Rubber wetsuits. Knee-high boots. Nuclear-powered clockwork cucumbers. Dressing up as Pingu whilst reading out loud from the works of Dan Brown. What floats your boat? Or what fetishes have you encountered? Suggestion via crackhouseceilidhband.
( , Thu 22 Oct 2009, 13:25)
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Okay I've been heavily into the fetish game since I was 17, and I mean heavily.. I've done essentially everything you could think of at one time or another, and ended up on the net and DVD for varying fetishistic reasons.
Sooo.. up until a few months ago I was in a committed relationship with a pup (that is, a submissive who is also into Master/Dog roleplay, he had a very developed pup mindset) for 18 months, he was the most successful of a string of M/S relationships I had while a rather accomplished dominant. For a young 'un, I'm bloody good at it.
Since then i've come to realise my true calling is actually in submission (massive epiphany ahoy!), and I'm proud to say I'm actually an owned slave myself. I wear the tag of my Master 24/7 and I couldn't be happier. Brillo.
At the same time however I do pro-domming as well, because currently I've moved to pretty much the most expensive place in the universe, and I've only just got a job. Huzzah! So I spend evenings curled up at my Master's feet, only to go and dom the fuck out of some old guy for cash. Also, brillo.
So let's whizz through some of my fetishes...
SENSORY DEPRIVATION/BREATH CONTROL= Massively into powerplay and exchange, in both roles. The less I can do, or the less a sub can do under my control the better. Hoods, gags and blindfolds ftw. Breath control is the logical extension of the powerplay, requiring fuckloads of trust and confidence you know what you're doing. I know very much what I'm doing, and have taken BC to its extremes, and downright love havig it done to me. Nothing like being on the verge of unconsciousness under the control of someone else and being completely helpless to do anything about it.
BONDAGE= Yay bondage, in all its forms.. being tied up and tying up is always gonna be frikkin awesome. I'm quite good at escaping stuff, so give me chains and padlocks anyday, far more secure! Ropework I can usually wangle my way out... haha. Started out my kinky life modelling on a well known gay amateur bondage site, and went from there really.
RUBBER= Well anything skintight really, rubber, neoprene (got a tonne of wetsuits, bout to sell a load on ebay if anyone is into it!?) and lycra... love the feel, love the smells, love the look. Spent far too much on gear in the past years, and it takes up far too much space. Leather also a winner.
S&M= My Master has turned me into a right masochistic little bitch it has to be said, love my pain... drops me into subspace far too easily. Sadistic as fuck too, I love doling it out in equal measures.
TT= Tit torture, nipple play... massively sensitive round there, and a brilliant play, as you can really ramp up how hard you're playing.. can be light and sensual right up to stupidly hard and agonising. Either way gets me grinning like a loon.
other things would be watersports, hypnotism, anal play, pup play, footy kit, cages, tickle torture (as top) and heh pretty much everything else.. ever. Yeah I've even tried scat, its... alright. Nothing to write home about. It's SLIGHTLY less minging than you'd expect, but only slightly.
Oh yeah, and I really wanna try vac-racking, its pretty much the only thing I've not done yet. Two rubber sheets in a frame, get in the middle, vacuum sucks the air out, leaving you trapped in between in complete rubber bondage. Oh go on then.
I'm a filthy git. It's all good.
( , Wed 28 Oct 2009, 0:15, 59 replies)

All you'd need as mental delay spray would be a mirror.
( , Wed 28 Oct 2009, 0:31, closed)

i was under the impression that there was the whole safe word thing
how do you tell someone whos restricting your breath to the point of you passing out youve decided you'd rather just watch corrie and have a rich tea
( , Wed 28 Oct 2009, 0:34, closed)

green - usally "stop" "no more" etc, means keep going this is ace
Amber - anything really, means I'm not too keen on this try something else.
Red - anything really, means Do that again and as soon as I'm free I will push my foot so far up your arse you'll be spitting laces.
( , Wed 28 Oct 2009, 0:37, closed)

