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This is a question Abusing freebies

A friend of mine recently attended a 'Champaign Lunch', where he was compelled drink as much fizzy stuff as he could between the first and last courses. In an ideal world we'd ask restaurant staff to tell us stories about fatties stuffing themselves at All You Can Eat places, but we recognise that our members don't all work in the catering trade, so for the rest of you - tell us something about abusing freebies. BTW: Bee puns = you fail.

(, Thu 8 Nov 2007, 14:16)
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birthday freebies
well, it's my birthday today and i've basically spent the whole weekend being spoiled rotten, am being taken out every night next week and have a party next weekend. that is totally abusing the whole birthday thing. except that being 30 is so bloody hideous that only the pink champagne i've been drinking all night is between me and tears............ gah!!
(, Sun 11 Nov 2007, 23:32, 13 replies)
My last birthday was quite expensive.
It was my 21st so people took it upon themselves to buy me drinks laced with more drink.

This resulted in me losing £130 worth of glasses. First pair aswell.
(, Sun 11 Nov 2007, 23:35, closed)
watch out...
now that you're a senior citizen, those champagne hangovers feel even worse the next morning. best to have a glass for breakfast then too, just to ward off the headache. happy birthday, though!
(, Sun 11 Nov 2007, 23:38, closed)
Happy Birthday!
(, Sun 11 Nov 2007, 23:49, closed)
A belated happy birthday from me
And being 30 is pretty good, actually. Honest.

It is.

Sort of.

Well, OK.
(, Mon 12 Nov 2007, 8:23, closed)
Being 30 is nothing.
Try being me. I've 33 for gawds sake.

And I got shit pressies on my 30th.

I asked for a new guitar and was given a jumper.

I'm still really bitter about it.
(, Mon 12 Nov 2007, 9:46, closed)
God girl!
Being 30 is wonderful. The best years of my life around that age. Now 40, that sucks. (only for a little while), then you realise your still no different and then carry on doing what you've always been doing but in a more sophisticated way - not.
(, Mon 12 Nov 2007, 9:56, closed)
Happy Birthday!
Welcome to your 4th decade. Being in your 30s is brilliant - overnight you will become sophisticated, worldly and everyone will respect you.
Well, that's how it is in my head - the reality is only a little different....
(, Mon 12 Nov 2007, 12:11, closed)
Turning 30 sucked.
I really hated that birthday- it was the official end of youth to me, and depressed the fuck out of me. Do you know the old Jefferson Airplane song "Lather"?

Lather was thirty years old today,
And Lather came foam from his tongue.
He looked at me eyes wide and plainly said,
Is it true that I'm no longer young?
And the children call him famous,
And the old men call him insane,
And sometimes he's so nameless,
That he hardly knows which game to play...
Which words to say...
And I should have told him, "No, you're not old."
And I should have let him go on...smiling...babywide.

Yah. Fucking depressing as hell.

By contrast, turning 40 barely caught my attention. And frankly, my 30s and 40s were a LOT better than my 20s.

Happy birthday. You're still a kid to me.
(, Mon 12 Nov 2007, 12:54, closed)
Having crashed through the 30 barrier a few years ago I can say only one thing . . . its Great!

Basically i look and feel young and healthy, most people who meet me think im mid 20's max and I still have not embraced the bullshit peddled by society that says I have to buy a house, then mate, spawn and die.

anyway, seem to have waffled on, Happy Birthday its alright, better than teens by a country mile
(, Mon 12 Nov 2007, 14:02, closed)
Happy Birthday!
30 is fabulous. My neighbour just turned thirty as well and yesterday, we were talking about how wonderful it was. We finally have the time and money to live as we'd like and find that people take us much more seriously at our jobs, plus there's the whole increased sex drive thing -- what could be better?
(, Mon 12 Nov 2007, 18:17, closed)
Yep, you wrong'un.
Early 30's are indeed the best.

Get ready for teh good times, though do watch those horrific hangovers coming on.
(, Mon 12 Nov 2007, 18:50, closed)
I turn 35 soon
and you better believe that no-one is going to be spoiling me rotten or taking me out every night of the week.

And to Resident Loon - I did that too, except it was for my 26th birthday. Don't forget, 27 is the Death Year (Hendrix, Joplin, Morrison, Cobain etc etc etc).
(, Mon 12 Nov 2007, 23:39, closed)
you've all made me feel much better. i think!
(, Tue 13 Nov 2007, 9:03, closed)

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