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» Jun 2007 «

INRBM presents - BBQ Meaty Boozy Fun Time 2


CRASH SPACE - I have the following - Double futon in spare room (nabbed by Wicca). One large sofa (DJ Rich), a slider glider chair which reclines enough that you can sleep in it (provisionally reserved for Malchick because I know he loves it), & floospace for a good handful. My lovely parents have 2 double sofa beds at their house, & possibly some garden space for anyone who really wants to camp, however if you claim crash space at theirs, bear in mind that you will have to leave the party when they do. First come first serve, gaz me now, bitches!

As per last year, I shall be celebrating a new house, AND my birthday.
Meats, boozes, general frolicking.

Bash will be in Wilberfoss, which is on a main bus route from York train station. There are places to stay in nearby Pocklington or Kexby, or if you want to stay in York, taxis cost about £15.
(, Tue 3 Apr 2007, 23:24, Reply)
I'll come along, if you'll let me.

Can I sleep on some sort of floor. Possibly the pavement?
/isn't overly fussed blog

(, Tue 3 Apr 2007, 23:34, Reply)
There's a shed.

And a bath.
Take your pick :)

(, Tue 3 Apr 2007, 23:37, Reply)
The bath sounds very tempting indeed.

Of course, I assume Trev would be in the shed. :D

(, Tue 3 Apr 2007, 23:39, Reply)
I hope not

he said I could crash at his place :)

(, Wed 4 Apr 2007, 0:08, Reply)

also. give me cunting floorspace.

you bitch cheese.. i shall fold your carpet good.

(, Tue 3 Apr 2007, 23:34, Reply)

new date means possible no no as it will involve taking too many days off work on the weekend lately.

I shall try

(, Tue 15 May 2007, 1:25, Reply)
Sorry bumface.

I will love you long time if you can makes it.

(, Tue 15 May 2007, 7:52, Reply)

i'll be there (and hopefully for longer than the 20 minutes i popped in for last year), but i will require crashings!

(, Tue 3 Apr 2007, 23:36, Reply)
I want floorspace

I am coming. I AM.

(, Wed 4 Apr 2007, 0:04, Reply)
I fucking love you.

There will be at least one double bed of some variety, shall I reserve it for you & Neily?

(, Wed 4 Apr 2007, 0:06, Reply)


(, Sun 22 Apr 2007, 1:31, Reply)
As long as you don't mind I'm sticking myself down

although I'll have to check this doesn't conflict with anything syzygy's doing. :)

(, Wed 4 Apr 2007, 0:07, Reply)
Absolutley :)

(, Wed 4 Apr 2007, 0:14, Reply)

ta :)

(, Wed 4 Apr 2007, 0:49, Reply)
Oooh, new date

Erm, not sure.

*looks into changing plans for that weekend*

(, Mon 14 May 2007, 7:30, Reply)
Sorry, I can't

I shall have to pull out. :( Gutted.

(, Mon 14 May 2007, 18:28, Reply)
I'm sure I can wangle some floorspace at a lovely yorkshire b3tan home...

(, Thu 5 Apr 2007, 13:48, Reply)
I'd think that would be a strong possibility.


(, Sun 8 Apr 2007, 11:59, Reply)


(, Sun 8 Apr 2007, 12:11, Reply)
....and your map appears to be b0rked.

(, Sun 8 Apr 2007, 12:11, Reply)
So it is.

I didn't put the full postcode in for fear of weird b3tan stalker tendencies.
I'll gaz you the address nearer the time.

(, Mon 9 Apr 2007, 21:30, Reply)
I could very well make this

if I can baggsy crash space on a relatively flat surface somewhere, that would be a real bonus :-)

Edit: even though the date's changed, I can still make it. Wahey!

(, Sun 8 Apr 2007, 16:56, Reply)
I shall update you on floorspace once I've moved & settled a bit,

but I shouldn't think it will be a problem :)

(, Mon 9 Apr 2007, 21:31, Reply)
I am coming.

