The best night of my life was spent lying in the bottom of a boat, floating down a river low enough to be under the thin layer of mist gathering at about 3am such that it scudded between me and the stars.
Make us feel all warm and fluffy. Tell us about the most beautiful moments in your life so far.
( , Fri 11 Mar 2005, 9:15)
This question is now closed.

Playing laserquest when I was a little kid, in the local woods. Running around like an under cover agent, trying to be quiet. Eight of my family. It was like a fairy forest.. sunshine and flowers everywhere. And there was I, a dark little shadow trying to shoot a family member.
I shot everyone, and won.
Oh, for the times when you were 8 and could run around in a forest without some kiddy fiddling fuck grabbing you.
Picking up an oxygen fire extinguisher at a friends house and letting it off. No pipe, just sheer force that whirled me off my feet and THREW me at the floor. Good times. I can still hear the laughter.
Being absolutely wankered out of my skull, lying in the road, with my best friend, with the both of us laughing too hard to get up. To this day, I don't know what we were laughing at.
Lying in a B&B in Cairns (Australia), woken up to tropical birds outside my window. Sitting on the balcony, watching said birds playing in the leaves, and helping myself to a big ol' breakfast that the B&B provided. Fully cooked. Perfection.
Realising you're hopelessly in love, and that nothing and no-one can stop you.
And, last but not least, the perfect poo.
( , Fri 11 Mar 2005, 13:50, Reply)

Brass Bands... I used to play in a seriously good band (went to south of france to represent the UK in the international flower festival once), and the sound when everything pulls together and the F-horns get it right 'Just That Once'... Absolute Magic.
Band Comp' held in a lakeland Valley, we played against Flookborough..... Calm and balmy summers day, and a the meloncholy tones of a Flugel solo wafting through the valley: Stunning.
For those that fail to understand, You're all heathens and should be forced to watch "brassed off" repeatedly.
With regards to the Bikes... Read the "near death experiences" and ... you'll understand. I've cheated death more times than I wish to count, and each time, It's wonderful.
( , Fri 11 Mar 2005, 13:44, Reply)

... getting back from the pub on a friday afternoon and realising that you are actually quite pissed, spend the rest of the day in a happy haze.... woo for fridays, yay for pubs!
( , Fri 11 Mar 2005, 13:36, Reply)

A free party in the South Downs. The techno stopped, the drugs were still working, the sun came up, the views were fantastic, surrounded by fields of poppies, the DJ dropped "Love Is In The Air"
200 people rocking on to Barry Manilow
( , Fri 11 Mar 2005, 13:36, Reply)

My son had a colostomy bag when he was a baby. One night I checked on him &
his bag was full. I got all the stuff to empty & clean it ready. When I
opened he bag there was just a gush of air pressure. The bag was full of
fart! Ever had someone fart into their hand & put it in your face (maybe
just a lad prank) similar but like 50 hands worth of fart!
( , Fri 11 Mar 2005, 13:34, Reply)

During my fifth birthday party, my mum booked a clown. I hit him sqaure in the face.
I fucking hate clowns.
( , Fri 11 Mar 2005, 13:31, Reply)

The day i realised i could cycle faster than my dad on the flat, as well as having the guts to chuck myself down things on the bike he wouldn't do in a million years (still trying to teach him tho, hehe)
that moment when you get to the bottom of the hill on the bike and you slow down, having nearly crashed a couple of times on the way. The realisation that you pushed boundaries is beautiful, as you could so easily have wound up with broken limbs.
also, brass banding is the other part of my life. when the whole band plays wonderfully in tune, and you finish on a perfect chord. then the tiny pause before the applause and the relief kicks in, wonderful.
( , Fri 11 Mar 2005, 13:28, Reply)

Sitting in a outdoor jacuzzi, in Vail, with the snow gently falling on my head and ordering pizza and beer on the pool-side 'phone.
( , Fri 11 Mar 2005, 13:20, Reply)

Me and the g/f went on holiday to the Sinai peninsula in Egypt on a snorkelling holiday. The moment when I first stuck my face down in the water and saw all these wonderful colourful fish over the coral reefs will stay with me forever. Wasnt expecting everything to be so clear and close. Especially wasn't expecting to see stuff like lion fish and moray eels! Absolutely amazing!
( , Fri 11 Mar 2005, 13:17, Reply)

The "Heavenly Mountains" on the border between Kyrgyzstan and China.
Climbing an unclimbed summit above an unexplored glacier; I sat on a ledge at 3am, 4500 metres altitude, snow softly falling, yet stars still shining overhead. There was a soft glow from starlight on the snow & ice around me; and perfect silence (apart from my fellow climbers above, who were having some difficulties, and swearing a bit.)
( , Fri 11 Mar 2005, 13:14, Reply)

I shared the eclipse with a very close friend. It was her birthday, and even though our intimate relationship had recently ended, she chose to spend her birthday with just me.
Huddled up next to each other in a little park known as "The Lime Pits" in Basingstoke, toking away quietly on a stubby little joint, and listeneing to the Dusk and Dawn choruses of all the birds as the Eclipse essed with thier body-clocks.
If you'd have used a time-lapse set-up, you'd have seen us lying there hours before the other people turned up bustling in the time-lapse world like frantic ants, while we stay lying there stock still as a brief episode of darkness happened, and continue to be the logs of stone-like stillness hours after the others left in a nother ant-like exodus of time lapse wierdness...
The only noticable movements would have been the processes involved with sparking up and sharing, right up until the point where it finally gets too cold, and we packed up the rugs, and walked off in a blissful silence.
( , Fri 11 Mar 2005, 13:08, Reply)

...then being able to have a MASSIVE poo. I was so happy I nearly cried.
( , Fri 11 Mar 2005, 13:03, Reply)

... the Warden in "the Shawshank Redemption" Throws the carved soap-stone chesspiece through the poster of Raquel Welch ("what say you fuzzy-britches?") and discovers Andy Dufrane's tunnel. ... I crack a moleste grin each time I see it.
...(the Big Lebowski) When Wu (the Chinaman) picks up The Dude's Bowling ball and asks "what the F*ck is this?" and gets the response.. "well obviously you're not a golfer"
Both without doubt: most beatiful moments.
( , Fri 11 Mar 2005, 12:56, Reply)

was when I saw my homeworld from orbit for the first time.
Oh wait, that was Captain Picard.
My life is shit.
( , Fri 11 Mar 2005, 12:46, Reply)

late january, sat on the bank of the Thames around the hammersmith area at 3am. cuddling up to the boy i adore. so peaceful and serene, the moonlight and lights from hammersmith reflecting on the water and us hidden away from everyone (although the concrete wall did make our bottoms chilly). probably all the better because we had just made up after a bit of a fight about his girlfriend ;)
hmm. watching the sunrise from the back of a tall building (my halls) in paddington, the sky went all pink and beautiful. made me wish i had had some sleep first.
sneaking across kensington gardens late at night to get back to said halls, after they had closed, so dark and the sky was all lit up with lights from london, it looked like something out of a goth movie with the black trees against the orange sky and it was cool.
wow, london is cool.
outside of london, whitstable beach at ANY time - but mostly after i had been working at a pub on the beach this new years, and we bar staff came out to see the new year in and fireworks went off all along the coast in kent and in essex at midnight, and it was so clear you could see every one - all there was was cheering from inside and us with our oversized drinks. then i got a text from someone special who was in france so i got to watch it all with a smile on my face. :)
( , Fri 11 Mar 2005, 12:44, Reply)

well me and my dad went up the cavehill for a walk, we got to the napoleons nose (whihc is this massive rocky outcrop at the top with a 150ft drop on 3 sides) we got to the edge and the clouds were below us and we could see our shadows on the clouds
not only that but there was a rainbow halo around our shadows.
never seen anything like it since, not without drugs anyway
( , Fri 11 Mar 2005, 12:40, Reply)

I was I think 14 when my mum, stepdad, my sister and I went to Kekenna which Is an island off Tunisia for 2 weeks in the summer hols.
Many bad things happened that holiday (I was groped for ages on a crowded ferry by this old perv who kept following me, lost the keys on the beach, got stomach bug etc) But one day will Always stick in my mind.
The sea was so shallow you could walk miles out and it would be knee deep. We went on this boat just us, on a tunisian boat manned by Captain Freddie to take us out to sea for the day.
My mum sunbathed on the boat while me and my sister snorkled in the rich clear blue water (I wish I could scuba dive).
We stopped many times far away from the island to snorkle and swim. We had a delisious meal of this kind of cispy pancake, followed by baby shark (the backbones were a little off putting but very yummy!) then some chicken in this sweet sause.
Apart from my stupid sister dropping her towel in the sea as the boat returned, everything was perfect. We were welcomed back witha beautiful clear sunset and whilst sittting in the outside bar where the entertainment was, e played a fantastic game of 'I want to tunisia and I saw'.
Still rememeber some of them
( , Fri 11 Mar 2005, 12:36, Reply)

So many...
My children's births. Both were traumatic and magical - bit like being lovebombed during the Battle of the Somme. Also left me with even more respect for Mrs Calgacus and a permanently altered perspective of what's important.
Ballooning over the Massai Mara on honeymoon before settling down to a champagne breakfast on the savannah. Will never forget looking down on a giraffe galloping.
Walking across Washington Square Park in NYC in a sudden snowfall with my wife. Just a perfect moment.
Leaning out of a dorma window of a cottage on a crisp, sunny October morning in beautiful, beautiful Applecross, steam rising from the cup to meet my breath. Listening to the silence and gazing over Raasay to Skye.
Driving north from Embra after my finals for a weekend at Sandwood Bay - a mile long stretch of sandy heaven south of Cape Wrath. After months of stress, I drove for six hours listening to Bod Dylan and being blown away by the most beautiful scenery on God's green earth.
Am therefore a bit puzzled as to I'm so fecking pissed off. Must be my job, which has turned into a suckily sucktastic suckathon of ubersuckiness.
Length? Oh yeah. Apologies? Aye right...
( , Fri 11 Mar 2005, 12:08, Reply)

Me and a mate went over to Inverinate (on the mainland, about 10 miles from the Skye bridge)on the west coast of Scotland for the weekend (we're Aberdonian but he has family over there) and were subsequently joined by two other friends who were "bored" and had nowt to do that long weekend. They went walking, we went shooting and met up at the pub later on the Saturday. The 1hr drunken walk at 3am shouting at the intimidating mountains was fun in itself. But the next day was far better. We went to this small village called Plockton (where Hamish MacBeth was filmed) and had some wicked seafood. On the way back we went over the old road, which took us up the side of a hill.
We stopped at a passing place halfway along said road and got out to take in the view. I was absolutely blown away! The most beautiful site I had ever seen - this was looking down Loch Duich, south east, towards the snow capped five sisters of Kintail - man, i'm glad I still have the photo ...
( , Fri 11 Mar 2005, 11:56, Reply)

My last practical exam was on Friday morning. Went badly. Spent the whole day feeling shit then got my exam results that afternoon - I passed. (Don't know how. I'm sure the GMC would be interested also. I mean, I forgot the name of the fucking sternum and shrugged my shoulders when shown a chest x-ray). Hopped on a plane to Dublin 45 mins later after getting right pissed in the departure lounge. More drinking in the evening. Saw the pixies and the chillis at Phoenix park the next day - cue more drinking. Sunday - yep, got pissed again. The best weekend of my life.
( , Fri 11 Mar 2005, 11:45, Reply)

My girlfriend at the time and myself rented a cottage in LLanfair just outside Betsy Coed in wales. On christmas day we took a walk up to a view point where you could see right out over the Snowdonia mountain range. It remains the most beautiful sight I have ever seen. The entire range was covered in snow and everything was completely silent. It was the perfect christmas.
( , Fri 11 Mar 2005, 11:39, Reply)