( , Wed 28 Oct 2009, 0:39, closed)

but in many BC scenes you can't speak, or have not enough air to speak. Hence I've always used a throat utterance sequence.
( , Wed 28 Oct 2009, 0:42, closed)

one of my greatest fears is suffocating to death, after having my throat sliced. So of course it seems like a fun idea, but I panic far too much for it to get fun.
( , Wed 28 Oct 2009, 0:46, closed)

and eep throat slicage. Yeah i've had shivery thoughts about that in the past. Not sure why.. perhaps I just like to scare myself?
( , Wed 28 Oct 2009, 0:50, closed)

Three MMPHs in a regular pattern is pretty much set as a trigger in my mind after using the same one for 8 years.
The fact of the matter is though, that I only practice it with people who I trust to know what they are doing, and you always ramp it up from light to heavy, because everyone is different.
In heavy play, if I'm topping, i won't break eye contact once they've been held for a while. There's a tonne of signals you can see beyond just the struggling to see where they are at.. the best part of BC is around the last 10 seconds of possible air, where your mind goes into fight or flight big time. This also involves the interesting situation of absolutely mind blowing orgasms, you just have to make sure that as you're allowing that to happen, that you release at the right time.
I've never had to use a safeword, and never had a sub use a safeword in breathplay before... if you're good at it, you know when. If you're not good at it, start very lightly.. and work up, and don't progress until you know what happens at each stage.
It's incredibly frikkin dangerous, but I've done it countless hundreds of times now.. and I've never ever had a problem once. Completely deprived of air and then blasted with a NOS mix, all sorts.. I however have subbed under BC for so long that I can actually go around 30 seconds without a single bit of air in my lungs.
Seriously though, to those reading it who think the power exchange sounds fucking hot.. really really be careful. People die far too frikkin often.
( , Wed 28 Oct 2009, 0:41, closed)

always thought it might be a bit difficult to say 'breadbin' through a ball gag
sounds fascinating but not really for me, the whole rubber and chains things is very pretty to look at but i dont really like pain
i've done some light spanking erm 'as a top'(get me) and would like to visit a club some time (gotta live)
oddly though i can look at some of the stuff on kink.com (im straight) but when there's blood and people shoving needles through stuff. nah. bit scary.
good luck to ya though
( , Wed 28 Oct 2009, 0:51, closed)

There's so so much you can do to stimulate someone without doing anything winceworthy, or painful.
Rubber and chains can be combined with sensual stroking, massage, kissing and oral pleasure. Can send a sub wild.. no need for pain at all, can be a most satisfying experience.
And yeah, clubs are good fun. :)
( , Wed 28 Oct 2009, 0:55, closed)

i may with a bit of luck have a new job in berks soon which is quite handy for that london
keep up the pervy work young man
oh and lurid tales of celebs would of course go down well also
i'd love to think fiona bruce struts around with a strapon and SS uniform of a weekend
( , Wed 28 Oct 2009, 1:00, closed)

but yeah sure.. gaz me, theres a few events on here and there. You should get down for the Fetish Fair. That's always meant to be good!
( , Wed 28 Oct 2009, 1:11, closed)

events I've been to have been disappointing, far too many posers who crap themselves when the toys come out. The Fetish Fair is good though, you'll end up caning your credit card if nothing else.
Up here in the Midlands there's loads on too, and not just clubs where you can't hear yourself think, full of fashion students. Lots of places to go and play!
( , Wed 28 Oct 2009, 1:50, closed)

but down here the gay scene for fetish is second to none.. well maybe to Berlin, but otherwise.. none. Haha.
Brum sounds to be a decent place though, a few nice shops too.. Cocoon do some great rubber gear. Shop smells awful though.
( , Wed 28 Oct 2009, 2:00, closed)

Was the strangest experiance of my life. completely different to just being restrained by the arms an legs, you have difficulty even moving your chest to breathe never mind move any limbs.
Fuck me I'm actually a lot more kinkier than I thought, that or adventurous I'll say.
( , Wed 28 Oct 2009, 0:35, closed)

