Often the things we look forward to the most turn out to be a huge let down. As Freddy Woo puts it, "High heels in bed? No fun at all. Porn has a lot to answer for."
Well, Freddy, you are supposed to get someone else to wear them.
What's disappointed you lot?
null points for 'This QOTW'
( , Thu 26 Jun 2008, 14:15)
« Go Back

Was getting in to work today and finding out my boss isn't going on holiday until tomorrow.
Post is of course a thinly veiled attempt to start today's chat thread
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 8:57, 238 replies)

It's massively annoying when I do actually need to talk to him, and his working week seems to consist of "every other Thursday, or Wednesday if I can be bothered".
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 9:24, closed)

It's possitively transparant : )
Goormorning K2K6, how has the day been so far?
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 9:38, closed)

I'm tired and grumpy and managed 9 hours without a cigarette. I was asleep for seven of those. Willpower? None at all.
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 9:40, closed)

from a mate and former work colleague who's just been made redundant. So it's not been too good so far.
Anyway, good morning all.
Even you, Kaol. :-)
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 9:58, closed)

Yup, not the best news for him. Although he's been given a decent redundancy package, so he's not going to be destitute.
Can we talk about something cheery, please?
Where's HLT? She's usually good for lightness of topic and dispensing of cake!
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 10:10, closed)

Happy stuff...
Oh! I just had a muffin for breakfast, which was nice!
And I had a call from my friend asking if I want to go to the staff preview screening of Hancock with him tonight at the cinema he works at.
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 10:14, closed)

Morning all!
Did I hear my name mentioned?
*distributes cake in manner of Marie Antoinette*
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 10:21, closed)

Can't beat a good muffin in the morning.
Where is everyone?
Edit - Ah, HLT has arrived! Morning.
*munches cake*
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 10:21, closed)

Be on today.
Dunno about everyone else.
*waves at HLT*
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 10:24, closed)

Hm, lightness of topic... *attempts to stay vaguely on topic*
My biggest disappointment this week has been driving to work on empty this morning and failing to run out of petrol, thus depriving me of the opportunity to do a little flirting with a nice AA man. Bah.
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 10:26, closed)

A gentleman never tells!
Today she's working for a friend's company, no 'net access.
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 10:35, closed)

She'll be desperate for b3ta by tonight then.
@HLT - Keep driving and you'll run out of petrol eventually. In the meantime, you can flirt with us!
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 10:46, closed)

And then I'm fucking off to the cinema for midnight.
However will she cope? :p
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 10:48, closed)

In the sun, playing with cables.
As far as I know, anyway...
Please ignore the fact that I know all of that.
I'm a damn good stalker.
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 10:53, closed)

You ARE a good stalker!
@k2k6 - would do, but don't want to run out on the way home, as that would eat into my evening, and i'll be too tired to flirt by then.
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 10:55, closed)

Morning my lovelies. This conversation seems nice so far, and yet Kaol is here...what's gone wrong?
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 11:00, closed)

Although I am about to hit my computer (it's time for the quarterly reports to be compiled...) and swear a lot. How is everyone here today?
And here's a question: if you could only eat one kind of cake for the rest of your life, which would it be?
Mine would be carrot cake. With lots of frosting. Nom.
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 11:02, closed)

I was a bit scared of them though.
I'm a bit crap with animals.
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 11:03, closed)

*Too tired for witticism*
*edit* @Bob
Strange, I had this discussion with a friend last night who shared your opinion.
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 11:03, closed)

Carrot cake forever.
with heaps and heaps of frosting.
and little tiny marzipan carrots.
edit: morning BK, clendrix
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 11:05, closed)

Is meringue cake? If so, a meringue with lots of strawberries and cream.
If not, date and walnut.
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 11:06, closed)

Walnuts are evil nuts. They look like mummified balls. Taste even worse (probably).
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 11:06, closed)

I don't know...
Maybe coffee and maple sponge, with creamy icing!
@Bob: They don't taste worse, trust me!
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 11:07, closed)

Now I'm intruiged. How do you know what mummified balls taste like?
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 11:09, closed)

Why did they bother putting them on top of Walnut Whips? Everyone I know* just picks them off and eats the whip bit.
*alright, just me
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 11:10, closed)

I haven't even clapped eyes on a walnut whip for years.
I thought they'd gone the way of white dog shit.
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 11:12, closed)

