «