Tell us / show us / send us the best thing you've ever cooked or had cooked for you. Even if it is a £10 burger.
Or knock yourself out and tell us knock-knock jokes. Just make them funny and about sheds
( , Thu 27 Jun 2013, 12:29)
This question is now closed.

Pasta in Mazamet with unannounced foie gras. Then a salad in Courniou ... bosh ... confit de canard.
Knock knock!
Who's there?
Unexpected duck.
Unexpected dQUACK!
( , Fri 28 Jun 2013, 9:18, 4 replies)

Who's there?
Moribund website.
Moribund website who?
( , Fri 28 Jun 2013, 9:18, 6 replies)

I was in the bath, with an erection, busting for a piss.
long story short, I accidentally pissed into my own mouth
( , Fri 28 Jun 2013, 8:18, 2 replies)

Who's there?
Interrupting doctor.
You have cancer.
( , Fri 28 Jun 2013, 7:26, Reply)

Sweet haddock an hour out of the sea. Mackerel charred on a bar-b-q. The peppery iron of Stornoway black pudding. Sweet scallops on a griddle. Lobster claws with a hint of chili and lime. Belly of pork melting in the mouth with the salty crunch of cracking. A knife falling through a rib of beef that's rested for 90 minutes. A rich mutton stew. Chicken thighs, with a stock reduction and skin removed and crisped. Monk fish in a searingly hot pan with roasted asparagus. A giant spider crab with slices of sweet tomato. Muscles steamed in wine with warm home-made bread....I like food.
( , Fri 28 Jun 2013, 7:20, Reply)

I submitted it to a book that was being made for a mates wedding.
The Amble Picnic.
The height of sophistication in Amble.
Tin of pineapple rings
Sausage, deep fried.
Take your pie and shove the sausage into the middle of it so the sausage is poking skywards. Then, get someone who isn't from Amble, to open the tin of pineapples.
Note: If the chef is from Amble and attempts to open the tin themselves then make sure you have plenty of sticking plaster available.
Once you have the tin open, take out a single ring of pineapple and carefully place over the sausage.
Serve with 12 cans of wife-beater (men) or 2 bottles of Blue Nun (women).
( , Fri 28 Jun 2013, 7:07, 6 replies)

Who's there?
Front Door tester; everything seems to be in order. Well, my work here is done.
( , Fri 28 Jun 2013, 1:11, Reply)

From the Vietnamese Restaurant opposite the courthouse in Childers, Australia
( , Thu 27 Jun 2013, 23:22, 4 replies)

A Breakkie Treat.
WARNING: May induce fartiness and some heartburn.
You'll need -
2 slices of wholemeal bread, buttered on 1 side.
1 ripe tomato, sliced.
1 slice of "nice" cheese cut into 4 strips
2-3 slices of chilli salami or 4-5 slices of hot pepperino
1/2 a tin of baked beans - don't use storebrand!
1 soft boiled egg.
How to do it -
Place the bread buttered sides together, turn on toastie/flat press grill. Place a strip of cheese, then meat, then another cheese strip then tomato and finally cheese onto un-buttered bread. Lift bread apart, place slice with all the stuff on, buttered side down onto press, place other slice on top buttered side up, close press. Weigh down press - a stone mortar and pestle does me.
Soft boil egg. I usually save time by zapping it in the microwave in the same cup as I'm going to do the baked beans in. Be sure to put a knob of butter or a smear of oil in 1st to stop it sticking. Also cover with a paper towel or you're putting your hand up to clean the microwave ahterwards. Remove egg from cup (or peel after rinsing if you boiled it), put baked beans in cup and heat for a minute or so. Remember kitchen towel over the top of the cup.
Once egg is cooked the toastie should be golden brown and cheese all melty - serve and place egg on top, then the last strip of cheese, then smoosh egg down. Pour heated baked beans over the top.
Sounds fucking awful I know, but trust me when you've got egg yolk & tomato juice running down your (normal sized) chin and you're getting a nice humm from the chilli salami you may well change your tune.
Delia reckons a variation of this is the breakfast of champions. And we all know Delia is never wrong.
EDIT: For the Day Release-ee's - clearly this is not a bowl of organic Bircher muesli mixed with chopped fruit and low-fat free-range yoghurt & thus should not be seen as a particularly healthy meal option, nor should it be part of your regular diet. Otherwise -
Who's there?
Your imminent heart attack.
( , Thu 27 Jun 2013, 22:55, 9 replies)