No, I do that.
I also eat kitkats by nibbling the chocolate off, and then delicately separating each layer of wafer and eating them individually.
With jaffa cakes, I eat the chocolate, then the cake bit, then am left with a disc of orange jelly to suck until it dissolves into mush.
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 11:13, closed)

Exhibition at the Dome recently?
The Egyptian one? (I dunno how to spell Tutenkhamun or whatever)
They needed someone with amazing knife skills to partially un-wrap the wrappings on the body, to take DNA samples.
So they asked me to come in to help.
I sliced away, happily, and unwrapped him from the waist down.
(In mummies, the most lively DNA for testing is in the nuts)
So yeah, his nuts where there, next to my hand, 4000 years old, looking for all the world like a walnut.
And I like walnuts, a lot.
So I snapped off one brittle, dusty knacker, and popped it in my mouth.
It DID NOT taste like a walnut.
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 11:14, closed)

Having thought about it, in depth, for the last 45 seconds, I have come to the conclusion that the walnut on walnut whips is there so they didn't have to call them just "whips".
Phwoar, Whips!
and have you ever tried biting both ends off a kitkat finger then sucking tea up through it like some sort of melty straw of pleasure?
I haven't personally, I would never do such a thing.
*does big innocent eyes*
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 11:15, closed)

I always thought they looked like little dried up brains!
Morning everybody,
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 11:18, closed)

Guten morgen Herr Doktor.
I've always wanted to say that for some reason.
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 11:19, closed)

My sister used to dissect biscuits to eat them when we were young, so I made a point of eating them in the conventional manner. So even now, when I see someone biting the chocolate off, I'm silently tutting!
Oh, and to answer the cake question, possibly fudge doughnuts, as I suggested to someone (BK?) yesterday. They are indeed the confection of the gods.
And what's wrong with walnuts, Bob F? At least they don't tend to come with shells on.
unlike pistachios
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 11:20, closed)

Where can I obtain these mythical doughnuts of fudge?
and what, exactly, will this information cost me?
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 11:23, closed)

I eat the walnuts first, before the whippy bit.
I'm also the only person I know who doesn't remove, but actually eats and enjoys, the gherkins on a McBurger.
Am I odd?
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 11:23, closed)

Next on my list is an opportunity to say, "It is no laughing mattaaarrrr" in the style of Gary Oldman in Dracula.
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 11:24, closed)

But I get the feeling I could post anything, and you lot would either happily ingore it, or laugh and say "Ha, that Kaol and his stories..."
EDIT: There's a milkshake shop in Brighton, where you can have pretty much anything blended into a milkshake.
I had a maple syrup and walnut whip one.
It was orgasmic.
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 11:24, closed)

I think he mentioned yesterday a little bakers' in St. Andrews where he purchased the fudgy grails.
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 11:26, closed)

There's a baker based in Fife and Dundee called Fisher and Donaldson, who make the world's best fudge doughnuts.
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 11:26, closed)

due to his tolerance of the much maligned walnut.
But he eats the pickley bits in burgers.
*back to travelling a lonely path*
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 11:26, closed)

Hell yeah I eat them. They're the best bit of the burger.
EDIT : Well I see if I can give you the opportunity Boss
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 11:27, closed)

based on like/dislike of walnuts and gherkins?
can we throw in marmalade as well, just for fun?
marmalade yes.
gherkins yes.
walnuts NOOOOOO!
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 11:28, closed)

in a little place called Parry Sound, in Ontario.
We were waiting for our meal when the waitress came over with a dish of 'complimentary gherkins'.
Most bizarre.
I ate one though. Sorry, clendrix!
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 11:29, closed)

I just don't like Mcdonalds burgers.
Drinking coffee up through the opposing corners of Timtam biscuits is the drinking method of the gods.
And I don't like walnuts because they're too bitter. At least pistachios have a nice savoury flavour. And make excellent ice cream.
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 11:30, closed)

Might go there instead of Alnwick tomorrow. But the tennis will be on! I have to watch my adopted fellow countryman
edit:k2k6 - did the gherkins say nice things about you?
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 11:30, closed)

Oh I wonder if the would travel well? If they do I'll have to get my mate to send a load down!
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 11:31, closed)

Sorry I'm late, there was a crash on the Nikkei last night and I've spent the last few hours shifting my bail bonds out of Tokyo.*
*may contain lies and things I know nothing about.
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 11:32, closed)

Pickled stuff.
Nothing better that knocking together a tea of bread, pickled beetroot, onions, gherkins and capers.
Then some sauerkraut, horseradish and peppered cold meats.
And some ice-cold vodka...
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 11:32, closed)

If you can't be bothered to go to Scotland, there's a lovely place in Oundle (Northants) called Trendalls, that does fudge donughts. It's a bit far to go just for some baked goods though.
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 11:33, closed)

I trust you will take more care with your storage spaces today.
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 11:35, closed)

But not that important.
By the way, can you pickle tomatoes?
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 11:35, closed)

may be a bit squishy for postal transit, I fear.
Maybe I could bring some to the Edinburgh bash next year, if you speak nicely to me....
*awaits stampede of new b3tards wanting to attend*
@HLT - I did wonder that about the gherkins too, but they were mute.
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 11:36, closed)

not sure, but you sure can dry them in the sun or turn 'em into chutney.
Mmm. Chutney.
K2K6 - YES! BRING THEM! *nices* please?
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 11:36, closed)

I think you can pickle anything. All it takes is time, experimentation, and lots of jars.
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 11:36, closed)

Do you like kimchi? It's Korea's answer to sauerkraut, only much spicier.
I got fed up of it very quickly.
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 11:37, closed)

Mmmm... I do like a good bit of chutney.
Especially Green Tomato chutney.
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 11:37, closed)

Never had it!
When I was in Prague, they had this amazing pickled red cabbage, it was quite sweet, and a bit sticky.Not been able to find it here anywhere :(
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 11:38, closed)

Edinburgh bash you say?
Can definitely make that one. Places to crash etc.
Looking into the bank holiday bash. Could be feasible.
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 11:42, closed)

I may just have to try, Edinburgh Bash you say! I would come up from London for that, but I hate Edinburgh, it's worse than Dundee AFAIC!
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 11:46, closed)

Kimchi is half-putrefied, briny, pickled, spiced vegetable matter which has been stored in a buried earthenware pot for 6 months.
It's actually quite palatable, but after 5 days of eating it at every meal (including breakfast time!), it becomes rather less appealing.
@HLT- The gherkins couldn't speak, so how was I to know they didn't want to be eaten?
@Others - April 11th 2009. See HLT's profile for the link. I'll do a count beforehand and pick up some F&D FDs on the way.
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 11:51, closed)

Bonus! Can stop at my parents on the way up, and my best friend lives in Dalkeith.
That's working out pretty well.
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 11:56, closed)

Can't go to Edinburgh!
I want to indulge in some fudge-related activities.
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 11:56, closed)

I've got 15p.
That'll buy you a Fudge around these parts.
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 11:58, closed)

* Glances around moodily as if looking for the drifter that killed my paw *
* Falls on arse as doors swing back and hits him full in the face *
* Ambles in looking less moody, definitely more sheepish, and rubbing nose *
Morning all. At this moment, I am sitting 35 floors up a tower block in Paris.
This makes a chance from my usual working environment at this time in the morning, which is sitting half dressed at home, deciding whether to bother shaving, and with the rememants of breakfast strewn around.
Unfortunately, the process of getting me here has involved:
- a 2 hour delay on a one hour flight,
- traffic jams,
- my shaver deciding to switch itself on in the suitcase and running the battery down,
- incompetent hotel staff who, after being specifically asked to confirm something, managed to not do that specific thing.
- An unfortunately large number of French people.
I've never had a good business trip here - so Paris does not hold great affection to me.
Spookily, when I was texting Mrs Fireflier last night bemoaning my transit woes, the phrase "*shakes fist at the gods of traffic*". Came out as "shakes fiat" - which I thought was probably even more relevant.
* Performs live sacrafice of a Fiat to ensure a smooth journey home *
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 11:58, closed)

that we edinbashers will emerge hungover, sticky and fat...
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 11:58, closed)

you're just trying to make us all feel better about our day.
It's working.
EDIT: K2k6 - only just!
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 12:00, closed)

Flier, that sounds all kinds of crap.
At least you're not in France eh?
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 12:01, closed)

As a fine serving of anti-disappointment, it turns out I can come to the August bash after all!
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 12:05, closed)

