Youthful as I am, I realised yesterday that I no-longer know, or care, who is #1 in the charts. Furthermore, it takes all day to get rid of a hangover and I now seem to have a profound interest in gardening. Worst is that I now use words like 'furthermore'.
What makes you think that you are getting old?
( , Thu 28 Oct 2004, 13:01)
This question is now closed.

I could manage 12 hour drink fuelled binges and still get up for work at 6am.
Now 24, I leave the pub BEFORE closing time and make sure that I have taken a Resolve before I go to bed.
I drink tea at 5am in the morning.
I would rather read a good book in bed than go out on the lash.
I read Woman and Womans Own and have been known to rip articles out and stick them on my fridge.
I have a carrier bag drawer.
I have one big slipper that I can put both feet it.
I purchase knitwear from M&S
I think Lawrence Llewellyn Bowen is attractive.
God help me.
( , Sun 31 Oct 2004, 11:15, Reply)

I really enjoyed going to a pancake house, but was bored in a "hooters"-like "strip" joint and didn't even go to a coffieshop.
( , Sun 31 Oct 2004, 11:07, Reply)

and, although by some people's standards that's old, I was pretty chuffed that I got asked for ID last night on the way into the pub.
That could have something to do with the fact that I've still got masses of thick dark hair still, no wrinkles or unsightly blemishes and only the odd grey hair.
I'm only saying that to annoy anyone here (of my approximate age) that may look a little, how shall we put it, aged.
Oh! and I went on a blind date with a 17 year old a couple of weeks ago.
And another thing, you know you're getting old when you try to pull your socks up and realise you're not wearing any.
( , Sun 31 Oct 2004, 10:43, Reply)

from Dominocat's post below. You lot are spring chickens. I was in a coffee shop last week, where they were doing a survey for free drinks. The age bracket tick boxes were:
16 - 21
21 - 27
27 - 35
35 - 50
Over 50
I am one tick box away from death.
Oh - and I listen to radio 4.
( , Sun 31 Oct 2004, 10:33, Reply)

But just last week the barber trimmed my ear hairs.
Without me even asking.
( , Sun 31 Oct 2004, 9:43, Reply)

signs i know i'm getting old (32 this year)
I watch Discovery Channel more than MTV
I get excited when "The New Yankee Workshop" is on
My hair is greyer than browner
I now go to registered massage parlours!
I like classical music more now than ever
Things aint so bad though, for one, i don't give a toss now what people think of me, I am comfortable with my look, my job is less stressful, and my wife is Nigella in the kitchen and Stripperlla in the boudoir!
(i do have a slight regret that I am no longer in the eligible criteria for the Club 18-30 crowd)
2nd edit - Also.... Hearing stuff form the 80's and thinking "it was like yesterday man!" and realising it was 20 sodding years ago!!!!
And I don't understand Yugioh and Dragonball. I have tried, but it just dont compute!
Tools! I love tools, it used to be Clothes but now my brand of choice is Snap On, not Jaeger!
Cars are still my weakness though, I can now in my 30's afford to run a Nissan Skyline!
And last but not least... Us children of the 80's will always be the most centred and cleverist of all the ages!!!
And i dont have to apologise for length!!!
( , Sun 31 Oct 2004, 9:01, Reply)

Realising how today's kids (now saying that makes me old) can't fathom a life without technology. For instance, my 4 year old son wondered, when someone took a photo of him with a film camera, why there wasn't a screen on the back of the camera so he could look at the picture. He's also asked his great gran where her computer was when he went round.
( , Sun 31 Oct 2004, 8:43, Reply)

That the vast majority of my favourite CD Albums are over a decade old.
Radiohead's "Pablo Honey", Nine Inch Nails' "The Downward Spiral" (how apt, considering the question :-D) and The Prodigy's "Music for the Jilted Generation"
( , Sun 31 Oct 2004, 8:29, Reply)

(thought I'd get that in before my birthday next week)
1) I've had osteo-arthritis for the last 4 years, which doesn't bode well for my future.
2) I have actually started *tsk*ing at kids, and coming out with, "It was never like that when I was that age". Dear god. I am turning into the person I hated when I was growing up...
3) I get upset when I fill in forms and the age bracket is 34-45...
4) I'm more sensible than my mother.
5) I don't have any grey hairs, thank god, but I really think I should start putting moisturiser on my hands.
6) I relate better to my pensioner neighbour than I do to my young mum neighbour. (Mind, that might have something to do with glaringly different personalities)
7) I really care about Interest Rates and house prices and things.
8) I have a nylon roll-up shopping bag in my bag. However, it has to be said, this is more to do with my environmental convictions than anything else. It just doesn't embarrass me to carry it around.
9) I thought of something else just now, but I've forgotten it...
( , Sun 31 Oct 2004, 8:13, Reply)