A slice of Hovis Best of Both Invisible Crust (Thick)
A light smearing of Flora Pro-Activ Extra Light
Then on with the ham -
Tesco’s Finest Wholegrain Mustard Wiltshire Cured Ham
£2.97 for four slices
That’s 3 Clubcard points
Not like the “20 slices for £1.29” crap, which is mostly water, and has the texture and flavour of a mouse’s tongue
On top of the ham, some grated cheese. Davidstow mature cheddar or Cracker Barrel - something with a bit of bite
On top of that some thin slices of Sainsbury’s Flavouripe tomato - tricky, this - need a very sharp knife - careful - mind fingers - ah!
Cold tap on
Five minutes
Frantic, sweaty, but ultimately fruitful search for Elastoplast
Then some black pepper, from a pepper grinder purchased during a desperate excursion to IKEA, during which there was an argument with the wife, a cricked neck, a harrowing visit to the lavatory, confusion, fermenting ire, and intermittent thoughts of suicide
Then lettuce - not that tastless iceberg rubbish, but 2 leaves of Sainsbury’s Organic Little Gem Heart. Tasty. Mmm
Then the finishing touch: a blob of mayonnaise - Hellmans, of course
Only the best
Then on top of all that the the other slice of Hovis Best of Both Invisible Crust (Thick) again lightly smeared with Flora Pro-Activ Extra Light
Then press gently down - not too hard
And replace the slice of tomato that has fallen out
Onto a plate with it
Salivary glands in operation…
And then, like a thief in the night,
Ken, with his teeth, took a bite.
( , Thu 27 Jun 2013, 21:31, 2 replies)

Knock knock
who's there?
Hammer salesman.
( , Thu 27 Jun 2013, 20:37, Reply)

I was in Hong Kong with my other half about this time last year. Say what you like about that place, the food is fantastic. We had a soup starter followed by roast goose, followed by an entire (beautifully cooked) lobster with noodles and cheese sauce. For the equivalent of £10 a head.
Best meal I've ever had. And the worst.
Because we were with her semi-estranged father. A man she described with the phrase "Don't worry about him hating you. He will, but he hates everybody".
I defy anyone to enjoy a meal where they are obliged to share the table with a man who hates their guts, while trying to eat lobster - coated with the world's most slippery cheese sauce - with chopsticks in a posh Hong Kong restaurant, watched with barely disguised amusement by what felt like half the clientele.
At least her dad seemed to enjoy my misery.
( , Thu 27 Jun 2013, 20:35, 1 reply)

White bread, raspberry jam (with seeds) Cheshire cheese. Done.
( , Thu 27 Jun 2013, 19:44, Reply)

The perfect munch.
( , Thu 27 Jun 2013, 19:12, Reply)

Consequently I am able to eat whatever I want without him noticing.
( , Thu 27 Jun 2013, 18:52, 2 replies)

Who's there?
Lettuce who?
Lettuce in its raining.
( , Thu 27 Jun 2013, 18:15, Reply)

..the nonces have just Gone Nuclear.

( , Thu 27 Jun 2013, 17:54, 12 replies)

Much of our advertising was from the big hotels. One evening a hotel put on a "media appreciation night". Around thirty of us hacks were shepherded into a foyer, where on three tables carved ice sculptures were surrounded by pots of fois gras, slices of lemon, and shots of quality vodkas; hot waitresses perambulated, offering glasses of champagne. After maybe half an hour of this we were led into the main dining room, where we had a six course meal including birds nest soup, delicate tuna steaks on a bed of rock salt, and impossibly tender wagyu beef, all with finely selected wine pairings. Then there was a raffle, and everybody won something.
Corruption: don't knock it until you've tried it.
( , Thu 27 Jun 2013, 17:45, 12 replies)

There are two parrots on a perch, one says,'Can you smell fish?'
( , Thu 27 Jun 2013, 17:01, 3 replies)
This question is now closed.