I would imagine that I will emerge from the Edinbash hungover, sticky, fat - and married!
Morning everyone, btw. Ain't it a beautiful day?
*EDIT* yay, Bob's coming to the August bash! What happened, is the wedding off?
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 12:05, closed)

If you get as far as Edinburgh next April, there's a fudge doughnut in it for you.
Provided I'm not bankrupt by then.
And hello, DG.
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 12:07, closed)

Hungover, sticky, fat, and married! Always a good combination.
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 12:08, closed)

I told you, I'm not up for it.
I'm going to avoid it, for tax reasons, for as long as possible.
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 12:08, closed)

I'm sure I'll be up in Ediburgh at some point in the not too distant future. Poss new year in fact: I'm spending Christmas in Glasgow, so might do Ediburgh after with friends.
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 12:10, closed)

I couldn't possibly have the slightest idea to what you are insinuating being all innocent and 37, like.
Anything that I may have posted on b3ta that dispells this notion of my being an innocent 37 year chap was my ghost writer, OK?
Oh and Kaol - I'm disappointed. We had plans and everything...
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 12:25, closed)

You seem a good new person!
Some questions:
Would you rather go into space, or have a powerful robotic arm?
Dogs or cats?
If you could save one thing from your burning home what would it be?
Why can't you buy pig milk in the shops?
You have the access code to a satallite defence system. The satallite has a laser with the power and accuracy to incinerate any one person on earth. But only enough juice for one shot. Who do you target, and why?
Anyone else is free to answer these too
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 12:26, closed)

I like questions!
*goes to think about answers*
edit@DG. innocent bollocks!
Space please, one way.
Cats, and can I bring mine into space?
mr tulip
Because pig milk is wrong.
right, devil's questions
I'll look after you when you're poorly.
Duh, every day, silly!
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 12:30, closed)

I will add, just for the hell of it:
Why would you make a good flatmate?
Will you make us cake?
What is the travelling velocity of a laden swallow?
Robotic Arm!
er, Cats!
Sadly, my new telly. I'd run back in to the flames for many things though, and I'm assuming that the Mrs has escaped herself!
Because pig milk is gross!
Amy Fecking Winehouse.
That is all!
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 12:30, closed)

In answer to some of your questions:
My feelings on the space/robot arm question are a matter of record.
My newly-stocked toolbox, it makes me feel all manly and possibly I could use some of the contents to fashion a rude shelter from the wreckage.
Because the market is too small, you can get it from here though.
The incompetent fuckwit with the stupid hair from Wilkinson Byrne estate agents in Turnpike Lane. Fucking demand I buy my own furniture and then fill the flat I've just rented with shitty MFI tat, will you? Bitch.
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 12:40, closed)

I'd have a robotic arm (so long as it was as well as, rather than instead of, my own)
Probably my hard drive. Or that folder I have with all my important documents in it.
Because Alfa-Laval don't make a milking machine with 14 cups.
Hmm - difficult. My first thought was George W Bush. Then Robert Mugabe. But Amy Winehouse is a good call! No, I'll stick with Dubya, because he's probably done more harm than good worldwide in the past 7 years.
Edit - DiT's questions:
Because I'm a quiet sort who doesn't get in the way.
Yes. I like cake making. Or I'd at least buy you some fudge doughnuts.
Don't know. How heavily laden is it? And it is the northerly or southerly migration? Or just going home to its nest at teatime?
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 12:40, closed)

Why thanks Kaol, I like to think I'm a new good person, or at least a person!
Would you rather go into space, or have a powerful robotic arm? A powerful robotic arm, which I would use to kill my enemies!
Dogs or cats? Cats FTW.
If you could save one thing from your burning home what would it be? Oh a good one. Since my iPod is in my pocket most of the time I wouldn't have to save my cd/record collection. I will have to say my DVD collection, in all it's cheesey-ness.
Why can't you buy pig milk in the shops? Because it's Teh Poison
You have the access code to a satallite defence system. The satallite has a laser with the power and accuracy to incinerate any one person on earth. But only enough juice for one shot. Who do you target, and why?Russell T. Davies, because he's a Spack-Handed Twat who should never have been let near Dr. Who.
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 12:40, closed)