I was going to join in - as I have had grey hair since the age of 21 (I'm now twenty-four)
However, I went to the off license today to buy a bottle of wine - and I got IDed - so now I don't feel old at all - yay!!!
But I still love Terry Wogan...
( , Sun 31 Oct 2004, 3:40, Reply)

saying the same kind of crap I would when I was that age, is evidence enough that I'm no longer young (and stupid (no offfence)) anymore, Now I'm 20 and stupid, but I'm not old yet, except for my bad back, and bending down noises.
( , Sun 31 Oct 2004, 2:09, Reply)

I was still in the mindframe of my youngest cousin being a baby up until yesterday, when I saw his very first school picture.
And also, kids I went to school with are being killed in a war.
( , Sun 31 Oct 2004, 2:05, Reply)

Yeah, I called a buddy of mine the other day to ask if he wanted to go for a pint.
I left a message with his secretary.
Secretary? It's disturbing when you realise the kid you used to play Mario with is now a lawyer.
( , Sun 31 Oct 2004, 2:05, Reply)

I realised I was past old when I called out "hey, dude!" to someone I know - and my daughter shot me a look of absolute horror. Of course, that just tempts me to embarrass her further...hehehe
Oh - and guess what? I remember black and white television! Dragnet! Star Trek! Captain Kangaroo!
( , Sun 31 Oct 2004, 1:52, Reply)

My 20 year high school reunion is being held in December.
( , Sun 31 Oct 2004, 1:04, Reply)

The real sign of getting old is when albums you bought the first time around are being remastered with all the b-sides added on, oh yeah and having to explain to someone what a b-side is.
Also its strange when your dad qualifies for a bus pass,your parents divorce and your mum has a mid life crisis and buys a sports car, and even more worrying when you realise that your parents go out more than you do.
( , Sun 31 Oct 2004, 1:58, Reply)

Old people do that ,don't they?
Of course i had a dose of gastric flu but it was a terrible glimpse of the future.
( , Sun 31 Oct 2004, 1:49, Reply)

I remember when a Miner was someone who went down a pit to dig coal, not a youth!
At 15 i was always impressed that people thought I looked older, it meant I could get served in pubs and off licences and I even managed to pull several 18 year olds as well.
Now I find that looking older than I am is a curse rather than a blessing.
Mind you my young lady is only 20, so i must be doing something right!!!!
I also remember when there were only 4 channels on the television.
When they had the hole in the road in Sheffield.
I have a mortgage, that scares me.
Does anyone else out there think that somewhere there is a shadowy government dept who are going to find you out and say you're not really an adult, back to childhood for you, you imposter! Or is it just me?
( , Sun 31 Oct 2004, 1:43, Reply)

to a recent bingo related post was only appreciated by myself. Plus the reply I got was... "I tried clicking on the pic but nothing happened" !!!!
( , Sun 31 Oct 2004, 1:38, Reply)

Went dining at an italian buffet with a group of friends, including my 21 year old friend (hereforward reffered to as "The Q"), 17 year old girlfriend, and a couple of her similarly-aged freinds.
So after a lengthy luncheon, and upon conversation, The Q and I nonchalantly munch down antacids thinking nothing of it, but much to the amusement of the rest of those present, who were giggling like loons about how the act made us look like "old people." ('sif the abnormally rapid receeding hairline wasn't enough a damper on my ego.)
Damn freespirited highschoolers with iron stomachs.
( , Sun 31 Oct 2004, 1:11, Reply)