Total bondage combined with rubber is pretty much heaven to me. They look so incredibly hot too.
Teensy bit of envy there.
( , Wed 28 Oct 2009, 0:43, closed)

I wasn't being shot in that scene but fancied a go.
Made my bath tub of beans seem boring, I had to go slap a gimp after it just to feel better.
( , Wed 28 Oct 2009, 0:45, closed)

Different shoots for different publications/websites. was an awesome location though, old town house with a basement (where the vack rack was) and origonal bath room full of beans. Met a lovely young, well endowed, fairly well known lady who likes tight rubber that day. The only time I've been lost for words speaking to someone, her eyes made you want to melt. I felt like a twat afterwards though, I prefer it when I am ignorant and have no idea who anyone is.
( , Wed 28 Oct 2009, 0:58, closed)

You should try proper bowls like a real old man.
(so olde fashioned that hey don't have one of those spangly website thinkgs)
Nothing like playing with a 93 year old called Young Dave. (now that sounds like a fetish)
( , Wed 28 Oct 2009, 8:46, closed)

To slash him up with broken bottles, yank out his fingernails with pliers, that sort of thing.
I am very sadistic, but I tend to draw a line to things that can cause permanent damage. Blood doesn't bother me much, but yeah.. stuff that requires surgery? I'll give that a miss.
( , Wed 28 Oct 2009, 1:36, closed)

that would need a fair amount of Germoline
think you made the right choice
( , Wed 28 Oct 2009, 1:40, closed)

for a week long kidnap/torture session.
Which would have been nice, except for the having a bleeding screaming wreck for company the whole time.
( , Wed 28 Oct 2009, 1:58, closed)

I'm laying here in my hospital bed chuckling to fuck and have drawn attention to myself!
( , Wed 28 Oct 2009, 9:18, closed)

Swimming in a giant lake of shit.
And your fine self? :D
( , Wed 28 Oct 2009, 1:58, closed)

I've got a do the weekend after next on the calendar, or if you're in this neck of the woods you're always welcome.
( , Wed 28 Oct 2009, 2:02, closed)

pie and fucking peas.
now THAT'S a fetish.
I doubt I'll be able to makificate it, but I'll try come see you in Julie Covingtry soon enough darling.
( , Wed 28 Oct 2009, 2:11, closed)

Silly ... very quickly?
I mean the whole "Do as I say!"/curl up at my feet/your feet etc thing - I mean - don't you ever sort of want to go, "Pffft ... yeah, right, whatever, love - I'm off down the pub"?
( , Wed 28 Oct 2009, 10:44, closed)

The 'do this bitch!' sorta thing is absolutely ridiculous and a complete turn-off. My Master doesn't do anything like that, because he too knows it's ridiculous.
The curling up at his feet thing? I don't get told to do it, I just feel extremely comfortable there, a Master/Slave relationship isn't all about being whacked with stuff for their pleasure, getting gimped up and such like... sure all the gear and things are fun, but the foundation and main reason is the relationship itself.
I feel subservient to him, and its comforting to sit for example at his feet, where I feel his physical presence dominates me. In return for my submission to him, which is pretty much absolute.. he guides me, looks after me and under him I know I won't come to any harm.
It's a relationship built heavily on trust, respect and commitment, far more fulfilling and enjoyable than any vanilla relationship I've had previously.
Roleplay is silly, verbal is silly.. but if subservience is actually part of you, it comes naturally. Since I was taken on by him, I've never once called him his name to his face, it has always been Sir/Master. I didn't make a conscious decision to do this, and nor did he demand it.. these things come naturally to me through respect. I'm in fact absolutely petrified of public exhibitionism, but I'll address him in public like that, and even walk round London in a collar... because I respect him hugely.
It's all about the mindset, I still find a lot of stuff silly, but other subs with different mindsets wouldn't. They might really feel empowered to be forced to bark out 'PLEASE SIR, I BEG OF YOU CAN I SUCK YOUR COCK, THANK YOU SIR THANK YOU SIR!' whereas I'd just laugh. Each sub/slave serves differently, responds to different things. :)
( , Wed 28 Oct 2009, 11:06, closed)