Robotic arm!! I want a robotic arm. But I want to keep both my normal ones too. Ok?
How are we all?
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 12:43, closed)

Would you rather go into space, or have a powerful robotic arm?
*Robot arm - for Wii records*
Dogs or cats? - *more of a cat person*
If you could save one thing from your burning home what would it be? - *cd's, apart from that I'm not really sentimental about anything I on as there's so little*
Why can't you buy pig milk in the shops? - *I.....don't know.*
You have the access code to a satallite defence system. The satallite has a laser with the power and accuracy to incinerate any one person on earth. But only enough juice for one shot. Who do you target, and why?
*Oooh, Cristiano Ronaldo! Immensely punchable, way too talented, and to my massive annoyance, came across as very nice, thoughtful and not too thick in an interview I read. The man must die!
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 12:46, closed)

Herr Doktor, Russell T is a good shout (Although I can't wait for Steven Moffatt to take over). As is Ronaldo, Boss.
*works on a way to increase lasers power*
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 12:49, closed)

I'd go with:
Robotic arm.
Cats (just).
I'd save myself. You guys are stupid..
Pig milk - Drinking it is an easy way to get a massive dose of tapeworm infection. Also, a sow that's producing milk would rip you into pieces before you got near her nipples.
I'd incinerate the Pope. On Easter Sunday Mass. Haha! Let's see your imaginary boss save you from that, you Nazi scum-bag!
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 12:50, closed)

Hi DiT
Why would you make a good flatmate?Because I drink 'Real Beertm' and read B3ta.
Will you make us cake?Yes but you wouldn't eat it!
What is the travelling velocity of a laden swallow?African or European?
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 12:53, closed)

I'd like the arm, please.
My little data stick.
They sell pig milk in my local shop. It's weird, but nice.
I am going to target my ex-flatmate.
Wookie - I saw a man on the tube this morning wearing a t-shirt that said WOOKIE. He wasn't particularly well groomed though.
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 12:53, closed)

"a sow that's producing milk would rip you into pieces before you got near her nipples"
It's not just lactating sows who do that...
What does pig milk taste like anyway? Is it sweet or cheesy, or something else?
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 12:58, closed)

I would like one of these t-shirts, but they have been discontinued.
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 12:58, closed)

Hello yourself! :)
Good answers! Although, just for the record, I like Internet Cake, it's just the normal stuff I have a problem with!
Stick around, I think you'll like it here!
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 13:00, closed)

What are your feelings on gingerbread if you don't like real cake?
EDIT: Hello everyone :)
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 13:03, closed)

perhaps you should abandon your fledgling career in woodcraft and go into high quality t-shirt production instead.
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 13:04, closed)

I can't wait for moffatt to take over as well. My big problem is what is RTD going to do with Davros and the Daleks in his last fling!
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 13:04, closed)

He'll probably gay them up. I lose count of the amount of gay references RTD crowbars in to every episode.
I was stunned on Saturday when the cast of Torchwood turned up and 30 seconds passed without anyone sexing each other.
EDIT: and the problem is, RTD is a great writer. Just look at Casanova. And David Tenant FTW.
@Wanderlust - Not sure, TBH. I'm not much of a cakey/buscuity person. I would make an effort, though!
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 13:07, closed)

I got funny looks nipping to the local shop in my School Shootings Tour T-Shirt the other day.
Probably cos the owner has about 10 children running round the shop at any one time.
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 13:07, closed)

I should imagine your t-shirt was getting looks from people inspired!
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 13:13, closed)

A friend of mine used to have a t-shirt with "The 11 Greatest Uses of Fuck". He also got some disapproving looks, as you can imagine.
I can't remember them all, but some of them were:
"What the fuck was that?" - Mayor of Hiroshima
"What fucking iceberg?" - Captain of the Titanic
"Who let that fucking woman drive?" - Captain of the Challenger space shuttle
"I thought I could smell fucking petrol" - Nicky Lauda
and my favourite:
"Scattered showers, my fucking arse!" - Noah.
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 13:13, closed)

and have a little think about tasty treats to make for friday.
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 13:13, closed)

