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This is a link post Professor Michael Dougan of the University of Liverpool on the EU referendum
This bloke gives a really decent, factual, presentation on the Brexit debate. There should have been much more of this instead of the bollocky shit flinging both sides have done so far.
(, Mon 20 Jun 2016, 10:35, , Reply)
This is a normal post I am actively avoiding all materials on this now
just can't take any more of it.
(, Mon 20 Jun 2016, 10:42, , Reply)
This is a normal post I agree with you entirely, but this makes a refreshing change compared to everything else I've seen.
Even to the extent that I am re-considering my pro-leave view.
(, Mon 20 Jun 2016, 10:48, , Reply)
This is a normal post the best place for reason
is by far fullfact.org

it's just an awful lot of reading and thinking involved... i did it a while ago.
(, Mon 20 Jun 2016, 11:16, , Reply)
This is a normal post yes an excellent site
the trouble is directing leavers there and then convincing them that it's not some massive conspiracy. Also if you're interested in what the EU is for and how it works look at europa.eu/index_en.htm from the horse's mouth
(, Mon 20 Jun 2016, 11:28, , Reply)
This is a normal post the problem is that those who believe in conspiracies
are the ones who just shouldn't be voting, politics is boring... not exciting... it's a weighing up of dull facts and even more dull theories and questions...

the second politics is wrapped up as interesting, it's been diluted for the "moron classes", if you are looking for a 'bullet point list of facts' then you shouldn't be voting, because you are clearly not willing to invest the time and effort it takes to be politically literate.

nobody gives a shit about politics anyway, everyone just fucking loves themselves and it gives them an opportunity to have an opinion.

and nowdays we have promoted the idea of opinion like it's something impressive.

I'm days away from climbing a clock tower with an automatic rifle... thank god for gun control.
(, Mon 20 Jun 2016, 11:34, , Reply)
This is a normal post "you can prove anything with facts"

(, Mon 20 Jun 2016, 11:52, , Reply)
This is a normal post it will be an interesting data collecting exercise at least.
At last we'll know exactly where the thickest places in the country are. How many thick people are in each. I'm looking forward to picking through it all
(, Mon 20 Jun 2016, 15:05, , Reply)
This is a normal post the middle classes
are always the fucking problem.
(, Mon 20 Jun 2016, 15:17, , Reply)
This is a normal post Has that website been hiding in plain view? Didn't know about it.

(, Mon 20 Jun 2016, 11:39, , Reply)
This is a normal post it's been hiding in that
a load of hyperbolic bullshit has obscured it from view...

a simple google of "completely independent EU fact checking" brought it up...

but this has been a battle of emotions and not information... so it's not had the limelight it deserves.. and it won't point you in the direction of a decision so the lazy thick proles wont know what to do with it.
(, Mon 20 Jun 2016, 11:45, , Reply)
This is a normal post tl/dw

(, Mon 20 Jun 2016, 10:48, , Reply)
This is a normal post I get the impression you are already firmly in the remain camp
this would only affirm your choice, so don't bother.
(, Mon 20 Jun 2016, 10:49, , Reply)
This is a normal post firm, but genuinely questioning it every now and then to make sure

(, Mon 20 Jun 2016, 11:06, , Reply)
This is a normal post A lovely phrase, out of context

(, Mon 20 Jun 2016, 22:30, , Reply)
This is a normal post wheeling out academics wont work on most leavers
their whole campaign is based on anti-intellectualism and a deep mistrust of cosmopolitan elites.
(, Mon 20 Jun 2016, 10:54, , Reply)
This is a normal post ^on the head^
And the Trump "reaction" as well
(, Mon 20 Jun 2016, 11:44, , Reply)
This is a normal post
Yet they want to vote for even more right wing elites and blame everything that is wrong with the world on 1. The E.U. 2. THE 300 TRILLION MUSSIES WITH BROWN FACES COMING TO TAKE MY BENEFITS. 3. THE LOONEY LEFTIES!!!!!
(, Mon 20 Jun 2016, 14:21, , Reply)
This is a normal post if we do vote to leave it will be an absolute truimph for the thickest elements of our society
- people with stockpiles of baked beans, people with all their cash under the bed, people who watch celebrity love island.
They will all be celebrating
(, Mon 20 Jun 2016, 14:50, , Reply)
This is a normal post im an in voter
but what exactly does it say for our society if that does happen (ignorant voting on misinformation or misguided reasons)... says things need to change... not on eu policy, but on social education and general populous intelligence/well-being. Voting in/out wont help there.
We are a society run on money. Simple. So only financial decisions matter.. the rest doesn't matter (to an uneducated voter makeup) and if they think the Polish, the Turks or any other nationality cannot come to England and work, then it may be that the job they held will be theirs. which is more complicated than it sounds, but actually I have family members that cannot work for their family as they are undercut (Significantly) due to "foreigners" quoting on jobs way under anything my family members can lower their quotes to..... maybe due to shared housing and the fact that most money is shipped abroad (no spouses or children for these chaps in the UK), yet i still vote IN cos its the right thing to do. I cannot blame them for voting out and nothing i say can change it... both labour and conserv have fucked us due to un-policied immigration which they are trying to resolve frantically before people vote out (deals with EU)... its too little too late from our gov. so yes.. im voting in, but 3/4 of my family are out.. and i cant help but have a pang of wanting to join them.
(, Wed 22 Jun 2016, 0:29, , Reply)
This is a normal post I'm going to vote Pedro.

(, Mon 20 Jun 2016, 11:38, , Reply)
The world will still be shit and full of hysterical stupid arses, but the shit might just be an very mildly different shade of brown.
(, Mon 20 Jun 2016, 15:17, , Reply)
This is a normal post ^ Upset
But sadly probably quite true. I'm up for trying a new shade of shit poured on top of me.
(, Mon 20 Jun 2016, 16:03, , Reply)
This is a normal post fucksake

(, Mon 20 Jun 2016, 16:27, , Reply)
This is a normal post This, we need some sort of chart to chose from though.

(, Mon 20 Jun 2016, 17:26, , Reply)
This is a normal post I made it as far as the 20th um.

(, Mon 20 Jun 2016, 22:30, , Reply)
This is a normal post I only lasted until the fifth
But I do like an irish accent and it's been a while
(, Mon 20 Jun 2016, 23:39, , Reply)
This is a normal post Hoo hoo hoo hoo hooo um
um um um um
(, Tue 21 Jun 2016, 0:15, , Reply)
This is a normal post I didn't think I'd last through the entire thing
but he was so compelling that I couldn't stop watching.
(, Tue 21 Jun 2016, 16:59, , Reply)