I am 27, and I feel no need to apologise for any of these...
1) I prefer a night in my local where i can talk to my friends,drink good quality cheap beer, not have to dress up and not have to fight my way to a bar for a a pint than a night out on the town.... tho maybe this is also because I have a girlfriend and don't have to go outon the pull anymore.
2)My car stereo is tuned to either Radio 2 or radio 4.
3) I go to pub quizzes with my Dad and his mates and have more fun than when I do venture down town.
4)I like Terry Wogan and find him amusing.
5)I own a pair of slippers, a rocking chair (tho in my derence it is antique) and several pewter tankards.
6) I'm thinking about getting an allotment.
7) I wake up in the middle of the night to go the toilet.
8)I go into a cupboard for something and forget what i've gone there for.
9) anyone who is 16 was born in the same year i started secondary school, and the kids today are far worse than when we were kids.
10) I go shopping in the evening for the bargains.
11)I'd like to buy a camper van so i can go to glastonbury and not have to camp, or use the festival bogs.
12) I recycle...everything.
13)I don't have an inner child but I do have an inner grumpy old man.
14) I enjoy shopping in Ikea.
15) I am beyond redemption. My youth has gone, and I'm sure I'll have a mid life crisis at 35!
thanks this is almost as good as therapy!
16) I am getting grey hairs!!
keep thinking of more...sorry...
17) My mates 19 yr old girlfriend doesn't remember Doctor Who or daleks being on the telly.
18) Receiving leaflets about insurance and pensions adressed to Mr... and realising its me their referring to and not my dad.
19) Only seeing family when is the funeral of some aged relative.
20) My drug of choice now is Ibuprofin.
21)My 12 bottle wine rack contains 6 bottles of wine, and I'll have only drunk one (or two) by this time next week.
22) realising I've been drinking in my local for 14 years.
23) I am currently listening to a Willie Nelson CD, and enjoying it very much.
(yes I know another edit...but..)
24) I remember listening to Ozzy osbourne and Black Sabbath 10 years ago when the only thing he could do was get arrested.
25) When you see children wearing Nirvana T shirts, and they weren't even born when Nirvana were around...go find yourself your own fucked up suicidal idol, don't steal ours!!
26) when formula 1 drivers are younger than you.
27) when you sit in your office on a monday morning and wonder why you aren't driving a ferrari or dating a supermodel.
28) I remember buying a Tshirt celebrating the 25th anniversary of Sgt pepper by the beatles, an album released 37 years ago now. I still own the t shirt!
29) Going to the meat market in Doncaster with your dad to buy bargain Beef and bacon because its better quality than the supermarket and its cheaper. (go at 3pm, their selling it all off really cheaply cos they want to go home!)
( , Sun 31 Oct 2004, 0:42, Reply)

i spent the last 20 mins pulling grey hairs off my lambs wool jumper..(well its getting colder).
I blamed the dog for the hairs.
I have also just contemplated triming my nasal hair.. maybe tomorrow after the news.
and dont mention the sheds.
( , Sun 31 Oct 2004, 0:27, Reply)

A couple of years ago a mate and me decided that the best thing to do if we ever became rich all of a sudden, would be to get a huge bag of assorted drugs.
Now I think that it'd be nice to have a Range Rover and a dog.
Oh, and earlier tonight I declined to go out for beer because "it's cold outside"... I'll die soon, I just know it.
( , Sat 30 Oct 2004, 23:54, Reply)

I actually tutted at people on the bus the other day......
( , Sat 30 Oct 2004, 23:25, Reply)

Quivering in the sheets, all I can think of is queuing up to collect my pension and how someone might break in and steal it from me. Lying there I wonder what things were like in my day and I'll tell people about it tomorrow, pausing afterwards with the realisation that it actually is my day but then not voicing this realisation for fear of sounding even more stupid.
Tossing and turning worrying about how much the blue rinse will be for my monthly dye job I awake to find I'm lying in a pool of piss, stinking of beery vomit and I'm late for work again.
( , Sat 30 Oct 2004, 23:08, Reply)

Yesterday I spent an afternoon drawing faces on people's noses. They kept still when I told them to, "Grow up and let me draw on your face." Possibly out of confusion. The fools didn't realise it was permanent marker until afterwards.
*Evil laughter*
Though I do drink tea, listen to bands older than me, dislike loud clubs, drink ale, prefer a home cooked meal and hate the what children nowadays wear.
( , Sat 30 Oct 2004, 23:08, Reply)

Quivering in the sheets, all I can think of is queuing up to collect my pension and how someone might break in and steal it from me. Lying there I wonder what things were like in my day and I'll tell people about it tomorrow, pausing afterwards with the realisation that it actually is my day but then not voicing this realisation for fear of sounding even more stupid.
Tossing and turning worrying about how much the blue rinse will be for my monthly dye job I awake to find I'm lying in a pool of piss and stinking beery vomit and I'm late for work again.
( , Sat 30 Oct 2004, 23:07, Reply)

...but when I see how many Westlife singles have gone straight in at number one, and consider that The Associate's 'Party Fears Two' only managed to debut at number nine, I just want to blow up the whole world.
Who IS number one, by the way? Is it still the Spice Girls?
( , Sat 30 Oct 2004, 23:07, Reply)

Playing the CLASSIC sonic games on the master system...sonic nowadays just poop since he entered this new fangled "third" dimension...
( , Sat 30 Oct 2004, 23:05, Reply)
This question is now closed.