Is a great writer, just not necessarily a great SF writer. When it comes to SF he's more of an ideas man
However, I'm of the opinion that in general he's done a good job on the show even if some of his scripts were a bit dodgy. But there have been some absolute stand-out classics - the Moff's stuff (bar the madame du pompadour one, which just didn't do a lot for me) being a good example (and YAY to him taking over), Human Nature, Dalek, the Ood 2 parter... I could go on. And I enjoyed Saturday's episode - Davros was superb.
Just personal opinion mind.
Right, back to work. Bye all!
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 13:16, closed)

My favourite:
"Watch him, he'll have some fucker's eye out!"
- King Harold
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 13:16, closed)

I've thoroughly enjoyed this series, even allowing for Catherine "Bovvered" Tate's annoying presence. However, there were two weak episodes, IMO. The one with the Doctor in the spaceship with the paranoid passengers, and the one a week later with Donna's altered universe.
But last Saturday RTD redeemed himself with the Daleks-and-Davros-laden episode. Top programme.
Edit - @BK - Pfft!
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 13:24, closed)

Least favourites this year - the first one, and the one with his daughter. Didn't quite hang together for me. But still enjoyable.
Best series yet imho. And I love Catherine Tate!
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 13:31, closed)

Yes his is a good writer, but I think he should stay away from Sci-Fi.
The Madame du Pompadour episode was a good idea, it was just done in a bad way, it should never have had the historical bent.
EDIT : For the Daleks being wiped out in the Time War, there are a huge number of survivors. WTF was he taking to do something as stupid as that!
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 13:34, closed)

I agree it's the best series to date, but I much preferred Freema Agyeman to Catherine Tate, although to be fair she's been better than I expected.
Did you mention you had cake, clendrix? Yes, please.
Edit - @Herr Doktor - didn't last week's episode say they were all cloned from little bits of Davros, using Dalek Khan's superior intellect or something? There were only 4 daleks left after the time war, IIRC.
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 13:38, closed)

"One poor lad threw up his own pelvis!
It's a fucking disgrace!"
Anyone remember that?
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 13:38, closed)

A HUGE one of any type.*
*from recognised list of acceptable cakes i.e. not suddenly made-up poo and lettuce cake etc.
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 13:42, closed)

that's a new keyboard you owe me, as I just sprayed the old one with coffee when I read "made-up poo and lettuce cake"
edit: time to work now, byeeeeee!
*snogs everyone*
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 13:53, closed)

Terribly sorry! Just expected Kaol to pop up with some comment about how it could be any type of cake and thus make up something horrendous, which I would then have to eat.
@Doktor - great!
*skips off to find huge cake to share with new friend*
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 13:56, closed)

Poo and lettuce cake?
*stops in horror*
*drops lunch into bin*
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 13:56, closed)

Would a poo and lettuce cake be suitable for vegetarians if the poo-er was also a veggie?
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 13:56, closed)

I just got the strangest look from my boss and I gave out a little squeal of joy to see you are here.
EDIT: and now I have to go :(
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 14:01, closed)

vegetarians should certainly eat poo and lettuce cake.
Hello ancrenne!
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 14:01, closed)

No Goat jokes, m'afraid, but I do have this nice cold martini...
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 14:03, closed)

You've not missed much. Except for the cake. We've had a list of questions from Kaol and DiT, and a Dr Who discussion.
But mostly cake.
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 14:04, closed)

Virgin have fixed our internet. Woo yay.
I bet you didn't even notice I wasn't here, eh
*sticks tongue out*
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 14:04, closed)

I have just been given a ginger bread man.
And purchased a ticket to see Clutch.
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 14:08, closed)

Definitely gingerbread.
It didn't say "fluffeh".
Yeah, I'm hoping it'll give becky a laugh.
It's referring to a gaz conversation last night.
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 14:12, closed)

Maybe gingerbread persons should be made anatomically correct so we could refer to them properly as gingerbread men and women.
Mind you, then we'd have to eat gingerbread willies.
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 14:15, closed)

I've eaten worse.
They're all gingerbread men - there are no gingerbread women. It's a freak of nature, all to do with radioactivity in the Pacific in the 40's.
*mind wanders off on a tangent*
*goes to grab mind, aware that it's too small to be out alone*
edit: bye ancrenne
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 14:19, closed)

TMI on the eating thing!
*gets gingerbread man cutter*
*widens hips and narrows waist a bit*
There, that's a good start. Now for the good bits...
Edit - Bye ancrenne, see you tonight, in a virtual sort of way.
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 14:21, closed)

