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This is a question Evidence that you're getting old

Youthful as I am, I realised yesterday that I no-longer know, or care, who is #1 in the charts. Furthermore, it takes all day to get rid of a hangover and I now seem to have a profound interest in gardening. Worst is that I now use words like 'furthermore'.

What makes you think that you are getting old?

(, Thu 28 Oct 2004, 13:01)
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It's the music!
I've been listening to (mostly) the same music since I was 17 - when I hear that all the old punk bands have been around for over 25 years, I have to do the math....

Well, there's that and the fact that I never planned to live this long - so didn't really take of myself. I can barely walk first thing in the morning, and all those mishaps over the years have added up...

I think there may be a message in that for all you young'uns out there...

Oh - and I write 'letters to the editor'.
(, Thu 28 Oct 2004, 21:00, Reply)
usually I don't think I'm old, but...
my boyfriend (who is 8 years older than me) regularly laughs at me when I decide that it is bedtime at 9pm.
Oh, and I recently decided to knit myself a scarf - and I'm ACTUALLY DOING IT!
In my defense, I get up quite early and it is starting to get quite nippy here in Paris!

the first time I spent the night with above mentioned boyfriend without having sex was a bit of a scary turning point too!
(, Thu 28 Oct 2004, 20:57, Reply)
...marry me!

Ho ho...thought of another one as well, had to give up smoking* for health reasons - great!

Flatmate has just got new phone and the bloody predictive texting even comes up with crap like "l8r" and "thnx". He's sending it back I am pleased to say.

* May not always apply when Mary J is involved...
(, Thu 28 Oct 2004, 20:48, Reply)
Looking forward to watching Newsnight.. in bed :)

(, Thu 28 Oct 2004, 20:47, Reply)
I walked into the Orange Grove in Fallowfield last night and left after ten minutes because it was too loud in there.

(, Thu 28 Oct 2004, 20:31, Reply)
I saw some young hipsters driving an antique hearse
and it occurred to me it might upset someone who has just lost a loved one to see the hearse, complete with bumper stickers which demonstrate how cool the occupants are, etc, used for joyriding.
Also, on an unrelated note, I heard a cover of the Cure's Lovesong done to some kind of faux ska beat and wanted to eviscerate the band doing it. But that might hurt the feelings of someone whose loved one has recently been eviscerated, so I didn't.
(, Thu 28 Oct 2004, 20:31, Reply)
I'm not getting old.
I'm a chubby, spotty teenager and will remain so for at least a while longer.
(, Thu 28 Oct 2004, 20:30, Reply)
I really am glad
that I'm not the only one who uses proper Queen's English in text messages and on instant messaging programs.

I'm also glad that I'm not the only one who finds the FCUK advertising campaign a disgrace, nor that I'm the only one who can't sleep in all day on a weekend any more (I get headaches at about 10.30 so I have to get up!)

The big question is - if I'm only 21, what in the name of Christ himself am I going to be feeling like when I reach retirement age?!?!
(, Thu 28 Oct 2004, 20:30, Reply)
I drive a Vauxall Zafira
I listen to Wogan and have stopped wanking.
(, Thu 28 Oct 2004, 20:25, Reply)
Reading this thread
and nodding my head in agreement to most replies.
*shakes head*
I'm 18, going on 50.
(, Thu 28 Oct 2004, 20:15, Reply)
Aging before my time
Whenever I read anything at all that features incorrect grammar, spelling, or even just irritating abbreviation of the 'text speak' variety I want to go on a rampage with a bloody big gun, blowing the hands off anyone under the age of 16 with a mobile or computer.

I mean, why bother? You look like a twunt, it's hard to talk properly, and sometimes it doesn't even shorten the word (boi, for example- it's the same length!). I've heard people use that defense, and that enrages me even more. How much longer does it take to type out thanks instead of thnx? About .2 of a nanosecond.

I'm 16 my self.

I don't care about chart music either (I could fart better nummber ones dammit).


*breaks desk with forehead*
(, Thu 28 Oct 2004, 20:13, Reply)
sat in the pub
the other day when i realised there were more married people around the table than there were single.
it was also a bit of a shock when i became older than all the kids on grange hill. and then eventually most of the teachers
... oh and my my mates new boyfriend (who is 19) dosent know who jimmy saville is
.... fuck me, reading the rest of these is making me feel even worse...
(, Thu 28 Oct 2004, 19:55, Reply)
I feel old when . . .
Young people text me.

I read "U R DA BOMB C U L8ER M8" and utterly despair.

I now feel like there's more of a generation gap between people my age and teenagers than there is between me and my parents.

For the record, I use capital letters, punctuation and correct spelling on my texts. I guess that qualifies me as an old git. When I read "DA" for "THE" and "DAT" for "THAT" I want to inflict severe pain.
(, Thu 28 Oct 2004, 19:55, Reply)
Call me Daddy.
When some random youngun (read: an adult who is still young enough to have been a child of mine, if i had any) checks me out in that shallwesay special way.

*I would not*

(, Thu 28 Oct 2004, 19:53, Reply)
It was bad enough being a mature student
and sharing halls with a bunch of 18/19-olds but it just hits you now and then, like just now when I was looking at the .net magazine website and there's a bit saying that the mag is 10 years old, and I remembered buying the first issue...
(, Thu 28 Oct 2004, 19:52, Reply)
everyone who knows me
knows that I really and truly am a spectacularly grumpy old bastard. Sadly, I can't seem to think of any particular examples at the moment. Which is probably an example in itself.
(, Thu 28 Oct 2004, 19:46, Reply)
I've watched C-span and liked it.
I had a choice between the Toyota and the Saturn. I chose the Saturn. Because it was cuter? Because it was cheaper? No. Because it got better gas mileage. I'm not some kind of eco-freak or anything. I don't even recycle.
I like it. The only thing that pisses me off is that the radio doesn't pick up NPR.