Me and the (then) girlfriend waited till it was about midnight and there was no ambient light and drove about 20 mins out into the countryside to a large piece of common land.
We parked and walked till we found a massive fallen tree to lie on and, as had been said on the news all week, there was a beautiful meteor shower going on. Every couple of minutes little specks of light shot across the sky and we lay there for a couple of hours watching and enjoying each others company.
Then we screwed like rabbits and went home.
( , Fri 11 Mar 2005, 11:36, Reply)

Early 80's. I was travelling with an-ex-girlfriend who, though we had mutually decided not to be romantically involved, was still a really good friend and an occasional fuck-buddy.
We'd been bumming about Europe for about three months and we eventually ended up in Cannes. We'd been on the piss one night and ended up sleeping on the beach where most of the travellers and beach-bums slept. I woke up in the morning and felt dreadful. Sick, shaking, fever and honestly thought I was dying. I was throwing up for Britain. Massive rasping retches that brought tears to my eyes and bile into my mouth. I was dying.
The only thought in my head was that if I was going to die it wouldn't be in fucking France. I wanted to go home to Merrie England where I could turn up my tootsies amongst my own kind. So, saying goodbye to Sue (she'd hitched up with a Swiss bloke so she was OK) I headed off to try and get back to England before I gasped my last.
A lot of that journey has faded into the mists of memory but other parts are indelibly imprinted on my brain. I had fuck all money, no ticket for a plane, train or ferry. Nothing except my determination to get home. I made it to Marseilles (can't remember how) and headed for the train station. I spent that day jumping trains, getting asked for a ticket by the conductor and getting kicked off at the next stop. I remember sitting on one TGV in the bogs with my arse exploding down the bog and simultaneously throwing my guts up into the sink.( Top Tip: If you ever have the shits and vomiting the bogs in trains are a great place to be. You can squat on the pot and throw up down the sink at the same time). Eventually I was caught again and put off the train in Lyon. Looking at the departure board I could see that the next train in was an express to Paris. A direct train with no stops so when they threw me off again I'd be nearly home...
Then and announcement came over the tannoy. Of course it was in Frog so I didn't understand a word. A big groan came up from the crowd and everyone started drifting off. What the fuck was going on? I managed to collar a bloke who spoke some English and asked him to explain. The bastard French train drivers had pulled a lightening strike. No trains for 48 hours. I was gutted.
So off I went again, pausing every few yards to puke. Somehow I made it to the motorway and started to hitch North. After a few lifts I was eventually picked up by a Dutch guy. I was still pretty sick but not throwing up quite so much. After about half an hour the Dutch guy asked me if I smoked. "Yes" I said. "Weed?" he asked. "Sure” says me. So he passed me the makings and I skinned up. When I finished and sparked the joint up he looked at me and said "That took you 15 kilometres. You'll have to be faster than that or you're out..." And so passed a pleasant drive to Paris. At Paris I was dropped off at the Gard Du Nord and I jumped a train to the coast (these trains weren’t on strike ). Dieppe I think it was. I blagged my way on board the ferry by claiming I'd lost my ticket (they gave me a new one and said they'd send the bill on) and eventually the ferry set sail.
I was still very weak and still felt really ill but I was almost home. The feeling when the ferry docked in good old England and I disembarked and stood once more on the land of my fathers will stay with me forever. I was home. I could now lie down and die in peace.
Legless. - Apologies for length but you love it really.
( , Fri 11 Mar 2005, 11:17, Reply)

early in the morning
as the earth lay cool and still
a little bird flew to me
and sat on my windowsill
it sang a song so lovely
so carefree and so gay
that slowly all my troubles
began to slip away
it sang a song of laughter
of hapiness and fun
it seemed he's very trilling
brought up the morning sun
i crept beneath the covers
slowly rose out of my bed
and quickly shut the window
and crushed his fcuking head
i am NOT a morning person
( , Fri 11 Mar 2005, 11:12, Reply)
This question is now closed.