Fulfill your inner longings for bio warfare:
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 14:22, closed)

don't widen the hips too much now, or we'll all get insulted.
*looks forward to gingerbread people of a wider variety*
edit: DiT, I've dreamed of inflicting an epidemic on the world for so long. Can we pick who to infect, though? We don't want to kill any "nice" people .. only idiots and chavs.
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 14:24, closed)

Cake-based disappointment yesterday, I've stuck with a meat-based lunch.
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 14:31, closed)

It's an idealised form, so the hips are wider and the waist is smaller than on real women.
I'm just puzzling about what to use for nipples...
Ah - got it. I'll pick out two pink hundreds and thousands!
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 14:32, closed)

not jelly tots.
Remember the little silver balls (oo er) on cakes - well now you can get pink ones. Probably more "in proportion" as well, although this would depend on the size of the gingerbread women.
*is taking this far too seriously*
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 14:36, closed)

Jelly tots would be a bit big. I'm not making life sized gingerbread women!
@TWW - I did think of these silver balls, but didn't know you could get pink ones. They're a bit hard though...
I am thinking here of relatively small gingerbread women. Maybe 6 inches or so. So we're looking, very roughly, at about a 1/10 scale.
*also taking it too seriously*
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 14:45, closed)

Sorry, I got carried away. Life-sized would be good though.
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 14:48, closed)

Mmmm, yes, those little balls are rather hard on the teeth
*attempts to keep a straight face, and fails*
You could always colour some icing in a shade of your choice and dot it on. That way you have total control over the nipple size.
*still fails to keep a straight face*
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 14:49, closed)

Of course. Why didn't I think of that? (rhetorical question - no need to reply)
*applies carefully sculpted gingerbreasts*
*pipes dots of pink icing*
Now, what about the 'other' areas? Thinly sliced ham would do, but it doesn't really go with the sweet cakeyness of the gingerbread...
*considers tone suitably lowered*
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 14:54, closed)

Jelly tots would be a bit big. I'm not making life sized gingerbread women!
I am life-sized (though admittedly not made of gingerbread) and I think jelly tot nipples would be a bit small.*
*fun though
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 14:54, closed)

I think jelly tots would be just the right size.
But if you beg to differ - you know the rule: photos....
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 14:55, closed)

ham? How dare you? Try grated chocolate. Makes reasonable looking hair. (Although I've only ever put it on gingerbread men's heads, despite huge temptation)
@Clendrix: Yes, jelly tots are a bit small. BK is obviously fulfilling some childhood need that was never met ....
edit: BK, if that's what you want to call me - NO. Nice profile, btw
*subtracts 28 from own age, breathes sigh of relief*
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 14:57, closed)

Maybe for the whole breasticles!
Yeah grated chocolate makes great hair on cakes, and it tastes better than ham!
EDIT : Yay, I just noticed I've lost my L plate.
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 15:05, closed)

chocolate it is. I was going for the 'waxed' look, but chocolate tastes better on cakes.
Wonder if I can use white chocolate for natural blonde gingerbread ladies?
I have to say I've never before discussed gingerbread women's pubic hair.
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 15:12, closed)

chocolate is easier to grate if you put it in the fridge first. White chocolate? Too sickly for me, but if that's what floats your boat ..
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 15:15, closed)

Don't use icing on dead hookers, it doesn't go well with meat!
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 15:33, closed)

I'll have to give it a try, but I think I'll be deeply disappointed.
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 15:37, closed)

we'll expect a beautiful batch of gingerbread girls at the Edinburgh bash, then? Plenty of time to practice.
@Kaol: now, what have I told you about playing with your food?
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 15:38, closed)

You said "If you kill it, you have to eat it".
K2k6, I'd go with warm, not too hot.
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 15:39, closed)

don't they get a bit stiff it you leave them out?
*reverts back to last week's QoTW*
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 15:42, closed)

Presumably that's why they're best eaten fresh.
Like sandwiches.
It also makes evidence gathering that much harder for CID...
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 15:45, closed)

I do get a bit stiff when I leave them out, now you come to mention it...
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 15:47, closed)

and make some yummy spag bol for tea. Catch you all later.
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 15:53, closed)

worrying that things might have turned more serious and high-brow on here in my absence.
*sighs with relief*
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 15:59, closed)

