There you are innocently going about your day when suddenly a particular song transports you back to a specific time and place.
For me, Animotion's Obssession instantly brings back the fear and nerves of school exams. And you? Tell us all about it.
( , Thu 24 Mar 2005, 10:56)
This question is now closed.

Local arts centre in November last year.
Everyone's favourite king of sick love songs, V/VM, perform whilst wearing a pig mask.
The set consisting of:
Elton John's "Can you feel the Love tonight"
Motorhead "Ace of Spades"
St Winifred's School Choir "Grandma We Love You"
The culmination of the set was Michelle (Pop Idol) McManus's song "All This Time" being mutilated and distorted as the ENTIRE AUDIENCE of approx 100 people are dragged onto the stage by Fast Lady (the evening's support act), for a drunken singalong.
My mate (the promoter) then jumps off the stage and headbutts the floor. Eyebrow explodes, and its time for a trip to casualty!
In a bloody drunken haze he asks me to let the bands into his flat and let them drink "anything they want".
The flat contains:
1 bottle ginger beer
several bottles of rum
1 bottle of absinthe
New cocktails:
Grog - rum and ginger beer (try it, its great!)
Tea and Absinthe - not so good.
Mate returns from casualty, with a new cool scar, and goes to bed. I pass out in the living room to the sounds of the bands talking about how vile tea and absinthe is.
Michelle McManus - thank you for the music, I'll never forget that song.
( , Thu 31 Mar 2005, 10:52, Reply)

always reminds me of this one guy i used to go out, he'd call me his punk rock princess, it sounds so cheesy looking back but it was cute while it lasted.
The Fugees - Killing me softly
reminds me of when i was about ten and being driven home from my friends house at like 10pm because i got scared of her house and not wanting to stay the night.
( , Thu 31 Mar 2005, 9:57, Reply)

As with everyone, there's LOADS of good memory and bad memory songs, It's just the fact I've just listened to this song that I thought to it first. The Ataris ~ Song for a mix tape, Simple Plan ~ I'd Do Anything, Story Of The Year ~ Until The Day I Die, Sacred Spirits ~ How The West Was Lost, Linkin Park ~ Breaking The Habbit...there's shitloads of reminder songs. All have their own little meaning somehow.
( , Thu 31 Mar 2005, 7:05, Reply)

Me too - but for a different reason. Picture a 15 year old boy, who (through the grace of some twisted God) got to "help out" back stage at a fashion show at a local county fete. This included a lingerie section and this was the music for that set. It ran three times daily for three days.
Now I hear this and I recall the perfectly recorded mind-video of, at the time, the most attractive, and most naked women I'd ever seen. Nipple slips, zipping them up, perfume, it's endless - I still get a hard on.
I intend to conceive my first child to this tune.
( , Thu 31 Mar 2005, 6:09, Reply)

Surfing some of the best and biggest waves Central Florida had to offer during Hurricane Bertha I had this song stuck in my head the entire time. Incredibly annoying then.
BUT NOW - I hear that song and I'm in crystal clear, warm water, screaming down the face of a perfect 12 foot bomb set, spray sparkling in the sun, wind whipping offshore, friends hooting and screaming with joy as we took turns on probably the only good thing to ever come out of a hurricane.
The song sucked large cheesy monkey balls, but I FUCKING LOVE IT to this day. It's in my iPod right now.
( , Thu 31 Mar 2005, 5:58, Reply)

We had just left the funeral of one of my best friends and this was the song playing on the car stereo. There was 4 of us in the car and we all sang along though our heart really wasn't into it.
( , Thu 31 Mar 2005, 1:00, Reply)

Anytime I hear any song from Pink Floyd "The Wall", it takes me back to the journey I used to make from East Ham to Woolwich to see my very best mate, who unfortunately for him I was deeply in love with, but that's a whole other story...
Don't Give Up by Kate Bush and Peter Gabriel when I was seriously suicidal during a period in the mid 90's. My flat had been broken into and I lost *everything* I ever owned. They even took my bloody video tapes.
and finally
Total Eclipse of The Heart by Bonnie Tyler.
Reminds me of my current bf of 12 years and what an utterly, utterly jammy cnut I was for hooking him!
And now my posting hymen is well and truly busted! yay!
Apologies, length, feel, width!
( , Wed 30 Mar 2005, 23:23, Reply)