I'll sleep in my car if there's no floor space left.

(, Mon 9 Apr 2007, 11:56, Reply)
See above.


(, Mon 9 Apr 2007, 21:32, Reply)
Arses, new date

I can't come, has I will be kicking arses on Sunday in an attempt to get my blue belt in Kickboxing.


(, Wed 23 May 2007, 16:54, Reply)
I shall sign up

I may require floorspace

(, Wed 11 Apr 2007, 11:15, Reply)
I should think I can be there

I will know more closer to the date

(, Wed 11 Apr 2007, 23:09, Reply)
*envolves WITH JOY*

(, Wed 11 Apr 2007, 23:14, Reply)
Yay! :)

I like you.

(, Thu 12 Apr 2007, 0:27, Reply)
Yes yes, I'll come. Probably.

Pretty pretty please can someone put me up though, it's only me, and I'm quite little, and housetrained and everyfink.

(, Sun 29 Apr 2007, 18:42, Reply)

(, Thu 3 May 2007, 23:44, Reply)
erm, fuck no.

I can't do the 2nd - I'll be at a wedding :'(

(, Sun 13 May 2007, 11:03, Reply)

Sorry :(

(, Mon 14 May 2007, 17:59, Reply)

thinking about this as I used to live in York, but it seems to be in the middle of a field close to the arse end of nowhere.

(, Mon 30 Apr 2007, 13:15, Reply)
Wilberfoss is only a small village,

but it's on the main road from York to Hull, & not far at all from the A1/M1. It will be at my house, so pretty civilised.

(, Thu 3 May 2007, 23:46, Reply)
Just to say - I'd LIKE to come, but I'm still in the middle of exams then.

If it was the week later... *sigh*

Point is, I hope you all have a very nice time & I'll be there in spirit.

(, Fri 4 May 2007, 21:57, Reply)
Signing up tentatively

I haven't checked with CHB yet.

(, Fri 4 May 2007, 22:17, Reply)
will there be space to pitch a big tent

(bigger than your car)


(, Fri 4 May 2007, 22:47, Reply)
You could give it a go, but there appears to be some sort of large mound

right in the middle of the small lawn, so it looks like it would be severely bumpy.

(, Tue 8 May 2007, 20:44, Reply)
That's the way I like it, BABY!

(, Mon 14 May 2007, 21:33, Reply)

I want to come to this but I'm working this weekend.

Yay - new date :)
(, Tue 8 May 2007, 19:28, Reply)
Fuck yeah!

(, Sat 12 May 2007, 21:38, Reply)
Can I have a small area to pitch my sleeping bag?


edit: I've just noticed that a certain mcdoof esq will be attending.
I need assurances that he will in no way try to shaft me up the bot-bot.

(, Sat 12 May 2007, 21:41, Reply)
I can't come this new weekend

Sorry. :(

(, Tue 15 May 2007, 23:23, Reply)
nor can I

(, Sat 26 May 2007, 14:53, Reply)
Is anyone driving up from the Cambridge area?

Petrol money will be repaid, of course. Possibly through the medium of GIN. Lovely lovely gin.

(, Fri 18 May 2007, 0:11, Reply)
Did someone say the magic word?

Still got to persuade the good Captn, or I may go in my lovely new car so there will be one spare seat.

(, Fri 25 May 2007, 22:57, Reply)
I have now got the wrong weekend off work,

and will not be able to come to this.

(, Sat 26 May 2007, 22:32, Reply)
Really sorry I can't make this anymore.

(, Mon 28 May 2007, 16:07, Reply)
Just to wish you a lovely housewarming and birthday thing :)


(, Sat 2 Jun 2007, 10:00, Reply)
Fucking Bastards :(

My attendance was dependant on funds and the work being sorted on my house by the weekend.

I have been paid and the builders have fucked off home for the weekend, and now I have manflu. :(

Have a smashing time without me, and I'll see you next time I'm over.


(, Sat 2 Jun 2007, 12:56, Reply)

» Jun 2007 «