Personally, I hate the thought of owning or being owned. To me the sign of respect in a relationship is a lack of need for the control of another, or to be controlled. A bit like a conversation.
But ... very interesting.
( , Wed 28 Oct 2009, 11:56, closed)

Because at the end of the day, I retain overall control of myself.. as what many people forget is that I have LET him take control. It's somewhat different to slavery of the 1500s... but yeah. The whole thing is a ridiculously complex thing that is somewhat difficult to explain concisely on a message forum. :)
( , Wed 28 Oct 2009, 12:03, closed)

I've let slip and called my Dom 'Master' Public. We got a few strange looks. I've also had him feed me my drink while I had my arms behind my back in a pub. The scenes are fun, and submissive flight is by far the most intense thing I've ever experienced, but I just love the D/s undertones that are constant.
Calling someone Master is a big thing for me, and it took me a lot to do it, and while going through a tricky patch I couldn't bring myself to do it at all. But when you feel owned and protected, it is the most lovely feeling in the world.
( , Wed 28 Oct 2009, 13:37, closed)

The first time I shouted Sir across a shop to get his attention felt.. interesting.
Forever turning heads in London centre, he likes to scratch the back of my neck and I go quite puppish and make little noises and writhe around. :P
( , Wed 28 Oct 2009, 18:12, closed)

even reading about tbe breath-control thing almost made me panic, it's cool you knew so young what you were into :) *click*
( , Wed 28 Oct 2009, 11:52, closed)

I like your ideas and wish to subscribe to your magazine!
( , Wed 28 Oct 2009, 15:30, closed)

Also, the ambulance call QOTW answer of yours was very heartwarming, just saw it on your profile. You is lully man.
( , Wed 28 Oct 2009, 18:20, closed)

myself and mrs spimf have a fairly vanilla relationship, sure we use toys and she has dressed up (i'd feel daft dressing up, i look stupid enough in normal gear)
but how do you - for example have a disagreement over what curtains to buy, or what to have for dinner. is it total 24/7 domination.
i enjoy bickering with my wife, then again there are times when she could do with a good slap and being locked in a cupboard
*pops a semi*
( , Wed 28 Oct 2009, 19:25, closed)

So domestic issues are rarely a problem.
I tend to get a caning (or, if i'm in a maso mood.. a not-caning) if I leave his flat in a tip. I tend to punish myself simply through the fact I feel bad if I annoy him or give him cause for complaint.. as my whole purpose is to make him feel good and to give him as stress-free an existence as possible. If he gets annoyed with me, I tend to feel like shit, until he gives me a stroke and forgives me. A 'good boy' always feels wonderful, every time. :D
As for chores.. He cooks, because I'm shit, and he likes cooking.. I do the washing up :P
( , Wed 28 Oct 2009, 19:53, closed)

i have visions of a dishwasher full of various plugs and dils
the washing line must be a sight to behold
god love the pair of ya*. fucking ace
*turn of phrase, i am a rabid atheist
( , Wed 28 Oct 2009, 19:57, closed)

His place is more a bedsit, so its usually drying things across the room or over the shower. Things get washed in the shower usually... or I take em home and wash them. He uses a launderette haha, not ideal for gear really.
( , Wed 28 Oct 2009, 20:02, closed)

I'll be a fairly familiar face on normal nights once I got my pay coming in regularly. :)
( , Wed 28 Oct 2009, 19:50, closed)

Sports Gear party there.
As for the ropes and wriggling out of them, you just haven't been tied up tightly enough :D
( , Wed 28 Oct 2009, 19:54, closed)

those ones that pull tight, and you press a little button to release them.
one round the wrist, one round the upper arms and chest, one nestled above the elbows and abs, one round the thighs and one round the calves.. all pulled tight. Fucked me senseless.
Brill... and I couldn't escape whatsoever. :P
( , Wed 28 Oct 2009, 20:00, closed)
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