Reminds me of a night in Belfast with a buddy of mine who was from there. I was pissed off because he had gone to see the Corrs and "I" was the Yank over to Ireland for the first time so I thought "I" should have the pleasure of seeing the Corrs and getting to go back stage (his best friend was engaged to Sharon).
Cue me, the Wall Street Guru hanging out with Irish guys I have never met before, sulking in a pub and being the only git drinking Guinness.
We leave pub #1 and go to another pub: me still sulking, but now slightly more drunk. In walks my buddy and his mate (the guy engaged to Sharon) and right behind him? Sharon Corr.
We went to my mates house, picked up some curry chips and she strummed on a guitar and we all sang Skynyrd tunes. It was surreal but perfect.
And for the record, she is every bit as beautiful in person. And as lovely to know.
No apologies for length...I dont apologize for something I should be rewarded for.
Sic Semper Tyrannis.
( , Wed 30 Mar 2005, 23:15, Reply)

Susanna Hoffs (sorry if I spelled that wrong). Man she was a hottie.
My Brother got tickets to see them in concert and we went, as you do. The tickets he had gotten were from my brother-in-law who had been a subscriber to Merryweather Post Pavilion (in Columbia, MD) for YEARS, so they were DEAD Center, front row.
They get to that song and Susanna squats down right in front of my brother and I (I was 16 and my brother was 22). SQUATTED right in front of us, showing me her panties. It was the first time I had ever seen a Superstars knickers.
Every time I hear that song I see those dark eyes, her squatted there and singing solefully to my Brother and I and all I could do was stare right at her minge-mound under those white panties. It was beautiful. And she KNEW. I think she figured I was too "clean cut" and needed a good pooty shot. When she finished she simply stood up and smiled down at me, knowingly.
I was a hero at school the following day.
No apologies for girth, blame Susanna Hoffs, not me!
Sic Semper Tyrannis!
( , Wed 30 Mar 2005, 23:02, Reply)

Around the age of 12, I had two albums that I would listen to in bed at least once every night. They are both embarrassing.
One was the Pretty Woman soundtrack. If I ever hear "It Must Have Been Love" by Roxette, it reminds me of the 12-year-old angst of fancying girls who wouldn't even talk to me because I was a fat loser, and crying in bed every night about it.
But after the misery, the other album I listened to in bed was the Gladiators soundtrack. Yes, music from the ITV sports/entertainment show Gladiators. Cheesy power-ballads about strength and determination! Mainly I just thought about Jet. It was around that time I discovered masturbation...
( , Wed 30 Mar 2005, 22:51, Reply)

A few months back I was driving to work. Had the stereo on fairly loud, blastin' the tunes out, y'know.
Stopped at a pedestrian crossing, not really paying any attention to why there were people looking into my car and laughing, or scowling in disgust.
I realised as i drove on, I had boyzone thumping out the speakers, boyzone. Its only words.
Now they make me cringe even more.. I thought I'd gotten over my teenage school girl crush on Ronan.
Bloody hell.
( , Wed 30 Mar 2005, 22:15, Reply)

glory box
always reminds me of stomping moodily along the path to college in my tangled hair, bashed up army boots, hole be-ridden home knitted jumper & scabby kneeless faded jeans. Ahh the crusty years*
*thankfully I grew out of this
( , Wed 30 Mar 2005, 21:28, Reply)

Rachmaninoff's Cello Sonata reminds me of early morning journeys on the 2VB bus from Antibes, (in France) to Valbonne (also in France) during the summer of 2003. Even at nine in the morning the heat was intense; the sky was clear hazeless blue and the whole place smelled of tulips and lavender.
Heard it (courtesy of shuffle function) on the district line the other day, as the train was stopped between barons court and hammersmith. Just for a moment, I was back there.
( , Wed 30 Mar 2005, 21:21, Reply)

Reminds me of my uncle. I listened to that song a lot around the time of his death so every time I hear it it reminds me of him.
Anything off Cradle Of Filth's Damnation And A Day album reminds me of the first time I saw them live. It was my first gig ever.
( , Wed 30 Mar 2005, 19:26, Reply)

Fourteen years old with my mates on a school watersports holiday in Spain. Two things I should have considered pre-trip:
1 - I can't stand water, and
2 - I can't stand sport.
Medal for me. I can just recall the three of us, munted on something a bit pernod-y (after an hour of trying to pry out the segmented pouring thing in the bottle neck - "what the hell's that? Right, get me a strong, pointy thing"), belting out "Fish in the sea... you know how I feel... etc." In all likelihood the indigenous marine life was about as likely to empathise with us as the 30-odd other school kids in their gossamer thin tents at 4 in the morning. Oh, and the teachers. I may never find out who booed my Bjork impression, bloody cowards.
This in turn issues forth a recollection of the following day: my tent-mates have buggered off to breakfast (it's 7.00 in the morning; Colditz, we renamed the camp)and I am lying supine on my springy bed thing, attempting to tidy up my bikini line with a pair of nail scissors.
You know there's always that one thing you forget when you go on holiday? Sun cream: check; swimming cossie: check; dignity: bugger.
Sorry. That was too much.
( , Wed 30 Mar 2005, 18:57, Reply)

