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This is a question Eccentrics

We all know someone who's a little bit strange - Mum's UFO abduction secret, or the mad Uncle who isn't allowed within 400 yards of Noel Edmonds.

Tell us about your family eccentrics, or just those you've met but don't think you're related to.

(Suggested by sugar_tits)

(, Thu 30 Oct 2008, 19:08)
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There is a man in Cambridge who unicycles to work and back every day.


Now I know this might sound harsh but what kind of cunt actually thinks that a unicycle is a valid form of transport?
(, Fri 31 Oct 2008, 12:37, 20 replies)
one who thinks..
its quicker than walking?
(, Fri 31 Oct 2008, 12:40, closed)
and staggeringly
more inefficient than getting a second wheel, maybe a frame, some gears, a handlebar, brakes oh and MAYBE SOME FUCKING LIGHTS so we can see him coming
(, Fri 31 Oct 2008, 12:44, closed)
Certainly cheaper than all those things
Do joggers need lights so we can see them coming? I doubt they go much slower than a unicycle.
(, Fri 31 Oct 2008, 20:06, closed)
You can take unicycles on rush hour trains, unlike bicycles. Or he might just need the attention, poor guy.
(, Fri 31 Oct 2008, 12:50, closed)
Valid form of transport
What on earth do you mean? It transports people; how can this be an invalid form of transport?

An invalid form of transport would be a small pebble, a bowl of rice pudding, or something else that in no way assists transportation.

If by valid, you mean something completely different, like, for instance, a form of transportation appropriate for the streets of Cambridge, then you may have a point (though I don't see it personally).
(, Fri 31 Oct 2008, 13:04, closed)
maybe my use of english wasn't perfect but 2 pieces of wood lashed to a some oil drums is technically a "valid" mode of transport, but hardly one you would select to commute to work with?
(, Fri 31 Oct 2008, 13:36, closed)
If I worked downstream
and lived further downstream

Or across a river

then yes.

Otherwise it's not a valid commuter vehicle as it only does half the commute. Unlike the unicycle which goes from home to work to home.
(, Fri 31 Oct 2008, 14:47, closed)
well yes
but so poorly that you might as well either walk or cycle properly.

mah im too full of cold and snot to argue the pedantics of it.
(, Fri 31 Oct 2008, 15:53, closed)
No, a wheelchair is an invalid form of transport.
(, Fri 31 Oct 2008, 16:48, closed)

(, Fri 31 Oct 2008, 17:18, closed)
No, a wheelchair is a form of invalid transport.

(, Fri 31 Oct 2008, 20:58, closed)
A friend of mine unicycles.
He also juggles. He needs killing.
(, Fri 31 Oct 2008, 13:05, closed)
Can he juggle unicycles?
just wondering...
(, Mon 3 Nov 2008, 10:58, closed)
I was in Plymouth the other week
and saw a young boy girl thing with a unicycle.

they weren't riding it, they were walking and wheeling it along.

with a really really bad limp.

I laughed my arse off
(, Fri 31 Oct 2008, 13:14, closed)
Unless you yourself are an experienced unicycler
and therefore have intimate knowledge of the efficiency and efficacy of the unicycle as a mode of transport, then you are not really qualified to say.
(, Fri 31 Oct 2008, 20:07, closed)
Where I live
There's this chap who wanders around doing stuff I don't understand and therefore don't like.

This makes him a cunt.
(, Fri 31 Oct 2008, 20:59, closed)
I fear those who are different.

(, Sat 1 Nov 2008, 22:56, closed)
It might be, but he'd look effing daft.
Says me.
I used to ride a baby* penny farthing to work sometimes.
That was because i had a loooooooong hill to ride (about 3 miles) and a penny farthing was easier than any other bike to ride up that hill, purely because one turn of the pedal would give me about 10ft of forward movement, thus making it easier.
So there could be a valid reason for it, therefore making it a valid form of transport, if he doesn't have a good reason then it's not a valid form of transport.

*=it only had a 3.5ft front wheel as opposed to the 6ft.
AND i did still look a twat.
(, Sun 2 Nov 2008, 1:12, closed)
he enjoys it.
(, Sun 2 Nov 2008, 11:46, closed)
as he was using a unicycle as a 'valid form of transport' it became so and he was right because proof demolishes belief.
(, Tue 4 Nov 2008, 19:58, closed)

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