There were some references to Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance in another post, but they chased them off with pitchforks and flaming torches.
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 16:03, closed)

My place of work is having a cake sale tomorrow. Real cake, not virtual cake - much worse for the hips, but a veritable joy for the mouth.
Edit: Wookie - lovely!
*feels at home*
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 16:09, closed)

I can't eat them because it upsets me to eat things with a face. My mum still winds me up about that, if I leave one of anything on my plate she'll give it a voice and say 'oh please don't leave me all on my own' etc and so I HAVE to eat it no matter how full I am.
Chocolate teddybears from Thorntons, I feel the same way about them. And to a lesser extent, jelly babies and white mice.
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 16:09, closed)

We can always scrape the faces off for you.
Would that help?
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 16:14, closed)

At my computer.
This is not good.
Need coffee and stimulation.
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 16:15, closed)

I know a few people with that issue with sweeties. The eating things with faces that is, not their parents anthropomorphising the last carrot on the plate.
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 16:15, closed)

I guess so.
I'm falling asleep at work, yet I agreed to go to a midnight showing of Hancock with my friend who's a projectionist.
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 16:19, closed)

who's going to stimulate Kaol?
*gets rubber gloves*
*gets throwing star*
*gets goat*
*gets cake*
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 16:21, closed)

I have a friend who refuses to eat anything with a face. But she's talking about living creatures, as she's a vegetarian, not anthropomorphism of confectionery.
(Actually, maybe she does that too - I must ask!)
And hello, by the way.
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 16:22, closed)

As a strange matter of fact, I happen to have a throwing star in my back pocket.
How strange.
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 16:24, closed)

anyone else, it would be strange.
You, not strange. Well, not surprising, anyway!
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 16:26, closed)

I picked it up last night, the phone rang, so I put it in my back pocket, and forgot about it.
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 16:30, closed)

Or even 206...
*celebrates arbitrary numbers*
Only an hour of work to go... so I ask you this:
Would you rather have genitals that glow red when you are sexually attracted to someone, or play 'Ding Dong the Witch is Dead' every time you farted?
Things to consider - the glow is visible through clothes, an end to subtle farting.
I know what I'd choose. *glows*
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 16:32, closed)

Well that's alright then.
Hey does that mean I was 200?
Belated yay!
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 16:33, closed)

Then if there's a powercut, I just need to imagine removing the lungs from a lady of the night with a shard of broken glass.
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 16:36, closed)

My arse gives off enough information when I fart.
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 16:38, closed)

I may even howl and beat my chest in a show of masculine strutting.
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 16:40, closed)

I'm off home. I'll be back for the evening shift.
Bye for now.
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 16:46, closed)

my penchant for lady-trousers means that it's rarely particularly subtle when I have the horn anyway.
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 16:51, closed)

how lovely.
If we supply you lot with enough goat-related porn, we can sell B3ta lighting to the national grid.
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 16:59, closed)

the consequences of a mis-placed glow don't bear thinking about.
I never fart (in public) anyway, and I can always amuse the other half with a wee tune instead of a toot.
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 17:04, closed)

one can always claim that the ding-dong is a particularly poor choice of mobile ringtone.
I tend to have a bit more control over arousal than flatulence, also.
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 17:06, closed)

your throwing star, that is. That'll wake you up.
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 17:10, closed)

that wake you up a bit? No?
*throws more cold water, followed by a 3 days-dead hooker*
There, that's done it
*sits back, smiling slightly*
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 17:15, closed)

13 minutes has done it.
Gotta cook dinner, have a nap, then I'll be about on here for a while.
Then I shall be going to the cinema at midnight.
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 17:18, closed)

*waves hooker*
hi hlt
*offers gingerbread woman with icing nipples and chocolate pubic hair*
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 17:34, closed)

Erm, have you got any gingerbread MEN there WW?
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 17:34, closed)

full tummy and the kids are playing quietly - together. It can't last
*makes mental note to frisk them for weapons*
How be you?
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 17:45, closed)

I have to find accommodation for 14 Cuban band players, for TOMORROW NIGHT, everything would be just dandy.
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 17:47, closed)

somewhere nearby?
Hand them sleeping bags, maps, compasses and tell them to look on it as a challenge?
No? Are there any youth hostels down your way?
( , Tue 1 Jul 2008, 17:51, closed)
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