Drove right across the U.S. a few years ago - from Boston to San Diego. We only had one tape the whole way . . . I forget what it was.
( , Wed 30 Mar 2005, 18:30, Reply)

I hate that song. I was listening to it in the car while taking the cats to the cattery one summer and, halfway into the song, my oversized tabby laid a proportionately large cat's egg on the back seat. If I hear the song now I swear I still get that evil "dead-bird pate" smell in my nostrils.
( , Wed 30 Mar 2005, 18:21, Reply)

Iron Maiden Live after Death...
Reminds me of my cousin having a massive ghetto blaster (as they were called back then), it took around 10 batteries D cells that lasted about an hour, the speakers detached from the side too.
It had red/green LED's on the graphic equalizer and a twin tape deck.
We would blast the whole album over what must have been a massive (not) 10 watts of music power, that was with the "loud" button on aswell
Ahhhh those were the days
( , Wed 30 Mar 2005, 17:49, Reply)

Broke up with my girlfriend of 7 and a half years at the weekend and I had just got this amazing new CD by Fastlane.
The song 'A New Start' will probably remain my official break up song, ask me in a few years.
( , Wed 30 Mar 2005, 17:24, Reply)

Newcastle 1992. Summer of Love - well it was in our street anyway. Windows open, summer sunshine, bongs being smoked and this lovely irish medical student dosing me with mushrooms before a lock-in weekend of ice cream and shenanigans.
( , Wed 30 Mar 2005, 16:43, Reply)

Scene - Family touring Holiday to Denmark. Myself, Mum, Dad, Pregnant sister and new brother in law, who agreed to drive us all.
The only tapes he had in the car was the best of the Dooleys and the best of Abba.
The Dooleys were thrown out of the moving vehicle somewhere between Esberg and Copenhagen by my ranting father.... unfortunately for us the imposed silence in the car for the rest of the holiday was about 3 days too late - I absolutely can not listen to any Abba since I was 13 without twitching.
( , Wed 30 Mar 2005, 16:38, Reply)

I dropped out of Uni in '92, and went back several times to see my mates.
Sat in a mate's room one Friday afternoon, playing on his Mac, and thought to ask where all the others were.
"Oh, they're probably at the memorial service".
"What memorial service?"
Turns out a friend of ours had died of meningitis, and everyone had assumed that my ex-girlfriend had told me - she hadn't.
That night, there were quite a few of us on the dancefloor, freaking out to Paddy's favourite record "Celebrate" by An Emotional Fish.
On the rare occasions I've heard it since, I remember Paddy, and his daft Irish charm.
( , Wed 30 Mar 2005, 15:11, Reply)

School trip to Greece, 1984. Spent many days driving around in a coach. And what do I remember?
"Working on the site, from morning to night - THAT'S LIVIN' ALL RIGHT!". Joe Bloody Fagin. Git.
Still, we made it up on the trip to France in 1987, when two of us commandeered the coach stereo and insisted on playing "Wake" by The Mission at every opportunity....
( , Wed 30 Mar 2005, 15:05, Reply)

I lost my cherry in a bathtub in Crewe to Marillion's Clutching at straws playing in the next room....
Long winded, self indulgent, pointless and a bit of a joke in this day and age.... ironically just like my sex life now.
( , Wed 30 Mar 2005, 15:01, Reply)

This song reminds me of when my Pornstar girlfriend dumped me at uni.
After several days of Vodka drinking I decided to get my act together and this song was my theme tune to getting on with my final project and starting afresh (and finding out I didn't have any STI's).
Every time I hear the song it makes me smile, and reminds me that I can get on with stuff no matter how bad things seem.
Also Y.M.C.A reminds me of Thailand. Me and my friends had drunk so much amphetamine laced whiskey that dancing on the bar of a beach front bar seemed like the best idea in the world.
It was, until my friend Adam fell off the aforementioned bar and broke his head (Concussion).
To which my friend (who was a trainee medic at the time, and a full blown doctor now) kept telling him to go to bed and get some sleep ! (really bad idea for someone with concussion).
That song to this day reminds me of bad, drunken, medical advice .
Ahhhh happy days.
( , Wed 30 Mar 2005, 14:54, Reply)

It was on the radio when I had my first filling. Even now, over 20 years later, I still get sympathetic toothache every time I hear it.
( , Wed 30 Mar 2005, 14:52, Reply)
This question is now closed.