NPR. Now *that's* an old person's station.

When coffee went from being a treat to being a necessity.

It goes without saying that I hate the music the kids are listening to these days. I went to a club once with friends and the room was so smoky and the music was so loud that I had to wait outside the whole time.
My cell phone doesn't have a musical ringtone. It has a normal ring-ring-ring sound, like an actual real telephone. I can not figure out how to use any of the cool features on it.
I hate the movies that people my age are supposed to like. Maybe it's just that Hollywood hasn't got any faith in us. I don't think that Adam Sandler is funny. I stopped thinking he was funny when I was twelve.

I watch home improvement shows.
I haven't got a house. I'm only nineteen and I live in a dormitory.
(, Thu 28 Oct 2004, 19:24, Reply)
my balls dropped
nuff said
(, Thu 28 Oct 2004, 19:07, Reply)
aired "I love the nineties".... and I liked it !
(, Thu 28 Oct 2004, 19:04, Reply)
You know you're getting old when....
you can't sleep in late on the weekends anymore.
(, Thu 28 Oct 2004, 18:57, Reply)
Oh my god,
I drive a Rover !
(, Thu 28 Oct 2004, 18:55, Reply)
Oh dear
when I find myself saying "when I was your age....." to kids...I remember old gits saying that to me as a kid
(, Thu 28 Oct 2004, 18:48, Reply)
I knew I was getting old...
When my kid sister said she'd never heard of Pac Man.

I am 27, she is 16.
(, Thu 28 Oct 2004, 18:47, Reply)
The fact that I've already got arthritis, and had a heart attack, partly, and now I live on my own i'm more worried about bills and when I'm working than when I'm going out and whether or not i'm having an after party.
I'm only 18.
(, Thu 28 Oct 2004, 18:46, Reply)
Having a child
A child is an oldmaker of the first degree. My son was born four weeks ago, and I still haven't had that pint with the boys.

I don't want to, you see. I want to stay at home instead of drinking all the beer.

AND I want that home to be a house, not a flat. With a garden, so that my son can play in the grass.

Apropos grass, I'm now against the use of all drugs. They're bad for you, you know.

Today I've mainly talked about nappy rash and interest rates.

Oh vey.
(, Thu 28 Oct 2004, 18:41, Reply)
No Norks
Changes to my body
I wear push–up bras with extra padding and scaffolding because after breastfeeding 2 kids I have NOTHING left in the nork dept.
I had to remove my belly button ring when I got preggers. (Might have looked a bit tacky at 9 months).

Other Changes
When I say "Pull my finger" to my kids, they run away screaming.
I joined a gym.
I gave up smoking – which I LOVED.
I got life insurance.
I stopped smoking weed so it wouldn’t show up on the drug test for the life insurance.

Growing old sucks and I'm only 32
(, Thu 28 Oct 2004, 18:37, Reply)
taking my cousin out to get horribly drunk (I can remember her from before she was born)
or the time I was watching late night telly, possibly channel 5, this couple got into bed and started doing the bad thing and i thought "those are really nice sheets, where can I get those"

or does that just mean I'm turning gay?

also, I have been a regular interweb user for 8 years, but when I was at school it was "new and experimental" and "probably won't catch on"
(, Thu 28 Oct 2004, 18:32, Reply)
oh god, where to begin?
i'm worried about handing the world over to the next generation, anyone that wears such ridiculous things obviously can't handle it. i think clubs are the best place to reinforce this opinion. i loathe text language, i quote jane austen at people, i have a general distaste for socialising, i buy my clothes at the supermarket because its cheap and good quality, i keep bits of cardboard just in case, i think postage stamps can be quite interesting, i love the antiques roadshow, i like radio 2(except jeremy vine, he's a prat), i can't stand scott mills, i keep shopping bags because they're handy, i'm never without a piece of string, anyone wearing anything that says fcuk is to be avoided at all costs, i hate shopping unless it's for books (is it me, or are all department stores ridiculously hot?), i'm considering buying my third pair of the same shoes because they're so comfortable, i hoard pens, i like countdown, i have a notebook for things i remember when i'm out but will forget when i get home and all my papers are meticulously organised. all people in any way involved with reality tv, pop music, speak like that westwood guy, roll up one trouser leg, wear a hat sideways, bare their midriff and or thong, have something written on their ass, have a shaved head with the fringe left over, buy celebrity biographies or spell thanks with an x should be rounded up, loaded onto the b ark and shipped off to their very own Fintlewoodlewix.
I'm a grumpy old man trapped in the body of a 19 year-old female student.
(, Thu 28 Oct 2004, 18:30, Reply)
I work in a school
The oldest kids were born in 1988. The youngest were born in 1993 (sweet baby jesus!)

The other day one of the younger pupils (cheeky little bastards, the lot of them) was talking to me and my coleagues. She asked us if we were married. We all replied "no". She turned to me and said "you'd better get your skates on, then, you're well past your prime".

I'm 27, for fuck's sake!
(, Thu 28 Oct 2004, 18:23, Reply)

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